51. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
AHP in political group desicions : a study in the art of possibilities / C.
Carlsson and P. Walden.
- In: Interfaces, ISSN 0092-2102, vol. 25 (1995) no. 4, s. 14-29. |
52. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Cognitive maps and hyperknowledge : a blueprint for active decision support
system / Christer Carlsson.
- In: Cognitive maps and strategic thinking / edited by Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995, s. 27-59. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 442). ISBN 951-650-606-2 |
53. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Hyperknowledge and expert systems : a case study of knowledge formation process
/ Pirkko Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, s. 73-82. ISBN 0-8186-6940-3 |
54. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Hyperknowledge support systems as instruments for corporate success / Christer
Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1995. - 18 bl. : ill.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1995, 9).
ISBN 951-650-639-9 |
55. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Multiple criteria decision making : the case for interdependence / C. Carlsson
and R. Fullér.
- In: Computers & operational research, ISSN 0305-0548, 22 (1995) s. 251-260. |
56. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Of fuzzy screening system / Christer Carlsson and Robert Fullér.
- In: Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, August, 28-31, 1995 / [Hrsg: Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann]. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1995, s. 1261-1264. EUFIT'95. ISBN 3-930911-67-1 |
57. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Information security : part 1: creating the framework for an information
security analysis / Thomas Finne. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1995. - 51
bl. : ill., tab.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1995, 4).
ISBN 951-650-598-8 |
58. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Information security : part 2: investigating the information security in
organisations : crucial factors in the information security / Thomas Finne. -
Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1995. - 36 bl. : ill., tab.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1995, 5).
ISBN 951-650-599-6 |
59. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Information security : part 3: CBISA : a DSS for information security analysis
/ Thomas Finne. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1995. - 26 bl. : ill., tab.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1995, 6).
ISBN 951-650-623-2 |
60. | Fullér, Robert / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Active DSS and approximate reasoning / Christer Carlsson and Robert Fullér.
- In: Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, August, 28-31, 1995 / [Hrsg: Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann]. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1995, s. 1209-1215. EUFIT'95. ISBN 3-930911-67-1 |
61. | Fullér, Robert / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Multiple criteria decision making : the case for interdependence / C. Carlsson
and R. Fullér.
- In: Computers & operational research, ISSN 0305-0548, 22 (1995) s. 251-260. |
62. | Fullér, Robert / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Neural fuzzy systems / Robert Fullér. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Institute for
Advanced Management Systems Research, 1995. - 249 s. : ill., tab., diagr.
- (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi.
Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 443).
ISBN 951-650-624-0 |
63. | Fullér, Robert / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Of fuzzy screening system / Christer Carlsson and Robert Fullér.
- In: Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, August, 28-31, 1995 / [Hrsg: Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann]. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1995, s. 1261-1264. EUFIT'95. ISBN 3-930911-67-1 |
64. | Kilpinen, Antti / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
On strategy based evaluation of technology R & D / Antti Kilpinen. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi University. Institute for Advanced Management Systems Resear, 1995. -
122 s. : ill., tab., diagr.
- (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi.
Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 445).
ISBN 951-650-658-5 |
65. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Hyperknowledge and continuous strategy in executive support systems / by Hannu
Vanharanta. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University Press, 1995. - Var. pag : diagr.,
ill., tab.
- (Acta Academia Aboensis. Ser. B. Mathematica et physica, ISSN 0001-5105 ;
vol. 55, nr. 1).
Diss.: Åbo Akademi - Abstract.
ISBN 952-9616-53-8 |
66. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Usability of a hyperknowledge-base executive support system for finanacial
benchmarking system / Hannu Vanharanta, Timo Käkölä and Kalle Kangas.
- In: Cognitive maps and strategic thinking / edited by Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1995, s. 61-85. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 442). ISBN 951-650-606-2 |
67. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Usability of hyperknowledge-based executive support system for financial
benchmarking / H. Vanharanta.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8186-6940-3 |
68. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Validity and utility of a hyperknowledge-based financial benchmarking system /
H. Vanharanta, T. Käkölä and B. Back.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, s. 221-230. Även i:Cognitive maps and strategic thinking/Christer Carlsson (ed.). Meddelenaden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654, 1995, 442, s. 87-114. ISBN 0-8186-6940-3 |
69. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Validity and utility of a hyperknowledge-based financial benchmarking system /
H. Vanharanta.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8186-6940-3 |
70. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Active DSS and hyperknowledge : creating strategic vision / Pirkko Pirkko
Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, Aachen, Germany, August, 28-31, 1995 / [Hrsg: Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann]. - Aachen : Verlag Mainz, Wissenschaftsverlag, 1995, s. 1216-1222. EUFIT'95. ISBN 3-930911-67-1 |
71. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
AHP in political group desicions : a study in the art of possibilities / C.
Carlsson and P. Walden.
- In: Interfaces, ISSN 0092-2102, vol. 25 (1995) no. 4, s. 14-29. |
72. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Hyperknowledge and expert systems : a case study of knowledge formation process
/ Pirkko Pirkko Walden and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Hawaii Internal Conference on System Sciences [held in Waitea, Hawaii on January 3-6, 1995] : vol. 3: information systems, decision support and knowledge-based systems / edited by Jay F. Nunamaker...[et al.]. - Los Alamitos (CA) : IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995, s. 73-82. ISBN 0-8186-6940-3 |
73. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Measuring intelligence in group decision-making / Malin Brännback. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi, 1996. - [1], 16 bl. : ill., tab.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1996, 2).
ISBN 951-650-787-5 |
74. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Structuring unknown realities using group support systems / Malin Brännback,
Frank Tetard, Thomas Beijar. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996. - [1], 18 bl. : ill.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1996, 3).
ISBN 951-650-788-3 |
75. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Fuzzy logic and hyperknowledge : a new effective paradigm for active DSS /
Christer Carlsson. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1996. - [1], 18 bl. : ill.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1996, 4).
ISBN 951-650-789-1 |
76. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Hyperknowledge support systems as instruments for corporate success / Christer
- In: Corporate success factors during times of crisis / edited by Anders Kjellman, Stefan Långström and Tage Vest. - Vasa : Svenska handelshögskolan, 1996, s. 47-72. - (Forskningsrapporter från Svenska handelshögskolan, ISSN 0357-5764 ; 34). ISBN 951-555-480-2 |
77. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Woodstrat : a support system for strategic management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden,
Ossi Kokkonen and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Information technology for management : improving quality and productivity / Efraim Turban, Ephraim McLean, James Wetherbe. - New York : Wiley, 1996, s. 148-154. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 0-47158059-7 |
78. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Analysing information security : a knowledge-based DSS approach / Thomas Finne.
- Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1996. - [12], 191 s. : ill., tab.
- (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi.
Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 456).
ISBN 951-650-747-6 |
79. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Computer-based information security analysor : a tool in a company's risk
management / Thomas Finne. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1996. - [8] s. : ill
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1996, 5).
ISBN 951-650-792-1 |
80. | Finne, Thomas / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Do bank and insurance companies emphasise personnel security more than other
business? / Thomas Finne. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1996. - [1], 23 bl. :
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1996, 7).
ISBN 951-650-794-8 |
81. | Vanharanta, Hannu / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Investment opportunities for forest products industries in North Karelia,
Finland / Heikki Niemeläinen, Hannu Vanharanta. - [Joensuu] : University of
Joensuu, Department of Economics, 1996. - 78, [25] s. : ill.
ISBN 952-9800-13-4 |
82. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Distributed system development in B / M. Butler and Pirkko Walden.
- In: 1st Conference on the B method : November, 24-25-26, 1996, Nantes, (France) : proceedings / editor: Henri Habrias. - Nantes : IRIN-IUT, 1996, s. 155-168. ISBN 2-906082-25-2 |
83. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Refining active systems within B-tool / Pirkko Walden and K. Sere.
- In: FME '96, Industrial Benefit and Advances in Formal Methods : proceedings : third international symposium of formal methods Europe, co-sponsored by IFIP WG 14.3, Oxford, UK, March 18-22, 1996 / Marie-Claude Gaudel, James Woodcock (eds) . - Berlin ; New York : Springer, 1996, s. 85-104. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 1051). ISBN 3-540-60973-3 |
84. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Reverse engineering distributed algorithms / K. Sere and P. Walden.
- In: Journal of software maintenance, ISSN 1040-550X, 8 (1996) 2, s. 117-144. |
85. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Woodstrat : a support system for strategic management / Pirkko Pirkko Walden,
Ossi Kokkonen and Christer Carlsson.
- In: Information technology for management : improving quality and productivity / Efraim Turban, Ephraim McLean, James Wetherbe. - New York : Wiley, 1996, s. 148-154. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 0-47158059-7 |
86. | Waxlax, Joakim / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Technology strategy and business performance / Joakim Waxlax. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi, 1996. - 2, 140 s. : tab.
- (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi.
Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 449).
Lic.avh. Tekniska högskolan.
ISBN 951-650-686-0 |
87. | Waxlax, Joakim / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Technology strategy : the key to success? / J. Waxlax.
- In: Corporate success factors during times of crisis / edited by Anders Kjellman, Stefan Långström and Tage Vest. - Vasa : Svenska handelshögskolan, 1996, s. 73-84. - (Forskningsrapporter från Svenska handelshögskolan, ISSN 0357-5764 ; 34). ISBN 951-555-480-2 |
88. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Active decision support system : challenges for soft computing / Christer
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 2 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 1279-1288. ISBN 3-89653-187-5 |
89. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Active DSS and hyperknowledge : making nice principles work in practice /
Christer Carlsson.
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 2 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 1294-1301. ISBN 3-89653-187-5 |
90. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Compound interdependences in MOP / Christer Carlsson, Robert Fullér.
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 2 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 1317-1322. ISBN 3-89653-187-5 |
91. | Walden, Pirkko / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Managers and hyperknowledge : computer support with practical dimensions /
Pirkko Pirkko Walden.
- In: EUFIT'96 : fourth European congress on intelligent techniques and soft computing, Aachen, Germany, September 2 - 5, 1996 : proceedings : vol. 2 / hrsg. von Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann. - Aachen : Mainz, 1996, s. 1353-1363. ISBN 3-89653-187-5 |
92. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Additive interdependences in MOP / C. Carlsson and R. Fullér.
- In: Decision science and applications : proceedings book from the first Noon-to-Noon seminar 12-13.12.1995 / Malin Brännback and Markku Kuula (eds.). - Åbo : [Åbo Akademi], 1996, s. 35-46. - (Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi. Ser. A, ISSN 0358-5654 ; 459). ISBN 951-650-779-4 |
93. | Carlsson, Christer / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Effective strategic management with hyperknowledge : the Woodstrat case /
Christer Carlsson, Ossi Kokkonen and Pirkko Pirkko Walden.
- In: Paperi ja puu = Paper and timber, ISSN 0031-1343, 78 (1996) no. 5, s. 278-290. |
94. | Back, Barbro / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Choosing bankruptcy predictors using discriminant analysis, logit analysis, and
genetic algorithms / Barbro Back ... [et al.]. - Turku : Turku Centre for
Computer Science, 1996. - [2], 18 s. : ill., tab.
- (TUCS Technical reports, ISSN 1239-1891 ; No 40).
Abstract. Även som paper i Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting on
Artificial Intelligence in Accounting, Finance and Tax, s. 337-356. En tidigare
version presenterad vid 18th European Accounting Association Meeting in
Birmingham, UK, 1995.
ISBN 951-650-828-6 |
95. | Back, Barbro / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
A comparative study of neural networks in bankruptcy prediction / B. Back ...
[et al.].
- In: Multiple paradigms for artificial intelligence : proceedings of contributed session papers / Conference on Artificial Intelligence Research in Finland, Suomen tekoälytutkimuksen päivät STeP-94, Turku Technology Center, 29-31 August 1994, Turku ; edited by Christer Carlsson, Timo Järvi and Tapio Reponen. - [Turku] : Åbo Akademi University, 1994, s. 140-148. - (Publications of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS)). ISBN 951-96735-3-9 |
96. | Back, Barbro / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Intelligent information systems within business, bankruptcy predicitons using
neural networks / B. Back ... [et al.].
- In: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS '95, Athens, Greece, June 1-3 1995 / editors Georgios Doukidis ... [et al.]. - Athens : Print Xpress, cop. 1995, s. 99-111. ISBN 960-306-128-X |
97. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
DSS : they DO work / Malin Brännback.
- In: Multicriteria analysis : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on MCDM, 1-6 August 1994, Coimbra, Portugal / João Clímaco (ed.). - Berlin : Springer, 1997, s. 465-474. ISBN 3-540-62074-5 |
98. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
Is there a new dominant logic of marketing in the Internet? / Malin Brännback.
- Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1997. - [18] bl. : ill.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1997, 4).
ISBN 952-12-0035-9 |
99. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
The meaning of globalisation of business : on knowledge and customers / Malin
Brännback. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1997. - [17] bl. : ill.
- (Research reports / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, ISSN
1235-9505 ; 1997, 1).
ISBN 951-650-937-1 |
100. | Brännback, Malin / Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research |
A multidimensional frame-work for strategic decisions / Malin Brännback and
Jaap Spronk.
- In: Multiple criteria decision making : proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, Hagen (Germany) / Günter Fandel, Tomas Gal (eds.) ; in collaboration with Thomas Hanne. - Berlin : Springer, 1997, s. 581-590. - (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, ISSN 0075-8442 ; 448). International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (1995). ISBN 3-540-62097-4 |