51. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
An impedance spectroscopic study on single-piece all-solid-state
calcium-selective electrode based on polyaniline / T. Lindfors...[et al.].
- In: Analyst, ISSN 0003-2654, 121 (1996) s. 1823-1827. Även i: Yearbook 1996 / Graduate School of Materials Research. Åbo, 1997, s. 114-121. |
52. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Ion-selective electrodes for measurements of calcium and magnesium in clinical
analysis / A. Hulanicki and A. Lewenstam.
- In: Egyptian journal of analytical chemistry 3 (1996) 2, s. 12-16. |
53. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Lactate solid-state biosensor with multilayer of electrodeposited polymers for
flow-injection clinical analysis / T. Krawczynski...[et al.].
- In: Biosensors and bioelectronics, ISSN 0956-5663, 11 (1996) s. 1155-1165. |
54. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Observations on the behaviour of some trifluoroacethophenone derivates as
neutral carriers for carbonate ion-selective electrodes / T. Sokalski...[et
- In: Analyst, ISSN 0003-2654, 121 (1996) s. 133-138. |
55. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A polypyrrole-based amperometric ammonia sensor / Ilkka Lähdesmäki, Andrzej
Lewenstam and Ari Ivaska.
- In: Talanta, ISSN 0039-9140, 43 (1996) s. 125-134. |
56. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
All-solid-state potentiometric sensors for potassium and sodium based on
poly(pyrrole) solid contact / A. Michalska, A. Hulanicki and A. Lewenstam.
- In: Microchemical journal : devoted to the application of microtechniques to all branches of science, ISSN 0026-265X, 57 (1997) s. 59-64. |
57. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Calcium single-piece all-solid-state ion-selective electrode : part I : the
influence of the molar ratio of protonic acid to polyaniline on the electrode
performance / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: ESEAC '96 : 6th. European Conference on ElectroAnalysis, University of Durham, England 25-29 March 1996 : conference abstracts booklet / European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry. - Durham : Royal Society of Chemistry Electroanalytical Group in conjunction with Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group , 1996, s. [abstract B26]. |
58. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Calcium single-piece all-solid-state ion-selective electrode : part II :
protonation of polyaniline at a higher temperature with DiOHP and DBSA as
protonic acids / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: ESEAC '96 : 6th. European Conference on ElectroAnalysis, University of Durham, England 25-29 March 1996 : conference abstracts booklet / European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry. - Durham : Royal Society of Chemistry Electroanalytical Group in conjunction with Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group , 1996, s. [abstract A3]. |
59. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Carbonate ion-selective electrode with trifluoroacetophenone derivatives in
potentiometric clinical analyzer / M. Maj-Zurawska ... [et al.].
- In: Talanta : an international journal of analytical chemistry, ISSN 0039-9140, 44 (1997) s. 1641-1647. |
60. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Electrochemical sensors for clinical and environmental analysis -
state-of-the-art / Andrzej Lewenstam, Johan Bobacka and Jan Öst.
- In: Chemistry Forum '97 = Forum Chemiczne '97 : III International Symposium, Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, 14-16 April 1997, Warszawa '97, Chemistry Building, ul. Noakowskiego 3 / [Chemistry Forum]. - Warszawa : Warsaw University of Technology. Department of Chemistry, 1997, s. 11-13. ISBN 83-904741-1-5 |
61. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
- In: Ion-selective electrode and procedure for producing an ion-selective electrode / A. Lewenstam, J. Bobacka and A. Ivaska, 1996, US 5,584,979, 17.12.1996. Patent. |
62. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Ionic and redox responses of p-doped conducting polymers / A. Ivaska, A.
Lewenstam and J. Bobacka.
- In: 183rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society cosponsored by The Electrochemical Society of Japan with the cooperation of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 16-21, 1993 : program / The Electrochemical Society. - Pennington, NJ : The Electrochemical Society, 1993, s. 251. Abstract 1669. |
63. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Ionic and redox responses of p-doped conducting polymers / Ari Ivaska, Andrzej
Lewenstam and Johan Bobacka.
- In: 44th ISE Meeting, Berlin, Germany September 5-10, 1993 : abstracts / International Society of Electrochemistry. - Berlin : International Society of Electrochemistry, 1993, s. 535. Abstract O:IV.3.3. |
64. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
- In: Ioniselektiivinen elektrodi ja menetelmä ioniselektiivisen elektrodin valmistamiseksi = jonselektiv elektrod och förfarande för att framställa en jonselektiv elektrod / A. Lewenstam, J. Bobacka and A. Ivaska, 1996, FI 96141, 10.5.1996. Patent. |
65. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Metallic and non-metallic redox response of conducting polymers / Krzysztof
Maksymiuk ... [et al.].
- In: Journal of electroanalytical chemistry, ISSN 0022-0728, 430 (1997) s. 243-252. |
66. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Modeling potentiometric sensitivity of conducting polymers / Agata Michalska,
Ari Ivaska, Andrzej Lewenstam.
- In: Analytical chemistry, ISSN 0003-2700, 69 (1997) 19, s. 4060-4064. |
67. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
A new observation on the behaviour of some trifluoroacetophenone derivates as
neutral carrier for carbonate ISE / Andrzej Lewenstam ... [et al.].
- In: ICP information newsletter : inductively coupled plasma discharges for spectrochemical analysis, ISSN 0161-6951, 21 (1995) 6, s. S1.11. SAC 95 : International Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, 11-15 July 1995, Hull : abstracts. |
68. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric and impedance characterization of electrodes prepared of soluble
conducting polypyrrole / Tom Lindfors ... [et al.].
- In: Yearbook 1997 / Graduate School of Materials Research. - Åbo : Graduate School of Materials Research, 1998, s. 155-164. - (Yearbook /Graduate School of Materials Research, ISSN 1239-8608 ; 1997). |
69. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric properties of polypyrrole films doped with calmagite / Ann-Sofi
Nybäck, Andrzej Lewenstam and Ari Ivaska.
- In: Yearbook 1997 / Graduate School of Materials Research. - Åbo : Graduate School of Materials Research, 1998, s. 165-178. - (Yearbook /Graduate School of Materials Research, ISSN 1239-8608 ; 1997). |
70. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric response of poly(3-octylthiophene) film electrodes and their
possible applications in solid-state cation-selective electrodes / J. Bobacka,
A. Ivaska and A. Lewenstam.
- In: Euroanalysis VIII / R. A. Young. - Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 1994 , s. PJ21. - (The analyst : the analytical journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London), ISSN 0003-2654 ; 119 : 6). Kongress: Euroanalysis (8 : Edinburgh : 1993). |
71. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric response of polypyrrole in the presence of Fe(III)/Fe(II) couple
/ Ann-Sofi Nybäck ... [et al.].
- In: ESEAC '96 : 6th. European Conference on ElectroAnalysis, University of Durham, England 25-29 March 1996 : conference abstracts booklet / European Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry. - Durham : Royal Society of Chemistry Electroanalytical Group in conjunction with Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Group , 1996, s. [abstract B24]. |
72. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric selectivity of poly(pyrrole) films / A. Michalska and A.
- In: Chemical and biological sensors and analytical electrochemical methods : proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Electrochemical Methods / editor, A.J. Ricco ... [et al.] ; Sensor and Physical Electrochemistry Divisions [of the Electrochemical Society]. - Pennington, NJ : Electrochemical Society, cop. 1997, s. 514-523. - (Proceedings / Electrochemical Society, ISSN 0161-6374 ; 97-19). Symposium on Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Electrochemical Methods (1997). ISBN 1-56677-147-1 |
73. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Potentiometric selectivity of poly(pyrrole) films / A. Lewenstam, A. Michalska.
- In: Meeting abstracts : the 1997 joint ES and ISE meeting : Paris August 31 - September 5, 1997 / Electrochemical Society. - Pennington, NJ : Electrochemical Society, 1997, s. 870. Abstract No.746. |
74. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Recommendation for measuring and reporting ionized magnesium in undiluted
serum, plasma or whole blood / A. Lewenstam ... [et al.].
- In: Magnesium : current status and new developments : theoretical, biological, and medical aspects / edited by Theophile Theophanides and Jane Anastassopoulou. - Dordrecht [Netherlands] ; Boston : Kluwer Academic, cop. 1997, s. 18. Lectures and posters delivered at the 8th International Symposium on Magnesium, in Heraklion, Crete, 5-9 Oct. 1997. ISBN 0792348214 |
75. | Lewenstam, Andrzej / Institutionen för analytisk kemi |
Use of ion-selective electrodes for blood-electrolyte analysis / R. W. Burnett
... [et al.].
- In: Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, ISSN 1051-2292, 9 (1997) 1, s. 16-22. Annat ISSN: 1051-2306. Annan titel: Journal of the IFCC. |