1. | Hannikainen, Lauri : Peremptory norms (jus cogens) in international law , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Peremptory norms (jus cogens) in international law : historical development, criteria, present status / Hannikainen, Lauri - (Lapin Korkeakoulun oikeustieteellisiä julkaisuja.Sarja A. University of Lapland Publications in Law.Series A. ; No.1), 781 pp.. - Helsinki : Lakimiesliiton kustannus - Finnish Lawyers' Publishing company (D), 1988. - ISSN 0785-4447 ISBN 951 640 349 8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The main focus of the study is on the criteria of peremptory norms and their application in present-day international law, but the author also dis- cusses the historical development of international jus cogens.In part III the author examines the existence of peremptory obligations within five cate- gories of norms regulating: 1) the use of force between states 2) the self-determination of peoples 3) human rights 4) international areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and 5) armed conflicts. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): (Dr.iur.) - University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, 19880908 (T). NOTE (GENERAL): Reviewed in Human Rights, Communication and Culture.University of Tampere. Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.Publications, Series B 1989 : 28 Hannikainen, L : Vastine vastaväittäjän lausuntoon (21.11.1988) Virallisen vastaväittäjän, apulaisprofessori Kari Hakapään Lapin Korkeakoulun oikeustieteiden osaston osastoneuvostolle antama 14.11.1988 päivättylausunto. Reviewed by professor Ted Orlin in The Finnish yearbook of International Law 1990 : vol.I p. 528-537 Reviewed by Olivier Corten in Revue belge de droits international 1989:2; Reviewed by Stanislaw E.Nahlik in The American Journal of International Law, 1990: vol. 84 :3 |
2. | Cohen Jonathan, Gérard (ed.) : Droits de l'homme en France , 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Droits de l'homme en France : dix ans d'application de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme devant les juridictions judiciaires francais / Cohen Jonathan, Gérard (ed.), 195 p.. - Kehl am Rhein : Engel Verlag, 1985. LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: Les essaies du livre etudient les questions suivantes: - le statut juridique interne de la Convention devant les juridictions penales francaises. - Le statut de la Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme devant les juridictions judiciaires non repressives. - L'application au fond de la Convention devant les juridictions repressives et l'application des dispositions de la Convention interessante le droit prive. INDEX WORDS:
3. | Rideau, Joel : Juridictions internationales et controle du respect des traites constitutifs des organisations internationales, 1969 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Juridictions internationales et controle du respect des traites constitutifs des organisations internationales / Rideau, Joel - (Bibliotheque de droit international ; No.43), 382 p.. - Paris : Pichon et R.Durand - Auzias (D), 1969. LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: Le respect des traites constitutifs et le resultat déune double evolution : celles des organisations internationales déune part, et des juridictions internationales déautre part.Léauteur analyse déabord léevolution des organisations internationales et des juridictions internationales, puis il analyse les moyens de controle, les juges et les moyens de controle et pour terminer il analyse les effets du controle : la jurisprudence constitutionnelle de la Cour Internationale de Justice et la jurisprudence constitutionnelle de la Cour de Justice des Communautes. INDEX WORDS:
4. | Buergenthal, Thomas : The advisory jurisdiction of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The advisory jurisdiction of the Interamerican Court of Human Rights / Buergenthal, Thomas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Contemporary issues in international law : essays in honor of Louis B. Sohn / Buergenthal, T. (ed.), p. 127-147. - Kehl am Rhein : Engel Verlag, 1984. ISBN 3 88357 040 0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The practice of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is playing an important role in the evolution of the inter-American human rights system.The study analyze Article 64 of the American Convention and the decisions that have applied and interpreted it. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Central America / Latin America : 6357 / 6200 NOTE (GENERAL): AMR-64 |
5. | Die unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit der Europäischen Menschenrectskonvention, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Die unmittelbare Anwendbarkeit der Europäischen Menschenrectskonvention / - ( Schweizer Studien zum internationalen Recht ; No. 38), 300 p.. - Zurich : Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag (D), 1984. ISBN 3 7255 2371 1 LANGUAGE: GER, ENG ABSTRACT: The author investgates on what conditions the individual appearing in a domestc court can invoke provisions of treaties in general and the rights and fundamental freedoms under the saidconvention in particular.The United States doctrine of selfexecuting treaties, the opinion of the permanent court of the international justice of 3 March 1928, the EC and the Strassburg organs.Both states according the convention domestic validity and those which does not accord the convention domestic validity are examined. INDEX WORDS:
6. | Uotila, J. (ed.) : The Finnish legal system, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Finnish legal system / Uotila, J. (ed.). - 2nd ed.., 254 p.. - Helsinki : Finnish Lawyers Publishing Company, 1985. ISBN 9516402445 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The book is intended for foreign readers.It's aim is to give a general description of the Finnish system of laws, including background and the main features of the present-day position. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland : 8222 |
7. | Baacle, W. : The Council of Europe , 1966 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The Council of Europe : its activities relating to law / Baacle, W. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The American journal of comparative law : No. 15., p. 639-658. - Baltimore, Maryland : American Association for the Comparative Study of Law, 1966. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Western Europe : 8200 NOTE (GENERAL): Appendix : Agreements and conventions concluded between the members of the Council of EuropeECHR |
8. | Fox, Donald T. : Inter-American Commission on Human Rights finds United States in violation., 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Inter-American Commission on Human Rights finds United States in violation. / Fox, Donald T. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 82(1)., p. 601-603. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1988. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
9. | Leigh, Monroe : Judicial decisions , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Judicial decisions : Jean-Juste v. Duvalier / Leigh, Monroe REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 82., p. 594-596. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1988. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | D'Amato, Anthony : The alien tort stature and the punding of the constitution, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The alien tort stature and the punding of the constitution / D'Amato, Anthony ; Franck, Thomas M. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 82., p. 62-67. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1988. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
11. | Sohn, Louis B. : Improving the image of the United States in international human rights, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Improving the image of the United States in international human rights / Sohn, Louis B. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 82., p.319-320. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1988. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
12. | Zoller, Elisabeth : The "corporate will" of the United Nations and the rights of the minority, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The "corporate will" of the United Nations and the rights of the minority / Zoller, Elisabeth REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 610-634. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
13. | Leigh, Monroe : Judicial decisions , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Judicial decisions : in Re Union Carbide Corp. : gas plant disaster at Bhopal, India in December 1984 / Leigh, Monroe REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 415.417. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / India : 6357 / 7425 |
14. | Kirgis, Frederic L. Jr. : Agora, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Agora : may the president violate customary international law : federal statutes, executive orders and "self-executing custom" / Kirgis, Frederic L. Jr. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 371-375. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
15. | Official documents , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Official documents : ruling pertaining to the differences between France and New Zeeland araising from the Rainbow Warrior affair / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 325-328. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
16. | Maier, Harold G. : Appraisals of the ICJ's decision, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Appraisals of the ICJ's decision : Nicaragua v. United States (merits) / Maier, Harold G. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 77-78. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 6357 / 6245 |
17. | Highet, Keith : Evidence, the court and the Nicaragua case, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Evidence, the court and the Nicaragua case / Highet, Keith REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : No. 81., p. 1-56.. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1987. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 6357 / 6245 NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
18. | Cremona, John J. : The public character of trial and judgment in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The public character of trial and judgment in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights / Cremona, John J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p.107-113. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
19. | Granshof van der Meersch, Walter J. : Le caractere "autonome" des termes et la "marge d'appreciation" des gouvernements dans l'interpretation de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme., 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Le caractere "autonome" des termes et la "marge d'appreciation" des gouvernements dans l'interpretation de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme. / Granshof van der Meersch, Walter J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 201-220. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Europe : 8000 NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties -31,-5;ECHR |
20. | Political killings by governments, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Political killings by governments / ; Amnesty International ; introd. by Theo van Boven, 129 p.. - London : Amnesty International, 1983. ISBN 0 86210 051 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Indonesia / Uganda / East Africa : 7526 / 5263 |
21. | Eissen, Marc-Andre : L'avocat devant la cour europeenne des droits de l'homme, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph L'avocat devant la cour europeenne des droits de l'homme / Eissen, Marc-Andre REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 159-169. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-29,-44,-48,-50,-76 |
22. | Drzemczewski, Andrew Z : Un Etat en violation de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Un Etat en violation de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme : l'execution inteme des decisions des institutions de Strasbourg / Drzemczewski, Andrew Z REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 149-158. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-6,-7,-8,-15,-32,-50,-52,-53,-65 |
23. | Jacot-Guillarmod, Oliver : L'arbitage prive face a l'article 6/1 de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph L'arbitage prive face a l'article 6/1 de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme / Jacot-Guillarmod, Oliver REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), 281-294. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
24. | Imbert, Pierre-Henri : L'action intergouvernementale du conseil de l'Europe en matiere de droits de l'homme , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph L'action intergouvernementale du conseil de l'Europe en matiere de droits de l'homme : sauvegarde ou developpement / Imbert, Pierre-Henri REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), 259-271. - Strasbourg : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
25. | Golsong, Heribert : The European court of human rights and the national law-maker , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The European court of human rights and the national law-maker : some general reflections / Golsong, Heribert REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), 239-244. - Strasbourg : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-25;-45;-47 |
26. | Bartsch, H-J. : The supervisory functions of the Committee of Ministers under Article 54, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The supervisory functions of the Committee of Ministers under Article 54 : a postscript to Luedicke-Belkacem-Koc / Bartsch, H-J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 47-54. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
27. | Sperduti, Giuseppe : Pour une reconsideration d'ensemble du mecanisme de garantie collective etabli par la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Pour une reconsideration d'ensemble du mecanisme de garantie collective etabli par la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme / Sperduti, Giuseppe REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 581-587. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-5;-6;-8;-9;-10;-11;-19 |
28. | Berger, Vincent : Le reglement amiable devant la cour europeenne de droits de l'homme, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Le reglement amiable devant la cour europeenne de droits de l'homme / Berger, Vincent REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 55-63. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
29. | Ryssdal, Rolv : The European court of human rights and Gerard Wiarda, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The European court of human rights and Gerard Wiarda / Ryssdal, Rolv REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 1-6. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
30. | Petzold, Herbert ; Sharpe, Jonathan L. : Profile of the future European court of human rights, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Profile of the future European court of human rights / Petzold, Herbert ; Sharpe, Jonathan L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Protecting human rights : the European dimension = Protection des droits de l'homme : la dimension europeenne : Studies in honour of = melanges en l'honneur de Gerard J. Wiarda / Matscher, F.; Petzold, H. (eds.), p. 471-509. - Köln : Heymanns Verlag, 1988. ISBN 3 452 20723 4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: