1. | Piispanen, Kirsi : Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Poliisin tiedoksisaamisoikeudesta salassapidettäviin tietoihin / Piispanen, Kirsi REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Juhlakirja Kaarlo Tuori 50 vuotta / van Aerschot, P.; Ilveskivi, P.; Piispanen, K. (toim.), p. 29-42. - Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston julkisoikeuden laitos, 1998. ISBN 951-45-8101-6 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
2. | PART 3 : Forms of judicial protection in the European legal order, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph PART 3 : Forms of judicial protection in the European legal order / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Liber amicorum in honour of Lord Slynn of Hadley : volume I : judicial review in European Union law / O'Keeffe, D.; Bavasso, A. (eds.) O'Keeffe, D.; Bavasso, A. (eds.), p. 235-362. - Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2000. ISBN 90-411-1372-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 17. John Temple Lang : The principle of effective protection of Community law rights. 18. Denys Simon : The sanction of member states' serious violations of community law. 19. Cynthia Craw'ford Lichtenstein : Public Liability in US Courts and Brasserie du Pecheur and Factortame in the European Court 20. Deirdre Curtin: The "EU Human Rights Charter" and the Union Legal Order: the 'Banns'efore the Ma rriage. 21. Peter Oliver : Fundamental rights in European Union Law after the Treaty of Amsterdam. 22. David Anderson: Shifting the "Grundnorm" and Other Tales. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art. 10 (EEC treaty); ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; Dublin convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
3. | Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.) : The European Union and the international legal order, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / Kronenberger, Vincent (ed.), xvi, 640 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001. ISBN 90-6704-129-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Foreword, by Paul J.G. Kapteyn. Introduction, by Vincent Kronenberger. PART ONE: The European Union and International Law:. 1. Nanette A.E.M. Neuwahl: Legal Personality of the European Union – International and institutional aspects. 2. Michael Hofstötter: Suspension of Rights by International Organisations – The European Union, the European Communities and other international organisations. 3. Allan Rosas: The European Union and International Human Rights Instruments. 4. Jörg Polakiewicz: Relationship Between the European Convention on Human Rights and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – Some proposals for a coherent system of human rights protection in Europe. PART TWO: The European Communities and the International Legal Order:. 5. Andrea Ott: Thirty Years of Case-law by the European Court of Justice on International Law – A pragmatic approach towards its integration. 6. Bernd Martenczuk: Decisions of Bodies Established by International Agreements and the Community Legal Order. 7. Ramon Torrent: Individual Third Countries, Member States, the European Community and the world at large – How do they fit together? A very general reflection of a very particular case: Andorra. 8. Wybe Th. Douma: How Safe is Safe? The EU, the USA and the WTO Codex Alimentarius Debate on Food Safety Issues. 9. Mariëlle D. Matthee: Regulating Scientific Expertise with Regard to Risks Deriving from Genetically Modified Organisms – Procedural rules on Risk Assessment Committees under European Community and International Law. 10. Muriel Échégut-Vigroux: The International Government Procurement Agreement and the EC Legal Order. 11. Raimund Raith: The European Community, the WTO-TRIPs Agreement and the WIPO Conventions. 12. Geert A. Zonnekeyn: EC Liability for Non-implementation of Adopted WTO Panels and Appellate Body Reports – The example of the ‘innocent exporters’ in the banana case. 13. Ingrid Nitsche: Extraterritoriality and International Co-operation – The state of play in EC-USA relations in competition matters. 14. Barbara Jésus-Gimeno: International and Community Obligations of the Member States in the Field of Social Security Schemes – Which impact for migrant workers?. 15. Monica den Boer and Gilles de Kerchove: A Hurdled Admission: the Integration of Candidate Countries into the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. PART THREE: Common Foreign and Security Policy and the International Legal Order:. 16. Stephan Marquardt: The Conclusion of International Agreements Under Article 24 of the Treaty on European Union. 17. Vincent Kronenberger: Common Foreign and Security Policy – International Law aspects of the Association of Third States with the common positions of the Council of the European Union. 18. Jan Wouters: The European Union as an Actor Within the United Nations General Assembly. 19. Ramses A. Wessel: The EU as a Black Widow: Devouring the WEU to Give Birth to a European Security and Defence Policy. 20. Panos Koutrakos: Inter-pillar Approaches to the European Security and Defence Policy – The economic aspects of security. 21. Richard Desgagné: European Union Practice in the Field of International Humanitarian Law – An overview. PART FOUR: Justice and Home Affairs, Police and Judicial Co-operation in criminal matters and the International Legal Order:. 22. Conny Rijken and Vincent Kronenberger: The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime and the European Union. 23. Meri Rantala: A Treaty Labyrinth of Legal Co-operation in Criminal Matters – Can Europe find Ariadne’s thread?. 24. Carlos Gimeno Verdejo: International Conventions and EU Law on the Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Goods – Complementarity and conflicts. 25. Conny Rijken: Legal and Technical Aspects of Co-operation Between EUROPOL, Third States and INTERPOL. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEC; TEU; ECHR; ESC; ICCPR; CEDAW; UN charter; EU charter of fundamental rights; Cartagena protocol on biosafety to the convention on biological diversity; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
4. | Bas Arts (ed.) : Non-state actors in international relations, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Non-state actors in international relations / Bas Arts (ed.) ; Noortmann, Math ; Reinalda, Bob - (Non-state actors in international law, politics and government series), xvi, 318 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2001. ISBN 0-7546-1848-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Non-state actors in international relations: do they matter?, Bob Reinalda, Bas Arts and Math Noortmann. PART I : Three Perspectives: Political Science, Policy Studies and International Law: 2. Private in form, public in purpose: NGOs in international relations theory, Bob Reinalda. 3. International policy arrangements of state and non-state actors, Bas Arts; 4. Non-state actors in international law, Math Noortmann. PART II: International Relations Theory, Nation-States and Non-State Actors:. 5. The relevance of being important or the importance of being relevent? state and non-state actors in international relations theory, Anton Weenink. 6. The de-territorialization of political authority by the European Union, Hans Vollaard. 7. Defining national preferences: the influence of international non-state actors, Femke Van Esch. 8. Non-state actors in foreign policy making: a policy subsystem approach, Bertjan Verbeek and Philip Quarles Van Ufford. 9. Theorizing power relations between NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and states, Bob Reinalda and Bertjan Verbeek. PART III : Non-State Actors in International Arenas:. 10. The influence of trade unions on the social clause controversy in the international labour organization and its working party, Gerda Van Roozendaal. 11. Co-operation and discord: NGOs and the NAFTA, Barbara Hogenboom. 12. The impact of environmental NGOs on international conventions, Bas Arts. 13. Multinational enterprises and international climate policy, Ans Kolk. PART IV: International Civil Society:. 14. Building transnational advocacy networks before 1965: diffusion from the Indian nationalist movement to the American civil rights movement, Sean Chabot. 15. The impact of private aid agencies on civil society development, Kees Biekart. 16. Early-warning by NGOs in conflict areas, Edwin Bakker. 17. The Russian Mafiya: a private actor in international relations?, Anton Weenink. PART V : Conclusion:. 18. The quest for unity in empirical and conceptual complexity, Math Noortmann, Bas Arts and Bob Reinalda. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; ToA; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Treaty of Utrecht; Framework convention on climate change;
URL http://www.ashgate.com/shopping/title.asp?key1=&key2=&orig=results&isbn=0%207546%201848%20X |
5. | Corstens, Geert : European criminal law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European criminal law / Corstens, Geert ; Pradel, Jean, xii, 650 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. ISBN 90-411-1362-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Foreword. Abbreviations. Introduction. Part One: European Inter-state Co-operation in Criminal Matters (Council of Europe and the European Union). Title 1: Co-operation in General Matters. 1: Primary Mutual Assistance. 2: Secondary Mutual Assistance. Title 2: Co-operation in Special Applications. 1: Conventions Relating to Certain Offences. 2: Conventions Relating to Certain Individuals. Part Two: Criminal Law And The European Convention On Human Rights (Council of Europe). Title 1: The Human Rights Jurisdictions: A Study of the European Court of Human Rights. Title 2: Content of Human Rights. 1: Paramount Rights. 2: Procedural Rights. Part Three: Criminal Law and Community Law (European Union). Title 1: Bodies And Institutions. Title 2: The Sources. 1: Formal Diversity of the Sources. 2: Actual Uniformity Behind The Sources: Respect For Fundamental Rights. Title 3: Operation (The positive and negative effects of Community legislation on national criminal law) 1: The Negative Effect: The Incompatibility of the Provisions of National Law with Community Law. 2: The Positive Effect: Obligations of Member States with respect to Criminal Law. Appendix I: Glossary. Annex II: European Convention of Human Rights and its protocols. Appendix III: Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; CAT; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; TEU; ToA; ECHR; ECPT; European convention of mutual assistance; Schengen convention; Treaty of Nice; |
6. | Levasseur, Alain : The law of European Union, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The law of European Union : a new constitutional order / Levasseur, Alain ; Scott, Richard F., liii, 1079 p.. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2001 . ISBN 0-89089-834-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. History at a glance from "war" to "union". 2. The European Union : structure and constitutional principles. 3. Institutional framework of the European Union. 4. Decision-making system. 5. The EC Court system : structure, functions and procedure. 6. Sources of law and methods of interpretation. 7. Community law and national legal orders. 8. Preliminary references and rulings. 9. Judicial review : action for annulment, action for failure to act and exception of illegality. 10. Actions for infringement or actions for enforcement of the treaty. 11. Issues of liability. 12. External relations : EU foreign policy powers, consraints and actions. 13. Enlargement. 14. EU security and defense. 15. Justice and home affirs in the European Union. INDEX WORDS:
7. | May-Chahal, Corinne (co-ord.) : Child sexual abuse in Europe, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Child sexual abuse in Europe / May-Chahal, Corinne (co-ord.) ; Herczog, Maria, x, 246 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2003. ISBN 92-871-5118-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Foreword: Secretary General, Council of Europe . PART I - OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: 1. Introduction and Overview of Child Sexual Abuse in Europe, by Corinne May-Chahal and Maria Herczog . 2. Addressing sexual exploitation in the pan-European Community, by Stewart Asquith. PART II - COUNTRY CASE STUDIES:. 3. Sexually Abused Children in Romania, by by S. Bumbulut and M. Roth 4. Recognition and prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in Germany, by Ute Thyen and Irene Johns. 5. Child Sexual Abuse in Poland - The Process of Revealing a Social Problem, by M Sajkowska. 6. Child Sexual in England, by Ilan Katz. PART III : KEY ISSUES IN RESPONDING TO CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: 7. Perpetrators and Victims of Child Sexual Abuse: Identifying the legal obstacles to rehabilitation in three EU Countries, by by M. Angeles Cerezo, Kieran McGrath and Francien Lamers-Winkelman. 8. Therapeutic help for Victims and their Families, by Marc Gerard and Louisette de Wyck. 9. Working with Perpetrators, by Friedemann Pfäfflin. 10. The Collection and Use of Personal Information on Child Sex Offenders across Europe, by Terry Thomas. 11. Helplines for Children, by Sarah Williams. CONCLUSION - towards effective responses, by Corinne May-Chahal and Maria Herzcog. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Croatia / Estonia / Russian Federation / Romania / Slovakia / Former Yugoslavia / Macedonia / United Kingdom / Netherlands / Belgium / Germany NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ESC; CRC; TEU; Europol convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: CoE |
8. | Eser, Albin (ed.) : The individual as subject of international cooperation in criminal matters, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The individual as subject of international cooperation in criminal matters : a comparative study / Eser, Albin (ed.) ; Lagodny, Otto ; Blakesley, Christopher L. - (Rechtsvergleichende untersuchungen zur gesamten strafrechtswissenschaft ; vol. 27), xlix, 770 p.. - Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2002. ISBN 3-7890-7837-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Part 1: The questionnaire. Part 2: National reports:. Part 1: Cooperation within the framework of the European Community. 1. Sources of law. 2. Administrative proceedings and assistance by the European Community. Part 2: Cooperation within the framework of the European Union. 1. Sources of law. 2. Mutual assistance and cooperation in customs affairs. 3. Cooperation in criminal matters between the member states of the European Union. 4. Choice of the forum. 5. Extradition between member states of the European Union. 6. Cross-border enforcement of sanctions between the member states of the European Union. FINLAND. GERMANY. ITALY. THE NETHERLANDS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Part 3: Comparative overview. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, United States of America NOTE (GENERAL): Treaty of Maastricht, ToA, TEU, Schengen convention, ECHR, European extradition convention, European convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters, Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons, Europol convention |
9. | Ladenburger, Clemens : The resources of European security - developing the EU treaty bases for police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The resources of European security - developing the EU treaty bases for police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters / Ladenburger, Clemens REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Revue Europeenne de droit public = European review of public law : vol. 20; no. 1., p. 125-150. - London : Esperia, 2008. - ISSN 1105-1590 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Art. 34(TEU); Treaty of Lisbon; |
10. | de Zwaan, Jaap W. (ed.) : Freedom, security and justice in the European Union, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Freedom, security and justice in the European Union : implementation of the Hague programme / de Zwaan, Jaap W. (ed.) ; Goudappel, Flora A.N.J., xvi, 292 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2006. ISBN 978-90-6704-225-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introductory speeches: 1. Piet-Hein Donner: The Hague Programme. 2 Franco Frattini: The Hague Programme: our future investment in democratic stability and democratic security. 3. Alexander Sorel Asylum, migration and border controls in the Hague Programme. 4. Marjorie A.C. Bonn Establishing the Hague Programme, strengthening freedom, security and justice. BORDERS AND VISA: 1. Silvia Romein: EU border and visa policy: current state of affairs. 2. Elspeth Guild: Danger – borders under construction: assessing the first five years of border policy in an area of freedom, security and justice. 3. Jörg Monar: The external shield of the area of freedom, security and justice: progress and deficits of the integrated management of external EU borders. ASYLUM AND IMMIGRATION: 1. JaapW. de Zwaan: EU asylum and immigration law and policy: state of affairs in 2005. 2. Pieter Boeles: What rights have migrating third-country nationals? 3. Kemal Kirisci: The Hague Programme: challenges of Turkish pre-accession in the area of asylum, migration and border control. 4. Steve Peers: The Schengen Information System and EC immigration and asylum law. POLICE AND CRIMINAL LAW CO-OPERATION: 1. Flora A.N.J. Goudappel: Third Pillar co-operation. 2. Willy Bruggeman: A vision on future police cooperation with a special focus on Europol. 3. Monica den Boer: New dimensions in EU police co-operation: the Hague Milestones for what they are worth. 4. Cyrille Fijnaut: The Hague Programme and police cooperation between the Member States of the EU. 5. Tom Blom: From The Hague to The Hague: programmes against drug use. INDEX WORDS:
11. | Donatsch, Andreas ... [et al.] : Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Menschenrechte , 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Menschenrechte : Festschrift für Stefan Trechsel zum 65. Geburtstag / Donatsch, Andreas ... [et al.], xviii, 909 p.. - Zürich : Schulthess, 2002. ISBN 3-7255-4424-7 LANGUAGE: GER, ENG ABSTRACT: Inhaltsverzeichnis, u.a.: Menschenrechte im Allgemeinen Europaische Menschenrechtskonvention:. 1. IRENEU CABRAL BARRETO: La jurisprudence de la nouvelle Cour europeenne des Droits de l'Homme sur l'article 7 de la Convention europeenne des Droits de l'Homme. 2. JOCHEN ABR. FROWEIN: Die Verklammerung der Europaischen Union als Verfassungsgemeinschaft mit der EMRK. 3. FRANZ MATSCHER: Bemerkungen zur extraterritorialen oder indirekten Wirkung der EMRK. 4. CARL AAGE NORGAARD: Human Rights and the Prosecutor. 5. MANFRED NOWAK: Verhiitung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch preventives Besuchssystem Controlling der Sicherheitsexekutive durch Menschenrechtsbeirat in Österreich. 6. MATTI PELLONPÄÄ: Der europaische Gerichtshof fur Menschenrechte und der Aufbau des Rechtsstaats in den neuen Demokratien. 7. MARTIN SCHUBARTH: Der europaische Richter - ein unabhangiger Richter? Mit Hinweisen zum schweizerischen Recht. 8. RAINER J. SCHWEIZER, PATRICK SUTTER: Das Institut der abweichenden oder zustimmenden Richtermeinung im System der EMRK : Und dessen Gebrauch durch STEFAN TRECHSEL. 9. JEAN-CLAUDE SOYER: L'avenir des droits de l'homme. Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht:. 1. WINFRIED HASSEMER: Naturrecht im Verfassungsrecht. 2.TOBIAS JAAG: Verwaltungsrechtliche Sanktionen und Verfahrensgarantien der EMRK. 3. DANIEL THURER: Deliberative Demokratie und Abstimmungsdemokratie Zur Idee der demokratischen Gerechtigkeit im europaisch-staathchen Spannungsfeld. Internationales Strafrecht, Volkerstrafrecht, Auslieferung, internationale Rechts- und Amtshilfe in Strafsachen:. 1. CHRISTOPHER L. BLAKESLEY: Ruminations on Extradition & Human Rights. 2. ALBIN ESER: Harmonisierte Universalitat nationaler Strafgewalt: ein Desiderat internationaler Komplementaritat bei Verfolgung von Volkerrechtsverbrechen. 3. GUNTER HEINE: Europol und Europaisierung des Rechts: Grundprobleme und Perspektiven, auch fur die Schweiz. 5. OTTO LAGODNY: Viele Strafgewalten und nur ein transnationales ne-bis-in-idem?. 6. LAURENT MOREILLON: Entraide judiciaire en matiere penale: le declin programme de la regie locus regit actum. 7. MARKUS REIC: Internationale Rechtshilfe der Schweiz in Fiskalstrafsachen. 8. CHRISTIAN SCHWARZENEGGER: Die internationale Harmonisierung des Computer- und Internetstrafrechts durch die Convention on Cybercrime vom 23. November 2001 Am Beispiel des Hackings, der unrechtm'a'ssigen Datenbeschaffung und der Verletzung des Fernmeldegeheimnisses. INDEX WORDS:
12. | Karanja, Stephen Kabera : Transparency and proportionality in the Schengen information system and border control co-operation, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Transparency and proportionality in the Schengen information system and border control co-operation / Karanja, Stephen Kabera - (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute : human rights library ; vol. 32), xxiii, 466 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2008. - ISSN 1388-3208 ISBN 978-90-04-16223-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part I: Background to the Research and the Schengen Co-operation:. 1. Introduction; 2. An Overview of the Schengen Co-operation. Part II: Theoretical Framework:. 3. Human Rights Law and Schengen. 4. International Human Rights Information Privacy. 5. Data Protection Laws and Schengen. 6. Data Protection Principles and Interests. Part III: Information Systems:. 7. The Schengen Information System and the SIRENE. 8. SIS Compliance with Article 8 ECHR and Data Protection Principles. 9. A Network of Related Cross-Border Information Systems. Part IV: Border Control Technologies and Policies:. 10. Border Control and Identification Techniques. 11. Border Control Legal Measures and Policies. Part V: Recommendations and Postscript:. 12. Post-11 September Protection of Individuals. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; ICCPR; EU charter of fundamental freedoms; EU constitution; Schengen convention; Europol convention; Eurodac convention; ECHR; TEU; ToA; |
13. | Arloth, Jana : The ESDP crisis management operations of the European Union and human rights, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The ESDP crisis management operations of the European Union and human rights / Arloth, Jana, 67 p.. - Berlin : Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, 2007. ISBN 978-3-937714-44-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; TEU; |
14. | Guild, Elspeth (ed.) : Security versus justice?, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Security versus justice? : police and judicial cooperation in the European Union / Guild, Elspeth (ed.) ; Geyer, Florian, xvi, 336 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7546-7359-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents: Introduction: the search for EU criminal law – where is it headed?, by Elspeth Guild and Florian Geyer. ACTORS:. 2. Security, freedom and accountability: Europol and Frontex, by Sonja Puntscher Riekmann. 3. Eurojust – a cornerstone of the federal criminal justice system in the EU?, by Jirí Vlastník. 4. The 3rd pillar and the Court of Justice: a 'praetorian communitarization' of police and judicial cooperation criminal matters?, by Eulalia Sanfrutos Cano. 5. EU member states' complicity in extraordinary renditions, by Judit Tóth. CONCEPTS AND INSTRUMENTS:. 6. EU police cooperation: national sovereignty framed by European security?,by Didier Bigo. 7. Too different to trust? First experiences with the application of the European arrest warrant, by Julia Sievers. 8. Reflexive governance and the EU 3rd pillar: analysis of data protection and criminal law aspects, by Gloria González Fuster and Pieter Paepe. LAW AND POLICY: 9. The competence question: the European Community and criminal law, by Valsamis Mitsilegas. 10. The proposal for a council framework decision on certain procedural rights in criminal proceedings throughout the European Union, by Mar Jimeno-Bulnes. 11. The 'Prüm Process': the way forward for EU police cooperation and data exchange?, by Rocco Bellanova. PRACTICE - ACHIEVEMENTS AND OBSTACLES:. 12. Policing a European border region: the case of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, by Toine Spapens. 13. Uniforms without uniformity: a critical look at European standards in policing, by Peter Hobbing. 14. Third pillar developments from a practitioner's perspective, by Richard Lang. 15. The EU counter-terrorism strategy and human rights in Central Asia: do as I say not as I do?, by Susie Alegre. A POSSIBLE FUTURE:. 16. The Reform Treaty and justice and home affairs: implications for the common area of freedom, security and justice, by Sergio Carrera and Florian Geyer. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Austria / Belgium / Bulgaria / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland / France / germany / Greece / Hungary / Iceland / Ireland / Italy / Japan / Latvia / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Russian Federation / Slovak Republic / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR; TEU; Schengen agreement; ToA; EU constitution; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&title_id=10006&edition_id=11243 |
15. | Brouwer, Evelien : Digital borders and real rights, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Digital borders and real rights : effective remedies for third-country nationals in the Schengen information system / Brouwer, Evelien - (Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 15), xxvii, 566 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2008. - ISSN 1568-2749 ISBN 978-90-04-16503-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Chapter 1: Introduction. PART I : Border Control and Data Surveillance in the EU:. Chapter 2: Towards Schengen: the abolition of internal border controls in Europe. Chapter 3: The Schengen Information System. Chapter 4: New functionalities for SIS I and the development of SIS II. Chapter 5: Other EU databases used in the field of immigration control: Eurodac and VIS. PART II : Effective Remedies under European Law:. Chapter 6: Data processing and the right to privacy: the importance of Article 8 ECHR. Chapter 7: Effective Remedies under Data Protection Law. Chapter 8: Effective remedies in immigration procedures: ECHR. Chapter 9: Effective Remedies under EC Immigration Law. Chapter 10: Effective remedies in the EU: a matter of basic principles. PART III : Implementation at the National Level:. Chapter 11: France. Chapter 12: Germany. Chapter 13: The Netherlands. Chapter 14: Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Schengen agreement; ECHR; EC treaty; TEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
16. | Helkala, Petra Susanna : Mänskliga rättigheter som skydd mot myndigheternas övervåld inom ramen för lagföring och överlämnande av terroristmisstänkta, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document Mänskliga rättigheter som skydd mot myndigheternas övervåld inom ramen för lagföring och överlämnande av terroristmisstänkta / Helkala, Petra Susanna, 119 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi Univ. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, 2008. LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Europe NOTE (THESIS): Master's thesis in public international law, [2008] NOTE (GENERAL): European convention on the suppression of terrorism; ICJ statute; UN charter; ECHR-3-15; CAT; ICC statute; Inter-American convention to prevent and punish torture; ECHRP-6; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: seminarierummet |
17. | Barnard, Catherine (ed.) : The outer limits of European Union law, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The outer limits of European Union law / Barnard, Catherine (ed.) ; Odudu, Okeoghene, vi, 446 s.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2009. ISBN 978-1-84113-860-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Outer Limits of European Union Law: Introduction, by Catherine Barnard and Okeoghene Odudu. 2. Competence and Legitimacy, by Stephen Weatherill. 3. Article 308 EC as the Outer Limit of Expressly Conferred Community Competence, by Alan Dashwood. 4. Which Limits? Control of Powers in an Integrated Legal System, by Herwig CH Hofmann. 5. Citizenship and Enlargement: The Outer Limits of EU Political Citizenship, by Jo Shaw. 6. European Police Cooperation and its Limits: From Intelligence-led to Coercive Measures?, by Konrad Lachmayer. 7. Expanding the Frontiers of European Union Citizenship by Dismantling the Territorial Boundaries of the National Welfare States?, by Michael Dougan. 8. The Outer Limits of EU Citizenship: Displacing Economic Free Movement Rights?, by Niamh Nic Shuibhne. 9. The Outer Limits of Article 28 EC: Purely Internal Situations and the Development of the Court’s Approach through the Years, by Alina Tryfonidou. 10. Economic Activity as a Limit to Community Law, by Okeoghene Odudu. 11. The Outer Limit of the Treaty Free Movement Provisions: Some Reflections on the Significance of Keck, Remoteness and Deliège, by Eleanor Spaventa. 12. Derogations, Justifications and the Four Freedoms: Is State Interest Really Protected, by Catherine Barnard. 13. The Application of EC law to Defence Industries—Changing Interpretations of Article 296 EC, by Panos Koutrakos. 14. National and EC Remedies under the EU Treaty: Limits and the Role of the ECHR, by Angela Ward. 15. Civil Antitrust Remedies Between Community and National Law, by Assimakis P Komninos. 16. Potency and Act of the Principle of Effectiveness: The Development of Competition Law Remedies and Procedures in Community Law, by Renato Nazzini. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania NOTE (GENERAL): EU treaty; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; Laeken declaration; Lisbon treaty; TEU; SEA; Treaty of Nice; Treaty of Paris; ToA; Schengen agreement; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841138602 |
18. | Barnard, Catherine (ed.) : The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies : 2008-2009, volume 11 / Barnard, Catherine (ed.) ; Odudu, Okeoghene, lv, 451 p.. - Oxford : Hart, 2009 . ISBN 978-1-84113-957-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1. Justice in Haste, Justice Denied? The European Court of Justice and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, by Allan Rosas. 2. Countering Anti-Constitutional Argument: The Reasons for the European Court of Justice’s Decision in Kadi and Al Barakaat, by Jo Eric Khushal Murkens. 3. The EU’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: A Lack of Fundamental Rights, Mutual Trust and Democracy?, by Sionaidh Douglas-Scott. 4. Developments (and Non-Developments) in the Harmonisation of EU Intellectual Property Law, by Catherine Seville. 5. Dealing with Viking and Laval: From Theory to Practice, by Robert O’Donoghue and Bruce Carr QC. 6. The Role of Exploitation in Abuse under Article 82 EC, by Pinar Akman 7. People-Trafficking: Some Reflections on the EU Legislation, and its Implementation in the UK, by John R Spencer QC. 8. Administrative Law and Multi-Level Administration: An EU and US Comparison, by Catherine Donnelly. 9. Connecting Tort and Crime: Comparative Legal History in England and Spain since 1850, by Matthew Dyson. 10. An Overview of Regulatory Innovation in the European Union, by Geert van Calster. 11. The ‘New’ French Constitution and the European Union, by Sophie Boyron. 12. Risk and the European Convention on Human Rights: Towards a New Approach, by Christopher Hilson. 13. Normative Interactions and the Development of Labour Law: A European Perspective, by Sophie Robin-Olivier. 14. Precedent and Judicial Lawmaking in Supreme Courts: The Court of Justice Compared to the US Supreme Court and the French Cour de Cassation, by Jan Komarek. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Cyprus / Czech Republic / France / Germany / Netherlands / Norway / Spain / United Kingdom / USA / Belgium / Brazil / Poland / Turkey NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UDHR; Aarhus convention; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; ESC; European patent convention; Laeken declaration; Lisbon treaty; Lugano convention; Luxembourg convention; Madrid protocol; UN charter; Rio declaration; ICCPR; ICESCR; Convention on biological diversity; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
19. | Rittberger, Berthold (ed.) : The constitutionalization of the European Union, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The constitutionalization of the European Union / Rittberger, Berthold (ed.) ; Schimmelfennig, Frank - (Journal of European public policy series), 179 p.. - New York : Routledge, 2007. ISBN 978-0-415-56865-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Explaining the constitutionalization of the European Union, by Berthold Rittberger and Frank Schimmelfennig. 2. Conditions for EU constitutionalization: a qualitative comparative analysis, by Frank Schimmelfennig, Berthold Rittberger, Alexander Bürgin and Guido Schwellnus. 3. Constitutionalization through enlargement: the contested origins of the EU’s democratic identity, by Daniel C. Thomas. 4. ‘No integration without representation!’ European integration, parliamentary democracy, and two forgotten Communities, by Berthold Rittberger. 5. Guarding the guards. The European Convention and the communitization of police co-operation, by Wolfgang Wagner. 6. Competition and community: constitutional courts, rhetorical action, and the institutionalization of human rights in the European Union, by Frank Schimmelfennig. 7. Reasons for constitutionalization: non-discrimination, minority rights and social rights in the Convention on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, by Guido Schwellnus. 8. Towards the constitutionalization of aliens’ rights in the European Union, by Sandra Lavenex. 9. Comment: Shaming the shameless? The constitutionalization of the European Union, by R. Daniel Kelemen. 10. Comment: Fact or artefact? Analysing core constitutional norms in beyond-the-state contexts, by Antje Wiener. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; ESC; ECHR; Laeken declaration; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; TEU; Treaty of Nice; CAT; CRC; ToA; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.taylorandfrancis.com/books/details/9780415568654/ |
20. | Curtin, Deirdre : Executive power of the European Union, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Executive power of the European Union : law, practices and the living constitution / Curtin, Deirdre. - repr.. - (The collected courses of the Academy of European law ; vol. XII/4), xxviii, 345 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P. , 2010. ISBN 978-0-19-926408-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. Topography and Layered Sediments. 1: Geology of the European Union. 2: Externalizing National Executive Power. 3: Balancing Executive Power. II: Tides of EU Reform:. 4: Political Executive Power. 5: Administrative Executive Power. 6: Satellite Executive Power. III: A Living EU Constitution:. 7: Unitary Executive Power. 8: Transparent Executive Power. 9: Accountable Executive Power. 10: Making Visible the Invisible. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; Lisbon treaty; ToA; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Europarätt |
21. | Ventrella, Matilde : The control of people smuggling and trafficking in the EU, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The control of people smuggling and trafficking in the EU : experiences from the UK and Italy / Ventrella, Matilde, 275 p.. - Farmham, Surrey : Ashagte, 2010. ISBN 978075467665 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Introduction. 2. The Limits of Law. 3. EU Law Enforcement Measures. 4. EU Migration Policies. 5. Comparative Analysis of British and Italian Law. 6. Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: United Kingdom / Italy NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; SOLAS convention; European convention on action against trafficking in human beings; Lisbon treaty; TEU; TFEU; Genocide convention; Convention against transnational organized crime; EU charter of fundamental rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Europarätt
URL http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&title_id=8503&edition_id=11512 |
22. | Piris, Jean-Claude : The Lisbon treaty, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Lisbon treaty : a legal and political analysis / Piris, Jean-Claude ; with a foreword by Angela Merkel - (Cambridge studies in European law and policy), xxii, 426 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-14234-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Albania / Austria / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Chad / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Estonia / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Indonesia / Iraq / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Netherlands / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Switzerland / Sweden / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; TEU; ToA; Laeken eclaration; Nice treaty; Lisbon treaty; EU charter of fundamental rights; TFEU; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item2704149/?site_locale=en_GB |
23. | Lindahl, Hans (ed.) : A right to inclusion and exclusion?, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph A right to inclusion and exclusion? : normative fault lines of the EU's area of freedom, security and justice / Lindahl, Hans (ed.) - (Essays in European law), xi, 285 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2009. ISBN 978-1-84113-949-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction: A Circularity and its Ramifications. I. Institutional Context:. 1. Political Discourses about Borders: On the Emergence of a European Political Community, by RICARD ZAPATA-BARRERO. 2. The Borders Paradox: The Surveillance of Movement in a Union without Internal Frontiers, by VALSAMIS MITSILEGAS. 3. Effective Rights for Third-Country Nationals?, by HELEN OOSTEROM-STAPLES. II. Theoretical Issues:. 4. Phenomenology of Space: Being Here and Elsewhere, by BERNHARD WALDENFELS. 5. Finding Normativity: Immigration Policy and Normative Formation, by PETER FITZPATRICK. 6. Breaking Promises to Keep Them: Immigration and the Boundaries of Distributive Justice, by HANS LINDAHL. 7. Migrants, Humans and Human Rights: The Right to Move as the Right to Stay, by BERT VAN ROERMUND. III. Politico-Legal Alternatives:. 8. The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and the Political Morality of Migration and Integration, by DORA KOSTAKOPOULOU. 9. Proximity and Paradox: Law and Politics in the New Europe, by BONNIE HONIG. 10. Citizenship and Electoral Rights in the Multi-Level ‘Euro-Polity’: The Case of The United Kingdom, by JO SHAW. 11. Denizenship and Deterritorialisation in the European Union, by NEIL WALKER. Index. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; EC treaty; ECHR; Dublin convention; Schengen convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
24. | Kaunert, Christian : European internal security, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European internal security : towards supranational governance in the area of freedom, security and justice / Kaunert, Christian - (Europe in change), xii, 269 p.. - Manchester : Manchester U. P., 2010. ISBN 978-0-7190-7941-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Supranational Policy Entrepreneurship and EU institutions. 2. A historical genealogy of an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. 3. EU Counter-terrorism cooperation and the role of EU institutions. 4. The external dimension of counter-terrorism cooperation (with Dr. Sarah Leonard). 5. The Common European Asylum System and Border Management: EU policy entrepreneurship?. 6. The External dimension of EU Asylum Policy and Border Management (with Dr. Sarah Leonard). 7. The Lisbon Treaty and the Institutionalisation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Conclusion: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; TFEU; Nice treaty; ToA; LIBRARY LOCATION: Domvillan SHELF CODE: Europarätt
URL http://www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/catalogue/book.asp?id=1204726 |
25. | Hailbronner, Kay (Hrsg.) : Zusammenarbeit der Polizei- und Justizverwaltungen in Europa, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Zusammenarbeit der Polizei- und Justizverwaltungen in Europa : die Situation nach Maastricht - Schengen und SIS / Hailbronner, Kay (Hrsg.) - (Kriminalistik - Wissenschaft & Praxis ; Bd. 33), vi, 150 p.. - Heidelberg : Kriminalistik-Verl., 1996. ISBN 3-7832-0796-7 LANGUAGE: GER, FRE, ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; Schengen convention; Dublin convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
26. | Peers, Steve : EU justice and home affairs law , 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU justice and home affairs law / Peers, Steve. - 3. ed.. - (Oxford EU library ), cxix, 983 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-0-19-960490-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1: Principles. 2: Institutional Framework. 3: Internal and External Borders. 4: Visas and Freedom to Travel. 5: Asylum. 6: Legal Migration. 7: Irregular Migration. 8: Civil Cooperation. 9: Criminal Law: Mutual Recognition and Criminal Procedure. 10: Substantive Criminal Law. 11: Criminal Law: Jurisdiction, Coordination, and Prosecution. 12: Policing and Security. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; TEU; SEA; TFEU; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/academic/law/9780199604906.do |
27. | Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) : The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs : governance, neighbours, security / Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) - (Palgrave studies in European Union politics), xii, 283 p.. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. ISBN 978-0-230-21977-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Frontiers of Governance: Understanding the External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs, by T.Balzacq. PART I: RECASTING INSTITUTIONS:. 2. The Genesis of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Alternative Narratives, Bureaucratic Competitions, by J.Jeandesboz. 3. ENP and EMP: The Geopolitics of 'Enlargement Lite', by A. Hadfield. PART II: REFRAMING GOVERNANCE:. 4. The EU as a Rule of Law Promoter in the ENP, by N.Wichmann. 5. The ENP and Political Conditionality: Double Standard in EU Democracy Promotion?, by E. Baracani. 6. The Mediterranean Dimension of EU's Internal Security, by S. Wolff. PART III: REDRAWING LINES:. 7. The ENP and Security: Creating New Dividing Lines in Europe?, by R. Zaiotti. 8. Very Remote Control: Policing the Outer Perimeter of the Eastern Neighbourhood, by I. Gatev. 9. 'Values vs. Security'?: A Human Security Perspective on the ENP, by S. Leonard. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Schengen agreement; TFEU; ToA; Treaty of Lisbon; TEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
28. | Eckes, Christina (ed.) : Crime within the area of freedom, security and justice, 2011 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Crime within the area of freedom, security and justice : a European public order / Eckes, Christina (ed.) ; Konstadinides, Theodore, xiv, 312 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2011. ISBN 978-1-107-00215-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. Introduction, by Christina Eckes and Theodore Konstadinides. 1. EU criminal justice: beyond Lisbon, by Maria Fletcher. 2. The European Union policy against corruption in the light of recent international developments, by Patrycja Szarek Mason. 3. The EU's anti-money laundering agenda: built on risks?, by Ester Herlin-Karnell. 4. EU anti-money laundering regulation: multilevel cooperation of public and private actors, by Maria Bergström. 5. The legal framework of the European Union's counter-terrorist policies: full of good intentions?, by Christina Eckes. 6. Organised crime: developments and challenges for an enlarged European Union, by Massimo Fichera. 7. The Europeanization of extradition: how many light years away to mutual confidence?, by Theodore Konstadinides. 8. The European evidence warrant: mutual recognition and mutual (dis)trust?, by Cian Murphy. 9. Law and order and internal security provisions in the area of freedom, security and justice: before and after Lisbon, by Alicia Hinarejos. 10. The external dimension of EU's area of freedom, security and justice by Ramses A. Wessel, Luisa Marin and Claudio Matera. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on the fight against corruption; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; Schengen agreement; TEU; Treaty of Lisbon; TFEU; UN convention against corruption; UN convention against terrorism; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
29. | Martenczuk, Bernd (ed.) : Justice, liberty, security, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Justice, liberty, security : new challenges for EU external relations / Martenczuk, Bernd (ed.) ; Thiel, Servaas van - (Institute for European studies - publication series ; no. 11), 525 p.. - Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2008. ISBN 978-90-5487-472-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: IMMIGRATION, ASYLUM AND BORDER CONTROLS. PART II: PRIVATE LAW. PART III: CRIMINAL MATTERS. PART IV: HORIZONTAL ISSUES. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty, ToA; TEU; Schengen convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
30. | Acosta Arcarazo, Diego (ed.) : EU security and justice law after Lisbon and Stockholm, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph EU security and justice law after Lisbon and Stockholm / Acosta Arcarazo, Diego (ed.) ; Murphy, Cian - (Modern studies in European law), xxxiii, 211 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2014. ISBN 978-1-84946-422-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Rethinking Europe’s Freedom, Security and Justice, by Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo. 2. Justice and Home Affairs Law since the Treaty of Lisbon: A Fairy-Tale Ending?, by Steve Peers. 3. Constitutional Principles in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, by Ester Herlin-Karnell. 4. Institutions and Agencies: Government and Governance after Lisbon, by Jorrit Rijpma. 5. Fundamental Rights and Judicial Protection, by Theodore Konstadinides and Noreen O’Meara. 6. Citizenship of the European Union, by Stephen Coutts. 7. EU Criminal Law Competence after Lisbon: From Securitised to Functional Criminalisation, by Valsamis Mitsilegas. 8. EU Migration Law: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead, by Dora Kostakopoulou, Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Tine Munk. 9. Life After Lisbon: EU Asylum Policy as a Factor of Migration Control, by Violeta Moreno-Lax. 10. Counter-Terrorism Law and Policy: Operationalisation and Normalisation of Exceptional Law after the ‘War on Terror’, by Cian C Murphy. 11. External Relations Law: How the Outside Shapes the Inside, by Christina Eckes. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; Schengen agreement; TFEU; Palermo convention; Treaty of Lisbon; ToA; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/BookDetails.aspx?ISBN=9781849464222 |