1. | Gready, Paul (ed.) : Human rights and development in the new millennium, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights and development in the new millennium : towards a theory of change / Gready, Paul (ed.) ; Vandenhole, Wouter, xii, 308 p.. - New York : Routledge, 2014. ISBN 978-0-415-52730-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter 1: P. Gready with W Vandenhole: Introduction - What are we Trying to Change? Theories of Change in Development and Human Rights. PART I : APPROACHES:. Chapter 2: H-O Sano, The drivers of human rights change in development. Chapter 3: G de Beco, Human rights indicators and MDG indicators: Building a common language for human rights and development organizations. Chapter 4: A Tostensen, H Stokke and S Trygged, Means, Modes and Methods: Donor Support Strategies for Child Rights in Kenya. Chapter 5: B Andreassen, Legal empowerment of the poor – A strategy for social change?. PART III : ORGANISATIONAL CONTEXTS:. Chapter 6: Wouter Vandenhole, Overcoming the Protection Promotion Dichotomy Human Rights Based Approaches to Development and Organisational Change within the UN at Country Level. Chapter 7: M van Reisen and D Mekonnen, EU Development Cooperation: The Contours of Global and National Engagement. Chapter 8: K Arts, Countering Violence against Children in the Philippines: Positive RBA Practice Examples from PLAN. Chapter 9: P Gready, ActionAid’s Human Rights-based Approach and its Impact on Organisational and Operational Change. PART III: COUNTRY CONTEXTS:. Chapter 10: H Stokke, Standardised practice - From international labour standards to development practice. Chapter 11: K De Feyter and R Lumbika Nlandu, Skimming the Surface: Human Rights-Related Donor Interventions in the Bas-Congo. Chapter 12: S Porter, A Change of Road for the Rights-Based Approach? A Reflection on Piloting a Health-Enabling Mobile Technology Programme in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Chapter 13: S Yeshanew, The Ethiopian Law Governing Civil Society Organizations: Divorcing Human Rights and Development?. Chapter 14: W Vandenhole, C Lennox, P Gready and H Stokke, In Lieu of a Conclusion: Some Cross-cutting Issues and their Policy Implications. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The worst forms of child labour (ILO convention no. 182); ACHPR; CRC; ICCPR; Paris declaration on aid effectiveness; |