1. | Joutsamo, Kari : Kansainväliset järjestöt, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kansainväliset järjestöt / Joutsamo, Kari. - 2nd ed.. - (Turun Yliopiston julkisoikeuden laitoksen julkaisuja ; No. 20), 101 p.. - Turku : Turun Yliopisto (D), 1983. - ISSN 0356-8849 ISBN 951 641 9542 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Moniste on tarkoitettu uuden OTK-tutkinnon kansainvälisten suhteiden syventäviin opintoihin Turun Yliopistossa.Se on laadittu kirjoittajan syyslukukaudella 1979 ja kevätlukukaudella 1980 pitämiin luentojen, "kansainväliset taloudelliset järjestöt" ja "kansainväliset hallitustenväliset järjestöt" perusteella. INDEX WORDS:
2. | Wiseberg, Laurie (ed.) : Human rights directory and bibliography, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights directory and bibliography / Wiseberg, Laurie (ed.) ; Reiner, Laura - (Human Rights Internet Reporter ; No. 12 (4)), 308 p.. - Cambridge, USA : Harvard Law School, 1989. - ISSN 0275-049 X ISBN 09 39 338041 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: This Special issue comprises a directory of African organizations concerned with human rights and social justice and of organizations elsewhere focused on Africa, together with an annotated bibliography of 1000 entries on human rights in Africa. INDEX WORDS:
3. | Stöckli, Walter : Co-operation and conflict between voluntary agencies and government in Switzerland, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Co-operation and conflict between voluntary agencies and government in Switzerland / Stöckli, Walter REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Reluctant hosts : Europe and its refugees / Joly, D.; Cohen, R. (eds.) - (Research in ethnic relations series), p. 184-194 . - Aldershot : Avebury, 1989. ISBN 0 566 0710 6 1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Switzerland : 8247 |
4. | Andreassen, Bård-Anders (ed.) : Human rights in developing countries 1987/88, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Human rights in developing countries 1987/88 : a yearbook on human rights in countries receiving Nordic aid / Andreassen, Bård-Anders (ed.) ; Eide, Asbjörn (ed.) - (Publications from the Danish Centre for Human Rights. ; No. 4), 372 p.. - Copenhagen : Akademisk forlag, 1988. - ISSN 0903-9961 ISBN 87 500 2744 1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / South Asia / Nicaragua / Central America / Latin America : 5000 / 7400 NOTE (GENERAL): Prepared by a project group with participation from Chr.Michelsen Institute, Danish Centre for Human Rights, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights ICESCR ; UDHR; ICCPR; |
5. | Egeland, Jan : Third world human rights groups., 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Third world human rights groups. / Egeland, Jan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Human rights in developing countries 1987/88 : yearbook / Andreassen, B-A.; Eide, A. (eds.) - (Publications from the Danish Centre for Human Rights. ; No. 4), p. 303-316. - Copenhagen : Akademisk forlag , 1988. - ISSN 0903-9961 ISBN 87 500 2744 1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
6. | Weissbrodt, David : The influence of interest groups on the development of United States human rights policies., 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The influence of interest groups on the development of United States human rights policies. / Weissbrodt, David REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The dynamics of human rights in U. S. foreign policy / Kaufman Hevener, Natalie. - 3rd pr.., p. 229-278. - New Brunswick : Transaction books, 1984. ISBN 0 87855 347 9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
7. | Brustin, Stacy : La integridad de la mujer , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph La integridad de la mujer : (human rights in the occupied territories) / Brustin, Stacy REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Harward Human Rights Yearbook / Panner, Morris; O'Farrel, William J. (eds.) - (Harward Human Rights Yearbook ; No. 1), p. 310-317. - Cambridge : Harward Law School, 1988. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Mexico / Latin America : 6243 NOTE (GENERAL): Servicio desarollo y paz = Service development and peace (SEDEPAC) |
8. | Murray, Rachel : National human rights institutions, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial National human rights institutions : criteria and factors for assessing their effectiveness / Murray, Rachel REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights (NQHR) : vol. 25; no. 2., p. 189-220. - Utrecht : SIM, 2007. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.nqhr.net/pdf/?articleId=34e5a504f4b43be2-388d30c4030b257a |
9. | Varjonen, Sirkku : Suomen venäjänkieliset: tässä ja nyt, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Suomen venäjänkieliset: tässä ja nyt : tilastot, tutkimukset, järjestökentän kartoitus / Varjonen, Sirkku ; Zamiatin, Aleksandr ; Rinas, Marina, 100 p. - Helsinki : Cultura-säätiö, 2017. ISBN 978-952-68332-2-4 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: SISÄLLYS:. 1. Venäjänkielinen väestö Suomessa: tilastollinen katsaus. 2. Mitä tiedämme Suomen venäjänkielisestä väestöstä tutkimusten perusteella. 3. Turkimuskentän nykytila ja tulevaisuuden tarpeet. 4. Venäjänkielinen yhdistyskenttä Suomessa. 5. Johtopäätökset. 6. Cultura-säätiön rooli kotouttamistyössä. INDEX WORDS: