51. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
Dynamic low-order models for capturing directionality in nonideal distillation
/ Mats F. Sågfors, Kurt V. Waller.
- In: Industrial & engineering chemistry research, ISSN 0888-5885, 34 (1995) s. 2038-2050. |
52. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
The impact of process directionality on robust control in non-ideal
distillation / M. F. Sågfors and K. V. Waller.
- In: Dynamics and control of chemical reactore, distillation columns, and bath processes (DYCORD+ '95) : a postprint volume from the 4th IFAC Symposium, Helsingör, Denmark, 7-9 June 1995 / edited by J. B. Rawlings ; co-edited by W. Marquat, D. Brown, S. Skogestad. - Oxford : Publ. for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon, 1995, s. 327-332. ISBN 0-08042368-X |
53. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
Modeling of pH for control / Tore K. Gustafsson...[et al.].
- In: Industrial & engineering chemistry research, ISSN 0888-5885, 34 (1995) no. 4, s. 820-827. |
54. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
Controllability of SVD control structures for ill-conditioned plants / M. F.
Sågfors and K. V. Waller.
- In: UKACC International Conference on Control '96, 2-5 September 1996, Venue, University of Exeter, UK. - London : Institution of Electrical Engineerings, 1996, s. 515-520. |
55. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
A two-channel relay for autotuning / M. Friman, K. V. Waller. - Åbo : Åbo
Akademi, 1996. - 26 s. : tab., diagr., fig.
- (Rapport/ Åbo Akademi. Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten. Institutionen för
reglerteknik, ISSN 0357-7228 ; 1996, 6).
56. | Waller, Kurt V. / Institutionen för reglerteknik |
A two-channel relay for auto-tuning / M. Friman, K. V. Waller.
- In: Industrial & engineering chemistry research, ISSN 0888-5885, 36 (1997) s. 2662-2671. |