31. | Oliff, Susan L. : To be gentically tied or not to be, 1990 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial To be gentically tied or not to be : a dilemma posed by the use of frozen embryos / Oliff, Susan L. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Women's rights law reporter : vol. 12; no. 2., p. 115-122. - Newark (NJ) : Rutger's Law School, 1990. - ISSN 0085-8269 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
32. | Blyth, Eric : The United Kingdom's human fertilisation and embryology act 1990 and the welfare of the child, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The United Kingdom's human fertilisation and embryology act 1990 and the welfare of the child : a crtique / Blyth, Eric REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International journal of children's rights : vol. 3; nos. 3-4., p. 417-438. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1995. - ISSN 0927-5568 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
33. | Russell-Baker, Sherrie Lynne : Parental rights and gestational surrogacy , 1992 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Parental rights and gestational surrogacy : an argument against the genetic standard / Russell-Baker, Sherrie Lynne REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Columbia human rights law review : vol. 23; no. 2., p. 525-554. - New York : Columbia University School of Law, 1992. - ISSN 0090-7944 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
34. | Evans, Donald (ed.) : Conceiving the embryo, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, Donald (ed.) ; Pickering, Neil (ed.), xiv, 358 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0208-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
35. | Part I : biological facts and moral values, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part I : biological facts and moral values / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 13-88. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0208-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Assisted conception in the human - the embryological view, by Simon Fishel. 2. Pro-attitudes to pre-embryos, by Donald Evans. 3. The status of the embryo - more place for moral intuitions, by Jean-Marie Thévoz. 4. The human embryo and the relativity of biological individually, by Alex Mauron. 5. Human individuation and moral justification, by Martyn Evans. INDEX WORDS:
36. | Part 3 : Personhood and the human embryo, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part 3 : Personhood and the human embryo / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Conceiving the embryo : ethics, law and practice in human embryology / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 151-248. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0208-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Is the human ebryo a person? No., by Maurizio Mori. 2. Human embryology and the criterion of moral standing, by Alicja Przyluska-Fiszer. 3. Embryos as moral subjects and limits of responsibility, by Knut W. Ruyter. 4. The moral status of the pre-personal human being : the argument from potential reconsidered, by Sören Holm. 5. The idea of brain-birth in connection with artificial abortion, by Jozsef Kovacs. INDEX WORDS:
37. | Part I : Infertility and the role of medicine, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part I : Infertility and the role of medicine / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Creating the child : the ethics, law and practice of assisted procreation / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 3-95. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0207-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 2. Assisted conception : the state of the art, by John Parsons. 3. Control of human reproduction : a clinical perspective on bioethical problems, by Gian Carlo di Renzo, Ermelendo V. Cosmi, Gaetano Caserta. 4.The clinical classification of infertility, by Donald Evans. 5. Infertlity, childlessness and the need for treatment : is childlessness a social or a medical problem, by Soren Holm. 6. Ad hominem : a consideration of a feminist critique of the moral discourse of embryologists and others, by Neil Pickering. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: France / Greece / Austria / United Kingdom |
38. | Part 2 : Assisted procreation : rights and duties, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part 2 : Assisted procreation : rights and duties / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Creating the child : the ethics, law and practice of assisted procreation / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 99-173. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0207-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 7. Is a 'hands off' policy to reproduction preferable to artifical intervention, by Maurizio Mori. 8. Naturally conceived : the idea of the natural in moral arguments about assisted conception, by Neil Pickering. 9. A right to procreate? Assisted conception, ordinary procreation and adoption, by Martyn Evans. 10. Child or parent oriented controls of reproductive technologies, by Demetrio Neri. 11. Legal approaches to motherhood in Hungary, by Judit Sandor. 12. The interaction of rationality and freedom of conscience in legislation on controversial bioethical issues, by Erwin Bernat INDEX WORDS:
39. | Part 3 : Assisted procreation and the interests of the child, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part 3 : Assisted procreation and the interests of the child / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Creating the child : the ethics, law and practice of assisted procreation / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 177-239 . - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0207-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 13. The example of adoption for medically assisted conception, by Knut W. Ruyter. 14. The rights of children to information following assisted conception, by Jean-Marie Thévoz. 15. Donor anonymity in the Dutch draft of an artifical insemination act, by Joseph Hubben. 16. Anonymity of the donor in the Spanish act on techniques of assisted reproduction, by Jaime Vidal Martinez. 17. Assisted reproduction and parent-infant bonding, by Karoly Schultz. INDEX WORDS:
40. | Part 4 : The need for regulation, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part 4 : The need for regulation / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Creating the child : the ethics, law and practice of assisted procreation / Evans, D.; Pickering, N. (eds.), p. 241-303 . - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0207-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 18. Prioritising assisted conception services : a public health perspective, by Jean Martin. 19. Artifical insemination in Italy : the current legal situation and discussion of possible future legislation, by Gilda Ferrando. 20. Bioethics and new reproductive technologies in Russia, by Ivanyushkin Alexandr Yakovlevitch. 21. Assisted reproduction in Greece, by Panagiota Dalla-Vorgia. 22. The legal situation of assisted reproduction in Spain, by jaime Vidal Martinez. 23. Patient perceptions of assisted conception services, by Maria Dolanksa and Donald Evans. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Italy / Russian Federation / Greece / Poland / Spain / United Kingdom |
41. | Evans, Donald (ed.) : Creating the child, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Creating the child : the ethics, law and practice of assisted procreation / Evans, Donald (ed.) ; Pickering, Neil (ed.), xiv, 366 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. ISBN 90-411-0207-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
42. | Rynning, Elisabeth : Samtycke till medicinsk vård och behandling, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Samtycke till medicinsk vård och behandling : en rättsvetenskaplig studie / Rynning, Elisabeth - (Skrifter från juridiska fakulteten i Uppsala ; 44), 540 p.. - Uppsala : Iustus, 1994. - ISSN 0282-2040 ISBN 91-7678-275-1 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
43. | Fox Harding, Lorraine : Family, state and social policy, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Family, state and social policy / Fox Harding, Lorraine, xiv, 262 p.. - Hampshire : Macmillan Press LTD, 1996. ISBN 0-333-57482-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
44. | Bainham, Andrew (ed.) : The international survey of family law , 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The international survey of family law : 1994 / Bainham, Andrew (ed.) ; publ. on behalf of the International Society of Family Law, xx, 496 p.. - The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1996. - ISSN 1384-623X ISBN 90-411-0128-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Algeria Marriage : its formation and effects in Algerian substantive law, by M. N. Mahieddin. 2. Angola Affiliation in the new Angolan family code, by Maria do Carmo Medina. 3. Argentina Effects of the recent constitutional reform on family law, by Cecilia Grosman. 4. Australia "...Beautiful and ideal or the reverse ..." Australian family law in 1994. 5. Austria Meier & Müller, Meier-Müller or Müller-Meier: New principles in the law of surnames, by Erwin Bernat and Helga Jesser. 6. Bulgaria Basic issues in Bulgarian family law, by Anna Staneva. 7. Cameroon Nullity : the squaring of a questionable dilemma, by E. N. Ngwafor. 8. Canada Children, same-sex couples and abortion, by Martha Bailey and Nicholas Bala. 9. Chile A new patrimonial regime in marriage, by Ines Pardo de Carvallo. 10. China Women to the fore : developments in the family law of the People's Republic of China, 1992-4, by Michael Palmer. 11. Czech Republic New problems and old worries, by Jiri F. Haderka. 12. England England in the international year of the family, by Michael Freeman. 13. Finland: A long, long way to the Hague - the ratification and implementation of the Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction, by Matti Savolainen. 14. Reforms and controversies, by J. Rubellin-Devichi. 15. Two lively discussed reform acts, by Rainer Frank. 16. Ireland: Constitution and the family, by Paul O'Conner. 17. Italy: Reform of the law of citizenship, by Anna Galizia Danovi. 18. Japan: Family law reform and In-Court mediation in the Japanese Family Court, by Fujiko Isono and Satoshi Minamikata. 19. Malawi: The new constitution and the family, by Garton Kamchedzera. 20. Malta: The impact of CEDAW and the aftermath, by Ruth Farrugia. 21. The Netherlands : An identity crisis - the outer limits of euthanasia, the abolition of chivalry and other adventurous provisions, by Caroline Forder. 22. New Zealand: New Zealand family law in 1994 - more promise than achievement, by Bill Atkin. 23. Norway: Registered partnership in Norway, by Peter Lödrup. 24. Russia: before radical reform of family law, by Olga Khazova. 25. Singapore: Women, family, property and the law, by Peter de Cruz. 26. South Africa: South African family law at the crossroads : from parliamentary supremacy to constitutionalism, by Ronald Thandabantu Nhlapo. 27. Spain: Marriage before the Mayor and other matters, by Gabriel Garcia Cantero. 28. Sweden: The rights of children to speak for themselves and obtain access to information concerning their biological origins etc., by Åke Saldeen. 29. Turkey: Diverse issues, continuing debates, by Esin Örücü. 30. Ukraine: The marriage relationship in Ukraine, by Irina V. Zhilinkova. 31. United States: Focus on adoption, by Marygold S. Melli. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: North Africa / Southern Africa NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-8; CRC-7; Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; |
45. | Freeman, Michael : The new birth right, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The new birth right : identity and the child of the reproduction revolution / Freeman, Michael REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of children's rights : vol. 4; no. 3., p. 273-297. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1996. - ISSN 0927-5568 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
46. | Part III : General reports and discussions, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Part III : General reports and discussions : F. family & succession law / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Law in motion : recent developments in civil procedure, constitutional, contract, criminal, environment, family & succession, intellectual property, labour, medical, social security, transport law / Blanpain, Roger (ed.), p. 627-778. - Hague : Kluwer, 1997. ISBN 90-411-0386-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Equality infamily law - the influence of constitutions and international conventions, by Bea Verschraegen. 2. Dividing the 'new property' upon divorce : the quest for economic equity, by Lynn D. Wardle. 3. Recent developments in succession law, by Ulrich Spellenberg, Chuma N. Himonga, K. Adjamagbo-Johnson. 4. Gender equality in Islamic family law, by Nazeem M- I. Goolam. 5. Statement of the general reporter at the occasion of the closing session : equality in famility and succession law, reporter: Bea Verschraegen. 6. Working group report : dividing the 'new property' upon divorce : the quest for economic equity, reporter: Bea Verschraegen. 7. Working report : recent developments in family and succession law, reporter: Bea Verschraegen. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Czech Republic / Sweden / Australia / United Kingdom / Germany / Hungary / Netherlands / USA / France / Belgium / Netherlands / Switzerland / Spain / South Africa LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Scotland NOTE (MEETINGS): International encyclopaedia of laws : world law conference, Brussels, [19960909-19960912], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; CRC; ECHR; ECHRP-7; TEU; |
47. | George, Robert P. (ed.) : Natural law theory, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Natural law theory : contemporary essays / George, Robert P. (ed.). - repr.., x, 371 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 0-19-823552-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I. Natural law, practical reasoning and morality:. 1. Natural law and the ethics of traditions, by Joseph Boyle. 2. Natural law and human nature, by Robert P. George. 3. Natural law and virtue : theories at cross purposes, by Russell Hittinger. 4. Truth, natural law and ethical theory, by Jeffrey Stout. II: Natural law and legal theory:. 1. Natural law and the separation of law and morals, by Neil MacCormick. 2. Natural law and legal reasoning, by John Finnis. 3. The irrelevance of moral objectivity, by Jeremy Waldron. 4. Law as a functional kind, by Michael S. Moore. III: Natural law, justice and rights. 1. That 'nature herself has placed in oour ears a power of judging' : some reflections on the 'naturalism' of Cicero, by Hadley Arkes. 2. Natural law and rights, by Lloyd L. Weinreb. IV: Legal formalism and legal rationality. 1. Formalism and the rule of law, by Joseph Raz. 2. Why legal formalism, by Ernest J. Weinrib. INDEX WORDS:
48. | Del 1. Rettsteori og rettspolitikk, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph Del 1. Rettsteori og rettspolitikk / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Stat, politikk og folkestyre : festskrift til Per Stavang på 70-årsdagen, 19. februar 1998 / Doublet, D.; Krüger, K.; Strandbakken, A.; (red.), p. 17-248. - Bergen : Alma Mater, 1998. ISBN 82-419-0234-4 LANGUAGE: NOR, ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. Jan Fridthjof Bernt og David R. Doublet : Rettslig og politisk legitimitet. 2. Erik Boe : Forholdet mellom rule of law og rettssikkerhet. 3. Carl August Fleischer : Muligheten for manipulasjon av Stortinget og andre demokratiske organer gjennom skjeve og utiktige fremstillinger av juridiske forhold - "sjörett" og andre exsempler. 4. Asbjörn Kjonstad : rettslige tiltak for å hindre uförepensjoneringer. 5. Bent Liisberg : Konforretningsdommen "revisited" - cowboyrettslig skråblikk på en gammel traver. 6. Inger-Johanne Sand : Hva er den moderne retten og dens legitimitet - mellom demokratisk poltikk, rettigheter og sosiale diskurser. 7. Carsten Smith : Individual rights versus the common good. 8. Eivind Smith : Er domstolskontroll med lover "logisk nödvendig"?. 9. Endre Stavang : Erstatningsansvar som virkemiddel i miljöretten. 10. Mattis Stavang . Eigedomsskatten i perspektiv. 11. Henrik Zahle : Trovaerdighed : et mönster for bevisvurdering. 12. Frederik Zimmer : Er rasjonell skattepliktig mulig?. 13. Henriette Sinding Aasen : Da mor var mor og far var far : noen betraktninger om fortplantningsteknologi, verdivalg og juss. INDEX WORDS:
49. | Lawson, R. A. (ed.) : Leading cases of the European Court of Human Rights, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Leading cases of the European Court of Human Rights : compiled, edited en annotated / Lawson, R. A. (ed.) ; Schermers, H. G. (ed.), xl, 788 p.. - Nijmegen : Ars Aequi, 1997. ISBN 90-6916-251-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; UDHR; CAT; CERD; CRC; CEDAW; ICCPR; Refugee convention; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR |
50. | Lahti, Raimo : Handbook on medicine and human rights , 1986 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: collection Handbook on medicine and human rights : Finnish national report / Lahti, Raimo ; Kokkonen, Paula - (Division for higher education and research [=DECS/ESR Mod h] 86 ; 7), 39 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1986. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
51. | The human rights, ethical and moral dimensions of health care, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The human rights, ethical and moral dimensions of health care : one hundred and twenty cases examined from the standpoint of legal norms, international and European ethics and the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and agnostic moralities, presented as an aid to decision-making and teaching / ; by the European Scientific Co-operation Network "Medicie and Human Rights" of the European Federation of Scientific Networks, 482 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe publ., 1998. ISBN 92-871-3055-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
52. | Puskar, Janette M. : "Prenatal adoption" , 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial "Prenatal adoption" : the Vatican's proposal to the In Vitro fertilization disposition dilemma / Puskar, Janette M. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): New York Law school journal of human rights : vol. 14; no. 3 (Spring )., p. 757-793. - New York : New York Law School, 1998. - ISSN 8756-8926 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
53. | Barlow, Anne ... [et al.] : Advising gay and lesbian clients, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Advising gay and lesbian clients : a guide for lawyers / Barlow, Anne ... [et al.], xxiv, 226 p.. - London : Butterworths, 1999. ISBN 0-406-90303-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Legislation and litigation. 2. Discrimination. 3. Family matters. 4. The family home. 5. Inheritance and succession. 6. Immigration. 7. Crime. 8. Equality 2000. INDEX WORDS:
54. | Blyth, Eric : Donor assisted conception and donor offspring rights to genetic origins information, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Donor assisted conception and donor offspring rights to genetic origins information / Blyth, Eric REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of children's rights : vol. 6; no. 3., p. 237-253. - Hague : Kluwer, 1998. - ISSN 0927-5568 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; CRC; European convention for the protection of human rights and dignity; |
55. | Meulders-Klein, Marie-Theresa : The status of the father in European legislation, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The status of the father in European legislation / Meulders-Klein, Marie-Theresa REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): American journal of comparative law : vol. 44; no. 3., p. 487-520. - Berkeley : University of California. School of Law. The American Society of Comparative Law, 1996. - ISSN 0002-919X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Greece / Portugal / Spain / Italy / Belgium / Sweden / Finland / Norway / Denmark / United Kingdom / Netherlands / Germany / France / Netherlands / Ireland NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-8-14; |
56. | Turunen, Riitta : Hedelmöityshoitoja koskevasta lakiehdotuksesta, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Hedelmöityshoitoja koskevasta lakiehdotuksesta / Turunen, Riitta REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Oikeus : seksuaalinen itsemääräämisoikeus : no. 27; 3., p. 64-70. - Helsinki : Suomen demokraattiset lakimiehet & Oikeus- ja yhteiskuntatieteellinen yhd., 1998. - ISSN 0356-4037 LANGUAGE: FIN INDEX WORDS:
57. | Weeramantry, C. G. : Justice without frontiers, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Justice without frontiers : protecting human rights in the age of technology : volume 2 / Weeramantry, C. G., xii, 684 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1998. ISBN 90-411-1098-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART A: GENERAL PERSPECTIVES. PART B: SPECIFIC PROBLEM AREAS. PART C: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVES. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Nuremberg charter; Dai Dong declaration; Stockholm declaration, Genocide convention; Cocoyoc declaration; Declaration on the use of scientific and technological progress; Oi Committee declaration; Proclamation of Teheran; UN charter; UDHR; Code of ethics relating to torture; |
58. | Kleijkamp, Gerda : Family life and family interests, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Family life and family interests : a comparative study of the influence of the European convention of human rghts on Dutch / Kleijkamp, Gerda, xi, 409 p.. - Hague : Kluwer law, 1999. ISBN 90-411-1136-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The European convention on human rights. 2. The United States constitution. 3. Comparative analysis and conclusions of part one. 4. Dutch filiation law. 5. American filiation law. 6. Comparative analysis and conclusions of part two. 7. Compliance of Dutch filiation law with the European convention and of California, New York and Texas filiation law with the United States constitution. 8. Comparative analysis and conclusions regarding the influence of the European convention on Dutch family law and the influence of the United States constitution on family law and on filiation law inparticular, in California, New York and Texas. INDEX WORDS:
59. | Thure, Veli Matti (toim.) : Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus / Thure, Veli Matti (toim.), 376 p.. - Joensuu : Joensuun Yliopisto, 1999. ISBN 951-708-803-5 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: SISÄLLYS: OSA 1: YLEISLUENNOT : Simo Knuuttila: Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus OSA II : OIKEUSLAITOS OIKEUDENMUKAISUUDEN TOTEUTTAJANA : 1. Tatu Leppänen : Perus- ja ihmisoikeudet lainkäytössa. 2. Sakari Laukkanen : Keskeiset menettelyperiaatteet siviili- ja rikosasioissa. 3. Eija Siitari-Vanne : Keskeiset menettelyperiaatteet hallintolainkäytössa. 4. Laura Ervo : Oikeudenkäyntikulut ja oikeudenmukaisuus. Viimeaikaisten kulu- uudistusten herättämia oikeudenmukaisuuskysymyksiä. 5. Klaus Viitanen : Vaihtoehtoisista riidanratkaisumenetelmistä OSA III : PERUSOlKEUDET, YMPARISTÖ, OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS : Veli-Pekka Viljanen : Perusoikeusjärjestelmä ja ympäristö. 2. Lars D. Eriksson : Ympäristöetiikan haasteet: huomioita biosentrisimn synnyttämistä kysymyksistä. 3. Pekka Kauppi : Luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelun tavoitteet ja keinot. 4. Erkid J. Hollo : Biologisen monimuotoisuuden säilyttäminen ja oikeudenmukaisuus : ympäristöoikeudellinen näkökulma. 5. Markka Oksanen : Luonto omistamisen kohteena: ympäristöfilosofisia nökökulmia. 6. Kalevi Laaksonen : Omaisuudensuojan ja luonnonsuojelun ongelmakohtia. 7. Tapio Määttä : Oikeudenmukaisuuden paikka perusoikeustulkinnoissa : Oikeuden ja moraalin suhteesta ympäristöoikeudellisessa omaisuudensuojakeskustelussa. 8. Henrik Ungern : Maankäytön rajoituksista aiheutuva korvausvelvollisuus omaisuudensuojan täydentäjänä. 9. Janne Uitamo : Käytyä keskustelua ryhmässä : perusoikeudet, ympäristö, oikeudenmukaisuus. OSA IV : OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS VEROTUKSESSA JA TULONSIRROISSA : 1. Kaarlo Tuori : Oikeudenmukaisuus ja priorisointi. 2. Paul Van Aerschot : Oikeusturvan edellytykset eräiden sosiaaliturvan uusien kehityspiirteiden valossa. 3. Pekka Kosonen : Euroopan sosiaalinen malli?. 4. Tommi Ralli : Tulonjaon tasoittaminen - yksityis- vai julkisoikeuden kautta?. 5. Matti Myrsky : Progressiivisesta verotuksesta jakopolitiikan välineena. 6. Jukka Mähönen : Kommenttipuheenvuoro. 7. Seppo Sajama : Kysymyksiä horisontaalisesta ja vertikaalisesta oikeudenmukaisuudesta. 8. Pentti Arajarvi : Sosiaaliturvan ja verotuksen integrointi. OSA V : YKSITYISOIKEUDEN ARVOPERUSTA : 1. Mikko Wennberg : Yksityisoikeuden arvoperusta. 2. Pia Letto-Vanamo : Yksityisoikeuden historia : mika Roomalainen oikeus?. 3. Brita Kristina Herler : Immaterialrättens värdeunnderlag. 4. Juha Tolonen - Mika Kärkkäinen : Talouden globalisoituminen ja sen vaikutukset yksityisoikeuden arvoperustaan. 5. Pekka Timonen : Kauppaoikeudeuden arvot. OSA VI : OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS TERVEYDENHUOLLOSSA : 1. Raimo Lahti : Lääkintä- ja bio-oikeudellisen tutkimuksen haasteita. 2. lrma Pahlman : Potilaan itsemääräämisoikeus, hoitotahto ja itsemurhan yritys. 3. Anja Hannuniemi : Oikeus hoitoon viimeaikaisessa oikeuskaytannössa. 4. Arto Kauppi : Potilastiedot ja poloisin tiedonsaantioikeus. 5. Salla Lötjönen : Lääketieteellinen tutkimustoiminta alaikäisillä - toteutuuko oikeudenmukaisuus? 6. Minna Kimpimäki : Hedelmöityshoitoja koskevan lakiehdotuksen rangaistussäännökset. 7. Nina Meincke : Geenitestit. Tietoon perustuvan suostumuksen ja vakuutusyhtiöiden tiedonsaantioikeuden näkokulmasta. OSA VII : LOPPUPANEELI: OIKEUSLAITOS JA LAINVALVONTAVIRAN OMAISET OIKEUDENMUKAISUUDEN TOTEUTTAJINA JA TURVAAJINA : 1. Olavi Heinonen : Oikeuslaitos oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajana ja turvaajana. 2. Pekka Hallberg : Oikeuslaitos oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajana. 3. Lauri Lehtimaja : Lainkäytön lopputulos on lain kirjainta tärkeämpi. 4. Paavo Nikula : Oikeuslaitos ja lainvalvontaviranomaiset oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajina ja turvaajina. INDEX WORDS:
60. | Corsover, Jason T. : The logical next step?, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The logical next step? : an international perspective on the issues of human cloning and genetic technology / Corsover, Jason T. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): ILSA journal of international and comparative law : vol. 4; no. 2., 49 p.. - Fort Lauderdale, Florida : Nova Southeastern University. Shepard Broad Law Center, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / France / Spain / Switzerland / Norway / Sweden / Denmark / United Kingdom / Australia / New Zealand / USA / Canada / japan / Hong Kong / China / Malaysia / South America |