1. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Introduced species - resource or threat in brackish-water seas? : examples from
the Baltic and the Black Sea / Erkki Leppäkoski.
- In: Marine pollution bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X, 23 (1991) s. 219-223. |
2. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
The Baltic and the Black sea : seriously contaminated by nonindigenous species?
/ Erkki Leppäkoski.
- In: Nonindigenous estuarine & marine organisms (NEMO), Seattle, Washington, April 1993 : proceedings of the conference & workshop / [utg.] U.S. Department of Commerce. National oceanic and atmospheric administration. - [Washington] : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1994, s. 37-44. |
3. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Non-indigenous species in the Baltic Sea / Erkki Leppäkoski.
- In: Introduced species in European coastal waters : report on an international workshop organised jointly by the Environment programme of DGXII of the European Commission and the Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientific de la Mer Mediterrane CIESM, Monaco, 2-3 March 1993 / edited by C. F. Boudouresque, F. Briand and C. Nolan. - Brussel : Office for Official Publications of the European Union, 1994, s. 67-75. - (Ecosystems research report, ISSN 1018-5593 ; 8). |
4. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Enclosed seas under man-induced change : a comparison between the Baltic and
Black Seas / E. Leppäkoski & P.E. Mihnea.
- In: Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447, (1996) 25, s. 380-389. |
5. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Främmande arter i kända vatten / E. Leppäkoski & R. Rahkonen.
- In: Fiskeritidskrift för Finland : organ för Fiskeriföreningen i Finland, ISSN 0015-3125, (1996) 40, s. 22-25. |
6. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Itämeren tulokaslajit - ekologista rulettia? / E. Leppäkoski & R. Rahkonen.
- In: Suomen kalastuslehti, ISSN 0039-5528, 103 (1996) s. 4-7. |
7. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Marine research within the Nordic environmental research programme 1993-1997 /
E. Leppäkoski.
- In: Marine research in Finland : a summary of presentations and discussions during a seminar held 10-11 May, 1994 in Kotka, Finland / Juha Flinkman (ed.). - Helsinki : Finnish Institute of Marine Research, 1996, s. 31-33. - (Meri, ISSN 1238-5328 ; no. 26). ISBN 951-53-0988-3 |
8. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
The Pacific Ocean as a donor area of alien aquatic species to the European
enclosed seas / S. Olenin & E. Leppäkoski.
- In: Aliens : [Auckland, New Zealand], ISSN 1173-5988, (1997) 6, s. 18. |
9. | Leppäkoski, Erkki / Institutionen för biologi / Project |
Transport of alien marine organisms in ballast water tanks - an ecological
roulette? / E. Leppäkoski.
- In: Turun yliopiston merenkulkualan koulutuskeskuksen julkaisuja. A = Publikationer av sjöfartsbranschens utbildningscentral vid Åbo universitet. A = Publications from the Center for Maritime Studies, University of Turku. A, ISSN 0782-3622, 24 (1997) s. 89-93. |