1. | Brunnee, Jutta : Acid rain and ozone layer depletion, 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Acid rain and ozone layer depletion : international law and regulation / Brunnee, Jutta, xviii, 302 p.. - Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Transnational publ., 1988 . ISBN 0 941320 51 0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
2. | Nordisk handlingsplan mot luftfororeningar., |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Nordisk handlingsplan mot luftfororeningar. / - (NU ; No. 3), 100 p.. - Köpenhamn : Nordiska ministerrådet ISBN 87 7303 460 6 LANGUAGE: DAN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Nordic Countries : 8002 |
3. | Westerlund, Staffan : EG:s miljöregler ur svenskt perspektiv, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EG:s miljöregler ur svenskt perspektiv / Westerlund, Staffan, xii, 179 p.. - Stockholm : Naturskyddsföreningen, 1991. ISBN 91 558 3651 8 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
4. | För en bättre miljö , 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph För en bättre miljö : betänkande av utredningen om miljövårdens organisation / ; Miljö- och Energidepartementet - (SOU = Statens offentliga utredningar ; No. 32), 730 p.. - Stockholm : Almänna förlaget, 1987. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91 38 10007 X LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
5. | Kontroll av kemiska produkter och varor , 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kontroll av kemiska produkter och varor : betänkande av utredningen om de nya arbetsformerna inom kemikaliekontrollen / ; Miljö- och Energidepartementet - ( SOU = Statens offentliga utredningar ; No. 44), 181 p.. - Stockholm : Allmänna förlaget, 1988. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91 38 10214 5 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
6. | Encyclopedia of public international law, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Encyclopedia of public international law : 11 : law of the sea : air and space /, 353 p.. - Amsterdam : North-Holland publ. comp., 1989. ISBN 0 444 86242 0 INDEX WORDS:
7. | Fitzmaurice, Malgosia : International legal problems of the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International legal problems of the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea / Fitzmaurice, Malgosia - (International environmental law and poy series), xxix, 313 p.. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1992. ISBN 0 7923 1402 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Finland / Sweden / Eastern Europe : 8222 / 8246 / 8100 NOTE (GENERAL): Nordic convention; Helsinki convention |
8. | Johnson, Stanley P. : The environmental policy of the European Communities, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The environmental policy of the European Communities / Johnson, Stanley P. ; Corcelle, Guy. - 2nd ed.. - (International environmental law and policy series ), xxvi, 535 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1995. ISBN 90-411-0862-9 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Rio declaration; Solas convention; TEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
9. | Joyner, Christopher C. (ed.) : The United Nations and international law, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The United Nations and international law / Joyner, Christopher C. (ed.), xxv, 474 p.. - New York : Cambridge U. P.; American Society of International Law, 1997. ISBN 0-521-58659-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. Part I : The UN system as a source of law:. 1. The UN legal order : an overview, by Oscar Schachter. 2. General law-making processes, by paul C. Szasz. 3. Specialized law-making processes, by Frederic L. Kirgis. PART II : Substantive law:. 4. Force and arms, by John F. Murphy. 5. Human rights, by Hurst Hannum. 6. Refugees and migration, by David A. Martin. 7. Women, Rebecca J. Cook. 8. Labor, by Virginia A. Leary. 9. Economic relations and development, by Stephen Zamora. 10. Environment, by Ved P. Nanda. 11. Law of the sea, by Bernard H. Oxman. 12. Outer space, by Ralph G. Steinhardt. 13. International crimes, by John F. Murphy. PART III : International law:. 14. Law of the international civil service, by Robert S. Jordan. 15. Financial responsibility, by Jose E. Alvarez. 16. Conclusion : the UNited Nations as international law-giver, by Chrsitopher C. Joyner INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Charter of economic rights and duties; Chicago convention; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; Earth charter; Rio declaration; |
10. | Romano, Cesare P. R. : The peaceful settlement of international environmental disputes , 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The peaceful settlement of international environmental disputes : a pragmatic approach / Romano, Cesare P. R. - (International environmental law and policy series ; vol. 56), xlvi, 410 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000. ISBN 90-411-9808-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. International Environmental Disputes: What are They?. II. Dispute Settlement Procedures in Multilateral Environmental Treaties. III. Case Studies. IV. Conclusions. Select Bibliography. Websites. Maps. Index. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the protection of the ozone layer; Convention on the law of the sea; Stockholm declaration on the human environment; South Pacific nuclear free zone treaty; Oslo protocol; |
11. | Kiss, Alexandre : International environmental law, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International environmental law / Kiss, Alexandre ; Shelton, Dinah. - 3. ed.., lxv, 837 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational publ., 2004. ISBN 1-57105-309-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. A. Concept and Scope of the "Environment" and "Environmental Law". B. The Necessity of International Law. PART I : STRUCTURE AND BASIC CONCEPTS :. 1. Foundations of International Environmental Law. 2. Origin and Evolution of International Environmental Law. 3. Sources of International Environmental Law. 4. Institutions and Civil Society. 5. International Common Law and Principles. 6. Implementing International Environmental Law: Techniques and Procedures. 7. Compliance and Dispute Settlement. PART II : SECTORAL AND TRANS-SECTORAL REGULATION:. 8. Protection of Living Organisms. 9. Soil. 10. Fresh Waters. 11. The Marine Environment. 12. Atmosphere, Stratosphere and Climate. 13. Regulating Threats to the Environment. PART III : INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:. 14. Integrated Environmental Protection. 15. Human Rights and the Environment. 16. Environmental Protection and Armed Conflict. 17. Environment and Economic Activities. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; TEU; Aarhus convention; ACHPR; Amazon declaration; Rio declaration; World charter for nature; Canberra convention (=CCAMLR); Cartagena biosfaety protocol; Charter of economic rights and duties; Convention on biological diversity; Earth charter; Lomé conventions; Energy charter treaty; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
12. | Bell, Stuart : Environmental law, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Environmental law / Bell, Stuart ; McGillvray, Donald. - 6th ed.., lxviii, 910 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2006. ISBN 0-19-926056-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. PART I: INTRODUCTORY THEMES:. 1. What is Environmental Law? A Brief Introduction. 2. History and Challenges. 3. Values, Principles and Environmental Law. 4. Sources of Environmental Law. 5. The Administration of Environmental Law and Policy. Part II: INTEGRATED THEMES :. 6. International Environmental Law. 7. European Environmental Law. 8. Environmental Regulation. 9. Environmental Crime. 10. Public Participation. 11. Private Law and Environmental Protection. PART III: SECTORAL COVERAGE:. 12. Local Controls. 13. Town and Country Planning. 14. Environmental Assessment. 15. Waste Management. 16. Air Pollution and Air Quality. 17. Contaminated Land. 18. Water Pollution and Water Quality. 19. Disposal of Waste to Sewers. 20. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. 21. Nature Conservation. 22. Landscape Management. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Aarhus convention; Basel convention; Berne convention; Bonn convention; Cartagena biosafety protocol; Chicago convention; Convention on biological diversity; Convention on climate change; Espoo convention; ICJ statute; Kyoto protocol; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; Convention on the law of the sea; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; World charter fornature; Sofia protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
13. | Ulfstein, Geir (ed.) : Making treaties work, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Making treaties work : human rights, environment and arms control / Ulfstein, Geir (ed.) ; Marauhn, Thilo ; Zimmermann, Andreas, xxxv, 427 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN 0-521-87317-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Introduction. Part I. International Human Rights:. 1. Dispute resolution, compliance control and enforcement in human rights law A. Zimmerman. 2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Martin Scheinin. 3. The European Convention on Human Rights Mark Villiger. 4. The European Convention on the Prevention of Torture (ECPT) compared with the United Nations Convention against Torture (UN-CAT) and its Optional Protocol (O PCAT) Renate Kicker. Part II.International Environmental Law:. 5. Dispute resolution,compliance control and enforcement in international enviro nmental law Geir Ulfstein. 6. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Rosalind Reeve. 7. The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Tuomas Kukkanen. 8. The Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) Veit Koester. 9. The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention)Ti mo Koivurova. Part III: International arms control:. 10. Dispute resolution, compliance control and enforcement of international arms control law Thilo Marauhn. 11. The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (Chemical Weapons Convention) Lisa Tabassi. 12. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)and the IAEA safeguards agreements Laura Rockwood. 13. The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) Kathleen Lawand. Part IV. General Comments:. 14. Dispute resolution Andreas L. Paulus. 15. Compliance control Jutta Brunnée. 16. Enforcement Christian J. Tams. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter, Vienna convention on the law of treaties, ECHR, ICCPR, AMR, ACHPR, CAT, Espoo convention on environmental impact assessment, Aarhus convention, Convention on the prohbition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction
URL https://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521873178 |
14. | Bodansky, Daniel (ed.) : The Oxford handbook of international environmental law, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Oxford handbook of international environmental law / Bodansky, Daniel (ed.) ; Jutta Brunnée ; Hey, Ellen. - repr. 2008., xxviii, 1080 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-926970-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Mapping the Field , Dan Bodansky, Jutta Brunnée, Ellen Hey. Part I: General Issues:. 2. The Evolution of International Environmental Law , Peter Sand 3. Paradigms and Discourses , John Dryzek 4. Global Environmental Governance as Administration , Benedict Kingsbury 5. Levels of Environmental Governance , Jeffrey Dunoff 6. Formality and Informality , Stephen Toope 7. Relationship between International Environmental Law and Other Branches of International Law , Alan Boyle 8. Instrument Choice , Richard Stewart 9. Science and Technology , Steinar Andresen, Jon Birger Skjaerseth. Part II: Analytical Tools and Perspectives:. 10. International Relations Theory , Kyle Danish 11. An Economic Theory of International Environmental Law , Scott Barrett 12. Critical Approaches , Karin Mickelson 13. Ethics and International Environmental Law , Christopher Stone. Part III: Basic Issues Areas:. 14. Atmosphere and Outer Space , Ian Rowlands 15. Ocean and Freshwater Resources , David Freestone, Salman M.A. Salman 16. Biological Resources , Rosemary Rayfuse 17. Hazardous Substances and Activities , David Wirth. Part IV: Normative Development:. 18. Different Types of Norms in International Environmental Law , Ulrich Beyerlin 19. Formation of Customary International Law and General Principles , Pierre-Marie Dupuy 20. Treaty Making and Treaty Evolution , Thomas Gehring 21. Private and Quasi-Private Standard Setting , Naomi Roht-Arriaza & Jason Morrison. Part V: Key Concepts:. 22. Transboundary Impacts , Günther Handl 23. Common Areas, Common Heritage, Common Concern , Jutta Brunnée 24. Ecosystems , Dan Tarlock 25. Precaution , Jonathan Wiener 26. Sustainable Development , Daniel Magraw and Lisa Hawke 27. Equity , Dinah Shelton 28. Environmental Rights , J.G. Merrills 29. Public Participation , Jonas Ebbesson 30. Legitimacy , Daniel Bodansky . Part VI: Actors and Institutions:. 31. Changing Role of the State , Thilo Marauhn 32. International Institutions , Ellen Hey 33. NGOs and Civil Society , Peter Spiro 34. Epistemic Communities , Peter Haas 35. Business , Steven Ratner 36. Indigenous Peoples , Russell Barsh 37. Regional Economic Integration Organizations , Ludwig Krämer 38. Treaty Bodies , Geir Ulfstein. Part VII: Implementation and Enforcement:. 39. Compliance Theory , Ron Mitchell 40. National Implementation , Catherine Redgwell 41. Financial and Technological Transfers , Laurence Boisson de Chazournes 42. Monitoring and Verification , Jorgen Wettestad 43. Compliance Procedures , Jan Klabbers 44. International Responsibility and Liability , Malgosia Fitzmaurice 45. International Dispute Settlement , Cesare Romano 46. Conclusions , Dan Bodansky, Jutta Brunnée, Ellen Hey INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Montreal protocol; Kyoto protocol; Framework convention on climate change; World charter for nature; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt SHELF CODE: Domvillan |
15. | Brown Weiss, Edith (ed.) : Reconciling environment and trade, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Reconciling environment and trade / Brown Weiss, Edith (ed.) ; Jackson, John H. ; Bernasconi-Osterwalder, Nathalie. - 2. ed.., xi, 716 p.. - Leiden : Brill , 2008. ISBN 978-1-57105-370-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents: Ch. 1: The framework for environment and trade disputes / by Edith Brown Weiss and John H. Jackson. PART I : PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT : THE CASE OF TOBACCO CONTROL:. Ch. 2 :The Thai cigarettes case : a current critique / by Young Duk Park. CH. 3: Evolution of the "necessary test" of Article XX(b) : from Thai cigarettes to the present / by Patricio E. Leyton. Ch. 4: Taxation to control tobacco in developing states / by Kristyn Noeth. Ch. 5: The WHO framework convention on tobacco control and trade-related protocols / by Benjamin C. Adams. PART II: AIR POLLUTION:THE REFORMULATED GASOLINE CASE:. Ch. 6. Unsolved problems and implications for the Chapeau of GATT Article XX after the reformulated gasoline case / by Kenichiro Urakami. Ch. 7: Reconciling U.S. regulatory procedure with the WTO reformulated gasoline case / by Christopher John Duncan. Ch. 8: Characterizing air as an exhaustible natural resource / by Victoria H. Imperiale. Ch. 9: Conserving "exhaustible natural resources" : the role of precedent in the GATT Article XX(g) exception / by Lewis Briggs. PART III: FOOD SAFETY: THE BEEF HORMONES CASE:. Ch. 10: The European Union’s position on agriculture after the WTO appellate body’s decision in beef hormones / by Charles F. De Jager. Ch.11: Fine-tuning WTO jurisprudence and the SPS agreement to improve trade integration and harmonization / by Regine Neugebauer. Ch.12: Assessing the standard of review for trade-restrictive measures in the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement / by Christopher Bisgaard. CH. 13: Food labeling : free trade, consumer choice, and accountability / by Katy Eiseman. PART IV: COMMERCIAL FISHING AND ENDANGERED SPECIES: THE SHRIMP-TURTLE CASE:. Ch. 14: Complying with the WTO shrimp-turtle decision / by Renata Benedini. Ch. 15: Unilateral environmental measures after the WTO appellate body’s shrimp-turtle decision / by Paul O’Brien. CH. 16: Considering the biology of the sea turtles in the WTO dispute settlement process / by Hannah Gillelan. Ch. 17: Explaining U.S. policy on shrimp-turtle : an international business / by Peter Chessick. CH. 18: Shrimp and turtles : what about environmental embargoes under NAFTA? / by Andres Rueda. PART V: ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AND BIOSAFETY : GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS-A FUTURE CASE:. Ch. 19: Compatibility of GMO import regulations with WTO rules / by Vicente Paolo B. Yu III. CH. 20: To label or not to label : leveling the trading field / by Athita Komindr. Ch. 21: The Cartagena protocol on biosafety : a multilateral approach to regulate GMOs / by Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Cartagena protocol on biosafety; Convention on trade in endagered species; Framework convention on climate change; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; Framework convention on tobacco control; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
16. | Brickey, Kathleen F. : Environmental crime, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Environmental crime : law, policy, prosecution / Brickey, Kathleen F., xxviii, 386 p.. - New York : Aspen publ., 2008. ISBN 978-0-7355-6249-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Environmental Crime. Chapter 2. Mens Rea. Chapter 3. Individual and Organizational Liability. Chapter 4. Water Pollution. Chapter 5. Air Pollution. Chapter 6. Hazardous Waste. Chapter 7. Hazardous and Toxic Substances. Chapter 8. Conventional Criminal Statutes. Chapter 9. Enforcement. INDEX WORDS:
17. | Birnie, Patricia : International law and the environment, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law and the environment / Birnie, Patricia ; Boyle, Alan ; Redgwell, Catherine. - 3. ed.., xxxvi, 851 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-876422-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. International law and the environment. 2. International governance and the formulation of environmental law and policy. 3. Rights and obligations of states concerning protection of the environment. 4. Interstate enforcement: state responsibility, treaty compliance, and dispute settlement. 5. Non-state actors: environmental rights, liability, and crimes. 6. Climate change and atmospheric pollution. 7. The law of the sea and protection of the marine environment. 8. International regulation of toxic substances. 9. Nuclear energy and the environment. 10. International watercourses: environmental protection and sustainable use. 11. Conservation of nature, ecosystems, and biodiversity. 12. Conservation of migratory and land-based species and biodiversity. 13. Conservation of marine living resources and biodiversity. 14. International trade and environmental protection. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ACHPR; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; ICRW; Reykjavik declaration on responsible fisheries; Convention on the protection of the Rhine; Protocol to the London dumping convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt |
18. | Nilsson, Annika : Introduktion till EU:s miljörätt, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Introduktion till EU:s miljörätt / Nilsson, Annika. - 3. uppl.., 79 p.. - Stockholm : Santerus förlag, 2009. ISBN 978-91-7359-030-3 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
19. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law , 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 17 (2006) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, David, xxxxii, 870 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-953964-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART 1: ARTICLES:. 1. International Investment Law and Environmental Protection, by Ole Kristian Fauchald. 2. The Role of Science in Investment Arbitrations concerning Public Health and the Environment, by Marcos A: Orellana. 3. Financing Sustainability: The New Transnational Governance of Socially Responsible Investment, by Benjamin J. Richardson. 4. Stabilization Clauses and the Evolution of Environmental Standards in Foreign Investment Contracts, by Lorenzo Cotula. 5. Unilateral Commitments to Investment Protection: Does the Promise of Stability Restrict Environmental Policy Development?, by Kyla Tienhaara. 6. The Contribution of State-Multinational Corporation "Transnational" Investment Agreements to International Environmental Law, by David M. Ong. 7. Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection: A Review of the Legal Regime in China, by Yuhong Zhao. PART 2: THE YEAR IN REVIEW:. I: General Developments. II: Air and Atmosphere. III: Fresh Water. IV: Oceans. V: Energy. VI: Hazardous Substances and Waste, Other Than Nuclear. VII: International Commons/Areas beyond National Jurisdiction. VIII: Natural Resource Management and Conservation. IX: International Economy and the Environment. X: Country/Region Reports. XI: Reports from International Courts and Tribunals. XII: Reports on International Organizations and Bodies. PART 3: Literature Review Timo Koivurova: Oran Young, The Institutional Dimension of Environmental Change: Fit, Interplay and Scale Sophie Riley: Murray Raff, Private Property and Environmental Responsibility: A Comparative Study of German Real Property Law Index INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Albania / Algeria / Angola / Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Benin / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Burundi / Cambodia / Cameroon / Chile / China / Congo / Cuba / Denmark / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Ecuador / Estonia / Croatia / China / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Honduras / Hungary / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Iran / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Kazakhstan / Korea / Kyrgyzstan / Liberia / Lebanon / Libya / Lithuania / Macedonia / Madagascar / Malawi / Malta / Mauritius / Myanmar / Nepal / Netherlands / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Papua New Guinea / Peru / Philippines / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Senegal / Serbia / Singapore / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Taiwan / Tajikistan / Togo / Thailand / Tonga / Turkey / Ukraine / Uganda / USA / Uruguay / Venezuela / Viet Nam / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Greenland NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Basel convention; Cartagena protocol; Convention on biological diversity; Montreal convention; Convention on the law of the sea; Stockholm convention; Convention on the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons and on their destruction; Ramsar convention; ICESR; ECHR; Espoo convention; Energy charter treaty; Kyoto protocol; MARPOL; Barcelona convention; Montreal protocol; Protocol on ocean dumping; Framework convention on climate change; Vienna convention on the law of the treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
20. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 19 (2008) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, David ; Wang, Xi, xxxii, 807 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-0-19-958038-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART 1: ARTICLES:. 1. Karen Hukme:Environmental security: implications for international law. 2. Daniella Dam-de Jong: International law and resource plunder: the protection of natural resources during armed conflict. 3. Carl Bruch ... [et al.]: Post-conflict peace building and natural resources. 4. Patricia Wouters ... [et al.]: Hydrosolidarity and international law: a river runs through it. 5. Werner Scholtz: Collective (environmental) security:the yeast for the refinement of international law. 6. Christina Voigt: Sustainable security. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Angola / Asia / Australia / Austria / Bolivia / Brazil / Bulgaria / Cambodia / Canada / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Chile / China / Colombia / Croatia / East Africa / Cyprus / East Timor / Ecuador / El Salvador / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Iceland / India / iraq / Israel / Japan / kenya / Korea / Liberia / Montenegro / Mozambique / Nepal / Norway / Serbia / Sierra Leone / South Africa / South America / Spain / Switzerland / Syria / Sweden / Turkey / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Cartagena protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
21. | Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) : Yearbook of international environmental law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Yearbook of international environmental law : vol. 18 (2007) / Fauchald, Ole Kristian (editor-in-Chief) ; Hunter, david ; Xi, Wang, xxxiii, 829 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-954553-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1: Wiek Schrage and Keith Bull: Environmental legal instruments in the UNECE region. 2: Eric Dannenmaier: Europe's commitment to environmental citizenship - Article 3.7 of the Aarhus Convention and public participation in international forums. 4: Michelle-Ann Williams: Regional Environmental Agreements and Initiatives in the Americas. 4: Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger: State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Ground Water Resources in North America. 5: Willem D Lubbe: Straddling borders and legal regimes: The case for co-operative transfrontier biodiversity conservation in the Southern African Development Community. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Antarctica / Asia / Australia / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Bangladesh / Brazil / Canada / Caribbean Region / Central America / Chile / China / Columbia / Costa Rica / Croatia / Europe / Finland / France / Honduras / Iceland / India / Israel / Italy / Japan / Korea / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / North America / Norway / Poland / Serbia / South America / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Convention on biological diversity; Montreal protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
22. | Fitzmaurice, Malgosia (ed.) : Research handbook on international environmental law, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Research handbook on international environmental law / Fitzmaurice, Malgosia (ed.) ; Ong, David M. ; Merkouris, Panos - (Research handbooks in international law), xxv, 703 p.. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2010. ISBN 978-1-84720-124-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AS A SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL LAW:. 1. Actors and Law-making in International Environmental Law, by Mark A. Drumbl. 2. International Framework for Environmental Decision-making, by Geir Ulfstein. PART II: THEORIES AND CONCEPTS OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW:. 3. Sustainable Development, by Duncan French. 4. Environment and Development: Friends or Foes in the 21st Century?, by Paolo Galizzi and Alena Herklotz. 5. Implementing Intergenerational Equity, by Edith Brown Weiss. 6. An Introduction to Ethical Considerations in International Environmental Law, by Alexander Gillespie. 7. The World Bank and Sustainable Development, by David Freestone. 8. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, by Philippe Cullet. 9. The Principles of Prevention and Precaution in International Law: Two Heads of the Same Coin?, by Nicolas de Sadeleer. PART III: SUBSTANTIVE PRINCIPLES:. 10. The Precautionary Principle, by Minna Pyhälä, Anne Christine Brusendorff and Hanna Paulomäki. 11. Environmental Impact Assessment, by Olufemi Elias. 12. The Polluter-Pays Principle, by Priscilla Schwartz. PART IV: HUMAN RIGHTS TO A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT:. 13. Human Rights and the Environment: Substantive Rights, by Dinah Shelton. 14. Human Rights to a Clean Environment: Procedural Rights, by Jona Razzaque. PART V: RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HARM:. 15. Responsibility for Environmental Damage, by Phoebe Okowa. 16. International Liability for Damage to the Environment, by Louise Angélique de La Fayette. 17. Corporate Liability for Environmental Harm, by Amanda Perry-Kessaris. PART VI: DISPUTE SETTLEMENT AND COMPLIANCE:. 18. Settlement of International Environmental Law Disputes, by Natalie Klein. 19. Environmental Disputes in the WTO, by Joanna Gomula. 20. Compliance Procedures and Mechanisms, by Gerhard Loibl. 21. International Legal Efforts to Address Human-Induced Global Climate Change, by David M. Ong. 22. Filling The Holes: The Montreal Protocol’s Non-Compliance Mechanism, by Feja Lesniewska. PART VII: BIODIVERSITY:. 23. Environmental Protection and the Concept of Common Concern of Mankind, by Michael Bowman. 24. International Environmental Law Governing Threats to Biological Diversity, by David M. Ong. 25. Fisheries and Marine Biodiversity, by Richard Barnes. PART VIII: SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGIMES:. 26. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and Marine Environmental Protection, by David M. Ong. 27. Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict, by Karen Hulme. 28. The Relationship between the Law of International Watercourses and Sustainable Development, by Malgosia Fitzmaurice. 29. International Chemicals and Waste Management, by Katharina Kummer Peiry. 30. Drilling at the Poles: Environmental Protection in the Antarctic and the Arctic, by Karen N. Scott. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Angola / Asia / Australia / Bulgaria / Canada / China / Chile / Colombia / Congo / Czech Republic / Denmark / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Germany / Greenland / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Jordan / Malaysia / Mauritania / Namibia / Norway / Sweden / Switzerland / Thailand / Uganda / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): World heritage convention; Aarhus convention; Convention on biological diversity; Bonn convention; Convention on the law of the sea; ECHR; Kyoto protocol; ICESCR; Framework convention on climate change; Montreal protocol; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Ramsar convention on Wetlands; Rio declaration; Stockholm declaration; AMR; Cartagena protocol; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Miljörätt |
23. | Barnhoorn, L.A.M.N. (managing editor) : Netherlands yearbook of international law, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Netherlands yearbook of international law : vol. XL : 2009 / Barnhoorn, L.A.M.N. (managing editor), x, 538 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser, 2010. - ISSN 0167-6788 ISBN 978-90-6704-310-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I. Articles:. 1. Why criminal culpability should follow the critical path: reframing the theory of 'effective control', by Michael A. Newton and Casey Kuhlman. 2. International dimensions of the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles, by Arjen van Rijn. 3. The continental shelf in the Polar regions: cold war or triumph of law, by Alex G. Oude Elferink. 4. Interaction between EU law and international law in the light of Intertanko and Kadi: the dilemma of norms binding the member states but not the Community, by Jan Willem van Rossem. PART II. Documentation: 5. Classification scheme; 6. Netherlands state practice for the parliamentary year 2007–2008, by P. C. Tange. 7. Treaties and other international agreements to which the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a party - conclusions and developments 2008, by M. A. van der Harst. 8. Netherlands municipal legislation involving questions of public international law, 2008, by P. C. Tange. 9. Netherlands judicial decisions involving questions of public international law, 2007–2008, by L. A. N. M. Barnhoorn. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Albania / Algeria / Australia / Austria / Bangladesh / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / burma / Chad / Chile / China / Colombia / Congo / Croatia / Denmark / Ecuador / Egypt / France / Georgia / Germany / Ghana / Greece / Iran / Iraq / Italy / Jordan / Kyrgyzstan / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Mexico / Montenegro / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / Paraguay / Romania / Russian Federation / Serbia / Slovenia / Somalia / South Africa / Spain / Sudan / Surinam / Switzerland / Tanzania / Tibet / Tunisia / United Kingdom / USA / Yugoslavia / Zambia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): CRC; CRC-OP; Convention on the prevention of terrorism; CEDAW; EU charter of fundamental rights; European convention on action against trafficking in human beings; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
24. | Sabel, Charles F. (ed.) : Experimentalist governance in the European Union, |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Experimentalist governance in the European Union : towards a new architecture / Sabel, Charles F. (ed.) ; Zeitlin, Jonathan ISBN 978-0-19-960449-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1: Charles F. Sabel and Jonathan Zeitlin: Learning from Difference: The New Architecture of Experimentalist Governance in the EU. 2: Abraham Newman: Innovating European Data Privacy Regulation: Unintended Pathways to Experimentalist Governance. 3: Elliot Posner: The Lamfalussy Process: New Forms of Financial Rulemaking in the EU. 4: Burkard Eberlein: Experimentalist Governance in the Energy Sector. 5: Yane Svetiev: Networked Competition Governance in the EU: Centralization, Decentralization, or Experimentalist Architecture?. 6: Ingmar von Homeyer: Emerging Experimentalism in EU Environmental Governance. 7: Ellen Vos: Responding to Catastrophe: Towards a New Architecture for EU Food Safety Regulation?. 8: Patrycja Dabrowska: EU Governance of GMOs: Political Struggles and Experimentalist Solutions?. 9: Gráinne de Búrca: Stumbling into Experimentalism: The EU Anti-Discrimination Regime. 10: Jörg Monar: Experimentalist Governance in Justice and Home Affairs. 11: Olivier De Schutter: The Role of Evaluation in Experimentalist Governance: Learning by Monitoring in the Establishment of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. 12: Elsa Tulmets: Experimentalist Governance in EU External Relations: Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. Index INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EEC treaty; ToA; EU charter of fundamental rights; Lomé conventions; Treaty of Lisbon; Schengen convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199604494.do?keyword=sabel%2C+charles&sortby=pubDateDescend |
25. | Sands, Philippe : Principles of international environmental law, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Principles of international environmental law / Sands, Philippe ; Peel, Jacqueline ; with Adriana Fabra and Ruth MacKenzie. - 4th ed.., lxviii, 968 p. . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-108-43112-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I. The Legal and Institutional Framework:. 1. The environment and international society: issues, concepts and definitions. 2. History. 3. Governance: states, international organisations and non-state actors. 4. International law-making and regulation. 5. Compliance: implementation, enforcement, dispute settlement. PART II. Principles and Rules Establishing Standards:. 6. General principles and rules. 7. Atmospheric protection. 8. Climate change. 9. Freshwater resources. 10. Biological diversity. 11. Oceans, seas and marine living resources. 12. Hazardous substances and activities, and waste. 13. The polar regions: Antarctica and the Arctic. PART III. Techniques for Implementing International Principles and Rules:. 14. Environmental impact assessment. 15. Environmental information and technology transfer. 16. Liability for environmental damage. PART IV. Linkage of International Environmental Lae and Other Areas of International Law:. 17. Human rights and international humanitarian law. 18. International economic law: trade, investment and intellectual property. 19. Future developments. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Rio declaration; Aarhus convention; ACHPR; Berne convention; Biodiversity convention; CRC; Climate change convention; Kyoto protocol; Espoo convention; Doha declaration; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; ESC; TFEU; Stockholm declaration; ICCPR; ICESCR; Vienna convention on civil liability for nuclear damage; Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer; OSPAR convention; UNCLOS |