51. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Prosessianalyyttinen kemia / Ari Ivaska.
- In: Epäorgaanisen ja analyyttisen kemian 10-vuotisjuhlasymposiumi : tiivistelmät ja ohjelma / eds.: Heikki Kuoppala, Risto S. Laitinen ja Lauri J. Lajunen. - Oulu : Oulun yliopisto, 1990, s. 17. - (Oulun yliopiston kemian laitoksen raporttisarja, ISSN 0358-528X ; no 29). ISBN 951-42-2950-9 |
52. | Kvarnström, Carita / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A comparison between anodically and cathodically generated poly-p-phenylene /
Carita Kvarnström and Ari Ivaska.
- In: International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals - ICSM '90 : Tubingen, Sept. 2-7, 1990 : abstracts, vol. I. - /Frankfurt/ : Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, 1990, s. 468. ISBN 3-924763-26-7 |
53. | Kvarnström, Carita / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
FTIR studies on the conducting polymer poly-p-phenylene / Carita Kvarnström and
Ari Ivaska.
- In: Kemia = Kemi, ISSN 0355-1628, 17 (1990) 10B, s. 953. Abstracts från Kemidagarna 90, Helsingfors 30.10-1.11.1990. |
54. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical measurements in clinical chemistry / Andrzej Lewenstam.
- In: Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633, 337 (1990) s. 518-521. |
55. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric method for the detemination of total calcium in blood serum / A.
Hulanicki...et al.
- In: Analytica chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670, 233 (1990) s. 269-274. |
56. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Fully automated potentiometric determination of ionized magnesium in blood
serum / M. Maj-Zurawska, A. Lewenstam.
- In: Analytica chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670, 236 (1990) s. 331-335. |
57. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Elimination of interferences in flow-injection amperometric determination of
glucose in blood serum using immobilized glucose oxidase / W. Matuszewski, M.
Trojanowicz and A. Lewenstam.
- In: Electroanalysis, ISSN 1040-0397, 2 (1990) s. 607-615. |
58. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Selectivity of ionselective electrodes / A. Lewenstam, A. Hulanicki.
- In: Selective electrode reviews, ISSN 0894-3923, 12 (1990) s. 161-120. |
59. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Analytical chemistry : the science of many models / J. M. Zytkow, A. Lewenstam.
- In: Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0937-0633, 338 (1990) s. 225-233. |
60. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric determination of copper in various plating baths / Adam
Hulanicki, Tomasz Sokalski and Andrzej Lewenstam.
- In: Contemporary electroanalytical chemistry : proceedings of the ElectroFinnAnalysis, International Conference on Electroanalytical chemistry, held June 6-9, 1988, in Turku-Åbo, Finland / ed. by Ari Ivaska, Andrzej Lewenstam, and Rolf Sara. - New York : Plenum, 1990, s. 145-148. ISBN 0-306-43818-6 |
61. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
The role of surface processes in signal formation with solid-state
ion-selective electrodes-chloride interference on copper ion-selective
electrode / A. Lewenstam, A. Hulanicki and E. Ghali.
- In: Contemporary electroanalytical chemistry : proceedings of the ElectroFinnAnalysis, International Conference on Electroanalytical chemistry, held June 6-9, 1988, in Turku-Åbo, Finland / ed. by Ari Ivaska, Andrzej Lewenstam, and Rolf Sara. - New York : Plenum, 1990, s. 213-222. ISBN 0-306-43818-6 |
62. | Wasberg, Mikael / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Investigation at surface structures at catalically important metals by UHV :
electrospectroscopic and electrochemical methods / Mikael Paul Wasberg. -
Urbana, Ill : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of
chemistry, 1990. - 153 bl. : ill.
Diss.: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
63. | Wasberg, Mikael / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Leed/Voltammetry of electrosorbed on Pt(111) / D. Zurawski, Mikael Wasberg, A.
- In: Journal of physical chemistry, ISSN 0022-3654, 94 (1990) s. 2076. |
64. | Wasberg, Mikael / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Comparison of voltammetry of vacuumprepared Rh(100) and Rh(111) surfaces /
Mikael Wasberg.
- In: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry, ISSN 0022-0728, 278 (1990) s. 425. |
65. | Wasberg, Mikael / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Experiences of an on-line Fourier transform faradaic admittance measurement
(FT-FAM) system based on digital signal processors / Sten O. Engblom...et al.
- In: Contemporary electroanalytical chemistry : proceedings of the ElectroFinnAnalysis, International Conference on Electroanalytical chemistry, held June 6-9, 1988, in Turku-Åbo, Finland / ed. by Ari Ivaska, Andrzej Lewenstam, and Rolf Sara. - New York : Plenum, 1990, s. 21-29. ISBN 0-306-43818-6 |
66. | Wasberg, Mikael / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Voltammetry Leed and AES study of clean and CO-covered Rh(100) / Mikael Wasberg
- In: J. Heyrovsky Centennial Congress on polarography org. jointly with 41st Meeting of International Society for Electrochemistry, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 20.-25.1990 : proceedings 1: abstracts 20.-21., 1990, s. Mo-144. |
67. | Bobacka, Johan / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Application of Fourier transform to electroanalytical chemistry / Ari Ivaska,
Sten Engblom and Johan Bobacka.
- In: Conferencias plenarias de la XXIII Reunion Bienal de Quimica, (Salamanca, 23-28 septiembre 1990 / A. San Feliciano, M. Grande y J. Casado. - Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca. Seccion local de la R.S.E.Q., 1991, s. 203-216. ISBN 84-404-9763-6 |
68. | Bobacka, Johan / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Comparison of properties of electrochemically synthesized
poly(3-octylthiophene) using monomer and dimer as starting material / Johan
Bobacka, Ari Ivaska.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, 41-43 (1991) s. 3053-3058. |
69. | Bobacka, Johan / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical study of poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrodes : I.
electrolyte effects on the voltammetric characteristics of the polymer. Three
states of the polymer film / Johan Bobacka, Ari Ivaska, Maria Grzeszczuk.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, (1991) 44, s. 9-19. |
70. | Bobacka, Johan / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical study of poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrodes : II.
reversible redox/conductivity state switching. Impedance study / Johan Bobacka,
Ari Ivaska, Maria Grzeszczuk.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, (1991) 44, s. 21-34. |
71. | Bobacka, Johan / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Impedance of the polymer semiconductor-electrolyte interface :
poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrode / Johan Bobacka, Maria Grzeszczuk and Ari
- In: XI-th symposium on electrochemistry of molten salts and concentrated electrolytic solutions, September 11-13, 1991, Karpacz, Poland : abstracts. - Wroclaw : The Polish Chemical Society. Electrochemical Section. Institute of Chemi stry, University of Wroclaw. Poland, 1991, s. 30. |
72. | Ek, Paul / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A continuous hydride generation system for ICP-MS using separately nebulized
internal standard solutions / Paul Ek.../et al./.
- In: Applications of plasma source mass spectrometry / ed. by Grenville Holland , Andrew N. Eaton. - Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991, s. 178-198. Selected papers from the Second International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry held at the University of Durham, 24-28 September 1990. ISBN 0-85186-566-6 |
73. | Ek, Paul / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
The use of birch sap for geochemical monitoring / Stig-Göran Hulden.../et al./.
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69). |
74. | Engblom, Sten / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Application of Fourier transform to electroanalytical chemistry / Ari Ivaska,
Sten Engblom and Johan Bobacka.
- In: Conferencias plenarias de la XXIII Reunion Bienal de Quimica, (Salamanca, 23-28 septiembre 1990 / A. San Feliciano, M. Grande y J. Casado. - Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca. Seccion local de la R.S.E.Q., 1991, s. 203-216. ISBN 84-404-9763-6 |
75. | Engblom, Sten / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A digital signal processor based instrument for Faradaic admittance
measurements / S. O. Engblom, P. Sarkany, M. Wasberg.
- In: Analytical instrumentation, ISSN 0743-5797, 19 (1991) 4, s. 181-202. |
76. | Engblom, Sten / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Enhancing the resolution of voltammetric peaks and waves / S. O. Engblom.
- In: Conference on analytical chemistry 1991 : Electrochemical Analysis, Leipzig, September 10-13 : programme & abstracts. - Leipzig : University of Leipzig. Department of Chemistry, 1991, s. P 20. |
77. | Engblom, Sten / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
The mathematical theory of complex ligand-binding system applied to free
triiodothyronine immunoassays / K. R. Blomberg, S.O. Engblom.
- In: Analytical chemistry, ISSN 0003-2700, 63 (1991) s. 2581-2586. |
78. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Anodic stripping voltametry of mercury with chemically modified electrodes /
Gao Zhiqiang, Li Peibiao and Zhao Zaofan.
- In: Microchemical journal : devoted to the application of microtechniques to all branches of science, ISSN 0026-265X, 43 (1991) s. 121-132. |
79. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Determination of cobalt with chemically modified carbon paste electrodes /
Zhiqiang Gao, Peibiao Li and Zaofan Zhao.
- In: Analytica chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670, 339 (1991) s. 137-141. |
80. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Determination of iron(II) with chemically modified carbon paste electrodes /
Gao Zhiqiang, Li Peibiao and Zhao Zaofan.
- In: Talanta, ISSN 0039-9140, 38 (1991) s. 1177-1184. |
81. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Differential pulse voltammetric determination of cobalt with a perfluorinate
sulfonated polymer-2,2'-bipyridyl modified carbon paste electrode / Zhiqiang
Gao, Peibiao Li and Zaofan Zhao.
- In: Analytical chemistry, ISSN 0003-2700, 63 (1991) s. 953-957. |
82. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical and spectroscopic studie of Co(II)-Fe(CN) sub 6 3- modified
electrodes / Gao Zhiqiang...et al.
- In: Electrochimica acta, ISSN 0013-4686, 36 (1991) s. 147-152. |
83. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Polarographic determination of trace amounts of palladium in mineral ores /
Zhiqiang Gao and Zaofan Zhao.
- In: Guijinshu (Precious metals) 12 (1991) 1, s. 41-47. |
84. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potassium ion selective electrodes based on chemically modified electrodes /
Gao Zhiqiang...et al.
- In: Analytical chimica acta, ISSN 0003-2670, 244 (1991) s. 39-48. |
85. | Gao, Zhiqiang / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Single sweep polarographic determination of trace amounts of nitrite / Zhiqiang
Gao and Zaofan Zhao.
- In: Chemical journal of Chinese universities, ISSN 1000-9213, 12 (1991) 3, s. 329-331. |
86. | Harju, Leo / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Determination of contents and origin of sulfur and heavy metals in stream
sediments from the Isojoki river, S. Finland / Leo Harju.../et al./.
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69). |
87. | Harju, Leo / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Tungmetaller i avsloppsvatten från cellulosa/pappersfabrik samt i
recipientområde i södra Saimen / Johan Lindholm, Leo Harju, Bjarne Holmbom. -
Åbo : Åbo akademi, 1991. - 11 s. : ill.
- (Institutionen för skogsprodukternas kemi ; 1991, C4).
Utfört inom projektet "Ekotase" maj-augusti 1991.
88. | Harju, Leo / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
The use of birch sap for geochemical monitoring / Stig-Göran Hulden.../et al./.
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69). |
89. | Hulden, Stig-Göran / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A continuous hydride generation system for ICP-MS using separately nebulized
internal standard solutions / Paul Ek.../et al./.
- In: Applications of plasma source mass spectrometry / ed. by Grenville Holland , Andrew N. Eaton. - Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 1991, s. 178-198. Selected papers from the Second International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry held at the University of Durham, 24-28 September 1990. ISBN 0-85186-566-6 |
90. | Hulden, Stig-Göran / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
The use of birch sap for geochemical monitoring / Stig-Göran Hulden.../et al./.
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69). |
91. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Analytical applications of conducting polymers / Ari Ivaska.
- In: Electroanalysis, ISSN 1040-0397, 3 (1991) s. 247-254. |
92. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Application of Fourier transform to electroanalytical chemistry / Ari Ivaska,
Sten Engblom and Johan Bobacka.
- In: Conferencias plenarias de la XXIII Reunion Bienal de Quimica, (Salamanca, 23-28 septiembre 1990 / A. San Feliciano, M. Grande y J. Casado. - Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca. Seccion local de la R.S.E.Q., 1991, s. 203-216. ISBN 84-404-9763-6 |
93. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Comparison of properties of electrochemically synthesized
poly(3-octylthiophene) using monomer and dimer as starting material / Johan
Bobacka, Ari Ivaska.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, 41-43 (1991) s. 3053-3058. |
94. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical study of poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrodes : I.
electrolyte effects on the voltammetric characteristics of the polymer. Three
states of the polymer film / Johan Bobacka, Ari Ivaska, Maria Grzeszczuk.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, (1991) 44, s. 9-19. |
95. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical study of poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrodes : II.
reversible redox/conductivity state switching. Impedance study / Johan Bobacka,
Ari Ivaska, Maria Grzeszczuk.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, (1991) 44, s. 21-34. |
96. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
In situ internal and external FTIR studies on the electrochemically polymerized
polyphenylene / C. Kvarnström and A. Ivaska.
- In: Book of abstracts : 8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Lübeck-Travemünde 1-6, 1991. - (Frankfurt) : Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie, 1991, s. 80. |
97. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Method for determining the total carbonate content of a fluid : /patent/ / Ari
Ivaska, Andrzej Lewenstam, Erkki Wänninen. - USA, 1991.
- (US, G01N 33/00, 5,001,070, Kone Oy, 19.03.1991).
98. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Pomiar admitancji faradajowskiej z transformacja fouriera on-line (FT-FAM) z
zastosowaniem cyfrowych procesorów sygnalu / Sten O. Engblom ... [et al.].
- In: Wiadomosci chemiczne, ISSN 0043-5104, 44 (1990) 7-8, s. 529-540. |
99. | Ivaska, Ari / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A study on the electrochemical polymerization of polyparaphenylene using
benzene and biphenyl as starting material / C. Kvarnström and A. Ivaska.
- In: Synthetic metals, ISSN 0379-6779, 41-43 (1991) s. 2917-2921. |
100. | Kvarnström, Carita / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
In situ internal and external FTIR studies on the electrochemically polymerized
polyphenylene / C. Kvarnström and A. Ivaska.
- In: Book of abstracts : 8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Lübeck-Travemünde 1-6, 1991. - (Frankfurt) : Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie, 1991, s. 80. |