1. | Hafner, Gerhard ... [et al.] : Liber amicorum professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Liber amicorum professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday / Hafner, Gerhard ... [et al.], xii, 900 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 1998. ISBN 90-411-1024-0 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE, GER ABSTRACT: 1. Mohammed Bedjaoui : La "descente sur les lieux" dans la pratique de la Cour Internationale de justice et de sa devanciere. 2. Rudolf Bernhardt : Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht und das Recht interationaler Organisationen : Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. 3. Niels Blokker/Henry Schemers : Mission impossible? On the Immunities of Staff Members of International Organizations on Mission. 4. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel : Neue Arbeiten an einem Konventionsentwurf zur Beilegung von Streitigkeiten bei der Nutzung des Weltraums. 5. Franz Cede : The Changing Role of the legal adviser in international relations - the Austrian experience. 6. Christian Dominice : Observations sur la personnalité juridique de droit interne des organisations interationales. 7. Pierre-Marie Dupay : On the "Doctrine" of Approximate Application of Treaties in internatinnal law. 8. Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri : The Klockner Case and the Finality of ICSID Arbitral Awards. 9. Arghyrios A. Fatouros : International investment agreements and development - problems and prospects at the turn of the century. 10. Wilfried Fiedler : Entwicklungsiinien im Recht der Staatensukzession. 11. Peter Fischer : Is there a European Identity in the Field of Law? Some Considerations on the Nature and Scope of European Law. 12. Hans-Ernst Folz : Die Staatshaftung bei deutschen Verstössen gegen das Europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht. 13. Jochen A. Frowein : Are there Limits to the Amendment Procedures in Treaties Constituting International Organizations? 14. Andrea Giardina : The Economic Sanctions of the United States against Iran and Libya and the GATT Security Exception. 15. Konrad Ginther : Uberlegungen zu der Herausforderung der Rechtsdogmatik durch das Ordnungsprinzip "Nachhaltige Entwicklung". 16 Gerhard Hafner : The Amsterdam Treaty and the Treaty-Making Power of the European Union - Some Critical Comments. 17. Waldemar Hummer : Die Beteiligung des Europaischen Parlaments an der "Komitologie". 18. Sir Robert Jennings : International Law Reform and Progressive Development. 19. Gerhard Kegel : Erbfolge und Vermächtnis : Heres ex re certa und Vindikations- legat. 20. Pierre Lalive : Partimoine culturel national ou partimoine culturel commun? 27. Winfried Long : "Peer Review" of Environmental Performances in International Organizations. 22. Eli Lauterpacht : The First Decision of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: the M/v SAIGA. 23. Gerhard Loibl : Trade and environment - a difficult relationship. New Approaches and Trends: The Kyoto Protocol and Beyond. 24. Franz Matscher : Der neue Menschenrechtsschutz in Europa. Volkerrechtliche, prozessuale und rechtspolitische Bemerkungen zur Reform des Kontrollmechanismus. 25. Jörg Manfred Mössner : Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und nationales Steuerrecht. 26. Jean Mousse : Le droit a la sante des fonctionnaires interationaux. 27. Hanspeter Neuhold : The Provisions of the Amsterdam Treaty on the CFSP: Cosmetic Oneration or Genuine Progress? 28. Walter Rabus : 1st das "Söldnerverbot" des Artikels 47 des Ersten Zusatz- protokolls von 1977 noch zeitgernäss? 29. Georg Ress : Die Organisationsstruktur interationaler Gerichte, insbesondere des neuen Europaischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte. 30. Alfred Rest : Zur Notwendigkeit eines Internationalen Umweltgerichtshofes. 31. Eugene Schaeffer : Le Traite sur la Charte de l'Energie et l'Acces des Produits Energetiques des Pays de l'Est aux Marches de I'UE. 32. Dietrich Schindler : Völkerrecht und Demokratie. 33. lbrahim F.I. Shihata : The World Bank's Contribution to the Development of Inter national Environmental Law. 34. Bruno Simma : Reservations to Human Rights Treaties - Some Recent Developments. 35. Lilly Sucharipa-Behrmann : An Optional Protocol to CEDAW: A Further Step Towards Strengthening of Women's Human Rights. 36. Paul C. Szasz : Adjudicating Staff Challenges to Legislative Decisions of International Organizations. 37. Santiago Torres-Bernardez: Interpretation of Treaties by the International Court of Justice following the Adoption of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. 38. Georges C. van Hecke : Une illustration au quotidien de l'Etat de la politique etrangere europeenne commune. 39. Stephan Verosta : GruBadresse. 40. Daniel Vignes : L'absence de personnalitejuridique de l'Union Europeenne: Amsterdam persiste et signe. 41. Thomas W. Waelde : A Requiem for the "New International Economic Order" The Rise and Fall of Paradigms in International Economic Law and a Post-Mortem with Timeless Significance. 42. Friedl Weiss : Die Spannung Volk - Nation - Europa im Wandel von Herr- schaftsverhaitnissen am Beispiel Österreichs. 43. Rüdiger Wolfrum : Die Bewertung von intennationalen EnteignungsansprUchen unter besonderer BerUcksichtigung der Rechtsprechung des Iran/us Claims Tribunals. 44. Karl Zemanek : Is the Term "Soft Law" Convenient? INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Stockholm declaration; Kyoto protocol; TEU; ToA; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention for the protection of cultural property; UDHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action; |
2. | Tomasevski, Katarina : Responding to human rights violations 1946-1999, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Responding to human rights violations 1946-1999 / Tomasevski, Katarina - ( International studies in human rights ; vol. 63), xiv, 420 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. ISBN 90-411-13681-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: Evolution of multilateralism:. 1. Multilateral passage from rights to violators. 2. The first multilateral sanctions. 3. Limitations of multilateralism : Israel between the West and the Middle East. PART II : The United States as trendsetter in unilateralism. 4. Containment of communism 5. Wielding the aid lever. PART III : Unilateralism and multilateralism in practice: 6. South America. 7. The Middle East and North Africa. 8. Asia. 9. Africa. PART IV : Towards a post-humna-rights-era? 10. Sanctions against Iraq. 11. Fortress Europe and Eastern Europe PART V: A look and a look forward: 12. The pattern of condemnations and sanctions. 13. After this past, what future? INDEX WORDS:
3. | Oloka-Onyango, J. : Poverty, human rights and the Quest for sustainable human development in structurally-adjusted Uganda, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Poverty, human rights and the Quest for sustainable human development in structurally-adjusted Uganda / Oloka-Onyango, J. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights (NQHR) : vol. 18; no. 1., p. 23-44. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
4. | Murphy, Sean D. : United States' practice in international law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph United States' practice in international law : volume 1:1999-2001 / Murphy, Sean D., xxiv, 512 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2002. ISBN 0-521-75070-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Preface Judge Thomas Buergenthal. Table of treaties; 1. General international and US foreign relations law. 2. State diplomatic and consular relations. 3. State jurisdiction and immunities. 4. State responsibility and liability. 5. International organizations. 6. International law and nonstate actors. 7. International oceans, environment, health, and aviation law. 8. International economic law. 9. International human rights. 10. International criminal law. 11. Use of force and arms control. 12. Settlement of disputes. 13. Private international law. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Argentina / Sia / Australia / Austria / Belarus / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Burma / Cambodia / Canada / Chile / China / Colombia / Congo / Costa Rica / Cuba / Czech Republic / Denmark / East Timor / Ecuador / Egypt / El Salvador / Eritrea / Ethiopia / France / Gambia / Georgia / Germany / Guatemala / Ghana / Greece / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Ireland / Italy / japan / Jordan / Lebanon / Libya / Macedonia / Malaysia / Mexico / Middle East / Moldova / Myanmar / Morocco / Montenegro / Namibia / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nigeria / North Korea / Northern Ireland / Pakistan / Palestine / Paraguay / Peru / Philippines / Portugal / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Romania / San Marino / Saudi Arabia / Serbia / Sierra Leone / Slovakia / Slovenia / South Africa / South Korea / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Sweden / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Thailand / Tibet / Togo / Peru / Ukraine / United Kingdom / Venezuela / Viet Nam / Yemen / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Warsaw convention; Genocide convention; Vienna convention on consular relations; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Stockholm convention;
URL http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521750709 |
5. | Shany, Yuval : The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals / Shany, Yuval, lxix, 348 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2003. ISBN 0-19-925857-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. INTRODUCTION:. 1. International law at a time of tarnsformation: the proliferation of international courts and tribunals. 2. Methodology. 3. Scope of research. 4. Focal questions. PART I: OVERLAPS BETWEEN THE JURISDICTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS. 1. What constitutes competing proceedings? 2. Delineation of jurisdictional overlaps : theory and practice. PART II : LEGAL AND POLICY ISSUES CONCERNING THE COPMPETITION BETWEEN THE JURISDICTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS. 3. Jurisdictional competition in view of the systematic nature of international courts and tribunals. 4. Jurisdiction-regulating norms governing competition involving domestic courts : should they be introduced into international law? PART III: THE LAW GOVERNING COMPETITION BETWEEN THE JURISDICTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS:LEX LATA AND LEX FERENDA. 5. Competition-regulating norms found in instruments governing the jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals. 6. Jurisdiction-regulating norms, derived from sources other than treaties, as applied by international courts and tribunals. 7. Possibilities for future improvement INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / United Kingdom / Germany / Netherlands NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; CAT; CEDAW; CERD; ECHR; ICCPR; Convention on the law of the sea; ESC; Framework convention on climate change; CWC; Migrant workers convention; CAT; |
6. | Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence (ed.) : International organizations and international dispute settlement, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International organizations and international dispute settlement : trends and prospects / Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence (ed.) ; Romano, Cesare P. R. ; Mackenzie, Ruth, xxiii, 283 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational publ., 2002. ISBN 1-57105-273-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I : GENERAL OVERVIEW: PART II : The European Union and international judicial bodies. PART III : International organizations and the International Court of Justice. PART IV : International organizations and amicus curiae. PART V: Liaisons dangereuses : the independence of judicical bodies from the organizations of which they areorgans. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Havana charter for an international trade organization; The statute of the ICC; ECHRP-11; Protocol on the establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights; TEU;
URL http://www.transnationalpubs.com/showbook.cfm?bookid=10216 |
7. | Kuokkanen, Tuomas : International and the expropriation of natural resources, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series International and the expropriation of natural resources / Kuokkanen, Tuomas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The Finnish yearbook of international law (FYBIL) : 2000 : vol. XI / Koskenniemi, M. (Ed.-in-Chief), p. 325-358. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2003. ISBN 90-411-1792-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states (ICSID convention); Charter of economic rights and duties of states; |
8. | O'Brien, John : International law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series International law / O'Brien, John. - repr.., cix, 861 p.. - London : Cavendish publ., 2002. ISBN 1-85941-630-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Nature and History of Public International Law. 2. International Law and the Modern World. 3. The Sources of International Law. 4. International Law and Municipal Law. 5. The Subjects of International Law. 6. Recognition of States and Governments. 7. Territory. 8. Jurisdiction. 9. Sovereign Immunity. 10. Diplomatic and Consular Relations. 11. The Law Relating to Treaties. 12. The Law of State Responsibility. 30. 13. The Law of the Sea. 14. Air Law and Space Law. 15. The International Law of Human Rights. 16. Human Rights: The Regional Framework. 17. International Environmental Law. 18. State Succession. 19. International Economic Law. 20. The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Between States. 21. International Law and the Use of Force by States. 22. The United Nations. 23. International Institutions. 24. The Law of Armed Conflict. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ECHR; ECPT; ESC; ICCPR; ICESCR; Rio declaration; |
9. | Frowein, Jochen (ed.) : Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law : volume 6 : 2002 / Frowein, Jochen (ed.), xvi, 610 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1990-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Between Impunity and Show Trials, by M. Koskenniemi. 2. Third Parties and the Law of Treaties, by M. Fitzmaurice. 3. Opening the International Court of Justice to Third States: Intervention and Beyond, by P. Palchetti. 4. ITLOS: The First Six Years, by P. Chandrasekhara Rao. 5. The Fight against Impunity under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by A. Siebert-Fohr. 6. South Africa and the International Criminal Court, by H. Strydom. 7. Legal Aspects of Modern Submarine Warfare, by J.A. Roach. 8. The UNESCO Convention on Underwater Cultural Heritage and the International Law of the Sea, by M. Rau. 9. Environmental Financing: Function and Coherence of Financial Mechanisms in International Environmental Agreements, by N. Matz. 10. The Security Council's Authorization of Enforcement Action by Regional Organizations, by U. Villani. 11. The Status of the Taliban: Their Obligations and Rights under International Law, by R. Wolfrum, C.E. Philipp. Book Reviews INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Genocide convention; The statute of the ICC; ICCPR; UN charter-51;
URL http://www.mpil.de/ww/en/pub/research/details/publications/institute/mpyunl/volume_6.cfm |
10. | Mendes, errol : Global governance, economy and law, |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Global governance, economy and law : waiting for justice / Mendes, errol ; Mehmet, Ozay ISBN 0-415-28263-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The "tragic flaw" of humanity reflected in the United Nations and the struggle for human rights. 2. World trade: for whose benefit?. 3. Power and responsibility: the ethical and international legal duties of the global private sector. 4. From a "race-to-the-bottom" to social justice in the global labor market. 5. The failure of the international financial system and financing global justice. the World Development Fund: a global Marshall Plan. 6. Toward global pluralism. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Asia / Australia / Bangladesh / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Cambodia / Canada / Chile / China / Cuba / East Timor / Egypt / El Salvador / France / Georgia / Guatemala / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Japan / Jordan / Kuwait / Liberia / Libya / Middle East / Myanmar / Namibia / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Saudi Arabia / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Slovakia / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Sudan / Syria / Taiwan / Thailand / Uganda / USA / Yemen / Zaire / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; ToA; ADRD; Biodiversity convention; CEDAW; Genocide convention; ECHR; Genocide convention; Havana charter; AMR; CAT; Treaty of Nice; Guidelines for Multinational enterprises; The statute of the ICC; ICCPR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UN charter; |
11. | Roos, Stefanie Ricarda : Die Weltbank als implementierungsgarant menschenrechtsschützender Völkerrechtsnormen, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Die Weltbank als implementierungsgarant menschenrechtsschützender Völkerrechtsnormen : eine Untersuchung der satzungsrechtlichen Zulässigkeit und völkerrechtlichen gebotenheit einer projektbezogenen Menschenrechtskonditionalisierung = SUMMARY: The World Bank's role as a guarantor for the implementation of international human rights law / Roos, Stefanie Ricarda REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländiches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 63/4., p. 1035-1062. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 2003. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
12. | Gallagher, Peter : Guide to the WTO and developing countries, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Guide to the WTO and developing countries / Gallagher, Peter - (WTO guide series ; 2), xxii, 343 p.. - London : Kluwer Law International, 2000. ISBN 90-411-9799-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents Foreword Biographical Note Members of WTO I. The WTO and Developing Countries II. How the WTO Helps Developing Countries III. Outcomes of the Uruguay Round IV. Monitoring of Trade Policies V. Trade and Investment VI. Electronic Commerce VII. Trade and Competition Policy VIII. Trade and the Environment IX. Labour Standards X. Agreement on Government Procurement XI. Participation in the Trading System XII. Developing Countries and Regional Agreements XIII. Market Access XIV. WTO Technical Assistance for Developing Countries XV. WTO Provisions Related to Developing Countries XVI. Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation (WTO) XVII. Agreements on Trade in Goods XVIII. General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) XIX. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights XX. Understanding on Dispute Settlement XXI. Trade Policy Review Mechanism XXII. Ministerial Decisions and Declarations Case Studies INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.aspenpublishers.com/Product.asp?catalog_name=Aspen&category_name=&product_id=9041197990 |
13. | Amerasinghe, C. F. : Principles of the institutional law of international organizations, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Principles of the institutional law of international organizations / Amerasinghe, C. F.. - 2. rev. ed.. - (Cambridge studies in international and comparative law), xxxiv, 535 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2005. ISBN 0-521-54557-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Table of cases. 1. Introduction. 2. Interpretation of texts. 3. Legal personality. 4. Membership and representation. 5. Non-judicial organs of organizations. 6. Acts of non-judicial organs: their legal effect. 7. Acts of non-judicial organs: the doctrine of ultra vires. 8. Judicial organs. 9. The internal law: employment relations. 10. Privileges and immunities. 11. Financing. 12. Responsibility to and of international organizations. 13. The liability of member states vis-a-vis third parties. 14. Amendment of constitutions. 15. Dissolution and succession. 16. The peaceful settlement of dispute. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Albania / Argentina / Austria / Belgium / Cambodia / China / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Cyprus / Czech republic / Czechoslovakia / Egypt / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Iceland / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Italy / Japan / Jordan / Kuwait / Lebanon / Mexico / Mongolia / Namibia / Netherlands / North Korea / Pakistan / Russian Federation / South Africa / USSR / Switzerland / Syria / USA / Yugoslavia / Zanzibar NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; UN charter-chapter VII; Vienna convention on the law of treaties;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521545579 |
14. | McBeth, Adam : International economic actors and human rights, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International economic actors and human rights / McBeth, Adam - (Routledge research in international law), xx, 364 p.. - London : Routledge, 2010. ISBN 978-0-415-48670-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Human Rights in International Law. 3. The nature of Human Rights Obligations for Various International Actors. 4. International Trade Law and the World Trade Organization. 5. International Financial Institutions: The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. 6. Multinational Enterprises. 7. Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Protocol of San Salvador; ACHPR; Cartagena protocol; UN charter; CAT; The worst forms of child labour (ILO convention no. 182); Convention on biological diversity; Declaration onthe right to development; ESC; CERD; ICCPR; ICESCR; Slavery convention; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna declaration and programme of action;
URL http://www.routledge.com/books/International-Economic-Actors-and-Human-Rights-isbn9780415486705 |
15. | Broude, Tomer (ed.) : The shifting allocation of authority in international law, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The shifting allocation of authority in international law : considering sovereignty, supremacy and subsidiarity / Broude, Tomer (ed.) ; Shany, Yuval - (Studies in international law ; vol. 19), viii, 437 p.. - Oxford : Hart, 2008 . ISBN 978-1-84113-797-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I: The Structures of International Law:. 1. The Centripede and the Centrifuge: Principles for the Centralisation and Decentralisation of Governance, by Thomas M Franck. 2. On the Causes of Uncertainty and Volatility in International Law, by W Michael Reisman. 3. Structural Paradigms of International Law, by Dirk Pulkowski. 4. Subsidiarity as a Method of Policy Centralisation, by Gareth Davies. 5. Fragmentation(s) of International Law: On Normative Integration as Authority Allocation, by Tomer Broude. II: International Authority and the State:. 6. State Sovereignty, International Legality and Moral Disagreement, by Brad R Roth. 7. Democracy without Sovereignty: The Global Vocation of Political Ethics, by Robert L Howse and Kalypso Nicolaidis. 8. Subsidiarity, Fragmentation and Democracy: Towards the Demise of General International Law?, by Andreas L Paulus. III: Allocation of Authority among Judicial Bodies:. 9. Towards a Solange-Method between International Courts and Tribunals?, by Nikolaos Lavranos. 10. Exercise in Constitutional Tolerance? When Public International Law Meets Private International Law: Bosphorus Revisited, by Iris Canor. 11. Domestic Courts and Sovereignty, by Amichai Cohen. IV: Allocations of Authority in Specific Normative Contexts:. 12. Regionalism, Economic Interdependence, Approximation of Laws and their Impact on Sovereignty, National Identity, and Legitimacy: The Euro-Med Case, by Guy Harpaz. 13. Conflicting Obligations in International Investment Law: Investment Tribunals’ Perspective, by Moshe Hirsch. 14. Multi-level Accountability: A Case Study of Accountability in the Aftermath of the Srebrenica Massacre, by André Nollkaemper. 15. Territorial Administration by Non-territorial Sovereigns, by Malcolm N Shaw QC. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Basel convention; ECHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; UNESCO world heritage convention;
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841137971 |
16. | Karavias, Markos : Corporate obligations under international law, 2013 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Corporate obligations under international law / Karavias, Markos, xx, 228 p.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-19-967438-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The concept of corporate obligations under international law. 2. Corporate obligations under treaty law. 3. Corporate obligations under customary international law. 4. Corporate obligations under internationalized functional contracts. 5. The structural framework for corporate obligations in the context of human rights. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHR; ACHPR; ECHR; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ICESCR: OECD bribery convention; Nuremberg charter; ICC statute; UNCLOS |