1. | Norris, Pippa (ed.) : Elections and voting behaviour, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Elections and voting behaviour : new challenges, new perspectives / Norris, Pippa (ed.) - (The international library of politics and comparative perspectives), xxv, 542 p.. - Aldershot : Dartmouth, 1998. ISBN 1-85521-802-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part I : the Partisan identities of voters:. 1. Hermann Schmitt : On party attachment in Western Europe and the utility of Eurobarometer data. 2. Bradley M. Richardson : European party loyalties revisited. 3. Matthew Wyman ... [et al.]: The place of party in post-communist Europe. Part II: Social cleavages, new politics and value change:. 4. Mark N. Franklin and Thomas T. Mackie : Electoral change in Western countries : consequences of post-industrial social change. 5. David De Vaus and Ian McAllister : The changing politics of women : gender and political alignment in 11 nations. 6. Ronald Inglehart and Paul R. Abramson : Economic security and value change. 7. Robert Rohrschneider : New party versus old left realignments : environmental attitudes, party policies and partisan affiliations in four West European countries. PART III: Economic voting:. 8. Michael S. Lewis-beck : Comparative economic voting : Britain, France Germany, Italy 9. G. Bingham Powell and Guy D. Whitten: A cross-national analysis of economic voting : taking account of the political context. 10. Alexander Pacek and Benjamin Radcliff : The political economy of competitive elections inthe developing world. PART IV: The institutional context of electoral systems:. 11. Arend Lijphart : The political consequences of electoral laws, 1945-85. 12. Cees van der Eijk, Mark Franklin and Michael Marsh : What voters teach us about Europe-wide elections : what voters teach us about voters. 13. Holli A. Semetko : Political balance on television : campaigns in the united States, Britain and Germany. 14. Peter Esaiasson : 120 years of Swedish election campaigns : a story of the rise and decline of political parties and the emergence of the mass media as power brokers. PART VI: Political participation. 15. Robert W. Jackman and Ross A. Miller : Voter turnout in the industrial democracies during the 1980s. 16. Henry E. Brady, Sidney Verba and Kay lehman Schlozman: Beyond SES : a resource model of political participation. 17. Arend Lijphart : Unequal participation : democracy's unresolved dilemma. PART VII: Political representation:. 18. Russell J. Dalton : political parties and political representation : party supporters and party elites in nine nations. 19. Sören Holmberg : Political representation in Sweden. 20. Christopher Wlezien : The public as thermostat : dynamics of preferences for spending. 21. Pippa Norris : May's law of curvilinear disparity revisited : leaders, officers, membders and voters in British political parties. PART VIII: Elections and democratization. 22. Seymour Martin Lipset : The social requisities of democracy revisited: 1993 presidentail address. 23. Geoffrey Evans and Stephan Whitefield : The politics and economic of democratic commitment : support for democracy in transition societies. INDEX WORDS:
2. | Special issue : the European convention on human rights, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Special issue : the European convention on human rights / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights law review : vol. 4; no. 3., p. 3-30. - Nottingham : University of Notingham. Human Rights Law Centre of the School of Law, 1999. - ISSN 1461-7781 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Establishing the New European Court of Human Rights : Progress to Date, by Michael O'Boyle. 2.Recent Turkish Cases: Their Contribution to the Caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights, by Francoise Hampson. 3.The Promotion of Democracy by the European Court of Human Rights : Recent Cases, by Alastair Mowbray. 4. Aspects of Criminal Justice : Recent Convention Case law, by Karen Reid. INDEX WORDS:
3. | Dahlgren, Taina ... [et al.] : Kambodzhan parlamenttivaalit 26.7.1998, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kambodzhan parlamenttivaalit 26.7.1998 : Kansalaisjärjestöjen ihmisoikeus- ja vaalitarkkailuryhmän raportti / Dahlgren, Taina ... [et al.]. - 2 p.., var. pag.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry, 1999. LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
4. | Dahlgren, Taina : Malesian parlamenttivaalit 29.11.1999, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Malesian parlamenttivaalit 29.11.1999 : ihmisoikeus- ja vaalitarkkailuraportti / Dahlgren, Taina, var.pag.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry, 1999. LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Malesia LIBRARY LOCATION: s Ihmisoikeusliitto ... |
5. | Gustafsson, Barbro ... [et al] : Namibian presidentin- ja kansalliskokousvaalit 1999, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Namibian presidentin- ja kansalliskokousvaalit 1999 : ihmisoikeusliiton asettaman tarkkailijaryhmän raportti 20.12.1999 / Gustafsson, Barbro ... [et al], var.pag.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry, 1999. LANGUAGE: FIn INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Namibia LIBRARY LOCATION: s Ihmisoikeusliitto ... |
6. | Anttila, Ulla ... [et al.] : Indonesian parlamenttivaalit 7.6.1999, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Indonesian parlamenttivaalit 7.6.1999 : raportti kansalaisjärjestöjen ihmisoikeus- ja vaalitarkkailuryhmän toiminnasta 1-11.6.1999 / Anttila, Ulla ... [et al.], var. pag.. - Helsinki : Ihmisoikeusliitto ry, 1999. LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: East Timor / Indonesia LIBRARY LOCATION: s Ihmisoikeusliitto ... |
7. | Structure and operation of local and regional democracy, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Structure and operation of local and regional democracy : Austria : situation in 1999 / ; report adopted by the Steering Committee on Local and Regional Democracy ; (CDLR) in December 1999, 32 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2000. ISBN 92-871-4282-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
8. | Structure and operation of local and regional democracy, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Structure and operation of local and regional democracy : Poland : situation in 1999 /, 54 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2000. ISBN 92-871-4314-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Legal basis. 2. Structure of local and regional authorities. 3. Organs of each category of local and regional authorities. 4. Direct citizen participation in decision-making. 5. Status of local and regional elected representatives. 6. Distribution of powers among the various categories of local and regional authorities. 7. Co-operation and other links between local and regional authorities. 8. Finance. 9. Supervision of local and regional authorities. 10. Appeals by individuals against decisions of local and regional authorities. 11. Local government staff. INDEX WORDS:
9. | Frowein, Jochen Abr. : Financing of political parties in comparative perspective, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Financing of political parties in comparative perspective / Frowein, Jochen Abr. ; Bank, Roland REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 61 : 1., p. 29-60. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 2001. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Spain / Netherlands / Austria / Czech Republic / Denmark / France / Germany / Italy / Belgium / Switzerland / United Kingdom |
10. | International electoral standards, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International electoral standards : guidelines for reviewing the legal framework of elections /, vi, 116 p.. - Stockholm : International IDEA, 2002. ISBN 91-89098-88-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Bases of Internationally-Recognized Electoral Standards. 2. Structuring the Legal Framework. 3. The Electoral System. 4. Boundary Delimitation, Districting or Defining Boundaries of Electoral Units. 5. The Right to Elect and to be Elected. 6. Electoral Management Bodies. 7. Voter Registration and Voter Registers. 8. Ballot Access for Political Parties and Candidates. 9. Democratic Electoral Campaigns. 10. Media Access and Freedom of Expression. 11. Campaign Finance and Expenditure. 12. Balloting. 13. Counting and Tabulating Votes. 14. Role of Representatives of the Parties and Candidates 15. Electoral Observe rs. 16. Compliance with and Enforcement of Electoral Law. Annex 1. Primary Sources for International Standard. Annex 2. Supplementary Sources. Annex 3. Model Codes. Annex 4. Glossary of Electoral Terms INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; ECHR; Copenhagen document; ADRD; AMR; ACHPR; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE/Election observation |
11. | Della Porta, Donatella : Corrupt exchanges, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Corrupt exchanges : actors, resources and mechanisms of political corruption / Della Porta, Donatella ; Vannucci, Alberto - (Social problems and social issues), xiv, 314 p.. - New York : Aldine de Gruyter, 1999. ISBN 0-202-30600-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Market for Corrupt Exchange: An Introduction: 1. Corruption and Democracy . 2. A Theoretical Model for Understanding Political Corruption . 3. How to Study Political Corruption . 2. The Resources of Corruption : 1. Corruption as a Market for Political Rents . 2. The Commodities of Corrupt Exchange. 3. Political Protection. 4. The Corrupter's Resources . 5. The "Business of Power" . 6. The Resources of Corruption: A Summary . 3. The Business Politicians : . 1. The Emergence of the Business Politicians 2. Skills in Illegality and Political Careers . 3. Networking Abilities and Corruption . 4. Homines Novi, Patrimonialism, and the Moral Costs of Corruption: A Conclusion . 4. Political Parties and Corruption : . 1. The "Hidden" Structures of the Parties . 2. The Role of the Party in Corrupt Exchanges . 3. Parties, Corruption, and Public Policies . 4. Party Connivance: Corruption and Consociation . 5. Political Parties, the Costs of Politics, and Corruption: Comparative Remarks . 5. Political Corruption, Bureaucratic Corruption, and the Judiciary : 1. Political Corruption and Bureaucratic Corruption . 2. Corruption and the Magistracy . 3. Corruption and Controls: Comparative Remarks . 6. Brokers and Occult Power : 1. Brokers in the Illegal Markets . 2. The Domain of Covert Power . 3. Hidden Powers and Corruption: Some Concluding Remarks . 7. The Market for Corruption and the Economic System : 1. Cartels and Bribes . 2. The Political Protection of Entrepreneurs . 3. A Typology of Protected Enterprises . 4. The "Moral Costs" for the Corrupter . 5. The Adverse-Selection of Firms . 6. The Elevation of Costs . 7. The Briber's Dilemma . 8. The Corruption Market: Concluding Remarks . 8. Politics, the Mafia, and the Corruption Market: 1. The Corrupt Politician and Organized Crime. 2. Organized Crime and Business. 3. Corruption, the Mafia, and Public Contracts . 4. Conclusion: Organized Crime and Politics . 9. The Dynamics of Political Corruption: A Conclusion : 1. Corruption as an Emergent Normative System . 2. The "Vicious Circles" of Corruption . 3. The Fall of a Corrupt System: Lessons from the Italian Case INDEX WORDS: