61. | The constitution of the European Union, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The constitution of the European Union / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Revue Europeenne de droit public = European review of public law : vol. 16; no. 1., p. 19-340. - London : ESPERIA , 2004. LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are a.o.:. 1. Ev. Venizelos : European constitution : a challenge for constitutional theory. 2. C. Ladenburger : Towards a post-national constitution - federal, confederal or genuinely Sui Generis : introductory comments on the convention method, and on some features of an improved constitutional charter. 3. L. Ortega: The reform of the Community institutions. 4. P. Craig : Competence : clarity, containment and consideration. 5. A rigid constitution for a flexible administration : new forms of governance. 6. M. P. Chiti : A rigid constitution for a flexible administration : new forms of governance. 7. M. Nettesheim : Decision-making in the EU : identity, efficieny and democratic legitimacy. 8. G. Della Cananea : Procedures in the new (draft) constitution of the European Union. 9. F. Goudappel : Prospects of the European Common defence policy. 10. X. A. Yataganas : Un cadre institutionnel intégre pour une politique exterieure commune de l'Union Européenne. 11. A. Gordillo : The draft EU constitution and the world order. 12. S. Koukoulis-Spiliotopoulos : Which charter of fundamental rights was incorporated in the draft European constitution?. 13. D. Maus : Gouvernance et identités en Europe : la problematique de la constitution pour l'Europe. 14. M. R. Ripolles Serrano : National constitution and European convention. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; |
62. | Barents, René : The Court of Justice in the draft constitution, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The Court of Justice in the draft constitution / Barents, René REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Maastricht journal of European and comparative law : vol. 11; no. 2., p. 121-142. - Bryssel : Bruylant, 2004. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.maastrichtjournal.eu/pdf/?articleId=533ce428285a135c-98f880d8e2693a8a |
63. | den Boer, Monica : Crime and constitution, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Crime and constitution : a brief chronology of choices and circumventions / den Boer, Monica REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Maastricht journal of European and comparative law : vol. 11; no. 2., p. 143-158. - Bryssel : Bruylant, 2004. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.maastrichtjournal.eu/pdf/?articleId=19e510830e67cbcf-f10233dafea87dc9 |
64. | Dobson, Lynn (ed.) : Political theory and the European constitution, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Political theory and the European constitution / Dobson, Lynn (ed.) ; Follesdal, Andreas - (ECPR studies in European political science ; 35), xvi, 224 p.. - New York : Routledge, 2004. ISBN 0-415-34067-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS :. Introduction, by Lynn Dobson and Andreas Føllesdal. Part 1: Constitutionalising a multinational federation?:. 1. 'Is federalism for Europe a solution or a problem: Tocqueville inverted, perverted or subverted?' Philippe C. Schmitter 2. 'The EU as a Self-sustaining Federation: Specifying the Constitutional Conditions' David McKay, University of Essex 3. 'A Union of Peoples? Diversity and the Predicaments of a Multinational Polity' Peter A. Kraus. Part 2: Philosophical contestations: the Convention process:. 1. 'The Normality of Constitutional Politics: an Analysis of the Drafting of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights' Richard Bellamy and Justus Schönlau 2. 'Europe united under God or not - or both?' Tore Vincents Olsen 3. 'The Open Method of Co-ordination in the European Convention: an opportunity lost?' Myrto Tsakatika. Part 3: The Union's values: liberty, democracy, transparency, and rights:. 1. 'Liberty and power in the Constitution' Lynn Dobson 2, 'The constitutional labelling of 'the democratic life of the EU': representative and 'participatory' democracy' Stijn Smismans 3. 'Transparency and output legitimacy' Daniel Naurin 4. 'An institutional dialogue on common principles. The significance of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights' Claudia Attucci 5. 'Motivating Judges. Democracy, Judicial Discretion, and the European Court of Human Rights' Roberto Gargarella 6. Conclusion: Andreas Føllesdal and Lynn Dobson INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; |
65. | Ervo, Laura : Oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti / Ervo, Laura, xviii, 508 p.. - Helsinki : WSOY, 2005. ISBN 951-0-30591-X LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: SISÄLLYS:. 1 Johdanto. 2. Diskurssietiikan mahdollisuudet oikeudenmukaisessa oikeudenkäynnissä. 3. Kommunikatiivisuuden prosessuaaliset edellytykset. 4. Tosiasiallinen osallistuminen rikosprosessissa. 5. Todistelun avoimuus. 6. Tuomarin rooli. 7. Keskeisimmät tutkimustulokset. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur. (thesis), Turun Yliopisto (University of Turku); 2005 NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR; |
66. | Gerven, Walter van : The European Union A Polity of States and Peoples , 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union A Polity of States and Peoples : a polity of states and peoples / Gerven, Walter van, xvii, 397. - Oxford : Hart, 2005. ISBN 1-84113-529-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS :. Introduction. 1. The European Union’s Institutions, Identity and Values i. The European Union in a Nutshell. ii. A European “Body Politic” and Identity. iii. European Constitutionalism. iv. Conclusions. 2. Accountable Government i. Accountability of Executive Government. ii. Political Accountability of EU Commissioners. iii. Conclusion. 3. The Rule of Law. i. Rule of Law, Rechtsstaat, and Judicial Review. ii. Submission of Public Authorities to Community Law. iii. Respect for Basic Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. iv. Providing Legal Certainty. v. Conclusions. 4. Good Governance. i. Integrity and Efficiency. ii. Equality in Law and Affirmative Action. iii. Social Justice and the Welfare State. iv. Conclusions. 5. Open Government. i. Civic Responsibility. ii. Free Access to Public Documents. iii. Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Citizen Participation. iv. Freedom of the Press: a Marketplace for Ideas. v. Conclusions. 6. Making a Constitution for Europe. i. Constitution Making in the European Union. ii. Competences and Procedures in the Draft Constitution. iii. The Institutions’ Democratic Legitimacy. iv. Issues Still in Need of a Satisfactory Solution. v. Conclusions. 7. Which New Form of Government for Europe?. i. Forms of Government: A Comparative Overview. ii. Pure and Mixed Forms of Presidential and Parliamentary Government: An Assessment. iii. Two Specific Issues: Bicameralism and Political Parties . iv. A Democratic Form of Government for the European Union. v. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; TEU; Treaty of Nice; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
67. | Curtin, Deirdre M. (ed.) : Good governance and the European Union, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Good governance and the European Union : reflections on concepts, institutions and substance / Curtin, Deirdre M. (ed.) ; Wessel, Ramses A. (ed.), x, 276 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2005. ISBN 90-5095-381-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. CONCEPTUAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORKS:. Good Governance: The Concept and its Application by the European Union - Deirdre Curtin and Ige Dekker 1. Introduction 2. Governance as an Institutional Concept of the Legal System of International Organizations 3. The Principles of Governance: Openness and Participation in the Legal System and Practices of the European Union 4. Concluding Remarks. 2. Principles of Good Governance: Lessons from Administrative Law - Henk Addink. 1. Introduction 2. Some Remarks on the Terminology in this Chapter 3. Principles of Good Governance: The Theoretical Perspective 4. The Origins of the Principles of Good Governance in the Netherlands 5. The Developments of the Parameters of Principles of Good Governance in Dutch Administrative Law6. The Legal Dimension of Principles of Good Governance in Dutch Administrative Law 7. The Principles of Good Governance Compared: in the Netherlands and in the EU 8. Suggestions for the Concept, the Contents and the Regulation of the Principles of Good Governance in the EU. Good Governance: Lessons from Constitutional Law, by Luc Verhey. 1. Introduction 2. The EU as a Multilevel System 3. EU and National Governments 4. Good Governance: A Lack of Constitutionalism 5. Improving Participation 6. Delegation of Legislation 7. Improving the Quality of Legislation 8. The Role of the Commission 9. Agencies 10. Concluding Remarks. Good Governance: Lessons from International Organizations, by Jan Wouters and Cedric Ryngaert. 1. Introduction 2. International Organizations Preaching Good Governance 3. A Tentative List of Good Governance Requirements 4. Good Governance by International Financial Institutions and the WTO 5. Concluding Remarks. II. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORKS :. The Role of Comitology in European Governance, by Ellen Vos. 1. Introduction 2. The Revival of the Community Method 3. Comitology and the White Paper on European Governance 4. In between: the Commissions Proposal for Reforming the Committee Procedures in Cases of Co-Decision 5. Comitology and the European Constitution 6. The Future of Comitology. The Growing Importance of Agencies in the EU: Shifting Governance and the Institutional Balance, by Ronald van Ooik. 1. Introduction 2. The Place of Agencies in the Unions Legal Order 3. Functions and Tasks of European Agencies 4. Supervising the Acts and Measures of the Agencies 5. EU Agencies and the Meroni Principle of Institutional Balance 6. Final Remarks. Democratic Life in the European Union, According to its Constitution, by Amaryllis Verhoeven. 1. Introduction 2. Democratic Legitimacy beyond the Nation State: Starting Points 3. What does the European Constitution say about Democracy? 4. Concluding Evaluation. III. SUBSTANTIVE FRAMEWORKS :. Good Environmental Governance in the EU: Lessons from Work in Progress?, by Michiel Heldeweg. 1. Introduction 2. Good Governance 3. Coherence 4. Effectiveness 5. Accountability 6. Openness and Participation 7. A Governance Shift under the New Constitution?. Good Governance and EU Foreign, Security and Defence Policy, by Ramses Wessel. 1. Introduction 2. Parliamentary Control of CFSP Decision Making 3. Transparency of Decision Making and Access to Information 4. Judicial Scrutiny of CFSP Decisions and Procedures 5. Good Governance as a Substantive Foreign Policy Objective 6. Conclusion. Governance and the Third Pillar: The Accountability of Europol, by Steve Peers. 1. Introduction 2. Overview of the Institutional Framework 3. The Legal Framework of Europol 4. Legislative Accountability 5. Judicial Accountability 6. Operational Accountability 7. External Relations of Europol 8. Reform of the Europol Framework 9. Conclusions. INDEX WORDS:
68. | Henrard, Kristin : Charting the gradual emergence of a more robust level of minority protection, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Charting the gradual emergence of a more robust level of minority protection : minority specific instruments and the European Union / Henrard, Kristin REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights : vol. 22; no. 4., p. 559-584. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2004. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ICCPR-27; European charter for regional or minority languages; EEC treaty; ToA; EU charter of fundamental rights;
URL http://www.nqhr.net/pdf/?articleId=a965310a13d04211-80a58a477916ec71 |
69. | Gerstenberg, Oliver : Private law and the new European constitutional settlement, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Private law and the new European constitutional settlement / Gerstenberg, Oliver REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 10; no. 6., p. 766-786. - London : Blackwell publ., 2004. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
70. | Melossi, Dario : Security, social control, democracy and migration within the 'constitution' of the EU, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Security, social control, democracy and migration within the 'constitution' of the EU / Melossi, Dario REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 1., p. 5-21. - London : Blackwell publ. , 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
71. | Snyder, Francis : Enhancing EU democracy, constituting the European Union, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Enhancing EU democracy, constituting the European Union / Snyder, Francis REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 2., p. 131-134. - London : Blackwell publ., 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
72. | Priban, Jiri : European Union constitution-making, political identity and Central European reflections, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial European Union constitution-making, political identity and Central European reflections / Priban, Jiri REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 2., p. 135-153. - London : Blackwell publ., 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
73. | Trüe, Christiane : Das System der EU-Kompetenzen vor und nach dem Entwurf eines europäischen Verfassungscertrages, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Das System der EU-Kompetenzen vor und nach dem Entwurf eines europäischen Verfassungscertrages = SUMMARY: The system of EU competences before and after thed raft European constitution / Trüe, Christiane REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 64/2., p. 391-424. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 2004. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
74. | Petersen, Niels : Europäische Verfassung und europäische Legitimität - ein Beitrag zum kontraktualistischen Argument in der Verfassungstheorie, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Europäische Verfassung und europäische Legitimität - ein Beitrag zum kontraktualistischen Argument in der Verfassungstheorie = SUMMARY: European constitution and European legitimacy / Petersen, Niels REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht [=ZaöRV] : 64/2., p. 429-466. - Heidelberg : Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 2004. - ISSN 0044-2348 LANGUAGE: GER INDEX WORDS:
75. | Lemmens, Paul (ed.) : Protocol No. 14 and the Reform of the European Court of Human Rights, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Protocol No. 14 and the Reform of the European Court of Human Rights / Lemmens, Paul (ed.) ; Vandenhole, Wouter, xii, 153 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia , 2005. ISBN 90-5095-461-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. PROTOCOL No. 14: OBJECT, PURPOSE AND PREPARATORY WORK - JAN LATHOUWERS. Section 1. Object and Purpose Section 2. Preparatory Work Section 3. Conclusions. CHAPTER II. ORGANISATION OF THE EUROPEAN COURT. Section 1. The Judges of the European Court and the Commissioner for Human Rights - NATHALIE VAN LEUVEN § 1. Status of the Judges § 2. Commissioner for Human Rights § 3. Conclusion Section 2. Single-judge Formations, Committees, Chambers and Grand Chamber - PAUL LEMMENS § 1. Single-judge Formation § 2. Extension of the Competence of the Committees § 3. No Major Changes with Respect to the Chambers and the Grand Chamber § 4. Concluding Comments. CHAPTER III. INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINTS. Section 1. The Right of Individual Petition to the European Court - PIETRO SARDARO § 1. The Right of Individual Petition: International and European Perspectives § 2. Right of Petition and Access to International Justice for the Victims § 3. Right of Petition and Safeguards for the Adjudication Process § 4. Conclusions Section 2. A New Inadmissibility Ground - FRÉDÉRIC VANNESTE § 1. Introduction § 2. The Final Result as a Compromise § 3. Evaluation of the New Admissibility Criterion § 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER IV. FRIENDLY SETTLEMENTS AND STRIKING OUT OF APPLICATIONS - FIONA ANG and EVA BERGHMANS Introduction Section 1. Friendly Settlements in Accordance with Articles 38 and 39 ECHR § 1. The Interpretation of Articles 38-39 ECHR § 2. Some Critical Remarks Section 2. Decisions to Strike Applications Out in Accordance with Article 37 ECHR § 1. A New Development in the Interpretation of Article 37 ECHR § 2. Some Critical Remarks Section 3. The Grand Chambers Judgment: Mitigating the Consequences of the New Evolution Section 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER V. EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS - WOUTER VANDENHOLE. Section 1. Growing Concern with the Execution of Judgments § 1. The Court § 2. The Parliamentary Assembly § 3. Committee of Ministers Section 2. The Current Reform § 1. Double Goal § 2. Proposals for Reform § 3. The Actual Reform Section 3. A First Evaluation. CHAPTER VI. - EUROPEAN UNION ACCESSION TO THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION -ON HUMAN RIGHTS - ANNELIES VERSTICHEL. Introduction Section 1. History of Accession Idea Section 2. Judicial Protection of Human Rights in the EU: De Facto or Indirect Accession Section 3. Reasons for Accession Section 4. Legal and Technical Issues of Accession § 1. Amending Protocol or Accession Treaty § 2. Participation of the EU in Proceedings Before the ECtHR (As Respondent, Amicus Curiae Or Co-defendant) § 3. Representation of the EU in the ECtHR § 4. Representation and Voting Rights of the EU in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe § 5. Inter-state Cases § 6. Advisory Opinions Or Interpretative Rulings by the ECtHR § 7. Terminological Issues § 8. Other Issues Conclusion. ANNEX - PROTOCOL NO. 14 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, AMENDING THE CONTROL SYSTEM OF THE CONVENTION INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ECHR-37; ECHRP-14; TEU; ToA; EU charter of fundamental rights; |
76. | Lysén, Göran : Att studera folkrätt och EG/EU, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Att studera folkrätt och EG/EU : en kort introduktion till vidare studier / Lysén, Göran, 138 p.. - Uppsala : Iustus, 2005. - ISSN 0348-4718 ISBN 91-7678-587-4 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Inledning. 2. Folkrätten. 3. Den Europeiska Unionen. 4. Folkrättens och EG/EU:s rättskällor. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Declaration on friendly relations; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
77. | Guild, Elspeth : International migration and security, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International migration and security : immigrants as an asset or threat? / Guild, Elspeth - (Routledge rersearch in transnationalism) : Routledge, 2005. ISBN 0-415-326654-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. INTRODUCTION, by Joanne van Selm. PART I : Political and Legal Security :. 2. Immigration and Regional Security, by Joanne van Selm. 3. Rights Spillovers: The Impact of Migration on the Legal System of Western States, by Jacqueline Bhabha. 4. Human Rights for Immigrants and Immigrants for Human Rights, by Morten Kjaerum. 5. From Foreigners to 'Abnormal Aliens': How the Faces of the Enemy Have Changed Following September the 11th, by Didier Bigo. 6. Immigrants and the Host Polity: Immigrant Voters as an Electoral Counterweight to Extreme Right Parties, by Jeannette Money. Part Two: Cultural and Identity Security:. 7. Cultural and Identity Security, by E lspeth Guild. 8. Immigrants, Refugees and Racism, by Zrinka Bralo and John Morrison. 9. Language and Immigration, by Susan Forbes Martin. 10. Global, National and Local Identities: The Transformative Effects of Migrant Literature, by Maggie Ann Bowers. PART III: Personal and Economic Security:. 11. Immigration and the Welfare State, by Andrew Geddes. 12. Migration; A Threat or an Asset to Health?, by Peter Poore. 13. Homeownership and the Integration of Immigrants in the United States by Andrew I. Schoenholtz. 14. Digestible Difference: Food, Ethnicity and Spatial Claims in the City , by Susan M. Thompson. 15. Feeding the Festive City: Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Tourist Industry, Jan Rath. PART IV: Conclusion:. Conclusions, by Elspeth Guild INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Angola / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Burundi / Canada / China / Colombia / Cuba / Egypt / France / Germany / Greece / Indonesia / India / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Italy / Morocco / Netherlands / Norway / Pakistan / Poland / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Slovakia / Spain / Sri Lanka / Swden / Switzerland / Syria / Thailand / Togo / Turkey / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; CAT; CEDAW; CERD; ICCPR; |
78. | Europeiska unionens konstitution - med förord av Ulf Öberg, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Europeiska unionens konstitution - med förord av Ulf Öberg /, 492 p.. - Stockholm : Jure, 2005. ISBN 91-7223-227-7 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. DEL I.: 2. DEL: Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna. 3. Unionens politik och funktion. 4. DEL IV: Allmänna bestämmelser och slutbestämmelser. 5. SLUTAKT INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
79. | Bell, John : European perspectives on a Judicial Appointments Commission, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series European perspectives on a Judicial Appointments Commission / Bell, John REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies [=CYEL] : vol. 6 / Bell, J.; Kilpatrick, C. (eds.), p. 35-54. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2005. ISBN 1-84113-361-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): European judges charter; European charter on the statute of jusges; |
80. | de Zwaan, Jaap W. (ed.) : The European Union, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The European Union : an ongoing process of integration : Liber Amicorum Alfred E. Kellermann / de Zwaan, Jaap W. (ed.) ; Jans, Jan H. ; Nelissen, Frans A., xix, 371 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2004. ISBN 90-6704-187-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Foreword Joseph Weiler; Alfred E. Kellermann: Academic community organiser The Editors; List of abbreviations. Part I. Institutional and Constitutional Aspects:. 1. The structure of the union according to the draft constitution for Europe, by Koen Lenaerts. 2. Rethinking the institutional system, by Tim Koopmans. 3.Disturbing or rebalancing powers within the European Union?, by Laurence Gormley. 4. The role of the European Commission over the years: changes and challenges, Jaap de Zwaan. 5. The president of the European Council: the beginning of a European government? , by Richard Lauwaars. 6. The union minister for foreign affairs: Europe’s single voice or Trojan horse?, by Jan Wouters. 7. The member states under the constitution: preliminary investigations, by Tom Eijsbouts. 8. European Union executives: out of the shade, into the sunshine?, by Deirdre Curtin. 8. The fall of committees?, by Ellen Vos. 9. Fragmentation in the governance of EU external relations: legal institutional dilemmas and the new constitution for Europe, by Ramses Wessel. 10. Future paths of flexibility: enhanced cooperation, partial agreements and pioneer groups, by Bruno de Witte. Part II. General Principles and Substantive Aspects:. 1. Use of the infringement procedure in cases of judicial errors, by Christiaan Timmermans. 2. State liability and infringements attributable to national courts: a Dutch perspective on the Köbler Case, by Jan Jans. 3. Rights v. principles, or how to remove fundamental rights from the jurisdiction of the courts, by Sacha Prechal. 4. Decentralisation in a system of legal exception: the role of national competition authorities under regulation 1/2003, by Anne-Marie Van den Bossche. 5. Internet: a new paradigm for EU law? some exploratory comments on a remarkable judgment, by Piet Jan Slot. 6. 'The ethology of a paper tiger': The European Union and doping in sport, by Robert Siekmann and Janwillem Soek. 7. The Europeanization of the international maritime safety agenda: are we better off leaving it to the IMO?, by Frans Nelissen. 8. The teaching of European and international law: the need for curriculum change, by Gerard Tanja. Part III. The New Member States and Eastern Europe:. 1. Supremacy of constitutions in the context of constitutional pluralism, by Evgeni Tanchev. 2. Constitutional preparation for EU accession in the new central and eastern European member states: is the rule of law better than the rule of politics?, by Jenö Czuczai. 3. Impact of EU accession on the national legal orders of new member states: the case of Cyprus, by Nicholas Emiliou. 4. The Czech human rights doctrine as challenged by the EU charter of fundamental rights Jiri Zemanek; European integration and Russia, by Yury Matveevsky. 5. The impact of European integration on the development of law in Russia, by Gennadi Tolstopyatenko. 7. Russia and the enlarged European Union: mending fences while shaping a wider Europe’s environment, by Wybe Douma. 8. The European Union's troubled relations with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1991–2001), by Steven Blockmans. Bibliography Alfred E. Kellermann. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Austria / Central America / Chechnya / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Estonia / Germany / Hungary / Ireland / Korea / Latvia / Liberia / Lithuania / Malta / Poland / Romania / Russian Federation / Serbia / Montenegro / Slovakia / Slovenia / USSR / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Kyoto protocol; Laeken declaration; EU charter of fundamental rights;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9067041874 |
81. | Tiilikainen, Teija : Euroopan perustuslaki, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Euroopan perustuslaki / Tiilikainen, Teija ; Heliskoski, Joni ; Helander, Petri, xii, 253 p.. - Helsinki : Edita Publ., 2005. ISBN 951-37-4052-8 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: Kirjan sisällys:. 1. Perustuslaillisuus integraatiossa 2. EU:n tehtävät ja niiden toteuttaminen 3. EU ja kansalainen 4. EU:n poliittinen järjestelmä 5. EU:n oikeusjärjestys 6. EU vapauteen, turvallisuuteen ja oikeuteen perustuvana alueena 7. EU kansainvälisenä toimijana 8. Perustuslaillisen EU:n haasteet INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; TEU; EU charter of fundamental rights; LIBRARY LOCATION: EUROPARÄTT
URL http://www1.edita.fi/publishing/uutuustuotteet/2005/20050509095650.html |
82. | Inglis, Kirstyn (ed.) : The constitution for Europe and an enlarging Union, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The constitution for Europe and an enlarging Union : unity in diversity? / Inglis, Kirstyn (ed.) ; Ott, Andrea, xvi, 306 p.. - Groningen : Europa Law Publ., 2005. ISBN 90-76871-38-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Chapter 1: Formalising European Constitutionalism; Potential Added Value or ‘Death by Constitution’, by Michiel Brand. Chapter 2: Towards a More Democratic Union? Comments on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, by Fabian Amtenbrink. Chapter 3 : Institutional Reform in the European Union; A Difficult Balancing Act, by Peter Van Elsuwege and An Vermeersch. Chapter 4 : The National Parliaments in an Enlarged Europe and the Constitutional Treaty, by Philipp Kiiver. Chapter 5 : The ‘Principle’ of Differentiation in an Enlarged European Union; Unity in Diversity?, by Andrea Ott. Chapter 6: Impact of European Union Enlargement on EMU; Monetary Split-up into ‘Ins’ and ‘Outs’ as a Temporary or Permanent Phenomenon?, by Beata Dziechciarz. Chapter 7: Differentiation in European Union Citizenship Law; The Cyprus Problem, by Nikolaos Skoutaris. Chapter 8: The Impact of Agriculture on the Success of Enlargement, by Sandra Marco Colino. Chapter 9: European Counter-terrorism in the Context of Enlargement: Challenges Ahead, by Przemys³aw Zysk. Chapter 10: EU Enlargement – Membership Conditions Applied to Future and Potential Member States, by Kirstyn Inglis. Chapter 11: Minority Protection in the EU – Challenges Ahead, by Peter Van Elsuwege. Chapter 12: Turkey’s Democratisation in Light of its EU Candidate Status; EU Enlargement at a Crossroads, by Ahmet Sözen. INDEX WORDS:
83. | Snyder, Francis : Ratification, the EU constitution and EU legal scholarship, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Ratification, the EU constitution and EU legal scholarship / Snyder, Francis REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 3., p. 259-261. - London : Blackwell publ., 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU constitutional treaty; |
84. | Kumm, Mattias : The jurisprudence of constitutional conflict, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The jurisprudence of constitutional conflict : constitutional supremacy in Europe before and after the constitutional treaty / Kumm, Mattias REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 3., p. 261-307. - London : Blackwell publ., 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU constitutional treaty; |
85. | Gibbs, Nathan : Examining the Aesthetic dimensions of the constitutional treaty, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Examining the Aesthetic dimensions of the constitutional treaty / Gibbs, Nathan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): European law journal : review of European law in context : vol. 11; no. 3., p. 326-342. - London : Blackwell publ., 2005. - ISSN 1351-5993 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU constitutional treaty; |
86. | van Krieken, Peter J. : The consolidated asylum and migration acquis, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The consolidated asylum and migration acquis : the EU directives in an expanded Europe / van Krieken, Peter J., xi, 346 p.. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser, 2004. ISBN 90-6704-180-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; Convention against transnational organised crime; CRC; ECHR; European convention on the legal status of migrant workers; Refugee convention; ICCPR; ICESCR; Dublin convention; Schengen convention; Vienna conventions on dilpomatic and on consular relations; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
87. | Creech, Richard : Law and language in the European Union Diversity, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Law and language in the European Union Diversity : the paradox of a Babel “United in Diversity / Creech, Richard, viii, 176 p.. - Amsterdam : Europa Law Publ., 2005. ISBN 90-76871-43-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter 1. Language Regulation in EU Institutions and Bodies:. A. The Legal Foundation of the EU’s Language Regime. B. Linguistic Expansion. 1. First Enlargement. 2. The Greek Enlargement. 3. The Iberian Enlargement. 4. Luxembourg’s Language Switch. 5. The 1995 Enlargement. 6. The Mega Enlargement of 2004: Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Islands. 7. And the Beat Goes On?. 8. A New Challenge Posed by Irish and Minority Languages. C. Institutional Rules of Procedure. D. Getting Lost in the Translation. E. OHIM Gives a Kik to the Illusion of Linguistic Equality. F. Towards a Lingua Franca? : “Si tu veux chanter aujourd’hui, chante en anglais et tu seras compris.”. G. Conclusion. Chapter II. The EU’s Commitment to “Linguistic Diversity”:. A. Scope of “Diversity”. B. Rationale for Promoting Diversity and the Philosophical Clash between the Parliament and the Council. C. Promotion of Linguistic Diversity in Education. D. Limited Efforts to Protect Minority Languages. E. 2001: A Speech Oddity. F. The Language Action Plan. G. The Biodiversity Analogy. H. Conclusion. Chapter III: Language Rights and the Free Movement of Goods:. A. General Principles of Free Movement under the EC Treaty. B. Diverse Labelling Directives. C. Piageme and Progeny: In Search of a “Language Easily Understood”. D. Member State Language Requirements in the Absence of a Directive. E. The Pitfalls of Unilateral Multilingualism. F. A Prohibition on Multilingualism: The Crystal Glass Directive. G. Definitional Barriers to Trade. H. Something to Chew On: The Meaning of Trademarks. I. Conclusion. chapter iv Language Rights and the Free Movement of People A. Member State Imposition of Language Requirements on Migrant Workers. 1. The Groener Case and Regulation 1612/68. 2. Sauce for the Irish Goose is Not Sauce for the French Gander: The EU’s Differing Approaches Towards Language Protection Efforts in Two Member States. 3. Dentists in Deutschland: The Haim Case. 4. Future Issues: A Look at Latvia. B. Rights of Migrant Workers to the Use of Their Own Language. 1. Language Rights in Social Security Programs. 2. Education Rights for the Children of Migrant Workers. 3. Language Rights in Criminal Proceedings. 4. Language Rights in Civil Proceedings. C. Dealing with the Greek Alphabet: An iota of Respect. D. Conclusion. Chapter V: Language Rights as Human Rights:. A. The Evolution of the EU’s Judicial and Political Approach to Human Rights. B. An Overview of the International Protection of Language Rights. 1. Language Rights in Europe. 2. Language Rights and the United Nations. C. Minority Language Education. D. Human Rights, Language and the Free Movement of Goods. E. Human Rights, Language and the Free Movement of People. F. Human Rights Principles and the Use of Languages by the EU. 1. International Law and the Right to Use a Language with Authorities. 2. The Use of Minority Languages. 3. The Case for Russian. G. Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ECHR; European charter for regional or minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; |
88. | Harlow, Carol : Deconstructing government?, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Deconstructing government? / Harlow, Carol REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law : 23 : 2004 / Eeckhout, P.; Tridimas, T.; Burca, G. D. (eds.), p. 57-90. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005 . ISBN 0-19-927469-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
89. | von Bogdandy, Armin : Legal instruments in European Union law and their reform, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Legal instruments in European Union law and their reform : a systematic approach on an empirical basis / von Bogdandy, Armin ; Arndt, Felix ; Bast, Jürgen REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law : 23 : 2004 / Eeckhout, P.; Tridimas, T.; Burca, G. D. (eds.), p. 91-136. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005. ISBN 0-19-927469-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Ec treaty; Laeken declaration; EU treaty; LIBRARY LOCATION: Europarätt |
90. | Birkinshaw, Patrick : Supranationalism, the rule of law and constitutionalism in the draft union constitution, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series Supranationalism, the rule of law and constitutionalism in the draft union constitution / Birkinshaw, Patrick REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of European law : 23 : 2004 / Eeckhout, P.; Tridimas, T.; Burca, G. D. (eds.), p. 199-224. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005. ISBN 0-19-927469-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: