1. | Fijnaut, Cyrille (ed.) : Legal instruments in the fight against international terrorism, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Legal instruments in the fight against international terrorism : a transatlantic dialogue / Fijnaut, Cyrille (ed.) ; Wouters, Jan ; Naert, Frederik - (~), xliv, 744 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-13901-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Part I. The Immediate American and European Response to 11 September.. The Attacks on 11 September 2001, and the Immediate Response of the European Union and the United States, by C. Fijnaut. Part II. Police and Judicial Cooperation:. 1. International Judicial Cooperation and Counterterrorism in the US, by B. Zagaris. 2. Police and Judicial Cooperation in the European Union and Counterterrorism: an Overview, by J. Wouters and F. Naert. 3. Countering the Threat of Terrorism in the EU in a Broader Organised Crime Perspective, by W. Bruggeman. 4. EU Police Cooperation in the Fight against International Terrorism, by W.G. Aldershoff. 5. Eurojust and EU Judicial Cooperation in the Fight against Terrorism, by M. Coninsx. Part III. Financial Counterterrorism Initiatives:. 1. International Financial Counterterrorism Initiatives, by W. Gilmore. 2. Financial Counterterrorism Initiatives in Europe, by M. Kilchling. Part IV. Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law:. 1. Respecting Human Rights in the Fight against Terrorism, by P. Lemmens. 2. International Human Rights and the United States Response to 11 September, by D. Cassel. 3. Bull’s-eye? Two Remarkable EU Framework Decisions in the Fight against Terrorism, by F. Verbruggen. 4. General Human Rights Principles Relevant to US-EU Counterterrorism Cooperation, by I. Cameron. 5. Emergency Powers and Human Rights: the UK Experience, by C. Warbrick. Part V. International Law Aspects:. 1. Shockwaves through International Law after 11 September: Finding the Right Responses to the Challenges of International Terrorism, by J. Wouters and F. Naert. 2. Al-Qaida, Military Commissions, and American Self-Defence, by R. Wedgwood. 3. Reviewing the UN Conventions on Terrorism: Towards a Comprehensive Terrorism Convention, by A.R. Perera. 4. The Role and Attitude of the EU Regarding a Comprehensive Terrorism Convention, by P. Rietjens. 5. Security Council Resolution 1373 and the Counter-Terrorism Committee: the Cornerstone of the United Nations Contribution to the Fight against Terrorism, by E. Rosand. 6. Debating the ‘Smartness’ of Anti-Terrorism Sanctions: The UN Security Council and the Individual Citizen, by R. Wessel. Concluding Remarks, by J. Nicholson. Epilogue – Deepening the Transatlantic Dialogue, by J. Wouters, F. Naert and C. Fijnaut; INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Angola / Argentina / Asia / Australia / Austria / Bahamas / Belarus / Belgium / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Canada / Central African Republic / Chile / China / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cuba / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Ecuador / Egypt / El Salvador / Equatorial Guinea / Eritrea / Estonia / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Grenada / Guatemala / Haiti / Hong Kong / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Jamaica / Japan / Jordan / Kenya / Kuwait / Latin America / South America / Libya / Lebanon / Lithuania / Malaysia / Mauritius / Mexico / Middle East / Moldova / Morooc / Mozamibique / Myanmar / Netherlands / New Zealands / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Northern Ireland / North Korea / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Saudi Arabia / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Somalia / South Africa / South Korea / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Suriname / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Taiwan / Tanzania / Thailand / Tunisia / Turkey / Unietd Kingdom / Ukraine / Uruguay / Venezuela / Yemen / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo
URL http://www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/iir/eng/research/infopublications/TerrorismSumContents.pdf |
2. | Statsrådets redogörelse för Riksdagen, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Statsrådets redogörelse för Riksdagen : om politiken för de mänskliga rättigheterna 2004 / - (UM publikationer ; 2004 : 4), 207 p.. - Helsingfors : Utrikesministeriet, 2005. - ISSN 0358-1489 ISBN 951-724-451-7 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
3. | Koh, Jae-myong : Suppressing terrorist financing and money laundering, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Suppressing terrorist financing and money laundering / Koh, Jae-myong, xv, 243 p.. - Berlin : Springer, 2006. ISBN 3-540-32518-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. 1. Terrorism and its financing. 2. The common perception on terrorist financing prior to 9/11. 3. The role of the Security Council since 9/11. 4. Standards set by specialist bodies since 9/11. 5. Monitoring and enforcing standards by specialist bodies. 6. The financing of terrorism: a Trojan horse. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.springer.com/uk/home?SGWID=3-102-22-138801427-0&changeHeader=true |
4. | McAdam, Jane : Forced migration, human rights and security, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Forced migration, human rights and security / McAdam, Jane, xiv, 302 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2008. ISBN 978-1-84113-770-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Forced Migration: Refugees, Rights and Security, by Guy S Goodwin-Gill. 2. Resolution 1373—A Call to Pre-empt Asylum Seekers? (or ‘Osama, the Asylum Seeker’), by Penelope Mathew. 3. National Security and Non-Refoulement in New Zealand: Commentary on Zaoui v Attorney-General (No 2), by Rodger Haines QC. 4. Offshore Barriers to Asylum Seeker Movement: The Exercise of Power without Responsibility?, Savitri Taylor. 5. The Legal and Ethical Implications of Extraterritorial Processing of Asylum Seekers: The ‘Safe Third Country’ Concept, by Susan Kneebone. 6. Re-thinking the Paradigms of Protection: Children as Convention Refugees in Australia, by Mary Crock. 7. Wearing Thin: Restrictions on Islamic Headscarves and Other Religious Symbols, by Ben Saul. 8. Subjectivity and Refugee Fact-Finding, by Arthur Glass. 9. Towards Convergence in the Interpretation of the Refugee Convention: A Proposal for the Establishment of an International Judicial Commission for Refugees, by Anthony M. North and Joyce Chia. 10. The refugee convention as a rights blueprint for persons in Need of International Protection, by Jane McAdam. 11. The Responsibility to Protect: Closing the Gaps in the International Protection Regime, by Erika Feller. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Canada / China / Fiji / France / India / Indonesia / Lebanon / Netherlands / New Zealand / Italy / Papua New Guinea / Philippines / Rwanda / Singapore / Sudan / Taiwan / Tunisia / Turkey / United Kingdom / Thailand NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Refugee convention; UDHR; ECHR; CAT; ICCPR;
URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/books/details.asp?isbn=9781841137704 |
5. | Danchin, Petetr G. (ed.) : United Nations reform and the new collective security, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph United Nations reform and the new collective security / Danchin, Petetr G. (ed.) ; Fischer, Horst, xviii, 431 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-51543-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Introduction: the new collective security Peter G. Danchin and Horst Fischer. PART I. Law and Politics in United Nations Reform:. 1. Things fall apart: the concept of collective security in international law, by Peter G. Danchin. 2. Reflections on the politics of institutional reform, by Jan Klabbers. 3. Great powers then and now: security council reform and responses to threats to peace and security, by Lauri Mälksoo. PART II. Defining 'Threats' to Collective Security:. 4. Assessing the high-level panel report: rethinking the causes and consequences of threats to collective security, by Maxwell O. Chibundu. 5. Collective security and the responsibility to protect, by George Andreopoulos. 6. Responses to non-military threats: environment, disease and technology, by Joachim Wolf. PART III. Prevention and Responses:. 7. On the far side of conflict: the UN Peacebuilding Commission as optical illusion, by Dirk Salomons. 8. The new peacebuilding architecture: an institutional innovation of the United Nations, by Ejeviome Oloho Otobo. 9. The world summit process and UN sanctions reform: between rhetoric and force, by Jeremy Farrall. 10. The UN response to the evolving threat of global terrorism: institutional reform, rivalry, or renewal?, by Eric Rosand. 11. International justice and collective security: between pragmatism and principle, by Carmen Márquez Carrasco. PART IV. Perspectives on the Ground:. 12. Developing security in the eastern DRC: MONUC as a practical example of (failing) collective security, by Dennis Dijkzeul. 13. Indirect power: a critical look at civil society in the new human rights council, by Elizabeth Salmón. 14. Collective security: a village eye-view, by J. Paul Martin and Benedicto Q. Sánchez. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521515436 |
6. | Saul, Ben (ed.) : Research handbook on international law and terrorism, 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Research handbook on international law and terrorism / Saul, Ben (ed.) - ( Research handbooks in international law), xxxi, 797 .. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2014. ISBN 978-0-85793-880-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART I: NORMATIVE FRAMEWORKS:. 1. The Definition(s) of Terrorism in International Law, by Marcello Di Filippo. 2. Terrorism and Customary International Law, by Kai Ambos and Anina Timmermann. 3. Terrorism and the International Law of State Responsibility, by Kimberley Trapp. 4. Aviation and International Terrorism, by Juliet Atwell. 5. Maritime Terrorism in International Law, by Efthymios Papastavridis. 6. Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism in International Law, by David Fidler. 7. The International Law on Terrorist Financing, by Ilias Bantekas. 8. The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, by Samuel Witten. 9. The Draft United Nations Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, by Amrith Rohan Perera. 10. Gender, Counter-Terrorism and International Law, by Jayne Huckerby. 11. Islam, Terrorism, and International Law, by Javaid Rehman. PART II: TERRORISM AND CONFLICT:. 12. Terrorism and the International Law on the Use of Force, by Michael Wood. 13. Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law, by Ben Saul. 14. Terrorism and the International Law of Occupation, by David Kretzmer. 15. Terrorism and Targeted Killings in International Law, by Emily Crawford. 16. Terrorism and Military Trials, by Detlev Vagts. 17. Terrorism, War Crimes and the International Criminal Court, by Roberta Arnold. 18. Terrorism and Self-Determination, by Elizabeth Chadwick. 19. Humanitarian Action, Development, and Terrorism, by Andrej Zwitter. PART III: TERRORISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS:. 20. International Human Rights Law and Terrorism: An Overview, by Helen Duffy. 21. Extraordinary Rendition, Counter-Terrorism, and International Law, by Silvia Borelli. 22. Torture and Counter-Terrorism, by Ben Saul and Mary Flanagan. 23. Counter-Terrorism Detention and International Human Rights Law, by Fiona de Londras. 24. Terrorism Prosecutions and the Right to a Fair Trial, by Clive Walker. 25. Terrorism and Freedom of Expression in International Law, by Yaël Ronen. 26. Terrorism, Surveillance and Privacy, by Simon Chesterman. 27. Terrorism and International Refugee Law, by Geoff Gilbert. 28. Terrorism and Migration Law, by Elspeth Guild. 29. Special Measures: Terrorism and Control Orders, by Andrew Lynch. 30. Judicial Supervision of Anti-Terrorism Laws in Comparative Democracies, by Craig Forcese. 31. Victims’ Redress Amidst Terrorism’s Changing Tactics and Strategies, by Ilaria Bottigliero and Lyal S Sunga. PART IV: TERRORISM AND THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM:. 32. The United Nations General Assembly and Terrorism, by Jane Boulden. 33. The Role of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, by Marc Porret. 34. The Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Terrorism, Prevention Branch, by Marta Requena. 35. The United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Al-Qaida Sanctions Regime: Resolution 1267 and the 1267 Committee, by Lisa Ginsborg. 36. A Critical Assessment of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, by Luis Miguel Hinojosa-Martínez. 37. The United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Prosecuting Terrorism, by Guénaël Mettraux. 38. Challenges in United Nations Counter-Terrorism Coordination, by James Cockayne. PART V: TERRORISM AND REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS:. 39. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the European Union and Council of Europe, by Cian Murphy. 40. The Legal Response of the Organisation of American States in Combating Terrorism, by Mirko Sossai. 41. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, by Katja Samuel. 42. Counter-Terrorism and Pan-Africanism: From Non-action to Non-indifference, by Martin A. Ewi and Anton Du Plessis. 43. Regional Legal Responses to Terrorism in Asia and the Pacific, by Rohan Gunaratna and Gloria Cheung. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Canada / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Ecuador / France / Germany / India / Israel / Japan / Kenya / Lebanon / Libya / Mexico / Nepal / New Zealand / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Portugal / Saudi Arabia / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Turkey / Uganda / Yemen NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Convention against the taking of hostages; CAT; Convention against transnational organized crime; ICC statute; Convention on the law of the sea; CRC; Migrant workers convention; Refugee convention; ECHR; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; CAT; UN charter-chap. VII; UDHR; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: Inst.ref. |