101. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Mechanism of the hydrogenation of citral over Ni/Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] catalyst /
P. Mäki-Arvela, L.-P. Tiainen, T. Salmi.
- Ingår i: Heterogenous catalysis : proceedings of the eight International Symposium : Varna, 5-9 October 1996 / editors : A. Andreev...[et al.]. - Sofia : Institute of Catalysis. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1996, s. 195-200. ISBN 954-90193-1-4 |
102. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
A mechanistic approach to the gas-phase hydrogenation of alkylbenzenes :
kinetics, adsorption and stereochemistry / S. Smeds ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Third European Congress on Catalysis, EuropaCat-3, Kraków, Poland, August 31st-September 6th, 1997 : book of abstracts : volume 2 / European Congress on Catalysis (1997). - Kraków : Polish Academy of Sciences, 1997, s. 758. ISBN 83-907325-0-5 |
103. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Modelling of citral hydrogenation kinetics on a Ni/Al[sub 2]O[sub 3] catalyst /
Lasse-Pekka Tiainen, Päivi Mäki-Arvela, Tapio Salmi.
- Ingår i: Catalysis in multiphase reactors : preprints : 2nd International Symposium, Toulouse, France, March 16-18, 1998 / [EFCE]. - [France] : [Toulouse], [1998], s. 43-51. 609th event of the EFCE. |
104. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Teknisk kemi och kemisk reaktionsteknik vid Åbo Akademi : en festskrift
tillägnad professor Lars-Eric Lindfors = Industrial chemistry and chemical
reaction engineering at Åbo Akademi : a festschrift in honour of professor
Lars-Eric Lindfors / Tapio Salmi (red.). - Åbo : Åbo Akademi. Institutionen för
teknisk kemi, 1997. - [374] s. : ill.
ISBN 951-650-961-4 |
105. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Toluene and methylcyclohexane adsorption on nickel catalysts / D. Murzin ...
[et al.].
- Ingår i: Reaction kinetics and catalysis letters, ISSN 0304-7704, 61 (1997) s. 227-236. |
106. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Transient kinetics of CO oxidation and NO reduction on three-way monolith
catalysts / T. Maunula ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Environmental catalysis for a better world and life : proceedings of the 1st World Congress Environmental Catalysis - For a Better World and Life, Pisa (Italy), May 1-5, 1995 / editors G. Centi ... [et al.]. - Rom : Societa' Chimica Italiana, 1995, s. 363-366. - (EFCE publications series ; 112). ISBN 88-86208-02-2 |
107. | Salmi, Tapio / Institutionen för teknisk kemi |
Xylose hydrogenation : kinetic and NMR studies of the reaction mechanisms /
Jyri-Pekka Mikkola ... [et al.].
- Ingår i: Catalysis in multiphase reactors : preprints : 2nd International Symposium, Toulouse, France, March 16-18, 1998 / [EFCE]. - [France] : [Toulouse], [1998], s. 63-72. 609th event of the EFCE. |