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Findoc: the search term indexes=('female genital mutilation (FGM)') results in 108 hits


31. Denniston, George C. (ed.) : Understanding circumcision, 2001


Understanding circumcision : a multi-disciplinary approach to a multi-dimensional problem / Denniston, George C. (ed.) ; Hodges, Frederick Mansfield ; Milos, Marilyn Fayre, xix, 404 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001.

ISBN 0-306-46701-1


* kvinnlig omskärelse = female circumcision = naisten ympärileikkaus
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* kvinnlig omskärelse = female circumcision = naisten ympärileikkaus
* undernäring = malnutrition = aliravitsemus
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* maorer = Maori people = maorit
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio
* självmord = suicide = itsemurha
* barn = children = lapset
* judar = Jews = juutalaiset
* etik = ethics = etiikka
* amputation = amputation = amputaatio
* födelsekontroll = birth control = syntyvyydensäännöstely
* barnmisshandel = child abuse = lasten pahoinpitely

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: South Africa / Somalia / New Zealand / Sweden / Australia / Phillipines

NOTE (MEETINGS): Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Genital Integrity: Safeguarding Fundamental Human Rights in the 21st Century, held December 7-9, 2000, in Sydney, Australia.

URL http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-306-46701-1

32. James, Susan (ed.) : Visible women, 2002


Visible women : essays on feminist legal theory and political philosophy / James, Susan (ed.) ; Palmer, Stephanie, 203 p.. - Oxford : Hart, 2002.

ISBN 1-84113-195-4


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Feminism and thepolitics of difference : or, where have all the women gone?, by Anne Phillips. 2. The mother of the legal person, by Kristin Savell. 3. Can women be legal persons?, by Nagaire Naffine. 4. Feminism and the promise of human rights : possibilities and paradoxes, by Stephanie Palmer. 5. Violence, ethics and law : feminist refelctions on a familiar dilemma, by Nicola Lacey. 6. Sexual difference and collective identities : the new global constellation, by Seyla Benhabib. 7. The politics of "presence" and "difference" : working through Spinoza and Eliot, by Moira Gatens. 8. Freedom and the imaginary, by Susan James.

* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* etik = ethics = etiikka
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* autonomi = autonomy = autonomia
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* Eu = EU = EU
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* rasism = racism = rasismi

NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; ECHR;

URL http://www.hart.oxi.net/summaryList.asp?SearchParam=visible+women&searchBy=1&submit=search

33. Musalo, Karen : Refugee law and policy, 2002


Refugee law and policy : a comparative and international approach / Musalo, Karen ; Moore, Jennifer ; Boswell, Richard A., xxxiii, 990 p.. - Durham, NC : Carolina Academic Press, 2002.

ISBN 0-89089-114-1


ABSTRACT: Chapter 1. The International Origins of Refugee Law. A. Overview. B. The Ancient Roots of Refugee Protection. 1. Protection of the Stranger in the Arab World: The Ancient Concepts of “ijara” and “aman” . Ghassan Maârouf Arnaout, Asylum in the Arab-Islamic Tradition. 2. Refugee Protection in the Judeo-Christian Tradition: Sanctuary in Ancient Greece, Rome and the Early Christian Church. Ignatius Bau, This Ground is Holy: Church Sanctuary and Central American Refugees. C. Twentieth Century Ultra-Nationalism and the Creation of the “New Refugees”. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism. D. The Crystallization of an International Refugee Protection Regime (1921–1951). 1. Early Efforts to Establish Formal Mechanisms for the Protection of Refugees (1921–1946). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, An Introduction to the International Protection of Refugees. 2. The International Refugee Organization (1947). Constitution of the International Refugee Organization. 3. The Birth of UNHCR (1951). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, An Introduction to the International Protection of Refugees. E. The Evolution of the Modern International Law Definition of the Refugee (1920–1951). 1. Early Twentieth Century Concepts of the Refugee. James C. Hathaway, The Development of the Refugee Definition in International Law, The Law of Refugee Status. 2. The IRO Refugee Definition (1947). 3. The Refugee Definition Found in the UNHCR Statute (1950). 4. The Convention Refugee Definition (1951). James C. Hathaway, The Development of the Refugee Definition in International Law, The Law of Refugee Status. F. The U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees: A Humanitarian Agenda. G. The Fundamental Challenges of Refugee Protection. 1. The Non-entitlement to Asylum and the Norm of Non-refoulement. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, The Refugee in International Law. 2. Full Membership in a Political Community: the Search for Durable Solutions. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1993: The Challenge of Protection. H. Contemporary and Expanded Notions of the Refugee. 1. UNHCR, the Internally Displaced and Victims of Armed Conflict: The Expanded Mandate. James C. Hathaway, The Development of the Refugee Definition in International Law, The Law of Refugee Status. 2. Regional Organizations, Armed Conflict and Human Rights Abuses: New Definitions of the Refugee. James C. Hathaway, The Development of the Refugee Definition in International Law, The Law of Refugee Status. 3. International Humanitarian Law and the Refugee. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1993: The Challenge of Protection. The Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. James C. Hathaway, The Development of the Refugee Definition in International Law, The Law of Refugee Status. Jennifer Moore, Simple Justice: Humanitarian Law as a Defense Against Deportation. Chapter 2. International Norms and State Practice. A. Introduction. B. U.S. Law and International Norms. 1. International Law as the “Law of the Land”. 2. The Period Preceding the 1980 Refugee Act: Was the Protocol the “Law of the Land”? . a. The Protocol’s Definition of Refugee and the Obligation of Non-refoulement. b. The Historical Context. Center for Civil and Human Rights, Admission of Refugees and Asylees Under the Law: Reports on Current United States Procedures and Policies, and Their Origins, with Recommendations for Change. Cong. Research Serv., Library of Congress, 96th Cong., 1st Sess., Review of U.S. Refugee Resettlement Programs and Policies (Comm. Print 1979) Prepared at the Request of Senator Kennedy, Chairman, Comm. on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate 3. The 1980 Refugee Act a. The U.S. Definition of Refugee b. Overseas Refugee Program The Overseas Refugee Admissions Process (i) The Allocation of Refugee Admissions Tahl Tyson, The Refugee Act of 1980: Suggested Reforms in the Overseas Refugee Program to Safeguard Humanitarian Concerns from Competing Interests c. Asylum and Restriction on Removal: Applications for Protection at the Border and Within the U.S. Political Asylum Procedure Restriction on Removal C. Selected Issues: U.S. Compliance with International Norms 1. Qualifying for Non-refoulement 2. Statutory Bars/Cessation and Exclusion 3. Access to the Process 4. Bias in the Adjudicatory Process James Silk, U.S. Committee for Refugees, Despite A Generous Spirit, Denying Asylum in the United States American Baptist Churches v. Thornburgh 5. Bias and Limited Access a. “ Special Procedures” for Haitians Cheryl Little, United States Haitian Policy: A History of Discrimination Harold Hongju Koh, Reflections on Refoulement Sale v. Haitian Centers Council Louis Henkin, Notes from the President, American Society of International Law Newsletter Harry A. Blackmun,The Supreme Court and the Law of Nations b. Interdiction in the Wake of the Sale Decision Karen Musalo, Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight & J. Edward Taylor, The Expedited Removal Study, Report on the First Three Years of Implementation of Expedited Removal c. Expedited Removal as a Means of Limiting Access Karen Musalo, Lauren Gibson, Stephen Knight & J. Edward Taylor, The Expedited Removal Study, Report on the First Three Years of Implementation of Expedited Removal Testimony of Eleanor Acer, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Hearing on Asylum Policy, U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Immigration Subcommittee D. Asylum Policy in the European Union 1. Accelerated Procedures 2. Safe Country of Origin 3. Safe Third Country 4. Right of Appeal 5. Visa Requirements 6. Carrier Sanctions 7. Detention and Social Benefits Johannes van der Klauuw, Towards a Common Asylum Procedure, in Implementing Amsterdam: Immigration and Asylum Rights in EC Law E. South Africa’s Emerging Refugee Protection System 1. Background 2. The South Africa Refugee Act and Regulations Jacob van Garderen & Vinodh Jaichand, Preface in Jeff Handmaker, Lee Anne de la Hunt, Jonathan Klaaren, Perspectives on Refugee Protection in South Africa Chapter 3. Degrees of Risk: The Standard of Proof in Claims for Protection A. Introduction B. I.N.S. v. Stevic: The Standard of Proof for Non-refoulement; Not all Refugees are Entitled to Non-refoulement I.N.S. v. Predrag Stevic C. The Standard of Proof for Refugee Status I.N.S. v. Luz Marina Cardoza-Fonseca Joan Fitzpatrick, The International Dimension of U.S. Refugee Law D. The Interpretation of the Well-Founded Fear Standard 1. UNHCR and State Practice 2. Matter of Mogharrabi — The Board Applies the Well-Founded Fear Standard Matter of Mogharrabi E. Garcia-Ramos — The U.S. Courts Distinguish the Asylum and Withholding/Restriction Standards Jose Garcia-Ramos v. I.N.S. F. The Standard in Expedited Removal — A “Credible Fear of Persecution” G. The Relationship Between the Standard of Proof for Likelihood of Harm and The Burden of Proof/Burden of Persuasion H. Past Persecution and its Relevance to Claims for Protection 1. The INS Regulation on Past Persecution 2. Parsing the INS Regulation I. The Relationship Between Countrywide Persecution and a Well-Founded Fear Canadian Immigration & Refugee Board, Guidelines on Civilian Non-Combatants Fearing Persecution in Civil War Situations Klaus Hullman, Switzerland, in Jean-Yves Carlier, et. al. Who is a Refugee?: A Comparative Case Law Study J. The Role of Discretion in the Refugee Determination Process 1. Considering the “Totality of Circumstances” in the Exercise of Discretion Matter of Pula Chapter 4. The Definition of Persecution — Its Forms and Sources A. Introduction B. The Relationship Between Human Rights Norms and Persecution Refugee Status Appeals Authority (1999) 2000 C. The Forms of Persecution 1. Economic Harms as Persecution Djordje Kovac v. I.N.S. 2. Physical and Mental Violations and the Issue of Punitive Intent Alla Konstantinova Pitcherskaia, petitioner, The International Human Rights Law Group, intervenor v. INS 3. Severe & Atrocious Persecution — The Requirement for a Humanitarian Grant Matter of Chen 4. Discrimination as a Form of Persecution Brian Brosnahan & Robert Borton of Heller, Ehrman, & McAuliffe and Mark Silverman of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center — Applicant’s Brief in Support of a Request for Political Asylum & Withholding of Deportation David Stephen & Phillip Wearne, Central America’s Indians Vera Korablina v. INS 5. Distinguishing Prosecution from Persecution Ebrahim Sadeghi v. I.N.S. D. The Origin of Persecution 1. The State’s Role in Persecution 2. The Protection and the Accountability/Complicity Views 3. International Guidance and State Practice 4. Sending an Asylum Seeker from a Protection to an Accountability Regime — The Implications of the “Safe Third Country” Principle Chapter 5. The Nexus Requirement A. Introduction B. United States Jurisprudence 1. 1980–1992: The Period Preceding Zacarias Sofia Campos-Guardado v. I.N.S. Olimpia Lazo-Majano v. I.N.S. a. Proving “On Account Of” — The Use of a Rebuttable Presumption Adela Hernandez-Ortiz v. I.N.S. 2. The Zacarias Decisions a. The Ninth Circuit Jairo Jonathan Elias Zacarias v. I.N.S. b. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Imposition of an Intent Requirement I.N.S. v. Jairo Jonathan Elias Zacarias c. Statutory Interpretation: Plain Meaning and Deference A Critique of the Zacarias Decision Karen Musalo, Irreconcilable Differences? Divorcing Refugee Protections from Human Rights Norms C. International and Comparative Practice on the Requirement of Nexus Written Submission on Behalf of the U.N. High Comm’r for Refugees in the [U.K.] Court of Appeal in Yasin Sepet and Erdem Bulbul v. Secretary of State for the Home Department Chen Shi Hai (an infant) by his next best friend Chen Ren Bing, v. The Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs D. Protection Under the Torture Convention 1. Background 2. Relief under CAT compared to Asylum under the Refugee Act a. The Definition of Torture b. Comparison of CAT and Asylum Relief c. The Court Compares Asylum to CAT Relief Navaratwam Kamalthas v. INS 3. Decisions of the U.N. Committee Against Torture in Cases of Asylum Seekers Who Have Been Tortured Decision of the Committee Against Torture In the Matter of Pauline Muzonzo Paku Kisoki Against Sweden Chapter 6. Persecution on Account of Political Opinion A. Introduction B. Persecution on Account of Political Opinion: When are Activities & Opinions Political? 1. Anti-communism as a Political Opinion Fidele Sanon v. I.N.S. 2. Trade Union Activity as an Expression of Political Opinion Vicente Osorio v. I.N.S. 3. Neutrality as Political Opinion Espectación Bolanos-Hernandez v. I.N.S. 4. Imputed Political Opinion Jose Doney Argueta v. I.N.S. a. Canadian Perspective on Neutrality and Imputed Political Opinion Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Guidelines on Civilian Non-Combatants Fearing Persecution in Civil War Situations 10 (1996) 5. Revisiting Nexus — The Concept of “Mixed Motives” In re S — P — 6. Opposition to Corruption as a Political Opinion/Refugee Status for “Whistle-Blowers” Alexander Klinko, Lyudmyla Klinko, and Andriy Klinko v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) C. Selected Issues —Prosecution vs. Persecution, Refusal to Serve in the Military and Coercive Population Control 1. When is Prosecution Persecution? CONTENTS xiii a. Fairness of the Process Elvis Ameyaw v. Secretary of State for the Home Department b. Prosecution for “A Convention Reason” R. v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Zia Mehmet Binbasi c. Prosecution in the More Traditional Political Context i. Pretextual Prosecution as Persecution Efrain Carranza-Hernandez v. I.N.S. ii. The Difference Between Legitimate Governmental Investigation and Political Persecution Rene Blanco-Lopez v. INS iii. Punishment for a Crime Committed: Resistance to Repressive Regimes Nana Asante Dwomoh v. Sava 2. Refusal to Serve in the Military a. UNHCR Guidance b. Evolving Jurisprudence (i) Religiously-Motivated Conscientious Objection (ii) Political Objections to Military Action, and Condemnation by the International Community Slavko Ciric and Slavica Ciric v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration) Jose Antonio Barraza-Rivera v. I.N.S. 3. Coercive Population Control Guo Chun Di v. Carroll Chapter 7. Persecution on Account of Religion A. Introduction B. Freedom of Religion in International Practice and its Relationship to Refugee Norms Karen Musalo, Irreconcilable Differences? Divorcing Refugee Protections from Human Rights Norms C. Different Degrees of Consistency with International Norms: United States, United Kingdom and Australia 1. United States Matter of Liadakis 2. United Kingdom Ahmad and Others v. Sect’y of State for the Home Department Amnesty International, Report on Religious Intolerance 3. Australia Commonwealth of Australia Amnesty International, Conscientious Objection to Military Service (1991) D. U.S. Constitutional Law Principles: First Amendment Free Exercise of Religion Jason W. Rockwell, When Congress Answers Religion’s Prayer: The Religious Liberty Protection Act of 1999 E. Overlapping Grounds of Persecution. 1. Religion and its Overlap with Political Opinion Claims. Masood Shirazi-Parsa, et al. v. I.N.S. 2. Religion and its Overlap with Gender/Social Group Claims. In re S — A —. Susan Musarrat Akram, Orientalism Revisited in Asylum and Refugee Claims. Chapter 8. Persecution Based on Race or Nationality. A. Introduction. B. Basic Concepts. 1. Race. Cheikh Anta Diop, Civilization or Barbarism, An Authentic Anthropology. The 1950 UNESCO Statement on Race. Ashley Montagu, Race, Science, and Humanity. The 1967 UNESCO Statement on Race and Racial Prejudice. 2. Nationality. Elizabeth Kiss, Is Nationalism Compatible with Human Rights? Reflections on East Central Europe, Identities, Politics and Rights. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism. D. An Analysis of Asylum Claims Based Upon Race or Nationality from the Perspective of the UNHCR Handbook. 1. Persecution on Account of Race. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status. 2. Persecution on Account of Nationality. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status. E. Treatment of Race and Nationality Claims in U.S. Courts. 1. Ethnicity, Politics and Social Status. a. Oromo Opposition Family in Ethiopia: the Case of Makonnen. Elizabeth Makonnen v. I.N.S. . b. Elite Amhara in Ethiopia: the Case of Gebremichael. Tesfaye Aberra Gebremichael v. I.N.S.. 2. Ethnicity and Religion. a. Russian Jews from the Ukraine: the Case of O — Z — and I — Z . In re O — Z — & I — Z —. b. Kurdish Moslem from America: the Case of Mgoian. Maiane Mgoian v. INS. c. Orthodox Serb from Croatia: The Case of Petrovic . Dragan Petrovic v. I.N.S. 3. The “Indigenous Ethnicity” of Mayan Indians in Guatemala: the Case of Duarte de Guinac. Mildred Yesenia Duarte de Guinac and Mauro Jose Guinac Quiej v. I.N.S. 4. Ethnicity and Gender in the Case of Shoafera, an Amhara Woman from Ethiopia . Nigist Shoafera v. I.N.S. F. International Treaties Relating to Crimes Against Humanity. 1. The Genocide Convention and Ethnic Persecution. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. 2. The International Criminal Court. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. G. Contemporary Case Studies of Ethnic Persecution and the Establishment of International Criminal Tribunals. 1. The Former Yugoslavia and the ICTY. Steve Coll, War Crimes and Punishment: Bosnia in the Shadow of the Holocaust. 2. Rwanda and the ICTR. H. Humanism in the Face of “Organized Ethnic Hatred:” A Further Commentary. Marieme Helie-Lucas, The Face of Women Refugees from Muslim Communities: Algeria to ex-Yugoslavia, The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia and Croatia. Majana Burazovic, Don’t Call Me That Way, The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia and Croatia. Chapter 9. Persecution Based on Membership in a Particular Social Group. A. Introduction. B. Conceptual Background. 1. Social Group Membership under International Refugee Law. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, The Refugee in International Law. 2. Social Group Membership from the Perspective of the UNHCR Handbook. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status (1979). C. Nexus and Social Group. D. Treatment of Social Group Claims in U.S. Courts. 1. Acosta: Social Groups Defined by Immutable or Fundamental Characteristics. Matter of Acosta. Power Elite? . 3. Hernandez-Montiel: Social Non-conformity as Immutable or Fundamental. Geovanni Hernandez-Montiel v. I.N.S. 4. Kasinga and Social Groups of Female Cultural Dissidents. In re Fauziya Kasinga. 5. In re R — A — and Persecution in the Home: Abused Women as a Prospective Social Group. In re R — A. E. Comparative Law Analysis of Social Group Claims. Maryellen Fullerton, A Comparative Look at Refugee Status Based on Persecution Due to Membership in a Particular Social Group. Krista Daley & Ninette Kelley, Particular Social Group: A Human Rights Based Approach in Canadian Jurisprudence. Chapter 10. Gender-Related Claims to Refugee Status. A. Introduction. B. Conceptual Background: the Women’s Human Rights Movement and the Challenge of International Protection for Refugee Women. 1. International Human Rights Instruments. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, G.A. Res. 48/104, U.N. GAOR. 2. International Human Rights Advocacy. Nahid Toubia, Female Genital Mutilation: A Call for Global Action. 3. International Refugee Guidelines. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Policy on Refugee Women. 4. The Challenge of Refugee Protection. Eshila Maravanyika, Some Issues of Protection and Participation of Refugee Women: The Case of Mozambican Refugee Women in Zimbabwean Camps (1995) (research paper, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague). C. An Analysis of Gender-related Grounds and Forms of Persecution from the Perspective of the UNHCR. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Guidelines on the Protection of Refugee Women. Executive Committee Conclusion No. 39 ( XVI) on Refugee Women and International Protection. Executive Committee Conclusion No. 73 (XLIV) on Refugee Protection and Sexual Violence. D. The Treatment of Refugee Women’s Claims in U.S. Courts: The Still-Exceptional Character of Gender Asylum Jurisprudence 645 1. Rape as a Weapon of War: Violence Against Women in Time of Widespread Repression. In re D — V . 2. The Chador Cases: Feminism and the Religious State. Saideh Fisher v. I.N.S. 3. Female Genital Mutilation: Women, “Culture” and Sexual Domination. In re Fauziya Kasinga. 4. Domestic Violence: the Abused Family as Social Group. Rosalba Aguirre-Cervantes v. I.N.S. E. Comparative Law Analysis of Gender-Related Claims. 1. Canadian Gender Guidelines. Guidelines Issued by the Chairperson Pursuant to Section 65(3) of the Immigration Act: Women Refugee Claimants Fearing Gender-Related Persecution. 2. U.S. Gender Guidelines. Considerations For Asylum Officers Adjudicating Asylum Claims From Women (Memorandum from Phyllis Coven, Office of International Affairs . . . ). 3. Australian Gender Guidelines. Refugee and Humanitarian Visa Applicants Guidelines on Gender Issues for Decision Makers. 4. U.K. Gender Guidelines. Immigration Appellate Authority, Asylum Gender Guidelines. 5. New Zealand’s Approach to Gender-Related Claims. F. Some Concluding Remarks About “Gender-Related” Claims. 1. “ Nexus” to Gender. 2. The Personal is Universal. Chapter 11. Qualifications Upon Protection. A. Introduction. B. The Exclusion Clauses of Article 1.F. 1. Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity. 2. Serious Non-political Crimes. 3. Acts Contrary to the Pur poses and Principles of the United Nations. 4. Caselaw on the Application of Article 1.F. (Australia). (Canada). Notes. (United States). Matter of Rodriguez-Majano 722 (United States) 726 Juan Anibal Aguirre-Aguirre v. INS 727 I.N.S. v. Juan Anibal Aguirre-Aguirre 729 Brief for Amicus Curiae In Support of The Respondent Submitted by Iris Gomez, Esq., Counsel of Record, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, James F. Smith, Esq., Amagda Perez, Esq., Immigration Law Clinic, University of California School of Law, Davis 737 C. Article 33.2 — Particularly Serious Crimes and “Danger to the Security” of the Host Country 741 1. Particularly Serious Crimes 742 a. Application of the Particularly Serious Crime Bar in the United States 742 Matter of Carballe 742 b. The 1990 and 1996 Amendments to the INA 746 2. Danger to Security of the Host Country 747 a. Application of Security Bar in the United States 748 D. Applying the Exclusion Clauses 748 E. The Cessation Clauses of Article 1.C 749 Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, The Refugee in International Law 750 1. Firm Resettlement Under U.S. Law — Effective Protection in a Third State 754 Matter of Soleimani 755 2. Filing Deadline as a Basis for Exclusion 758 F. Comparative Charts of Refugee Convention and INA Qualifications on Protection 761 Statutory Appendix, The Qualifications on Protection — Governing Domestic Statutory Provisions 764 The Refugee Definition — Persecutor of Others Exclusion 764 Asylum Procedure and Statutory Bars 764 Restriction on Removal & Statutory Bars 766 Aggravated Felonies as a Bar 767 The “Terrorism Bars” 769 Nazi Persecution or Genocide 770 Chapter 12. The Process and Rights of Asylum Seekers 771 A. Introduction 771 B. An International Perspective on Procedures 771 Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, The Refugee in International Law 772 C. Realpolitik Constraints 774 Stephen H. Legomsky, An Asylum Seeker’s Bill of Rights in a Non-Utopian World 774 D. Limits on Constitutional Protections for Asylum Seekers in the United States 780 Kendall Coffey, The Due Process Right To Seek Asylum in the United States: The Immigration Dilemma and Constitutional Controversy 781 E. Selected Issues in State Practice 786 1. An Overview of Determination Procedures in the United States 786 a. Affirmative Applications for Asylum 787 b. Applications as a Defense to Removal 788 c. A Critique of the Adjudicatory System 790 Deborah E. Anker, Determining Asylum Claims in the United States: a Case Study on the Implementation of Legal Norms in an Unstructured Adjudicatory Environment 790 2. Conditions and Components of a Fair Refugee Determination Procedure 795 a. Legal Representation 795 Margaret H. Taylor, Promoting Legal Representation for Detained Aliens: Litigation and Administrative Reform 796 b. Detention of Asylum Seekers 800 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Guidelines on Applicable Criteria and Standards Relating to the Detention of Asylum-Seekers (1999) 801 Wendy Young, U.S. Detention of Women and Children Asylum Seekers: A Violation of Human Rights 809 c. An Independent and Unbiased Adjudicator 814 Fredric N. Tulsky, Judges Who Grant Asylum Show Extreme Differences in Rulings 814 d. Right to Appeal 821 i. Appeals in the U.S. System 822 Tarek Ghebllawi v. I.N.S. 824 e. Language Interpretation as a Guarantor of Related Rights 827 El Rescate v. Exec. Office for Imm. Rev. 828 4. Right to Work/Social Benefits 836 Ryszard Cholewinski, Economic and Social Rights of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe 837 A. Introduction 841 B. International Perspectives 842 Atle Grahl-Madsen, The Status of Refugees in International Law 842 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status 842 C. Establishing the Facts — Selected Issues 845 1. Credibility of the Applicant 845 a. Demeanor 846 Jeremy A. Blumenthal, A Wipe of the Hands, A Lick of the Lips: The Validity of Demeanor Evidence in Assessing Witness Credibility 847 Pensaquitos Village, Inc., v. NLRB 849 In re Berta Lidia Iraheta 851 b. The Impact of Psychological Factors on Credibility 857 Physicians for Human Rights, Medical Testimony on Victims of Torture: A Physician’s Guide to Political Asylum Cases 857 Psychological Evaluation of R — C — by Adrianne Aron, Licensed Clinical Psychologist 859 c. Cross-Cultural Issues 862 Juan Francisco Cordero-Trejo v. I.N.S. 863 Walter Kälin, Troubled Communication: Cross-Cultural Misunderstandings in the Asylum-Hearing 871 Veronika Kot, The Impact of Cultural Factors on Credibility in the Asylum Context 878 Everth Ceballos-Castillo v. I.N.S. 881 Commonwealth of Australia 882 Notd. Special Guidance for Child and Women Applicants 890 (i) Child Applicants 890 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Refugee Children: Guidelines on Protection and Care 890 (ii) Women Applicants 892 Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Guidelines on Gender Issues for Decision Makers 892 e. Medical Testimony Relating to Persecution 893 Physicians for Human Rights Medical Testimony on Victims of Torture: A Physician’s Guide to Political Asylum Cases 894 2. The Non-corroboration Rule and Recent Trends 895 Olufemi Yussef Abdulai v. Ashcroft 896 D. Credibility Determinations from the Perspective of the Examiner 906 Audrey Macklin, Truth or Consequences: Credibility Determinations in the Refugee Context 906 Appendix A 914 American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 914 Chapter 14. Current and Future Challenges in Refugee Protection 919 A. Introduction 919 B. UNHCR: The United Nations Refugee Agency Renews its Commitment to Refugee Protection in the Twenty-first Century 921 Erika Feller, Statement by the Director, UNHCR Department of International Protection, to the 18th Meeting of the UNHCR Standing Committee (Jul. 5, 2000) 922 C. Temporary Protection and Complementary Protection: a Retreat from Asylum or an Overture to Protection? 925 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1993: The Challenge of Protection 926 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1995: The Search for Solutions 927 UNHCR, Complementary Forms of Protection: Their Nature and Relationship to the International Refugee Protection Regime 931 D. Non-Refoulement to Human Rights Emergencies: Harbinger of a Customary Norm? 937 Jennifer Moore, Simple Justice: Humanitarian Law As a Defense Against Deportation 938 E. Responding to the Internally Displaced: The Problem of Failed States and the Concept of Effective Protection 942 Luke T. Lee, The London Declaration of International Law Principles On Internally Displaced Persons 942 F. Resolving the Problem of Exile: the Seamless Web of Prevention, Protection and Solutions 948 1. Voluntary Repatriation: Return in Safety and Dignity, or Return to Exile? 948 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, The State of the World’s Refugees 1993: The Challenge of Protection 948 2. Nation-building: Principled Pragmatism as a Response to Global Interdependence 953 Jonathan Moore, The U.N.’s New Mission: Nation-Building 953 G. Refugees as Survivors of Conflicts and Healers of Communities 956 Steve Coll, The Other War 956 Judith Mayotte, Beyond the Balkans, The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia and Croatia 972 H. Conclusion 977

* abort = abortion = abortti
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* delade bördor = burden-sharing = taakan jakaminen
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* barn = children = lapset
* inbördeskrig = civil war = sisällissota
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* tvångsförflyttade personer = displaced persons = hätäsiirtolaiset
* EU = EU = EU
* val = elections = vaalit
* fact-finding missions = fact-finding missions = fact-finding missions
* utlämning = extradition = luovuttaminen
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* utrikespolitik = foreign policy = ulkopolitiikka
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* gerilla = guerrilla = sissiliike
* judeförintelsen = holocaust = juutalaisvaino
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* jus cogens = peremptory norms = peremptory norms
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* nationalism = nationalism = nationalismi
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* tillfälligt skydd = temporary protection = tilapäinen suojelu
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* etnisk rensning = ethnic cleansing = etninen puhdistus

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Albania / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Canada / Chile / China / Denmark / Egypt / El salvador / Eritrea / Finland / France / Germany

NOTE (GENERAL): Cartagena declaration; ICCPR; CAT; OAU refugee convention; Refugee convention; CEDAW; CAT; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance; Dublin convention; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Schengen convention; ToA;

34. Gruenbaum, Ellen : The female circumcision controversy, 2001


The female circumcision controversy : an anthropological perspective / Gruenbaum, Ellen, 242 p.. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.

ISBN 0-8122-3573-8


* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* kvinnlig omskärelse = female circumcision = naisten ympärileikkaus
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* judar = Jews = juutalaiset
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio


URL http://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book/13443.html

35. Das, Dilip K. : Teaching police officers human rights, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Teaching police officers human rights / Das, Dilip K. ; Verma, Arvind

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of human rights : vol. 6; no. 2., p. 35-48. - London : Frank Cass, 2002. - ISSN 1364-2987


* högkommissarie för mänskliga rättigheter = High Commissioner for Human Rights = ihmisoikeusvaltuutettu
* undervisning om mänskliga rättigheter = human rights education = ihmisoikeuksien opettaminen
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen


URL http://www.frankcass.com/jnls/jhr_6-2.htm

36. Brems, Eva : Human rights universality and diversity, 2001

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Human rights universality and diversity / Brems, Eva - (International studeis in human rights ; vol. 66), xv, 574 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2001.

ISBN 90-411-1618-4


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART ONE: Human Rights and the Universality Principle. I. Universality Concepts. II. Brief History of the Universality of Human Rights. PART TWO: An Analysis of Non-Western Human Rights Claims. I. Introduction. II. Asian Human Rights Claims. III. African Human Rights Views. IV. Islam and Human Rights Views. V. Some Common Conclusions. Part Three: Inclusive universality. I. Introduction. II. Upholding the Ideal of the Universality of Human Rights. III. Necessary Consequences of the Universality of Human Rights: Toward Inclusive Universality. IV. Further Marking Out Inclusive Universality. V. Summing Up. PART FOUR: Legal Techniques for the Accommodation of Diversity. I. Introduction. II. Flexibility. III. Transformation. IV. Conclusion on Legal Techniques for the Accommodation of Diversity. General Conclusion. Bibliography. Index.

* absoluta rättigheter och friheter = absolute rights and freedoms = ehdottomat oikeudet ja vapaudet
* rätt till domstolsprövning = access to court = oikeus tuomioistuinmenettelyyn
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* kolonialism = colonialism = kolonialismi
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* församlingsfrihet = freedom of assembly = kokoontumisvapaus
* barnarbete = child labour = lapsityö
* barn = children = lapset
* kollektiva rättigheter = collective rights = kollektiiviset oikeudet
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* kulturella rättigheter = cultural rights = sivistykselliset oikeudet
* kroppsaga = corporal punishment = ruumiillinen kuritus
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* demokratisering = democratization = demokratisointi
* frihetsberövande = deprivation of liberty = vapaudenriisto
* ovillkorliga rättigheter = non-derogable rights = ehdottomat oikeudet
* ekonomisk utveckling = economic development = taloudellinen kehitys
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* skilsmässa = divorce = avioero
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* etniska grupper = ethnic groups = etniset ryhmät
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* EU = EU = EU
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* tvångsarbete = forced labour = pakkotyö
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* religionsfrihet = freedom of religion = uskonnonvapaus
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* fundamentalism = fundamentalism = fundamentalismi
* grova brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = gross violations of human rights = törkeät ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* god förvaltning = good governance = hyvä hallinto
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* humanitär hjälp = humanitarian aid = humanitaarinen apu
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* prövningsmarginal = margin of appreciation = harkintamarginaali
* filosofi = philosophy = filosofia
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* politiska rättigheter = political rights = poliittiset oikeudet
* politiska partier = political parties = poliittiset puolueet
* pornografi = pornography = pornografia
* rätt till privatliv = right to privacy = oikeus yksityiselämään
* allmänna ordningen = public order = yleinen järjestys
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* rätt till utveckling = right to development = oikeus kehitykseen
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* rätt till fred = right to peace = oikeus rauhaan
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* slaveri = slavery = orjuus
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child (ACRWC); AMR; ADRD; Bangkok declaration; Beijing declaration and platform for action; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; CEDAW; CRC; Declaration on the right to development; Declaration on the rights of minorities; ECHR; ESC; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; Geneva conventions; CERD; ICESCR; Magna Charta; Rio declaration; UDHR; Universal Islamic declaration of human rights; Tunis declaration; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Virginian declaration of rights;

URL http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/90-411-1618-4

37. Feller, Erika (ed.) : Refugee protection in international law, 2003


Refugee protection in international law : UNHCR's global consultations on international protection / Feller, Erika (ed.) ; Türk, Volker ; Nicholson, Frances, lix, 717 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U.P., 2003.

ISBN 0-521-53281-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I : I. Introduction: 1. International refugee protection today, by Volker Türk and Frances Nicholson. 2. Age and gender dimensions in international refugee law, by Alice Edwards. 3. Declaration of the Ministerial Meeting of States Parties to the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol, Geneva, December 2001. PART II. Non-Refoulement (article 33 of the 1951 Convention): 4. The scope and content of the Principle of Non-Refoulement, Opinion, by Eli Lauterpacht and Daniel Bethlehem. 5. Summary conclusions - The Principle of Non-Refoulement. PART III. Illegal Entry (Article 31): 6. Article 31 of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees: Non-penalization, detention and protection, by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill. 7. Summary conclusions - Article 31 of the 1951 Convention. PART IV: Membership of a Particular Social Group (article 1A(2)): 8. Protected characteristics and social perceptions: an analysis of the meaning of ‘membership of a particular social group’, by Alex Aleinikoff. 9. Summary conclusions - membership of a particular social group. PART V: Gender-Related Persecution (article 1A(2)): 10. Gender-Related Persecution, by Rodger Haines QC; 11. Summary conclusions - gender-related persecution. PART VI. Internal Protection/Relocation/Flight Alternative: 12. Internal protection/relocation/flight alternative as an aspect of refugee status determination, by James Hathaway. 13. Summary conclusions - internal protection/relocation/flight alternative; PART VII. Exclusion (article 1F): 14. Current issues in the application of the exclusion clauses, by Geoff Gilbert. 15. Summary conclusions - exclusion from refugee status. PART VIII. Cessation (article 1C); 16. Cessation of refugee protection, by Joan Fitzpatrick and Rafael Bonoan. 17. Summary conclusions - cessation of Refugee Status. PART IX. Family Unity (Final Act, 1951 UN Conference). 18. Family unity and refuge protection, by Kathleen Newland and Kate Jastram. 19. Summary conclusions - family unity; Part X. Supervisory Responsibility (article 35): 20. Supervising the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees: 21. Article 35 and beyond, by Walter Kälin. 22. Summary conclusions - supervisory responsibility; Index.

* rådgivande yttrande = advisory opinion = neuvoa-antava mielipide
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* barn = children = lapset
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* deporterade personer = deported persons = karkotetut henkilöt
* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* internationell sedvanerätt = customary international law = kansainvälinen tapaoikeus
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* diplomatiskt skydd = diplomatic protection = diplomaattinen suoja
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* kvinnohandel = trafficking in women = naiskauppa
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* familjeplanering = family planning = perhesuunnittelu
* utlämning = extradition = luovuttaminen
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* rapporter = reports = raportit
* tillfälligt skydd = temporary protection = tilapäinen suojelu
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio
* ensamkommande barn = unaccompanied children = ilman saattajia tulevat lapset
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* ovillkorliga rättigheter = non-derogable rights = ehdottomat oikeudet
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTY and ICTR) = kansainvälinen sotarikostuomioistuin
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* offer = victims = uhrit
* EU = EU = EU
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* civila aktörer = non-state actors = non-state actors
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* internationell humanitär rätt = international humanitarian law = kansainvälinen humanitaarinen oikeus
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / ALgeria / Angola / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Belarus / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Cambodia / Canada / Caucasus / Chile / China / Denmark / Luxembourg / Italy / France / Greece / Germany / Finland / Netherlands / New Zealand / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Ghana / Haiti / Guatemala / India / Islam / Italy / Lesotho / Liberia / mali / Malawi / Mexico / Mozambique / New Zealand / Nigeria / Nicaragua / Norway / Pakistan / Peru / Poland / Romania / Slovakia / Sudan / United Kingdom / USA / Former Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe

NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; DEDAW; CEDAW; CDE; ECHR; ICCPR; Refugee convention; CAT;

URL http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521825741

38. Breen, Claire : The standard of the best interests of the child, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

The standard of the best interests of the child : a Western tradition in international and comparative law / Breen, Claire - (International studies in human rights ; vol. 72), xii, 321 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002.

ISBN 90-411-1851-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. I. Introduction to the Standard of the Best Interests of the Child as a Tradition. II. Traditions of the Western Child: The Social and Legal Constructions of Innocence and the Standard of the Best Interests of the Child. III. Genital Impairment of the Girl-Child: Female Genital Mutilation within the Framework of the Best Interests of the Western Child. IV. Non-Interventionism, Parental Rights, and the Best Interests of the Child: Traditions Governing Child Protection Discourse of Ireland. V. Death Row Kids and Philosopher-Kings: The Best Interests Standard and the Constitutionality of the Juvenile Death Penalty in the United States. VI. The Emerging Tradition of the Best Interests of the Child in the European Convention on Human Rights.

* barnets bästa = best interest of the child = lapsen etu
* barn = children = lapset
* välfärd = welfare = hyvinvointi
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* föräldrar = parents = vanhemmat
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* dödskö = death row = kuolemanjono
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* autonomi = autonomy = autonomia
* barnmisshandel = child abuse = lasten pahoinpitely
* barnavård = child care = lastenhoito
* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* individuella rättigheter = individual rights = yksilöoikeudet
* intervention = intervention = interventio
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* kvinnor = women = naiset


39. Niezen, Ronald : The origins of indigneism, 2003


The origins of indigneism : human rights and the politics of identity / Niezen, Ronald, xix, 272 p.. - Berkley : Univ. of California Press, 2003.

ISBN 0-520-23556-8


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. A New Global Phenomenon?. 2. The Origins of the International Movement of Indigenous Peoples. 3. Sources of Global Identity. 4. Relativism and Rights. 5. The New Politics of Resistance. 6. Indigenism, Ethnicity, and the State. 7. Conclusion

* urinvånare = aborigines = alkuasukkaat
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* antropologi = anthropology = antropologia
* apartheid = apartheid = rotusorto
* assimilering = assimilation = assimilaatio
* autonomi = autonomy = autonomia
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* kolonialism = colonialism = kolonialismi
* etniskt folkmord = ethnocide = etninen kansanmurha
* diktatur = dictatorship = diktatuuri
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* etnisk rensning = ethnic cleansing = etninen puhdistus
* etniska grupper = ethnic groups = etniset ryhmät
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTR) = kansainvälinen sotarikostuomioistuin
* medicinsk etik = medical ethics = lääketieteellinen etiikka
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* nationalism = nationalism = nationalismi
* nationalstat = nation state = kansallisvaltio
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* rasåtskillnad = racial segregation = rotuerottelu

URL http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/9852.html#copy

40. Sepulveda, M. Magdalena : The nature of the obligations under the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

The nature of the obligations under the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights / Sepulveda, M. Magdalena - (School of human rights research series ; vol. 18), xv, 477 p.. - Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2003.

ISBN 90-5095-260-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. General introduction. PART ONE : THE ROLE FOR THE COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS IN CLARIFYING THE NORMATIVE CONTENT OF THE COVENANT:. 1. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 2. The covenant in a changing international environment. 3. The Committee´s interpretation of the obligations imposed by the covenant. PART TWO : THE OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED BY THE COVENANT:. 4. Thenature of states party obligations under the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. 5. The typologies of state imposed by the covenant. PART THREE : OBLIGATIONS IMPOSED BY PART II OF THE COVENANT AT THE PRESENT STAGE OF INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW: 6. General surevey of part II obligations. 7. Analysis of article 2(1) of the ICESCR. 8. Obligations deriving from the principle of equality and non-discrimination. 9. Summary and concluding observations.

* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = inter-amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* lämplig bostad = adequate housing = sopiva asunto
* skälig levnadsstandard = adequate standard of living = riittävä elintaso
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* utlänningar = aliens/non-citizens = ulkomaalaiset
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* föreningsfrihet = freedom of association = yhdistymisvapaus
* barn = children = lapset
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* kollektiva klagomål = collective complaints = kollektiivivalitus
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* u-länder = developing countries = kehitysmaat
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* vräkning = eviction = häätö
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* rätt till föda = right to food = oikeus ravintoon
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* invandrare = immigrants = maahanmuuttajat
* barndödlighet = infant mortality = lapsikuolleisuus
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-american Court of Human Rights = inter-amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* internflyktingar = internally displaced persons = maan sisäiset pakolaiset
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* gästarbetare = migrant workers = vierastyöläiset
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* nationella minoriteter = national minorities = kansalliset vähemmistöt
* romer = Roma = romanit
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* gatubarn = street children = katulapset
* rätt till strejk = right to strike = lakko-oikeus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* utsatta grupper = vulnerable groups = riskialttiit ryhmät
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* pornografi = pornography = pornografia

NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur. (thesis), Utrecht University, [20020506], [T]


URL http://www.intersentia.be/English/series5.shtml#18

41. Harris-Short, Sonia : International human rights law, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

International human rights law : imperialist, inept and ineffective? : cultural relativism and the UN convention on the rights of the child / Harris-Short, Sonia

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights quarterly : a comparative and international journal of the social sciences, humanities and law : vol. 25; no. 1., p. 130-181. - Baltimore, MY : John Hopkins U. P., 2003. - ISSN 0275-0392


* barn = children = lapset
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* nationell rätt = national law = kansallinen oikeus
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen

NOTE (GENERAL): CRC; Vienna declaration and programme of action;

URL http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/human_rights_quarterly/toc/hrq25.1.html

42. Cook, Rebecca J. : Reproductive health and human rights, 2003


Reproductive health and human rights : integrating medicine, ethics and law / Cook, Rebecca J. ; Dickens, Bernard M. ; Fathalla, Mahmoud, xxvii, 554 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003.

ISBN 0-19-924133-3


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: 1. Introduction and Overview. I: Reproductive and Sexual Health: Medical, Ethical, and Legal Principles. 2. Reproductive and Sexual Health. 3. Health Care Systems. 4. Ethics. 5. Legal Origins and Principles. 6. Human Rights Principles. 7. Implementation of Legal and Human Rights Principles. Part II: Reproductive and Sexual Health: Application of Medical, Ethical, and Legal Principles. A. OVERVIEW. B. CASE STUDIES: FROM PRINCIPLE TO PRACTICE: 1. Female genital cutting (circumcision/mutilation). 2. An adolescent girl seeking sexual and reproductive health care. 3. Sexual assault and emergency contraception. 4. Hymen reconstruction. 5. A request for medically assisted reproduction. 6. Involuntary female sterilization. 7. Counselling and caring for an HIV positive woman. 8. HIV drug research and testing. 9. Responding to a request for pregnancy termination. 10. Prenatal and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for risk of dysgenic inheritance. 11. Sex selection abortion. 12. Treating a woman with an incomplete abortion. 13. Confidentiality and unsafe abortion. 14. Domestic violence. 15. A maternal death. Part III: Reproductive Health and Sexual Health: Data, Basic Documents, and Sources Index

* abort = abortion = abortti
* medicinsk etik = medical ethics = lääketieteellinen etiikka
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* autonomi = autonomy = autonomia
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = inter-amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* moderskap = maternity = äitiys
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* rapporter = state reports = raportit
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö

NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; CRC; ICESCR; Declaration of Helsinki; AMR; Inter-American convention on the prevention, punishment and eradication of violence against women; ICCPR;

URL http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-924133-3

43. Fitzpatrick, Peter (ed.) : Critical beings, 2004


Critical beings : law, nation and the global subject / Fitzpatrick, Peter (ed.) ; Tuitt, Patricia - (Law, justice and power), xx, 226 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2004.

ISBN 0-7546-2288-6


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: INTROVERSION :_ 1. The fiction of the state of nature in real time: the social contract, international human rights and the refugee, Jill Stauffer. 2. National identity and refugee law, by Sarah Kyambi. 3. Refugees, nations, laws and the territorialization of violence, by Patricia Tuitt. 4. On being, nation and citizenship in Sri Lanka: going beyond the ontological hermeneutic of the Buddhist cosmos,by Roshan De Silva. PART II: EXTRAVERSION: 5. Making people illegal, by Catherine Dauvergne. 6. Constitutional (u)topology: the (dis)appearance of Ireland, by Patrick Hanafin. 7. Terminal legality? Human rights and critical being, by Peter Fitzpatrick. 8. The paradox of human rights, by Paul A. Passavant. PART III: FORMATION: 9. Global formations: IMF conditionality and the South as legal subject, by Sundhya Pahuja. 10. Ejecting an inside: an essay on the politics of the contemporary American immigration state, by Kunal Parker. 10. Mapping territories of legality: an exploratory cartography of an emerging female global subject, by Denise Ferreira da Silva.

* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* konstitutionalism = constitutionalism = valtiosääntöistäminen
* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* EU = EU = EU
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* våld = violence = väkivalta
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* kvinnor = women = naiset

NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; Declaration of women's political rights; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; CEDAW;

URL https://www.ashgate.com/shopping/title.asp?key1=&key2=&orig=results&isbn=0%207546%202288%206

44. Luopajärvi, Katja : Honour killings as human rights violations, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Honour killings as human rights violations / Luopajärvi, Katja, x, 143 p.. - Åbo : Åbo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights, 2003.


* kvinnor = women = naiset
* hedersmord = honour killing = kunniamurha
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* internationell sedvanerätt = customary international law = kansainvälinen tapaoikeus
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning = inhuman treatment or punishment = epäinhimillinen kohtelu tai rangaistus
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = inter-amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* specialrapportör = special rapporteur (violence against women) = erityisraportoija
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee





45. Understanding human rights , 2003


Understanding human rights : manual on human rights education /, 336 p.. - Graz, Austria : European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, 2003.


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction to the system of human rights. 2. Modules on selected human rights issues. 3. Additional resources.

* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fattigdom = poverty = köyhyys
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* rätt till hälsa = right to health = oikeus terveyteen
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* barn = children = lapset
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* internationell straffrätt = international criminal justice = kansainvälinen rikosoikeus
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* flickebarn = girl child = tyttölapsi
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTY and ICTR) = kansainvälinen sotarikostuomioistuin
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* EU = EU = EU
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter = economic, social and cultural rights = TSS-oikeudet


46. Mugwanya, George william : Human rights in Africa, 2003


Human rights in Africa : enhancing human rights through the African regional human rights system / Mugwanya, George william, xxv, 504 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational publ., 2003.

ISBN 1-57105-293-3


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Ch. 1. General Introduction. Ch. 2. The Human Rights Revolution and the Theoretical Promise of Regional Human Rights Systems. Ch. 3. Human Rights in Africa. Ch. 4. Efforts to Realize Human Rights in Africa Through the Global System. Ch. 5. The OAU and Human Rights Before 1981. Ch. 6. The Origins And Content Of The African Charter On Human And Peoples' Rights. Ch. 7. Functioning of the AFCHPR and Its Relevance to Uganda and South Africa. Ch. 8. Improving the African Regional Human Rights System: Appraisal, Recommendations and Conclusions.

* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and peoples Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* Amnesty International = Amnesty International = Amnesty International
* klagomål/besvär = complaints = valitus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter = economic, social and cultural rights = TSS-oikeudet
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* miljöskydd = environmental protection = ympäristönsuojelu
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* grupprättigheter = group rights = ryhmäoikeudet
* humanitär rätt = humanitarian law = humanitaarinen oikeus
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTY and ICTR) = kansainvälinen sotarikostuomioistuin
* FN:s folkrättskommission = International Law Commission (ILC) = kansainvälisen oikeuden toimikunta
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* politiska partier = political parties = poliittiset puolueet
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* religion = religion = uskonto
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* slavhandel = slave trade = orjakauppa
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* utomrättsliga avrättningar = extrajudicial executions = mielivaltaiset teloitukset
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* grova brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = gross violations of human rights = törkeät ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* zionism = zionism = sionismi
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* författningsdomstol = constitutional court = valtiosääntötuomioistuin

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Angola / Asia / Belgium / Burundi / Cameroon / Canada / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Egypt / Equatorial Guinea / Gabon / Gambia / Germany / Ghana / Italy / Iraq / Kenya / Liberia / Lesotho / Libya / Madagascar / Malawi / Mali / Mauritania / Mauritius / Middle East / Morocco / Mozamibique / Namibia / Nigeria / Papua New Guinea / Rhodesia / Rwanda / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / Sudan / Togo / Uganda / United Kingdom / Zambia / Zimbabwe


URL http://www.transnationalpubs.com/showbook.cfm?bookid=10237&userid=99243756

47. Bowman, Cynthia Grant : Women and law in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2003


Women and law in Sub-Saharan Africa / Bowman, Cynthia Grant ; Kuenyehia, Akua, xix, 652 p.. - Accra, Ghana : Sedco publ., 2003.

ISBN 9964-72-235-4


* kvinnor = women = naiset
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* politiskt deltagande = political participation = poliittinen osallistuminen
* barn = children = lapset
* barnprostitution = child prostitution = lapsiprostituutio
* barnpornografi = child pornography = lapsipornografia
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* preventivmedel = contraceptives = ehkäisyvälineet
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* könsdiskriminering = gender discrimination = sukupuolisyrjintä
* skilsmässa = divorce = avioero
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* landrättigheter = land ownership rights = maanomistusoikeus
* sterilisering = sterilization = sterilisointi

URL http://www.africanbookscollective.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Gender_Studies_48.html

48. Ouguergouz, Fatsah : The African charter on human and peoples´ rights , 2003


The African charter on human and peoples´ rights : a comprehensive agenda for human dignity and sustainable democracy in Africa / Ouguergouz, Fatsah ; preface by Mary Robinson, xlvii, 1016 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2003.

ISBN 90-411-2061-0


* abort = abortion = abortti
* rätt till domstolsprövning = access to court = oikeus tuomioistuinmenettelyyn
* actio popularis = actio popularis = actio popularis
* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* Afrikanska Unionen = African Union = Afrikan unioni
* aggression = aggression = aggressio
* apartheid = apartheid = apartheid
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* autonomi = autonomy = autonomia
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* omskärelse = circumcision = ympärileikkaus
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* internationell sedvanerätt = customary international law = kansainvälinen tapaoikeus
* ofrivilliga försvinnanden = enforced disappearances = pakotettu katoaminen
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* tvångsförflyttade personer = displaced persons = hätäsiirtolaiset
* ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella rättigheter = economic, social and cultural rights = TSS-oikeudet
* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* etniska grupper = ethnic groups = etniset ryhmät
* utomrättsliga avrättningar = extrajudicial executions = mielivaltaiset teloitukset
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* uttömning av nationella rättsmedel = exhaustion of domestic remedies = kansallisien oikeussuojakeinojen loppuunkäyttö
* deporterade personer = deported persons = karkotetut henkilöt
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* interamerikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Inter-American Court of Human Rights = Inter-Amerikkalainen ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* FN:s folkrättskommission = International Law Commission (ILC) = kansainvälisen oikeuden toimikunta
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTY and ICTR) = kansainvälisen oikeuden toimikunta
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* peremptory norms = jus cogens = jus cogens
* massmedia = mass media = joukkotiedotusvälineet
* medicinsk behandling = medical care = lääkehoito
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* kontroll över naturtillgångar = natural resources control = luonnonvarojen valvonta
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* allmänna ordningen = public order = yleinen järjestys
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* självförsvar = self-defence = itsepuolustus
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* undantagstillstånd = state of emergency = hätätila
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* Världsbanken = World bank = Maailmanpankki
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* grova brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = gross violations of human rights = törkeät ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee = CESCR Committee

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Zimbabwe / Algeria / Angola / Beinin / Botswana / Brazil / Burkina / Faso / Burundi / Cameroon / Canada / Central African Republic / Chad / China / Congo / Cap Verde / Central AFrican Republic / Congo / Costa Rica / Cuba / Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Egypt / Eritrea / Ethiopia / France / germany / Ghana / Guinea / India / Italy / Japan / Ivory Coast / Madagascar / Niger / Nigeria / North Korea / Rwanda / Senegal / Seychelles / Sierra leone / South Africa / Spain / Sudan / Swaziland / Tanzania / Togo / Tunisia / Uganda / United Arab Republic / USSR / Zambia / Zimbabwe / Zambia / zaire / Yugoslavia / Western Sahara

NOTE (GENERAL): OAU charter; ACHPR; London convention on the protection of wild fauna in Africa; London convention relative to the preservation of fauna and flora in their natural state; AMR; ECHR; CEDAW; CAT; CRC; Convention concerning the indigenous and tribal peoples in indepedent countries (ILO convention no. 169); ICCPR; ICESCR; ICCPR-OP; ICCPR-2OP; ECHR; ESC; OAU charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Arab charter on human rights; Vienna declaration and programme of action; UN charter; UDHR; ADRD; Stockholm declaration; Declaration on the rights of minorities;

49. Crawley, Heaven : Refugees and gender, 2001


Refugees and gender : law and process / Crawley, Heaven, xxxvi, 379 p.. - Bristol : Jordan Publishing, 2001.

ISBN 0-85308-690-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter 1 : Refugee Women and the Asylum Determination Process. Introduction The experiences of refugee women The international framework for protection The concepts of 'gender' and 'gender related persecution' Reconciling universal human rights and cultural relativism National and international initiatives Chapter 2 : A Theoretical Overview : Feminist critiques of international refugee law The public/private dichotomy The concept of 'politics' Gender, nationalism and the State Chapter 3 : A Gendered Framework for the Analysis of Asylum Claims : Content versus interpretation Framework for the analysis The meaning of 'serious harm' The failure of State protection Establishing the Refugee Convention ground Chapter 4 : Women's Political Participation and Resistance : Women and politics Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Chapter 5 : Gendered Social Mores and the Concept of 'Honour' : Gender, sexuality and the concept of 'honour' Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Chapter 6 : Violence Within the Family : Definitions of violence within the family Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Sources of information and support Chapter 7 : Reproductive Rights Including Forced Sterilisation and Abortion : The concept of reproductive rights Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Sources of information and support Chapter 8 : Sexual Orientation : Sexual orientation as the basis of an asylum claim Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Sources of information and support Chapter 9 : Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) : The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) FGM as the basis of an asylum claim Serious harm The failure of State protection Refugee Convention grounds Sources on information and support Chapter 10 : Procedural and Evidential Issues : Current procedures Derivative status or independent claim? Finding out about women's experiences Credibility Supporting evidence The standard of proof A note on the appeals process Campaigning APPENDICES Appendix 1 UNHCR EXCOM Resolutions on Refugee Women Appendix 2 CIRB Guidelines on Women Refugee Claimants Fearing Gender-Related Persecution (Canada) (November 1996) Appendix 3 RWLG Gender Guidelines for the Determination of Asylum Claims in the UK (July 1998) Appendix 4 ADIMA Guidelines on Gender Issues for Decision-Makers (Australia) (July 1996) Appendix 5 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) (4 November 1950) Appendix 6 IAA Asylum Gender Guidelines (November 2000) Appendix 7 International Instruments and Where to Obtain them Appendix 8 Relevant Extracts from the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence and the UN Platform for Action Appendix 9 The Michigan Guidelines on the International Protection Alternative (April 999) Appendix 10 Asylum Directorate Instructions on the Meaning of 'Particular Social Group' Appendix 11 Addressing Claims Based on Sexual Orientation (CCR) Appendix 12 Gender-Sensitive Techniques for Interviewing Women Refugees (UNHCR) USEFUL ADDRESSES AND CONTACT INFORMATION SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND SUPPORT ON THE INTERNET BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX

* kvinnliga flyktingar = refugee women = naispakolaiset
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* feminism = feminism = naisasialiike
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* ras = race = rotu
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* tvångssterilisering = forced sterilization = pakkosterilisointi
* abort = abortion = abortti
* reproduktiva rättigheter = reproductive rights = lisääntymiseen liittyvät oikeudet
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Canada / United Kingdom / France / Germany / Rwanda / Former Yugoslavia / Turkey


URL http://www.jordanpublishing.co.uk/Publications/Home.htm

50. Ramberg, Ingrid (gen. rapporteur) : Violence against young women in Europe, 2001


Violence against young women in Europe : seminar report / Ramberg, Ingrid (gen. rapporteur), 187 p.. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2001.

ISBN 92-871-4834-1


ABSTRACT: The articles are a.o.: 1. Violence and young women. 2. Domestic violence. 3. Trafficking. 4. Armed conflicts. 5. Racism and discrimination against minority women. 6. Female genital and other forms of bodily mutilation.

* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* incest = incest = insesti
* kvinnohandel = trafficking in women = naiskauppa
* offer = victims = uhrit
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus



URL http://book.coe.int/GB/REC/fr_index.htm

51. Randall, Melanie : Refugee law and state accountability for violence against women, 2002

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Refugee law and state accountability for violence against women : a comparative analysis of legal approaches to recognizing asylum claims based on gender persecution / Randall, Melanie

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Harvard women's law journal : vol. 25(1)., p. 281-318. - Cambridge, MA : Harvard Law School, 2002.


* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* könsrelaterad förföljelse = gender persecution = sukupuoleen perustuva vaino
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* kvinnliga flyktingar = refugee women = naispakolaiset
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* sexuellt våld = sexual violence = seksuaalinen väkivalta
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta

NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms;

LIBRARY LOCATION: ÅAB, HeinOnline Law Journal Library

52. Nowak, Manfred : Introduction to the international human rights regime, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Introduction to the international human rights regime / Nowak, Manfred - (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute human rights library ; vol. 14), xv, 365 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2003.

ISBN 90-0413-658-4


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. What are human rights? 2. History of human rights. 3. International human rights protection - context and conceptions. 4. United Nations. 5. Council of Europe (CoE). 6. Organization of American States (OAS). 7. Organization of African Unity (OAU)/ African Union (AU). 8. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). 9. European Union (EU). 10. Efforts of other regional organizations to protect human rights. 11. Non-governmental organizations (NGOS). 12. Traditional procedures and mechanism for the international protection of human rights. 13. Shortcomings of traditional procedures and new trends in the international human rights regime. 14. Mechanisms for the åprevention of human rights violations. 15. Individual criminal responsibility for serious human ri ghts violations. 16. Human rights and the maintenance of peace and security. 17. Challenges for the future.

* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* rådgivande yttrande = advisory opinion = neuvoa-antava mielipide
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* barnarbete = child labour = lapsityö
* barnpornografi = child pornography = lapsipornografia
* barnprostitution = child prostitution = lapsiprostituutio
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* kollektiva klagomål = collective complaints = kollektiivivalitus
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* utvecklingssamarbete = development co-operation = kehitysyhteistyö
* u-länder = developing countries = kehitysmaat
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* ekonomiska sanktioner = economic sanctions = taloudelliset pakotteet
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* ofrivilliga försvinnanden = enforced disappearances = pakotettu katoaminen
* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* EU = EU = EU
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* CPT Committee = CPT Committee = CPT Committee
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* rätt till föda = right to food = oikeus ravintoon
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* god förvaltning = good governance = hyvä hallinto
* mänsklig dimension = human dimension = inhimillinen ulottuvuus
* immunitet = immunity = koskemattomuus
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* urfolk = indigenous peoples = alkuperäiskansat
* individuella klagomål = individual complaints = yksilövalitus
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* internationella tribunalen för krigsförbrytelser = international tribunal on war crimes (ICTY and ICTR) = kansainvälinen sotarikostuomioistuin
* nationalism = nationalism = nationalismi
* judeförintelsen = holocaust = juutalaisvaino
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* fattigdom = poverty = köyhyys
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* slavhandel = slave trade = orjakauppa
* Specialdomstolen för Sierra Leone = Special Court for Sierra Leone = Sierra Leonen erityistuomioistuin
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* sanningskommissioner = truth commissions = totuuskomissiot
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; AMR; ADRD; American declaration of independence; Atlantic charter; CEDAW; DEDAW; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; European charter for regional and minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ESC; Inter-American convention on the prevention, punishment and eradication of violence against women; Inter-American convention to prevent and punish torture; Inter-American convention on the forced disappearance of persons; Lomé convention; OAS charter; OAU refugee convention; OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises; Revised ESC; The statute of the ICC; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Genocide convention;

URL http://www.brill.nl

53. Schiratzki, Johanna : Barnets bästa i ett mångkulturellt Sverige - en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning, 2000

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series

Barnets bästa i ett mångkulturellt Sverige - en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning / Schiratzki, Johanna - (Skrifter utgivna av Juridiska faulteten. Skriftserien ; nr. 63), xiii, 210 p.. - Stockholm : Stockholms Universitet, 2000.

ISBN 91-7223-081-9


* abort = abortion = abortti
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* EG = EC = EY
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* rasism = racism = rasismi
* reservationer = reservations = varaumat
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikoslaki
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto


URL http://www.jure.se/ie/

54. Luopajärvi, Katja : Gender-related persecution as basis for refugee status, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Gender-related persecution as basis for refugee status : comparative perspectives / Luopajärvi, Katja, viii, 136 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights, 2003.


* könsrelaterad förföljelse = gender persecution = sukupuoleen perustuva vaino
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* flyktingstatus = refugee status = pakolaisen (oikeus)asema
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* non-state actors = non-state actors = non-state actors
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* sexuellt utnyttjande = sexual abuse = seksuaalinen väkivalta
* familjeplanering = family planning = perhesuunnittelu
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* EU = EU = EU
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* internflyktingar = internally displaced persons = maan sisäiset pakolaiset
* flyktingar (definition) = refugees (definition) = pakolaiset (määritelmä)
* författningsdomstol = constitutional court = valtiosääntötuomioistuin
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Germany / Finland / Sweden / Australia / USA / France / United Kingdom / Netherlands

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; ICCPR; Refugee convention; Protocol relating to the status of refugees; OAU refugee convention; ICESCR; CERD; CEDAW; CEDAW-OP; UDHR; Cartagena declaration on refugees; DEDAW;



55. Fields, A. Belden : Rethinking human rights for the new millennium, 2003


Rethinking human rights for the new millennium / Fields, A. Belden, 260 p.. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

ISBN 1403960615


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Birth of the Human Rights Idea and Its Detractors. 2. Some Twentieth Century Reflections of Human Rights. 3. A Holistic Approach to Human Rights. 4. The Holders and Violators of Human Rights. 5. Toward a Political Economy of Human Rights. 6. The Modern State and Human Rights.

* affirmative action = affirmative action = affirmative action
* aggression = aggression = aggressio
* apartheid = apartheid = apartheid
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* barnprostitution = child prostitution = lapsiprostituutio
* kollektiva rättigheter = collective rights = kollektiiviset oikeudet
* dödsstraff = death penalty = kuolemanrangaistus
* kolonialism = colonialism = kolonialismi
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* grupprättigheter = group rights = ryhmäoikeudet
* människovärde = human dignity = ihmisarvo
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* invandrare = immigrants = maahanmuuttajat
* individuella rättigheter = individual rights = yksilöoikeudet
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* polis = police = poliisi
* medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter = civil and political rights = kansalaisoikeudet ja poliittiset oikeudet
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* slaveri = slavery = orjuus
* fängelseförhållanden = prison conditions = vankilaolosuhteet
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* totalitarism = totalitarianism = totalitarismi
* arbetslöshet = unemployment = työttömyys
* våld = violence = väkivalta
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* Världsbanken = World Bank = Maailmanpankki

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Algeria / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Canada / Chile / China / Colombia / Cuba / East Timor / El Salvador / France / Germany / Guatemala / Honduras / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Japan / Latin America / Middle East / Panama / Saudi Arabia / South Africa / Sweden / Turkey / USA / Viet Nam

NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; ACHPR; Genocide convention; CRC; Apartheid convention; French declaration of the rights of man and citizen; ECHR; Declaration on the right to development; CERD; ICCPR; ICESCR; Magna charta; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion; Declaration on the right of peoples to peace;

URL http://www.palgrave.com/products/Catalogue.aspx?is=1-4039-6061-5

56. Combating torture, 2003


Combating torture : a manual for action /, xvi, 335 p.. - London : Amnesty International, 2003.

ISBN 0-86210-323-1


* påtvingad abort = forced abortion = pakkoabortti
* afrikanska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* afrikanska kommissionen för människans och folkens rättigheter = African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights = Afrikan ihmisoikeustoimikunta
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* barn = children = lapset
* civilbefolkning = civilian population = siviiliväestö
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* rättvis rättegång = fair trial = oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* homosexualitet = homosexuality = homoseksuaalisuus
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* straffrihet = impunity = rankaisemattomuus
* hungerstrejk = hunger strike = nälkälakko
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* peremptory norms = jus cogens = jus cogens
* medicinsk behandling = medical treatment = lääkehoito
* mentalsjuka = mentally ill = mielisairaat
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* erga omnes = erga omnes = erga omnes
* graviditet = pregnancy = raskaus
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* fångar = prisoners = vangit
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* prostitution = prostitution = prostituutio
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* sexuella minoriteter = sexual minorities = seksuaaliset vähemmistöt
* sanningskommissioner = truth commissions = totuuskomissiot
* CAT Committee = CAT Committee = CAT Committee
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* främlingshat = xenophobia = muukalaisviha
* offer = victims = uhrit
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* EU = EU = EU

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; ADRD; Arab charter on human rights; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; Durban declaration and programme of action; ECPT; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; CERD; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; The statute of the ICC; CAT; CEDAW; CRC; Genocide convention; UDHR; Vienna declaration and programme of action;

URL http://web.amnesty.org/shop/index/ISBN_0862103231

57. Lomba, Sylvie Da : The right to seek refugee status in the European Union, 2004


The right to seek refugee status in the European Union / Lomba, Sylvie Da, xii, 325 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2004.

ISBN 90-5095-349-2


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION . 1. The 1951 Convention and the Right to Seek Refugee Status . 1.1. The Convention definition of refugee and the principle of non-refoulement . 1.1.1. The Convention definition of refugee . 1.1.2. The principle of non-refoulement . 1.2. The right to seek refugee status . 1.2.1. The absence of a right to asylum . 1.2.2. The existence of a right to seek refugee status . 2. The Complementary Role of International Human Rights Law . 3. The Development of Community Standards in line with International Refugee and Human Rights Law: a Challenge for the EU. 3.1. Towards a common European asylum system . 3.2. The challenge for the Union . 4. Implications and Scope of the Book . CHAPTER II. THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK : 1. Intergovernmental Cooperation . 1.1. Intergovernmental cooperation prior to the TEU . 1.2. The TEU: the institutionalisation of intergovernmental cooperation . 1.3. The shortcomings of the intergovernmental framework . 1.3.1. The unanimity rule . 1.3.2. Absence of legal binding effect . 1.3.3. The role of the Commission . 1.3.4. The lack of parliamentary and judicial control . 2. The Communautarisation of Asylum . 2.1. The advantages of the Community framework . 2.1.1. The involvement of the Community institutions . 2.1.2. An improved decision-making process . 2.2. Compliance with international standards: an essential prerequirement . 3. The Communautarisation Operated by the Treaty of Amsterdam . 3.1. The communautarisation process . 3.2. Communautarisation under the Treaty of Amsterdam: an unsatisfactory compromise . 4. Conclusion . CHAPTER III. AN UP TO DATE INTERPRETATION OF THE CONCEPT OF REFUGEE . 1. The Refugee Definition: An Overview . 1.1. The meaning of persecution . 1.2. The 1951 Convention grounds . 1.2.1. Race . 1.2.2. Religion . 1.2.3. Nationality . 1.2.4. Membership of a particular social group . 1.2.5. Political opinion . 1.3. Failure of the State to provide protection . 2. Non-State Persecution . 2.1. Restrictive interpretations: the French example . 2.2. The identity of the perpetrator: an irrelevant factor . 2.2.1. UNHCR Guidelines . 2.2.2. The position of domestic jurisdictions . 2.3. The position of the EU . 2.3.1. The 1996 Joint Position . 2.3.2. The proposal for a Community instrument . 3. Gender-related Persecution . 3.1. Identification of the problems . 3.1.1. Reliance on Convention grounds: race, religion, nationality and political opinion . 3.1.2. Persecutory laws and discrimination amounting to persecution . 3.1.3. Perceptions of violence against women . 3.2. Women as members of a particular social group . 3.2.1. The concept of particular social group . 3.2.2. Membership of a particular social group in genderrelated claims . 3.2.3. The EU position on gender-related persecution . 4. Refugee Status for EC nationals . 5. Conclusion . CHAPTER IV. ACCESS TO SUBSTANTIVE ASYLUM PROCEDURES . 1. Restricted Access to the EU Territory . 1.1. Document requirements . 1.2. Carrier sanctions . 2. Transfers of Responsibility . 2.1. Internal transfers of responsibility: criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum claim . 2.1.1. The Dublin Convention system . 2.1.2. The Dublin II Regulation: the answer to the shortcomings of the Dublin Convention? . 2.2. External transfers of responsibility: removals to third countries prior to substantive consideration . 2.2.1. Country of first asylum, safe third country and safe country of origin concepts . 2.2.2. Readmission agreements and readmission clauses . 3. An Imperative Pre-requirement to Transfers of Responsibility: The Safety Test . 3.1. Safety criteria . 3.1.1. Comprehensive protection against refoulement . 3.1.2. Observance of international human rights standards . 3.1.3. Durable protection in the third country . 3.1.4. Access to a fair and effective refugee status determination procedure . 3.2. Procedural safeguards . 3.2.1. Advance substantiation of safety . 3.2.2. Individual assessment . 3.2.3. Advance consent to the transfer . 3.2.4. Right to challenge the decision relating to the transfer . 4. Conclusion . CHAPTER V. FAIR AND EFFECTIVE PROCEDURES . 1. The Scope of Accelerated Procedures . 1.1. Inadmissible applications for asylum . 1.2. Unfounded applications for asylum . 1.3. Subsequent and border application cases . 2. Basic Procedural Safeguards . 2.1. Competent authorities and bodies . 2.1.1. Submission authorities . 2.1.2. Competent first instance decision-makers . 2.1.3. Competent appellate bodies . 2.2. The services of an independent, impartial and competent interpreter . 2.3. The opportunity to contact a UNHCR representative . 2.4. Access to a lawyer: the right to informed legal advice . 3. Submission of the Application for Asylum . 3.1. Right to be informed on the procedure . 3.2. An opportunity to have ones claim lodged as early as possible . 4. First Instance Decision-Making . 4.1. The gathering of information . 4.1.1. Information supplied by the asylum seeker . 4.1.2. Country information . 4.2. Examination of the information . 4.3. Additional safeguards . 4.3.1. Suspensive effect . 4.3.2. Right to a decision in writing . 5. Challenge of Negative First Instance Decisions . 5.1. An in-country right of appeal . 5.2. Suspensive effect . 5.3. Reasonable time limits . 6. Conclusion . CHAPTER VI. ASYLUM SEEKERS TREATMENT PENDING DETERMINATION . 1. Support for Asylum Seekers . 1.1. The characteristics of the Directive on the reception of asylum seekers . 1.2. Conditions of eligibility for State support . 1.2.1. Personal scope of the Directive . 1.2.2. Reduction and withdrawal of State support . 1.3. The modalities of State support . 1.3.1. Indirect State support: asylum seekers access to the labour market . 1.3.2. Direct State support . 2. Detention: An Exceptional Measure . 2.1. Alternatives to detention . 2.2. Cases of justified detention . 2.3 Procedural safeguards and detention conditions . 2.3.1. Procedural safeguards. 2.3.2. Detention conditions . 3. Conclusion . CHAPTER VII. CONCLUSIONS . 1. Summary Conclusions: Recommendations for Law Reform . 1.1. An updated interpretation of the Convention definition of refugee . 1.1.1. The treatment of non-State persecution . 1.1.2. The treatment of gender-related persecution . 1.1.3. A flexible interpretation of membership of a particular social group . 1.1.4. EC nationals as asylum seekers . 1.2. Asylum seekers access to the EU territory . 1.3. Transfers of responsibility in line with international standards . 1.3.1. Compliance with safety criteria . 1.3.2. The provision of procedural safeguards . 1.4.1. Competent authorities and bodies . 1.4.2. The services of an independent, impartial and competent interpreter . 1.4.3. The opportunity to contact a UNHCR representative . 1.4.4. Access to a lawyer: the right to informed legal advice . 1.4.5. Submission of the application for asylum . 1.4.6. First instance decision-making . 1.4.7. The right to challenge negative first instance decisions . 1.5. Support for asylum seekers . 1.5.1. Eligibility for State support . 1.5.2. The modalities of State support . 1.6. The detention of asylum seekers: an exceptional measure . 2. Further Issues . 2.1. Further issues arising from the right to seek refugee status . 2.2. Further issues relating to international protection . TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIES AND DECLARATIONS . TABLE OF LEGISLATION . TABLE OF CASES . BIBLIOGRAPHY . INDEX .

* rätt till arbete = right to work = oikeus työhön
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* avvisning = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* internationell sedvanerätt = customary international law = kansainvälinen tapaoikeus
* diskriminering = discrimination = syrjintä
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* homosexuella = homosexuals = homoseksuaalit
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* förföljelse = persecution = vaino
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* sexuell orientering = sexual orientation = seksuaalinen suuntautuminen
* tillfälligt skydd = temporary protection = tilapäinen suojelu

NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention; Protocol relating to the status of refugees, EU charter of fundamental rights; Dublin convention; ECHR; ICCPR; Protocols on asylum for nationals of member states of the European Union; Tampere conclusions; CERD;


URL http://www.intersentia.be/english/zoekdetail.asp?titel=right+to+seek&auteur=&isbn=&vakgebied=&trefwoord=&datum=&auteurid=&reeksid=&page=1&pid=1016

58. Gothoni, Annette : Människorättskränkande kulturella traditioner och statens förpliktelser, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: unpublished document

Människorättskränkande kulturella traditioner och statens förpliktelser / Gothoni, Annette, iii, 82 p.. - Åbo/Turku : Åbo Akademi. Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten, 2003.


* brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = human rights violations = ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* hedersmord = honour killing = kunniamurha
* kvinnor = women = naiset
* rätt till liv = right to life = oikeus elämään
* rätt till hälsa = right to health = oikeus terveyteen
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* minoritetsgrupper = minority groups = vähemmistöryhmät
* staternas skyldigheter = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* rapporter = reports = raportit
* könsdiskriminering = gender discrimination = sukupuolisyrjintä
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* CERD Committee = CERD Committee = CERD Committee
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö

NOTE (THESIS): Avhandling pro gradu, Åbo Akademi, [2003]

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam; ECHR; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ESC; European charter for regional and minority languages; UN charter; ICCPR; ICESCR; CEDAW; Declaration on the rights of minorities; CRC; CAT; CEDAW-OP; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Beijing declaration and platform for action; GC-3; GC-20; GC-23; GC-28 (ICCPR);


SHELF CODE: seminarierummet

59. Wheeler, Patricia : Eliminating FGM, 2003

BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial

Eliminating FGM : the role of law / Wheeler, Patricia

REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of children's rights : vol. 11; no. 3., p. 257-271. : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2003. - ISSN 0927-5568


* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* barn = children = lapset
* CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee = CEDAW Committee
* privata aktörer = private actors = yksityiset toimijat
* kommittén för de mänskliga rättigheterna = Human Rights Committee (UN) = ihmisoikeuskomitea
* CRC Committee = CRC Committee = CRC Committee
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka


60. Welchman, Lynn (ed.) : Women's rights and Islamic family law, 2004


Women's rights and Islamic family law : perspectives on reform / Welchman, Lynn (ed.), 300 p.. - London : Zed Books, 2004.

ISBN 1-84277-095-0


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction - Lynn Welchman. PART I. Muslim Personal Status Law in Egypt: The Current Situation and Possibilities of Reform through Internal Initiatives, by Essam Fawzy. PART II : Islamic Law and the Transition to Palestinian Statehood: Constraints and Opportunities for Legal Reform, by Rema Hammami, Penny Johnson, Fadwa Labadi, and Lynn Welchman. PART III: No Altars: A Survey of Islamic Family Law in the United States, by Asifa Quraishi and Najeeba Syeed-Miller PART IV: Domestic Violence and Shari`a: A Comparative Study of Muslim Societies in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, by Lisa Hajjar

* barn = children = lapset
* familjevåld = domestic violence = perheväkivalta
* medborgarskap = citizenship = kansalaisuus
* skilsmässa = divorce = avioero
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* rätt till undervisning = right to education = oikeus opetukseen
* demokrati = democracy = demokratia
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* familjeplanering = family planning = perhesuunnittelu
* globalisering = globalization = globalisaatio
* kvinnlig könsstympning = female genital mutilation (FGM) = naisten sukupuolielinten silpominen
* äktenskap = marriage = avioliitto
* NGO = NGO§ = NGO
* muslimer = Muslims = muslimit
* föräldrar = parents = vanhemmat
* äganderätt = right to property = omistusoikeus
* våldtäkt = rape = raiskaus
* kvinnor = women = naiset

NOTE (GENERAL): CEDAW; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam;

URL http://zedbooks.co.uk/

