61. | Människohandel och barnäktenskap - ett förstärkt straffrättsligt skydd, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Människohandel och barnäktenskap - ett förstärkt straffrättsligt skydd : betänkande av utredningen om människohandel m.m. / - (SOU ; 41), 439 p.. - Stockholm : Fritxe, 2008. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 978-91-38-22964-4 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
62. | Ruppel, Oliver C. : Children's rights in Namibia, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Children's rights in Namibia / Ruppel, Oliver C. - (i 101 243 375), xvi, 435 p.. - Windhoek : Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 2009. ISBN 978-99916-0-891-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Introduction Oliver C Ruppel The protection of children's rights in Namibia: Law and policy Lotta N Ambunda and Willard T Mugadza The protection of children's rights under international law from a Namibian perspective Oliver C Ruppel A major decision: Considering the age of majority in Namibia Rachel Coomer and Dianne Hubbard Work in progress: The Child Care and Protection Act in Namibia Lena N Kangandjela and Clever Mapaure The best interest of the child Yvonne Dausab Children's right to citizenship Faith Chipepera and Katharina G Ruppel-Schlichting Custody and guardianship of children Felicity !Owoses-/Goagoses Adoption: Statutory and customary law aspects from a Namibian perspective Oliver C Ruppel and Pombili L Shipila Child labour: A universal problem from a Namibian perspective Clever Mapaure Realising the right to education for all: School policy on learner pregnancy in Namibia Dianne Hubbard Customary practices and children with albinism in Namibia: A constitutional challenge? Ruusa N Ntinda Children in polygynous marriages from a customary perspective Prisca N Anyolo "A man is not a man unless ...": Male circumcision - A legal problem? Manfred O Hinz and Moudi Hangula. Restorative justice: The case for a Child Justice Act Stefan Schulz High Court of Namibia Vulnerable Witnesses' Project Annel M Silungwe Child suggestibility in the Namibian justice system Joab T Mudzanapabwe Understanding the perpetrators of violent crimes against children Veronica C de Klerk Access to information by orphans and other vulnerable children in the Ohangwena Region Chiku Mchombu Child trafficking, child prostitution and the potential dangers of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa Michael Conteh The Ombudsman for Children in Poland: A model for Namibia?Agata Rogalska-Piechota Accessibility of social assistance benefits in indigenous African communities from a South African perspective Gugulethu Nkosi In search of a focus: Methodological provocations in the quest for the recognition and implementation of children's rights and legal entitlements Julie Stewart INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): 20. Nov. 2009 Kinderrechte in Namibia Hg. von Oliver C Ruppel 1 189 331 NOTE (THESIS): Oliver C Ruppel 5 201 347 NOTE (GENERAL): 978-99916-0-891-4 Am 20.11.1989 hat die die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen die Kinderrechtskonvention angenommen. Inzwischen haben 193 Staaten die Konvention unterzeichnet und damit ihre Verantwortung für Kinder und den Schutz von deren unveräusserlichen Rechten auf Überleben, Entwicklung, Schutz und Beteiligung anerkannt. Am 20.11.2009 legt die KAS eine umfassende Publikation vor, die den Stand und die Entwicklung von Kinderrechten in Namibia aus verschiedenen Perspektiven analysiert. 53 223 363 CRC; CEDAW;
URL http://www.kas.de/proj/home/pub/8/2/year-2009/dokument_id-18139/index.html |