1. | Rehof, Lars Adam : Det danske menneskerettighedscenter, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Det danske menneskerettighedscenter / Rehof, Lars Adam REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Menneskerettigheder - viden og handling / Gulmann, C.; Nordskov Nielsen, L.; Rehof, L. (eds.) - (Skrifter fra det Dansk Menneskerettighedscenter ; No. 1), p. 270-275. - Köpenhavn : G.E.C. Gad, 1987. ISBN 87 12 01746 9 LANGUAGE: DAN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Denmark : 8220 |
2. | Evaluering av Institutt for menneskerettigheter, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Evaluering av Institutt for menneskerettigheter /, 29 p.. - Blindern : Institutt for Menneskerettigheter, 1999. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
3. | Merali, Isfahan (ed.) : Giving meaning to economic, social and cultural rights, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Giving meaning to economic, social and cultural rights / Merali, Isfahan (ed.) ; Oosterveld, Valerie - (Pennsylvania studies in human rights), vi, 278 p.. - Philadelphia : Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. ISBN 0-8122-3601-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I : CONCEPTUALIZING ECONOMIC; SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS : 1. Toward the institutional integration of the core human rights treaties, by Craig Scott. 2. From division to integration : economic, social, and cultural rights as basic human rights, by Chisanga Puta-Chekwe and Nora Flood. 3. Defending women's economic and social rights : some thoughts on indivisibility and a new standard of equality, by Dianne Otto. PART II : CURRENT THEMES : APPLYING CROSS-CUTTING ANALYSIS: 4. Human rights mean business : broadening the Canadian approach to business and human rights, by Craig Forcese. 5. Feminism after the state : the rise of the market and the future of women's rights, by Kerry Rittich. 6. Advancing safe motherhood through human rights, by Rebecca J. Cook. 7. Canada's new child support guidelines : do they fulfill Canada's international law obligations to children?, by Martha Shaffer. PART III : GIVING MEANING : PROTECTION AND JUSTICIABILITY OF ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS: 8. Implementing economic, social, and cultural rights : the role of national human rights institutions, by Barbara von Tigerstrom. 9. Bringing economic, social, and cultural rights home : Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and Israel, by Leilani Farha. 10. The Maya petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights : indigenous land and resource rights and the conflict over logging and oil in Southern Belize, by S. James Anaya. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; AMR; ADRD; Beijing declaration and platform for action; CEDAW; ICCPR; CERD; CRC; Protocol of San Salvador; Convention on indigenous and tribal peoples in independent countries; |
4. | Lempinen, Miko : Kansallisen ihmisoikeusinstituution tarve Suomessa, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Kansallisen ihmisoikeusinstituution tarve Suomessa : "Pariisin periaatteiden" mukaiset tehtävät, niiden toteuttaminen Suomessa ja kehittämismahdollisuuksien hahmottelua : raportti 15.3.2002 / Lempinen, Miko ; Pohjolainen, Anna-Elina ; Scheinin, Martin, 76 p.. - Turku/Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Ihmisoikeusinstituutti, 2002. LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Norway / Denmark / Australia / France / Mexico / Germany NOTE (GENERAL): principles relating to the status and functioning of national institutions for protection and promotion of human rights - A(RES/48/134 (in full text); LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
5. | Krabbe Boserup, Louise : PART ONE : Reparations at the national and regional levels, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series PART ONE : Reparations at the national and regional levels : Acessibility - a precondition for reparation? the case of the Nigerian Commission on Human Rights and Fundamental Rights / Krabbe Boserup, Louise ; Cissé, Mariama Mohammed REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Human rights in development : yearbook 2001 : reparations : redressing past wrongs / Ulrich, G.; Krabbe-Boserup, L. (eds.) - (Nordic human rights publications), p. 137-162. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2003. - ISSN 0801-8049 ISBN 90-411-2030-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: