51. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Differences in the regulation of glucose uptake in heart and sceletal muscle /
P. Nuutila...et al.
- In: Diabetologia : supplement, ISSN 0012-186X, 36 (1993) 1, s. A54. |
52. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The effect of COMT inhibition with entacapone on 18F-6-fluorodopa PET in
Parkinson's disease / H. Ruottinen...et al.
- In: Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : supplement, ISSN 0271-678X, 13 (1993) s. 359. |
53. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Effect of insulin on FDG-PET imaging in patients with lymphoma / H. Minn...et
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 224P. |
54. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Electrophilic synthesis of 6-(/18/F)fluoro-L-dopa, starting from aqueous
(/18/F)-fluoride / Bergman, J...et al.
- In: Tenth International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry : abstracts. - S.l. : s.n., 1993, s. 476-477. |
55. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Expression of glucose transporters in head and neck tumorsstudied with
fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography / P. Mellanen...et
- In: XIX Spring meeting of the Endocrinological Society of Finland : abstracts : April 6-8,1993 / Jorma Salmi and Timo Ylikomo (eds.). - Tampere : University of Tampere, 1993, s. 29. - (Acta universitatis Tamperensis. Ser. B, ISSN 0355-5232 ; vol. 41). ISBN 951-44-3344-0 |
56. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
/18/Fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in tumors : kinetic vs. steady-state methods with
reference to plasma insulin / H. Minn...et al.
- In: Journal of computer assisted tomography, ISSN 0363-8715, 17 (1993) s. 115-123. |
57. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Heart insulin sensitivity is decreased in elite-class athletes / M.
Haaparanta...et al.
- In: Diabetologia : supplement, ISSN 0012-186X, 36 (1993) 1, s. A21. |
58. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Influence of the blood glucose concentration on FDG uptake in cancer : a PET
study / P. Lindblom...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 1-6. |
59. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Insulin resistance is localized to skeletal but not heart muscle in type 1
diabetes / P. Nuutila...et al.
- In: American journal of physiology, ISSN 0002-9513, 264 (1993) s. E756-E762. |
60. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurement of the /35/Cl(a,n)/38/K excitation function using chlorine gas
targets / F. Tarkanyi...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 86-88. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
61. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A new method for production of electrophilic F-18 starting from aqueous (F-18)
/ J. Bergman...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 69P. |
62. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET and Meg in the localization of epileptogenic cortex / J. O. Rinne...et al.
- In: Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology : supplement, ISSN 0424-8155, 2 (1993) s. 81. Abstracts of the XIIth International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vancouver, Canada, August 29-Septmber 4, 1993. |
63. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET studies on (18F)fluorodopa uptake after COMT inhibition with entacapone in
Parkinson's disease / U. K. Rinne...et al.
- In: Canadian journal of neurological sciences : supplement, ISSN 0317-1671, 20 ( 1993) 4, s. 236. XVth World Congress of Neurology, Vancouver, Canada, September 5-10, 1993. |
64. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET study on striatal dopamine D/2/ receptor changes during the progression od
early Parkinson's disease / J. O. Rinne...et al.
- In: Movement disorders, ISSN 0885-3185, 8 (1993) s. 134-138. |
65. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of /66/Ga and /67/Ga with a low-energy cyclotron / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 91-92. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
66. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of astatine isotopes via /209/Bi(/3/He,xn) processes / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 93-95. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
67. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of /208,209,210/At via /209/Bi(/3/He,xn) processes / F.
Szelecsenyi...et al.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 32 ( 1993) s. 443-444. IXth international symposium on radiopharmaceutical chemistry, Paris, 6-10 April 1992. |
68. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals 1990-92 / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 55-58. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
69. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Quantitative analysis of glucose utilization by 18-FDG PET in detecting
myocardial viability / M. J. Knuuti...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine : supplement, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 3P. |
70. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Repeated fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography of the brain in
infants with suspected hypoxid-ischaemic brain injury / H. Suhonen-Polvi...et
- In: European journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0340-6997, 20 (1993) s. 759-765. |
71. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Routine production of /11/C-acetate for investigations of cardiac metabolism
with PET in Turku (II) / K. Någren...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory : triennal report 1990-1992 / editorial board, Sven-Johan Heselius, Jan-Olof Lill, John Martin. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University, 1993, s. 72-75. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1993,1). ISBN 951-650-265-2 |
72. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Studies of density reduction in stacked gas targets / F. Tarkanyi...et al.
- In: ATOMKI : annual report 1992 / edited by: Z. Gacsi. - Debrecen : Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1993, s. 86-88. |
73. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Synthesis of (/18/F)F/2/ from (18F)F(aq) / O. Solin...et al.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 32 ( 1993) s. 137-138. IXth international symposium on radiopharmaceutical chemistry, Paris 6-10 April 1992. |
74. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 11C-methionine in head and neck cancer /
P. Lindholm...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine : supplement, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 21P. |
75. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The value of quantitative analysis of glucose utilization in detection of
myocardial viability by PET / M. J. Knuuti...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 34 (1993) s. 2068-2075. |
76. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurement of excitation function of [sup nat]B(p, X)[sup 7]Be / F.
Ditrói...[et al.].
- In: Nuclear data for science and technology : proceedings of the International Conference, Gatlingurg, Tennessee, May 9-13,1994 / editor J. K. Dickens. - Oak Ridge : Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1994, s. 383-385. |
77. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets / F. Tarkanyi ... [et al.].
- In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Targetry and Target Chemistry : Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, September 19 to 23, 1993 / edited by J. Robert Dahl ... [et al.]. - Upton, (N.Y.) : Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1994, s. 48-58. - (Informal report ; 61149). |
78. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
2-(18F)fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose and glucose metabolism : in vivo microdialysis
in liver and blood of rats / M. Haaparanta...[et al.].
- In: 5th international symposium on The synthesis and applications of isotopes and isotopically labelled compounds : June 20th-24th, 1994, Le Palais de la Musique et des Congrès, Strasbourg, France : symposium handbook and collection of abstracts. - [S.l], [1994], s. 171. |
79. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Automated synthesis of [sup18]F-fluoromethane ([sup18 F]CH[sub 3]F) / J.
Bergman, O. Solin.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 35 ( 1994) s. 174-175. Abstracts of 10th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan. |
80. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Different alterations in the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the athlete's
heart and skeletal muscle / P. Nuutila...[et al.].
- In: Journal of clinical investigation, ISSN 0021-9738, 93 (1994) s. 2267-2274. |
81. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Electrophilic synthesis of 6([sup 18]F)fluoro-L-dopa from aqueous ([sup
18])-fluoride / J. Bergman...et al.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 35 ( 1994) s. 476-477. Abstracts of 10th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan. |
82. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Enhancement of myocardial [fluorine-18]fluorodeoxyglucose uptake by a nicotinic
acid derivate / M. J. Knuuti...[et al.].
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 35 (1995) s. 989-998. |
83. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
[sup 3]He-induced nuclear reactions on [sup]209Bi at particle energies less
than 28 MeV production of [sup 209]At / Z. Szücs...[et al.].
- In: Radiochimica acta, ISSN 0033-8230, 65 (1994) s. 87-91. |
84. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Hypertension increases myocardial but decreases skeletal muscle glucos uptake /
M. Mäki...[et al.].
- In: Diabetelogia, ISSN 0012-186X, (1994) Suppl. 1, s. 528. |
85. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
In vivo effects of insulin on tumor and skeletal muscle glucose metabolism in
patients with lymphoma / H. Minn...[et al.].
- In: Cancer, ISSN 0008-543X, 73 (1994) s. 1490-1498. |
86. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Insulin action on heart and skeletal muscle glucose uptake in essential
hypertension / H. Yki-Järvinen...[et al.].
- In: Diabetes, ISSN 0012-1797, 43 (1994) suppl. 1, s. 141. |
87. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurement of excitation function of [sup nat]B(p,x)[sup 7]Be nuclear reaction
for application in wear measurements / F. Ditrói...et al.
- In: ATOMKI : annual report 1993 / edited by: Z. Gácsi. - Debrecen : Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1994, s. 81. |
88. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Microdialysis for in vivo studies of glucose metabolism in rats using
2-(F-18)FDG / J. Bergman...[et al.].
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 35 (1994) suppl., s. 252P. |
89. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Myocardial viability : fluorine-18-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography in
prediction of wall motion recovery after revascularization / M. J. Knuuti...[et
- In: American hearth journal, ISSN 0002-8703, 127 (1994) s. 785-796. |
90. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
On-line monitoring of radionuclide production targets by optical spectroscopy /
K. Aho...[et al.].
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 35 (1994) s. 249P-250P. |
91. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET in the localization of epileptic focus / S. Lamusuo...[et al.].
- In: Acta neurologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6314, 89 (1994) s. 27. |
92. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Repeated fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography of the brain in
infancy compared with neurological development / H. Suhonen-Polvi...[et al.].
- In: Abstracts : 14th European Congress of Perinatal Medicin, June 5-8, 1994, Helsinki, Finland. - [Helsinki] : [Congress], 1994, s. No 34. |
93. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Study of static and dynamic effects in gas targets / F. Tárkányi...[et al.].
- In: ATOMKI : annual report 1993 / edited by: Z. Gácsi. - Debrecen : Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 1994, s. 83-84. |
94. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
11C-methionin- and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET studies in childhood brain tumor
diagnostics / M. Kähkönen ... [et al.].
- In: Medical applications of cyclotrons VII : proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 22 - 25. 1995, Turku, Finland / edited by A. Laihinen and U. Wegelius. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1995, s. O 03 . - (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D. Medica - odontologia, ISSN 0355-9483 ; tom. 185). ISBN 951-29-0480-2 |
95. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
18-fluorodeoxyglucose and 11C-flumazenil in childhood and adolescent epilepsy /
L. Metsähonkala ... [et al.].
- In: Medical applications of cyclotrons VII : proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 22 - 25. 1995, Turku, Finland / edited by A. Laihinen and U. Wegelius. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1995, s. NP 01. - (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D. Medica - odontologia, ISSN 0355-9483 ; tom. 185). ISBN 951-29-0480-2 |
96. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Cerebral glucose utilization measured with positron emission tomography (PET)
as an index for neurological functioning in long-term survivors of childhood
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) / H. Suhonen-Polvi ... [et al.].
- In: International journal of pediatric hematology - oncology, ISSN 1070-2903, 2 ( 1995) s. 63-71. |
97. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Effects of MAO-B inhibition and peripheral COMT inhibition on fluorodopa PET in
Parkinson's disease / H. Ruottinen ... [et al.].
- In: European journal of neurology, ISSN 1351-5101, 2 (1995) s. 61. Abstracts of the First Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Marseille, France, 9-14 Sept 1995. |
98. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Effects of MAO-B inhibition and peripheral COMT inhibition on 6-[[sup
18]F]fluoro-L-dopa PET in Parkinson's disease / H. M. Ruottinen...[et al.].
- In: Medical applications of cyclotrons VII : proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 22 - 25. 1995, Turku, Finland / edited by A. Laihinen and U. Wegelius. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1995, s. N17 - N18. - (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D. Medica - odontologia, ISSN 0355-9483 ; tom. 185). ISBN 951-29-0480-2 |
99. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Estimated radiation dose to the newborn in positron emission tomography study
with 2-[[sup 18]F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose / U. Ruotsalainen ... [et al.].
- In: Medical applications of cyclotrons VII : proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 22 - 25. 1995, Turku, Finland / edited by A. Laihinen and U. Wegelius. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1995, s. D01 - D02. - (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D. Medica - odontologia, ISSN 0355-9483 ; tom. 185). ISBN 951-29-0480-2 |
100. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
FDG-PET in early infancy : simplified quantification methods to measure
cerebral glucose utilization / H. Suhonen-Polvi...[et al.].
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 36 (1995) 7, s. 1249-1254. |