51. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
11C-methyl iodide : routine production and use in preparation of some
11C-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for PET in Turku / K. Någren...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 76-81. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
52. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Routine production of some 11C-labelled radiopharmaceuticals for investigations
of cardiac metabolism with PET in Turku / K. Någren...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 82-85. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
53. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
2-(18F)-2-deoxy-D-galctose for experimental and clinical studies of liver
function / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 88-90. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
54. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of plutonium-237 / J. Aaltonen...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 98. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
55. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
(18F)-2-fluoro-deoxy-D-galactose ((18F)FDGal) for studies on the liver with the
PET / R. Paul...et al.
- In: European journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0340-6997, 16 (1990) s. 450. |
56. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Positron emission tomography demonstrates dopamine D2 receptor supersensitivity
in the striatum of patients with early Parkinson's desease / U. K. Rinne...et
- In: Movement disorders, ISSN 0885-3185, 5 (1990) 1, s. 55-59. Abstracts of the First International Congress on Movement Disorders. |
57. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET demonstrates different behaviour of striatal dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptors
in early Parkinson's disease / J. O. Rinne...et al.
- In: Journal of neuroscience research, ISSN 0360-4012, 27 (1990) s. 494-499. |
58. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A new approach to 18F-6-fluorodopa PET scanning in Parkinson's disease using a
selective COMT-inhibitor (OR-462) / A. Laihinen...et al.
- In: Movement disorders, ISSN 0885-3185, 5 (1990) Suppl. 1, s. 28. Abstracts of the First International Congress on Movement Disorders. |
59. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
18F-6-fluorodopa PET scanning using a selective COMT-inhibitor (OR-462) in
Parkinson's disease / A. Laihinen...et al.
- In: Acta neurologica Scandinavica : Supplement, ISSN 0065-1427, (1990) 182, s. 30. Proceedings of the 28th Scandinavian Congress of Neurology, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1990. |
60. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of radiopharmaceuticals at the Turku medical cyclotron/PET project 1
January 1987-31 December 1989 / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 72-73. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
61. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multiwire proportional counter for monitoring of airborne positron-emmitting
gases / S.-J. Heselius and H. T. Sipilä.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 91-94. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
62. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A positron-sensitive low-voltage ionisation chamber / S.-J. Heselius, H. T.
Sipilä and H. K. Saarni.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 95-97. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
63. | Johansson, Stefan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Automatization of the cyclotron / U. Holmlund, Jan-Olof Lill and Stefan
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 3-8. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
64. | Johansson, Stefan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The cyclotron / P.-O. Eriksson, Jan-Olof Lill and Stefan Johansson.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 1-2. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990, 1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
65. | Lill, Jan-Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Den isokrona cyklotronen MGC-20 : kompendium för operatörer / Jan-Olof Lill. -
Åbo : Åbo akademi. Acceleratorlaboratoriet, 1990. - 37 s. : ill.
- (ÅA Acc ; 1990, 3).
Läromedel i kompendieform.
ISBN 951-649-821-3 |
66. | Lill, Jan-Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The cyclotron / P.-O. Eriksson, Jan-Olof Lill and Stefan Johansson.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 1-2. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990, 1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
67. | Lill, Jan-Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Automatization of the cyclotron / U. Holmlund, Jan-Olof Lill and Stefan
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 3-8. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
68. | Lill, Jan-Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Supression of the compton background in gammaspectroscopy / Jan-Olof Lill.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 15-17. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
69. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of radiopharmaceuticals at the Turku medical cyclotron/PET project 1
January 1987-31 December 1989 / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 72-73. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
70. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of plutonium-237 / J. Aaltonen...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 98. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
71. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
2-(18F)-2-deoxy-D-galctose for experimental and clinical studies of liver
function / K. Aho...et al.
- In: The Åbo Akademi Accelerator Laboratory triennal report 1987-1989 / supervisory ed. Mårten Brenner. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi, 1990, s. 88-90. - (ÅA Acc, ISSN 0781-559X ; 1990,1). ISBN 951-649-691-1 |
72. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET demonstrates different behaviour of striatal dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptors
in early Parkinson's disease / J. O. Rinne...et al.
- In: Journal of neuroscience research, ISSN 0360-4012, 27 (1990) s. 494-499. |
73. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET in Parkinsons disease with a selective COMT-inhibitor (OR-462) as an
adjuvant to 18F-6-fluorodopa / A. Laihinen...et al.
- In: Second international symposium, Imaging the brain in psychiatry and related fields : inaugural meeting, International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry, ISNIP, June 13-16, 1990, Wurzburg, Federal Republik of Germay : abstract, 1990, s. nr 67. |
74. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
(18F)-2-fluoro-deoxy-D-galactose ((18F)FDGal) for studies on the liver with the
PET / R. Paul...et al.
- In: European journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0340-6997, 16 (1990) s. 450. |
75. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A new approach to 18F-6-fluorodopa PET scanning in Parkinson's disease using a
selective COMT-inhibitor (OR-462) / A. Laihinen...et al.
- In: Movement disorders, ISSN 0885-3185, 5 (1990) Suppl. 1, s. 28. Abstracts of the First International Congress on Movement Disorders. |
76. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Striatal kinetics of (11C)-(+)-nomifensine and 6- (18F)fluoro-L-dopa in
Parkinson's disease measured with positron emission tomography / J.
Tedroff...et al.
- In: Acta neurologica Scandinavica, ISSN 0001-6314, 81 (1990) s. 24-30. |
77. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A /beta/-/gamma/-/gamma/-flow through detector for HPLC analysis of PET
metabolites / O. Solin...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 31 (1991) s. 749. |
78. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Radiolabelling of presynoptic dopaminergic tracers with electrophilic F-18 from
an 11-MeV cyclotron / J. J. Sunderland...et al.
- In: Journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0161-5505, 31 (1991) s. 901. |
79. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
(18F)-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-galactose ((18F)FDgal) for renal studies with PET / R.
Paul.../et al./.
- In: European journal of nuclear medicine, ISSN 0340-6997, 18 (1991) s. 625. Abstracts of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress. |
80. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Excitation function of the 35Cl(alfa,n) 38K reaction using gas targets / F.
Tarkanyi.../et al./.
- In: Radiochimica acta, ISSN 0033-8230, 54 (1991) s. 165-166. |
81. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The glucose-free fatty acid cycle in human heart and skeletal muscle as
measured with PET / P. Nuutila.../et al./.
- In: Acta endocrinologica (1991) 124, s. 50. |
82. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The labelling of 2-oxoquazepam with electrophilic 18F / T. Duelfer.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 29 ( 1991) s. 1223-1239. |
83. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
PET studies of brain dopamine receptors in early Parkinson's disease / U. K.
Rinne.../et al./.
- In: Pathophysiology and treatment : proceedings of the European Conference on Parkinson's Disease and Extrapyramidal Disorders, Rome 10-14 July 1990. - Roma : Libbey, cop. 1991, s. 115-118. |
84. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Preparation of the antioestrogenic compound N-(methyl-11C)-toremifeme for the
study oestrogen-receptor positive tumors in vivo / K. Någren.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 29 ( 1991) s. 1085-1089. |
85. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Development of gas-filled positron-sensitive radiodetectors / S-J. Heselius, H.
T. Sipilä.
- In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on targetry and target chemistry, 19-23 June, 1989, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / Thomas J. Ruth, 1990, s. 67-71. |
86. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Issues in carrier-free target systems : their development and maintenance /
Sven-Johan Heselius, Kenneth A. Krohn & Jeanne M. Link.
- In: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on targetry and target chemistry, 19-23 June, 1989, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / Thomas J. Ruth, 1990, s. 5-18. |
87. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Measurements of photonuclear activation of air with a multiwire proportional
counter / Pertti Ruotsalainen, Sven-Johan Heselius and Hannu T. Sipilä.
- In: Sixth Varian European users meeting : proceedings : May 31 - June 4, 1989, Royal Hotel, San Remo, Italy / A. B. M. F. Karim, 1990, s. 98-99. - (Varian research report). |
88. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A multiwire propotional counter for monitoring of airborne positron-emitting
gases / S.-J. Heselius and H. T. Sipilä.
- In: Fifth symposiun on the medical application of cyclotrons : proceedings of a symposium held in Turku, Finland, May 31-June 3, 1989 / ed. by Sven-Johan Heselius.../et al./. - Stockholm, 1991, s. 89-90. - (Acta radiologica. Supplementum, ISSN 0365-5954 ; 376). |
89. | Heselius, Sven-Johan / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Production of 66Ga and 67Ga at a compact cyclotron / F. Szelecsényi.../et al./.
- In: Fifth symposium on the medical application of cyclotrons : proceedings of a symposium held in Turku, Finland, May 31-June 3, 1989 / ed. by Sven-Johan Heselius.../et al./. - Stockholm, 1991, s. 62-63. - (Acta radiologica. Supplementum, ISSN 0365-5954 ; 376). |
90. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
A comparative PET-study of five carbon-11 or flourine-18 labelled salicylamides
: preparation and in vitro dopamine D2 receptor binding / C. Halldin.../et
- In: International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation : part B: nuclear medicine and biology, ISSN 0883-2879, 18 (1991) s. 871. |
91. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Electrophilic 18-F from an 11 MeV proton cyclotron for the radiolabelling of
presynaptic dopaminenergic tracers / J. J. Sunderland.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 30 ( 1991) s. 92. |
92. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Evaluation of 18-F-labelled dopamine tracers using in vivo microdialysis / O.
T. deJesus.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 30 ( 1991) s. 290. |
93. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Excitation function of the 35Cl(alfa,n) 38K reaction using gas targets / F.
Tarkanyi.../et al./.
- In: Radiochimica acta, ISSN 0033-8230, 54 (1991) s. 165-166. |
94. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The glucose-free fatty acid cycle in human heart and skeletal muscle as
measured with PET / P. Nuutila.../et al./.
- In: Acta endocrinologica (1991) 124, s. 50. |
95. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
The labelling of 2-oxoquatzepam with electrophilic 18F / T. Duelfer.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 29 ( 1991) s. 1223. |
96. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Laser enchanged propotional gas scintillations / P. Lindblom, T. Olsson and O.
- In: Nuclear instruments & methods in physics : Sect. A, ISSN 0168-9002, 302 (1991) s. 113. |
97. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Studies of particle beam interactions with gases / K. Aho...et al.
- In: Biennal report 1989-1990 / utg. av Åbo Akademi. Department of Physics ; ed. by Tom Lönnroth. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Department of physics, 1991, s. 12-14. - (IFAA ; 00191/200). ISBN 951-649-912-0 |
98. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Sub-nanocurie HPLC analysis of labelled metabolites with a flow-through
/beta/+-detector / O. Solin.../et al./.
- In: Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals, ISSN 0362-4803, 30 ( 1991) s. 305. |
99. | Solin, Olof / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
Theoretical calculations for the heat transport in Ni-foils / K.-M. Källman, O.
Solin and S.-O. Bäckman.
- In: Biennal report 1989-1990 / utg. av Åbo Akademi. Department of Physics ; ed. by Tom Lönnroth. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Department of physics, 1991, s. 27-28. - (IFAA ; 00191/200). ISBN 951-649-912-0 |
100. | Bergman, Jörgen / Acceleratorlaboratoriet |
18F-6-fluorodopa PET imaging in Parkinson's disease after selective COMT
inhibition / A. Laihinen.../et al./.
- In: Movement disorders, ISSN 0885-3185, 7 (1992) Suppl., s. P428. Abstracts of the Second International Congress on Movement Disorders. |