1. | Yakematchouk, Romain : Les transferts internationaux déarmes de guerre, 1980 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Les transferts internationaux déarmes de guerre / Yakematchouk, Romain - ( Publications de la revue générale de droit international public : nouvelle serie. ; No.35), 439 p.. - Paris : A.Pedone (D), 1980. LANGUAGE: FRE ABSTRACT: Le probleme des transferts internationaux des armes touche de pres a la souverenite des Etats, a leur securite exterieure et a leur politique etrangere.Une domaine de la politique internationale, etroitment lie au maintien de la paix mais aussi au declenchement de guerres entre les nations. INDEX WORDS:
2. | Bring, Ove : Humanitär rätt och vapenkontroll, 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Humanitär rätt och vapenkontroll / Bring, Ove - (UD informerar ; No. 5), 34 p. . - Stockholm : Utrikesdepartementet, 1989. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sweden : 8246 NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; |
3. | Wei, Su : The application of rules protecting combatants and civilians against the effects of the employment of certain means and methods of warfare., 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph The application of rules protecting combatants and civilians against the effects of the employment of certain means and methods of warfare. / Wei, Su REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Implementation of international humanitarian law = Mise en oeuvre du droit international humanitaire / Kalshoven, F.; Sandoz, Y. (eds.), p. 375-393. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1989. ISBN 90 247 3784 2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | Saunier, Philippe : Les regles fondamentales sur l'usage de methodes et moyens de combat et les regles du Protocole 1. de 1977 sur les dommages excessifs causes aux civils., 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Les regles fondamentales sur l'usage de methodes et moyens de combat et les regles du Protocole 1. de 1977 sur les dommages excessifs causes aux civils. / Saunier, Philippe REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Implementation of international humanitarian law = Mise en oeuvre du droit international humanitaire / Kalshoven, F.; Sandoz, Y. (eds.), p. 359-373. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1989. ISBN 90 247 3784 2 LANGUAGE: FRA INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions |
5. | Kalshoven, Frits : Implementation of international humanitarian law , 1989 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Implementation of international humanitarian law : Mise en auvre du droit international humanitaire / Kalshoven, Frits ; Sandoz, Yves, xiv; 472 p.. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1989. ISBN 90 247 3784 2 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRA INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Research papers by participants in the 1986 Session of the Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations of the Hague Academie of International Law = Travaux de recherche des participants a la session de 1986 du Centre d'Etude et de Recherche de Droit International et de Relatious Internationales de l'Academie de Droit International de Haye Geneva conventions ;.Additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions |
6. | Kapteyn P.J.G. (ed.) : International organization and integration, 1981 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International organization and integration : annotated basic documents and descriptive directory of international organizations and arrangements : vol. I. A. / Kapteyn P.J.G. (ed.). - 2nd ed.., var.pag.. - the Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1981. ISBN 90 247 2579 8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
7. | Hanski, Raija : Verification of arms control agreements, 1991 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Verification of arms control agreements : with special reference to on-site inspection / Hanski, Raija ; Rosas, Allan ; Stendahl, Kerstin - (ARNEK.A ; No. 10), 89 p.. - Helsinki : ARNEK, 1991. ISBN 951-47-5362-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents. 1. Allan Rosas: The concept of verification. 2. Raija Hanski: On-site inspection as a form of verification in arms control agreements. 3. Kerstin Stendahl: Verification in the global commons. INDEX WORDS:
8. | Encyclopedia of public international law, 1982 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Encyclopedia of public international law : 3 : use of force : war and neutrality : peace treaties (A-M) /, 299 p.. - Amsterdam : North-Holland publ. comp., 1982. ISBN 0 444 86234 x LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
9. | Explanatory report concerning the European convention on the control of the acquisition and possession of firearms by individuals, 1979 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Explanatory report concerning the European convention on the control of the acquisition and possession of firearms by individuals : convention opened for signature on 28 June 1978 / - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1979. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
10. | Zedalis, Rex J. : On the lawfulness of forceful remedies for violations of arms control agreements, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial On the lawfulness of forceful remedies for violations of arms control agreements : "star wars" and other glimpses at the future / Zedalis, Rex J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): New York University journal of international law and politics : 18(1)., p. 73-168. - New York : New York University, 1985. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB, HeinOline Law Journal Library |
11. | Agrawala, S.K. : An approach to arms control in outer space, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial An approach to arms control in outer space / Agrawala, S.K. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 45., p. 497-526. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 1985 . LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
12. | Wolfrum, Ruediger : The problems of limitation of military use of outer space, 1984 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The problems of limitation of military use of outer space / Wolfrum, Ruediger REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht : 44., p. 784-805. - Heidelberg : W. Kohlhammer GmbH, 1984. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
13. | Mohr, Manfred : Kontrolle und Eindämmung des internationalen Waffentransfers, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Kontrolle und Eindämmung des internationalen Waffentransfers / Mohr, Manfred REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Humanitäres Völkerrecht : 5(3)., p. 125-132. - Bonn : Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, 1992. LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions |
14. | McNeill, John H. : U.S. - USSR nuclear arms negotiations, 1985 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial U.S. - USSR nuclear arms negotiations : the process and the lawyer / McNeill, John H. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of international law : 79., p. 52-67. - New York : The American Society of International Law, 1985. - ISSN 0002-9300 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
15. | Adelman, K.L. : Why verification is more difficult (and less important), 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Why verification is more difficult (and less important) / Adelman, K.L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International security : 14(4)., p. 140-146. - Cambridge : Harvard University, 1990. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
16. | Dahlitz, Julie : Extra-territoriality and weapons proliferation, 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Extra-territoriality and weapons proliferation / Dahlitz, Julie REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Australian year book of international law : vol. 14., p. 179-202. - Sydney, 1992. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB, HeinOline Law Journal Library |
17. | Koplow, David A. : Long arms and chemical arms, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Long arms and chemical arms : extraterritoriality and the draft chemical weapons convention / Koplow, David A. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The Yale journal of international law : 15(1)., p. 1-83. - Yale : Yale University, 1990. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB, HeinOnline Law Journal Library |
18. | The parliamentary vision for international co-operation into the 21st century, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The parliamentary vision for international co-operation into the 21st century /, 11 p.. - Geneva : Inter-Parliamentary Union [IPU], 1995. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Declaration adopted by the special session of the Inter-Parliamentary Council New York, UN Headquarters, [19950830-199509019, [C9 NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: IPU |
19. | Bailey, Sydney : The procedure of the UN Security Council, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The procedure of the UN Security Council / Bailey, Sydney ; Daws, Sam. - 3. ed.., xix, 689 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1998. ISBN 0-19-828073-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Universal NOTE (GENERAL): Dayton peace agreement; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; TEU; |
20. | Peers, Steve : Common foreign and security policy 1995-6, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Common foreign and security policy 1995-6 / Peers, Steve REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law : 1996 : vol. 16 / Barav, A.; Wyatt, D. A. (eds.), p. 611-644. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997. ISBN 0-19-876499-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USSR / Middle east / Africa / Asia / Latin-America / USA / Canada |
21. | Dando, Malcom : The development of international legal constraints on biological warfare in the 20th century, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The development of international legal constraints on biological warfare in the 20th century / Dando, Malcom REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The Finnish yearbook of international law [=FYBIL] : 1997 : vol. 8 / Koskenniemi, M. (ed. in chief), p. 1-69. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1999. - ISSN 0786-6453 ISBN 90-411-1130-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Chemical weapons convention; Biological weapons convention; Biological and toxical weapons convention (full text); Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; Treaty of Versailles; Treaty of Washington; Declaration of Brussels; Biological weapons act; Hague conventions; |
22. | Szasz, Paul C. : The complexification of the United Nations system, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The complexification of the United Nations system / Szasz, Paul C. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law : vol. 3 : 1999 / Frowein, J. A.; Wolfrum, R. (eds.); Philipp, C. (ass.ed.), p. 1-58. - Hague : Kluwer, 1999. ISBN 90-411-9753-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; ICESCR; CEDAW; CERD; Partial test ban treaty; Convention on biological diversity; Conventional weapons convention; Ottawa convention USED FOR Convention on the prohibition of use of landmines; Convention on the law of the sea; CAT; UN charter;
URL http://www.mpil.de/shared/data/pdf/pdfmpunyb/szasz_3.pdf |
23. | Rietiker, Daniel : Humanization of arms control, 2018 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Humanization of arms control : paving the way for a world free of nuclear weapons / Rietiker, Daniel, xxx, 322 p. - London : Routledge, 2018. ISBN 978-1-138-22542-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: Humanization of arms control treaties dealing with non-nuclear weapons. 1. Introductory remarks. 2. The preparatory history of the relevant treaties, and in particular the role played by civil society. 3. The contribution of the relevant treaties to the protection of the human being. 4. Implementation and verification of the relevant treaties by human rights actors and institutions. PART II: Humanization of arms control treaties dealing with nuclear weapons. 5. Scope of Part II. 6. The preparatory history of the relevant treaties, and in particular the role played by civil society. 7. Assessing the legality of nuclear weapons in light of humanitarian and human rights law. 8. Implementation and verification of the relevant treaties by human rights actors and institutions. General conclusions and proposals for progress towards a world without nuclear weapons. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CWC; Ottawa convention; Oslo convention; Arms trade treaty; NPT; CTBT |