1. | Lepowsky, Maria : Food taboos and child survival, 1987 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Food taboos and child survival : a case study from the Coral Sea / Lepowsky, Maria REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Child survival : antropological perspectives on the treatment and maltreatment of children / Scheper-Hughes, N. (ed.) - ( Culture, illness and healing ; No. 11), p. 71-92. - Dordrecht : D.Reidel Publishing co.(D), 1987. ISBN 1 55608 02 8 X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: This chapter examines the cultural and ecological context of child treatment, particularly infant and child feeding practices, on a remote island in the Coral Sea, southeast of mainland Papua New Guinea.It analyzes the traditional food taboos which prohibit giving animal protein foods to children under weaning age. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Papua New Guinea : 9024 |
2. | The state of the world's children 1989, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The state of the world's children 1989 / ; UNICEF, 116 p.. - New York : Oxford u. p., 1989. ISBN 019261827X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1989 is the tenth anniversary of the international year of the child, which as UNICEF noted at the time was intended to mark an infection point in the graph of the world's concern for children. This year's report integrates these concern with an examination of the prospects for the world's children for the decade ahead.On summary, it argues that in most nations the reacceleration of progress for children is contigent upon international action not only to resolve the dept crises but also to allow a return to economic growth. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Also publ. in Finnish " Maailman lasten tila 1989", ISBN: 951-95964-8-8 LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s UNICEF |
3. | The state of the world's children 1986, 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The state of the world's children 1986 /, 88 p.. - New York : Unicef, 1986. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | The state of the worlds children 1984, 1983 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The state of the worlds children 1984 /, 126 p.. - New York : Unicef, 1983. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
5. | Unicef : The state of the world's children 1985, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The state of the world's children 1985 / Unicef, 78 p.. - New York : Unicef, 1985. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
6. | Children and the environment., 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Children and the environment. /, 73 p.. - Geneva : Unicef, 1990. ISBN 92 806 0 034 6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): The state of the environment 1990. |
7. | The state of the world's children 1990., |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The state of the world's children 1990. /, 102 p.. - New York : UNICEF ISBN 0192619276 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
8. | Eriksson case : judgment of 22nd June 1989., 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Eriksson case : judgment of 22nd June 1989. / - (Publications of the European Court of Human Rights.Series A : Judgments and decisions ; No. 156), 61 p.. - Köln : Carl Heymann, 1989. ISBN 3 452 21634 9 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE INDEX WORDS:
9. | Nielsen case : 1. decision of 26th April 1988 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) 2. judgment of 28th November 1988., 1988 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Nielsen case : 1. decision of 26th April 1988 (relinquishment of jurisdiction) 2. judgment of 28th November 1988. / - (Publications of the European Court of Human Rights.Series A : Judgments and decisions ; No. 144), 49 p.. - Köln : Carl Heymann, 1988. ISBN 3 452 21474 5 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE INDEX WORDS:
10. | Himes, James R. : Implementing the convention on the rights of the child, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Implementing the convention on the rights of the child : resource mobilization in low-income countries / Himes, James R., xv, 262 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1995. ISBN 90-411-0090-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Resources and child rights : an economic perspective, by David Parker. 2. Realizing rights through national programmes of action for children, by Robert J. Ledogar. 3. Children's right to survival and healthy development,by David Parker and Claudio Sepulveda. 4. Children's right to nutrition : food, care and a healthy environment, by Urban Jonsson. 5. Children's right to education : reaching the unreached, by Frank P. Dall. 6. Children's right to protection from economic exploitation, by Jo Boyden and Victoria Rialp. 7. INDEX WORDS:
11. | Vuornos, Maija : Lapsen asema Suomessa, 1971 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Lapsen asema Suomessa : tutkimus lapsen aseman ja oikeuksien kehittymisestä Suomessa / Vuornos, Maija, 237 p.. - Porvoo : WSOY, 1971. LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
12. | Rechel, Bernd ... [et al.] : Migration and health in the European Union, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Migration and health in the European Union / Rechel, Bernd ... [et al.], xx, 257 p.. - Berkshire : Open University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-033324567-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. SECTION I: INTRODUCTION:. 1. Migration and health in the European Union: an introduction, by Bernd Rechel ... et al. SECTION II : CONTEXT:. 2. Trend's in Europe's international migration, by John Salt. 3. Asylum, residency and citizenship policies and models of migrant incorporation, by Anthony M. Messina. SECTION III: Access to Health Services:. 4. The right to health of migrants in Europe, by Paola Pace. 5. Migrants' access to health services, by Marie Norredam and Allan Krasnik. SECTION IV: Monitoring Migrant Health:. 6. Monitoring the health of migrants, by Bernd Rechel, Philippa Mladovsky and Walter Deville. SECTION V: Selected Areas of Migrant Health:. 7. Non-communicable diseases, by Anton Kunst, Karien Stronks and Charles Agyemang. 8. Communicable diseases, by Tanja Wörmann and Alexander Krämer. 9. Maternal and child health - from conception to first birthday, by Anna Reeske and Oliver Razum. 10. Occupational health, by Andrés A. Agudelo-Suarez, Elena Ronda-Pérez and Fernando G. Benavides. 11. Mental health of refugees and asylum seekers, by Jutta Lindert and Guglielmo Schinina. SECTION IV: Policy Response:. 12. Migrant health policies in Europe, by Philipa Mladovsky. 13. Differences in language, religious beliefs and culture: the need for culturally responsive health services, by Sophie Durieux-Paillard. 14. Good practice in emergency care: views from practitioners, by Stefan Priebe ... [et al.]. 15. Good practice in health service provision for migrants, by David Ingleby. SECTION VII: Conclusions:. 16. The future of migrant health in Europe, by Bernd Rechel. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; CERD; CEDAW; Lisbon treaty; EU charter of fundamental rights-21; ToA-13; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
13. | Mason Meier, Benjamin (ed.) : Human rights in global health, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in global health : rights-based governance for a globalizing world / Mason Meier, Benjamin (ed.) ; Gostin, Lawrence O. (ed.), 585 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018. ISBN 978-0-19-067268-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Introduction: responding to the public health harms of a globalizing world through human rights in global governance. 1. Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier: The origins of human rights in global health. 2. Alicia Ely Yamin and Andrés Constantin: The evolution of applying human rights frameworks to health. 3. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Framing human rights in global health governance. 4. Michel Sidibé, Helena Nygren-Krug, Bronwyn McBride and Kent Buse: The future of global governance for health: putting rights at the center of sustainable development. 5. Benjamin Mason Meier and Florian Kastler: Development of human rights through WHO. 6. Rebekah Thomas and Veronica Magar: Mainstreaming human rights across WHO. 7. Flavia Bustreo, Veronica Magar, Rajat Khosla, Marcus Stahlhofer and Rebekah Thomas: The future of human rights in WHO. 8. Benjamin Mason Meier, Mitra Motlagh and Kumanan Rasanathan: The United Nations Children's Fund: implementing human rights for child health. 9. Lee Swepston: The International Labor Organization: human rights to health and safety at work. 10. Audrey R. Chapman and Konstantinos Tararas: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: advancing global health through human rights in education and science. 11. Emilie Filmer-Wilson and Luis Mora: The United Nations Population Fund: an evolving human rights mission and approach to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. 12. Carolin Anthes and Olivier de Schutter: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: advancing the right to food to promote public health. 13. Helena Nygren-Krug: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS: with communities for human rights. 14. Sarah Hawkes, Julia Kreienkamp and Kent Buse: The future of inter-governmental organisation partnerships for health and human rights. 15. Stephen P. Marks: Integrating a human rights-based approach to development and the right to development into global governance for health. 16. Yusra Ribhi Shawar and Jennifer Prah Ruger: The World Bank: contested institutional progress in rights-based health discourse. 17. Suerie Moon and Thirukumaran Balasubramaniam: The World Trade Organization: carving out the right to health to promote access to medicines and tobacco control in the trade arena. 18. Rachel Hammonds and Gorik J. Ooms: National foreign assistance programs: advancing health related human rights through shared obligations for global health. 19. Ralf Jürgens, Joanne Csete, Hyeyoung Lim, Susan Timberlake and Matthew Smith: The global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria: funding basic services and meeting the challenge of rights-based programs. 20. Gorik Ooms and Rachel Hammonds: The future of multilateral funding to realize the right to health. 21. Gillian MacNaughton and Mariah McGill: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: mapping the evolution of the right to health. 22. Thérèse Murphy and Amrei Müller: The United Nations Special Procedures: peopling human rights, peopling global health. 23. Benjamin Mason Meier and Virginia Brás Gomes: Human rights treaty bodies: monitoring, interpreting, and adjudicating health-related human rights. 24. Judith R. Bueno de Mesquite, Connor Fuchs and Dabney P. Evans: The future of human rights accountability for global health through the Universal Periodic Review. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Conclusion: comparative analysis of human rights in global governance for health. Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin: Afterword: governance for global health and human rights in a populist age. INDEX WORDS:
14. | Hakalehto, Suvianna : Lapsioikeuden perusteet, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Lapsioikeuden perusteet / Hakalehto, Suvianna, 472 p. - Helsinki : Alma Talent , 2018. ISBN 978-952-14-3004-6 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Johdanto. LAPSIOIKEUDEN LÄHTÖKOHTIA. 1. Lapsioikeus oikeudenalana. 2. Lapsen oikeudellinen asema. 3. Lapsen oikeuksien sopimus. 4. Lapsioikeuden keskeiset periaatteet. LAPSEN OIKEUDET PERHEESSÄ. 1. Lähtökohtia. 2. Lapsen vanhemmat. 3. Adoptio. 4. Lapsen ja vanhemman välinen oikeussuhde. 5. Lapsen huolto ja asuminen. 6. Tapaamisoikeus. 7. Päätöksenteko ja täytäntöönpano huolto- ja tapaamisasiassa. 8. Lapsen oikeus elatukseen. LAPSEN OIKEUDET HALLINNOSSA JA PALVELUISSA. 1. Lapsi hallinto-oikeussuhteessa. 2. Lapsen oikeudet varhaiskasvatuksessa. 3. Lapsen oikeudet koulussa. 4. Lapsen oikeudet terveydenhuollossa. 5. Lapsen oikeudet lastensuojelussa. KOHTI LASTEN OIKEUKSIEN TEHOKKAAMPAA TOTEUTUMISTA. INDEX WORDS: