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Biblio: the search term institution=('Institutionen för oorganisk kemi') results in 198 hits


51. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Reactions in and at the surface of bioactive glass in aqueous solutions / Ö. H. Andersson, K. P. Yrjas and K. H. Karlsson.
- In: Bioceramics : vol. 4 / eds.: W. Bonfield, G. W. Hasting and K. E. Tanner. - Guildford : Butterworth-Heinemann s. 155-162.
ISBN 0-7506-0269-4
52. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The stability of hydroxylapatite in an optimized bioactive glass matrix at sintering temperatures / I. Kangasniemi...et al.
- In: Journal of materials science : materials in medicine 2 (1991) s. 133-137.

53. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Greenhouse gas emissions related to energy production and consumption in Finland : current emission and some future technology scenarios / Sture Boström, Rainer Backman, Mikko Hupa. - Hki : Ministry of trade and industry., 1991. - 88 s. : ill. - (Ministry of trade and industry. Energy department. D: Research reports ; 197 ). Tiivistelmä.
ISBN 951-47-4466-7
54. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and use in Finland / S. Boström, R. Backman, M. Hupa.
- In: Energy and environment 1991 : 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, August 25-28, 1991, Espoo, Finland / ed. by Eino Kainlauri.../et al./. - Atlanta, Ga : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer, 1991, s. 110-114.
ISBN 0-910110-82-4
55. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Modelling the chemistry in lime kilns / Rainer Backman. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1991. - 25 s. : ill. - (Rapport/Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen, ISSN 0785-5052 ; 91, 17).
ISBN 951-650-018-8
56. Backman, Rainer / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Pressurized gasification of spent pulping liquors : thermodynamic and kinetic constraints / W. J. Frederick, R. Backman, M. Hupa.
- In: Energy and environment 1991 : 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, August 25-28, 1991, Espoo, Finland / ed. by Eino Kainlauri.../et al./. - Atlanta, Ga : American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer, 1991, s. 190-196.
ISBN 0-910110-82-4
57. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive glass as bone substitute / K. Karlsson...et al.
- In: New trends in bone grafting : an international symposium, Tampere, Finland, 21-23 March 1991 / eds. Pekka Anttila, T. Sam Lindholm, Jari Peltonen. - /Tampere/ : /University of Tampere/, 1991, s. 35.

58. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Corrosion reactions of phosphate-free bioactive glass / Örjan H. Andersson and Kaj H. Karlsson.
- In: Ceramics in substitutive and reconstructive surgery : proceedings of the Satellite Symposium 3 on Ceramics in Substitutive and Reconstructive Surgery...Montecatini Terme, Italy, 27-30 June, 1990 / ed. by P. Vincenzini. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1991, s. 303-311. - (Materials science monographs ; 69).
ISBN 0-444-89060-2
59. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  On the bioactivity of silicate glass / Ö. H. Andersson and K. H. Karlsson.
- In: Journal of non-crystalline solids, ISSN 0022-3093, 129 (1991) s. 145-151.

60. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Reactions in and at the surface of bioactive glass in aqueous solutions / Ö. H. Andersson, K. P. Yrjas and K. H. Karlsson.
- In: Bioceramics : vol. 4 / eds.: W. Bonfield, G. W. Hasting and K. E. Tanner. - Guildford : Butterworth-Heinemann s. 155-162.
ISBN 0-7506-0269-4
61. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Assesment of Western Kenya limestone deposits for cement manufacture : West Pokot deposits / Y. Pekkala...( et al.) ; (publ. by) Republic of Kenya, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Mines and Geological Survey of Finland. - (Espoo) : (Geological Survey of Finland), 1991. - 44 s. : ill., kart . - (Geological memoir ; 6).
ISBN 951-690-400-7
62. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Chemical characterization of a potassium doped hydroxyapatite, prepared by soaking in potassium chloride and -carbonated solutions / E. G. Nordström.
- In: 9th European conference on biomaterials, Chester, UK, 9th-11th September, 1991. - Liverpool : The Institute of medical & Dental Bioeneerging, 1991, s. 90.

63. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Chemical characterization of carbonated hydroxyapatite and its bonding to bone in vivo / E. G. Nordström, L. Niemi and J. Miettinen.
- In: Ceramics in substitutive and reconstructive surgery : proceedings of the Satellite Symposium 3 on Ceramics in Substitutive and Reconstructive Surgerys...Montecatini Terme, Italy, 27-30 June, 1990 / ed. by P. Vincenzini. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1991, s. 335-343. - (Materials science monographs ; 69).
ISBN 0-444-89060-2
64. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Potassium doped hydroxyapatite for medical use / Egon G. Nordström.
- In: Micron and microscopia acta, ISSN 0739-6260, 22 (1991) s. 69-70.

65. Skrifvars, Bengt / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Korkean lämpötilan korroosio / Bengt Skrifvars, Mikko Hupa.
- In: Kunnossapito, ISSN 0784-1784, (1991) 5, s. 14.

66. Skrifvars, Bengt / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Korrosionselementa : en introduktion till korrosionsläran / Bengt Skrifvars. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Institutionen för oorganisk kemi, 1991. - 43 s. : ill. Läromedel i kompendieform.

67. Skrifvars, Bengt / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Vattenlösningsjämvikter : kompendium i oorganisk kemi / Bengt Skrifvars. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Institutionen för oorganisk kemi, 1990. - 47 bl. : ill.
ISBN 951-649-858-2
68. Ståhlström, Axel / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Determination of contents and origin of sulfur and heavy metals in stream sediments from the Isojoki river, S. Finland / Leo Harju.../et al/..
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69).

69. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive glass as a bone substitute / Ö. H. Andersson...et al.
- In: New trends in bone grafting : an international symposium, Hotel Rosendahl, Tampere, Finland, March 21-23, 1991 / ed. by T. Sam Lindholm. - Tampere : University of Tampere, 1992, s. 127-131. - (Acta universitatis Tamperensis : ser B, ISSN 0355-5232 ; vol. 40).
ISBN 951-44-3208-8
70. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive glasses for bone replacement / Ö. H. Andersson, Kaj H. Karlsson.
- In: The interface between living tissue and biomaterials / ed. Arje Scheinin. - Turku : /Uuden teknologian säätiö/, 1992, s. 7-17.
ISBN 951-96406-1-4
71. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Calcium phosphate formation at the surface of bioactive glass in vivo and in vitro / Ö. H. Andersson...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 341.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
72. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Clinical use of a bioactive glass as a synthetic bone graft in sinus surgery / K. Aitasalo...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nymegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 34.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
73. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Comparison between the in-vivo behaviours of a new active glass used as block and granules in sheep / A. M. Gatti, D. Zaffe, Ö. Andersson.
- In: Biomaterial tissue interfaces : proceedings of the ninth European conference on biomaterials, Chester, U.K., Sept. 9-11, 1991 / ed. by P. J. Doherty...et al. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1992, s. 319-323. - (Advances in biomaterials ; 10).
ISBN 0-444-89065-3
74. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Evaluation of the acceptance of glass in bone / Örjan Andersson...et al.
- In: Journal of materials science : materials in medicine, ISSN 0957-4530, 3 (1992) s. 145-150.

75. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Glass transition temperature of glasses in the SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5-Al2O3-B2O3 system / Örjan Andersson.
- In: Journal of materials science : materials in medicine, ISSN 0957-4530, 3 (1992) s. 326-328.

76. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  In vivo behaviour of precorroded bioactive glass / E. Vedel...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 548.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
77. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  In vivo study of new active glass for bone repair : short term results / A. M. Gatti, D. Zaffe, Ö. Andersson.
- In: Bioceramics and the human body : proceedings of the International Congress on Bioceramics and the Human Body held in Faenza, Italy, 2-5 April, 1991, org. by the IRTEC_CNR Institute in the collab. with Agenzia Polo Ceramics / ed. by A. Ravaglioli, A. Krajewski. - London : Elsevier, 1992, s. 402-407.
ISBN 1-85166-748-2
78. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  "In vivo" test simulation for the biodegradation of some bioactive glasses / A. M. Gatti...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 516.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
79. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Reactions of bioactive glass and demineralized bone matrix in rat abdominal muscle pouch / K. J. J. Pajamäki...et al.
- In: New trends in bone grafting : an international symposium, Hotel Rosendahl, Tampere, Finland, March 21-23, 1991 / ed. by T. Sam Lindholm. - Tampere : University of Tampere, 1992, s. 132-138. - (Acta universitatis Tamperensis : ser B, ISSN 0355-5232 ; vol. 40).
ISBN 951-44-3236-3
80. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Short term surface reactions of a bioactive glass implanted subcutaneously in rat / R.-P. Happonen...et al.
- In: Bioceramics : vol. 5 : proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Kyoto, Japan, November 1992 / eds. by T. Yamamuro, T. Kokubo, T. Nakamura. - Kyoto : Kobunshi Kankokai, 1992, s. 185-190.
ISBN 4-7702-0060-9
81. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Surface reaction kinetics of bioactive glasses in vitro compared with bone bonding rates in vivo / Ö. Andersson...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 234.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
82. Andersson, Örjan / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Testing of bioactive glass in demineralized bone matrix in rat abdominal muscle pouch / J. Pajamäki...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 514.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
83. Hupa, Leena / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The influence of glass composition on refining / L. Hupa, M. Graeffe, K. Karlsson.
- In: Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio : boletin 6 (1992) s. 483-488. Proc. XVI Intl. Congress on Glass.

84. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive glass as a bone substitute / Ö. H. Andersson...et al.
- In: New trends in bone grafting : an international symposium, Hotel Rosendahl, Tampere, Finland, March 21-23, 1991 / ed. by T. Sam Lindholm. - Tampere : University of Tampere, 1992, s. 127-131. - (Acta universitatis Tamperensis : ser B, ISSN 0355-5232 ; vol. 40).
ISBN 951-44-3208-8
85. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive glasses for bone replacement / Ö. H. Andersson, Kaj H. Karlsson.
- In: The interface between living tissue and biomaterials / ed. Arje Scheinin. - Turku : /Uuden teknologian säätiö/, 1992, s. 7-17.
ISBN 951-96406-1-4
86. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The bioactivity of glasses / K. H. Karlsson.
- In: High-performances glasses / ed. by M. Cable and J. M. Parker. - Glasgow : Blackie, 1992, s. 148-160.
ISBN 0-216-93155-X
87. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Calcium phosphate formation at the surface of bioactive glass in vivo and in vitro / Ö. H. Andersson...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 341.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
88. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Chemical characterization of a potassium hydroxyapatite prepared by soaking in potassium chloride and carbonate solutions / E. G. Nordström and K. H. Karlsson .
- In: Bio-medical materials and engineering, ISSN 0959-2989, 2 (1992) 4, s. 185-189.

89. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  In vivo behaviour of precorroded bioactive glass / E. Vedel...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 548.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
90. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  The influence of glass composition on refining / L. Hupa, M. Graeffe, K. Karlsson.
- In: Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio : boletin 6 (1992) s. 483-488. Proc. XVI Intl. Congress on Glass.

91. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Reactions of bioactive glass and demineralized bone matrix in rat abdominal muscle pouch / K. J. J. Pajamäki...et al.
- In: New trends in bone grafting : an international symposium, Hotel Rosendahl, Tampere, Finland, March 21-23, 1991 / ed. by T. Sam Lindholm. - Tampere : University of Tampere, 1992, s. 132-138. - (Acta universitatis Tamperensis : ser B, ISSN 0355-5232 ; vol. 40).
ISBN 951-44-3236-3
92. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Surface reaction kinetics of bioactive glasses in vitro compared with bone bonding rates in vivo / Ö. Andersson...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 234.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
93. Karlsson, Kaj / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Testing of bioactive glass in demineralized bone matrix in rat abdominal muscle pouch / J. Pajamäki...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterials Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nijmegen : European Society For Biomaterials, 1992, s. 514.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
94. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Bioactive coating materials for metals : a SEM study / E G Nordström.
- In: Electron microscopy 92 : proceedings of the 10th European Congress on Electron Microscopy held in Granada, Spain, 7-11 September 1992 : volume II: material science / ed. by A Lopez-Galindo and M I Rodriguez-Carcia. - Granada : Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, 1992, s. 441-442. EUREM'92, 10th European Congress on Electron Microscopy.
ISBN 84-338-1595-4
95. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Chemical characterization of a potassium hydroxyapatite prepared by soaking in potassium chloride and carbonate solutions / E. G. Nordström and K. H. Karlsson .
- In: Bio-medical materials and engineering, ISSN 0959-2989, 2 (1992) 4, s. 185-189.

96. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Determination of contents and origin of sulfur and heavy metals in stream sediments from the Isojoki river, S. Finland / Leo Harju.../et al/..
- In: Second international symposium on environmental geochemistry, 16-19 September 1991, Uppsala, Sweden : abstracts / (ed. O. Selinius). - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska undersökning, 1991, - (Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Rapporter och meddelanden ; nr 69).

97. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Evaluation of the interface between bone and hydroxyapatite, dahllite, hydroxyapatite + /alpha/-whitlockite and hydroxyapatite +/alpha/-whitlocite + calcium pyrophosphate / E. G. Nordström...et al.
- In: Fourth World Biomaterial Congress, April 24-28, 1992, International Congress Center, Berlin : transactions and final program. - Nymegen : European Society for Biomaterials, 1992, s. 327_.
ISBN 90-72101-03-0
98. Nordström, Egon / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Reaction of bone to HA, carbonate-HA, hydroxyapatite + calcium orthophosphate and to hydroxyapatite + calcium ortho- and pyrophospate / E. G. Nordström, L. Niemi and J. Miettinen.
- In: Bio-medical materials and engineering, ISSN 0959-2989, 2 (1992) 3, s. 115-121.

99. Ståhlström, Axel / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Laborationer i organisk kemi : 6658.2 / Berndt Södergård, Egon Nordström, Axel Ståhlström. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten. Institutionen för organisk kemi, 1992. - 33 bl. : ill. Läromedel i kompendieform.

100. Södergård, Berndt / Institutionen för oorganisk kemi
  Laborationer i organisk kemi : 6658.2 / Berndt Södergård, Egon Nordström, Axel Ståhlström. - Åbo : Åbo akademi. Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten. Institutionen för organisk kemi, 1992. - 33 bl. : ill. Läromedel i kompendieform.
