31. | van der Auweraert, Peter : Holocaust reparation claims fifty years after, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Holocaust reparation claims fifty years after : the Swiss Bank litigation / van der Auweraert, Peter REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Nordic journal of international law : vol. 71; no. 4., p. 557-583. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2002. - ISSN 0902-7351 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany / Switzerland |
32. | Bloxham, Donald : Genocide on trial - war crimes trials and the formation of holocaust history and memory, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Genocide on trial - war crimes trials and the formation of holocaust history and memory / Bloxham, Donald, xix, 273 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2003. ISBN 0-19-820872-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: THE LEGAL PRISM: 1. Shaping the Trials: The Politics of Trial Policy 1945-1949 2. Race-specific Crimes in Punishment and Re-educative Policy: The Jewish Factor. PART II : POST-WAR REPRESENTATIONS AND PERCEPTIONS:. 3. Plumbing the Depths of Nazi Criminality: The Limits of Legal Imagination. 4. Charting the Breadth of Nazi Criminality: The Failure of the Trial Medium. PART III: THE TRIALS AND POSTERITY: 5. A Nuremberg Historiography of the Holocaust?. Conclusions Appendix A: Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Article 6 Appendix B: The Defendants and Organizations before the IMT Appendix C: The Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings Bibliography INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): IMT charter; UN charter; Genocide convention; |
33. | Zafer-Smith, Golda : Anti-semitism and anti-discrimination training and practice, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Anti-semitism and anti-discrimination training and practice / Zafer-Smith, Golda REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of human rights : vol. 7; no. 1., p. 104-127. - London : Frank Cass, 2003. - ISSN 1364-2987 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
34. | Vagts, Detlev : Litigating the Nazi labor claims, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Litigating the Nazi labor claims : the path not taken / Vagts, Detlev ; Murray, Peter REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Harvard international law journal : vol. 43; no. 2., p. 503-530. - Cambridge, MA : Harvard Law School, 2002. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
35. | Nowak, Manfred : Introduction to the international human rights regime, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Introduction to the international human rights regime / Nowak, Manfred - (The Raoul Wallenberg Institute human rights library ; vol. 14), xv, 365 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2003. ISBN 90-0413-658-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. What are human rights? 2. History of human rights. 3. International human rights protection - context and conceptions. 4. United Nations. 5. Council of Europe (CoE). 6. Organization of American States (OAS). 7. Organization of African Unity (OAU)/ African Union (AU). 8. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). 9. European Union (EU). 10. Efforts of other regional organizations to protect human rights. 11. Non-governmental organizations (NGOS). 12. Traditional procedures and mechanism for the international protection of human rights. 13. Shortcomings of traditional procedures and new trends in the international human rights regime. 14. Mechanisms for the åprevention of human rights violations. 15. Individual criminal responsibility for serious human ri ghts violations. 16. Human rights and the maintenance of peace and security. 17. Challenges for the future. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; African charter on the rights and welfare of the child; AMR; ADRD; American declaration of independence; Atlantic charter; CEDAW; DEDAW; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; European charter for regional and minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ESC; Inter-American convention on the prevention, punishment and eradication of violence against women; Inter-American convention to prevent and punish torture; Inter-American convention on the forced disappearance of persons; Lomé convention; OAS charter; OAU refugee convention; OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises; Revised ESC; The statute of the ICC; UN charter; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Vienna declaration and programme of action; Genocide convention; |
36. | Racism in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: collection Racism in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond : origins, responses, strategies : rapporteur's notes : part I /, 119 p.. - Budapest, 2000. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Central Europe / Eastern Europe / Czech Republic / Slovakia / Bulgaria NOTE (GENERAL): ECHRP-12; CERD; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities;
URL http://www.osi.hu/resources/Racism_preface.pdf (full text) |
37. | Azoulay, Ariella : Death's showcase, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Death's showcase : the power of image in contemporary democracy / Azoulay, Ariella, 303 p.. - Massachusetts : Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT press), 2001. ISBN 0-262-01182-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
38. | Jones, Adam (ed.) : Genocide, war crimes & the West, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Genocide, war crimes & the West : history and complicity / Jones, Adam (ed.), 424 p.. - New York : Zed Books, 2004. ISBN 1-84277-191-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents::Part 1: Overview::1. Introduction: Genocide, War Crimes and the West - Adam Jones::2. Shades of Complicity: Towards a Typology of Transnational Crimes against Humanity - Peter Stoett::Part 2: Cases::3. Imperial Germany and the Herero of Southern Africa: Genocide and the Quest for Recompense - Jan-Bart Gewald::4. Genocide by Any Other Name: North American Indian Residential Schools in Context - Ward Churchill ::5. The Allies in World War Two: The Anglo-American Bombardment of German Cities - Eric Langenbacher::6. Torture and Other Violations of the Law by the French Army during the Algerian War - Raphaëlle Branche::7. Atrocity and Its Discontents: U.S. Double-Mindedness about Massacre, from the Plains Wars to Indonesia - Peter Dale Scott::8. Bob Kerrey's Atrocity, the Crime of Vietnam, and the Historic Pattern of U.S. Imperialism - S. Brian Willson::Document 1 ::(1) Inaugural Statement to the Russell Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal (1966) -- Jean-Paul Sartre::9. Charles Horman et alia vs. Henry Kissinger: U.S. Intervention in 1970s Chile and the Case for Prosecutions - Mario I. Aguilar::10. The Wretched of the Nations: The West's Role in Human Rights Violations::in the Bangladesh War of Independence - Suhail Islam and Syed Hassan::11. Indicting Henry Kissinger: The Response of Raphael Lemkin - Steven L. Jacobs::12. Crimes of the West in Democratic Congo: Reflections on Belgian Acceptance of "Moral Responsibility" for the Death of Lumumba - Thomas Turner::13. In the Name of the Cold War: How the West Aided and Abetted the Barre Dictatorship of Somalia - Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi ::14. The Security Council: Behind the Scenes in the Rwanda Genocide - Linda R. Melvern::15. U.S. Policy and Iraq: A Case of Genocide? - Denis J. Halliday::Documents 2 & 3::(2) Criminal Complaint against the United States and Others for Crimes against the People of Iraq (1996) - Ramsey Clark::(3) Letter to the Security Council (2001) - Ramsey Clark::16. The Fire in 1999? The United States, Nato, and the Bombing of Yugoslavia - David Bruce Macdonald::17. Collateral Damage: The Human Cost of Structural Violence - Peter G. Prontzos::Part 3: Truth and Restitution::18. Institutional Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity - Ernesto Verdeja::19. International Citizens' Tribunals on Human Rights - Arthur Jay Klinghoffer::20. Coming to Terms with the Past: The Case for a Truth and Reparations Commission on Slavery, Segregation, and Colonialism - Francis Njubi Nesbitt::Document 4::4) The World Conference against Racism: Declarations on the Transatlantic Slave Trade::Part 4: Closing Observations::21. Afghanistan and Beyond - Adam Jones::22. Letter to America - Breyten Breytenbach::Index INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Argentina / Australia / Bangladesh / Belgium / Brazil / Cambodia / Canada / Chad / Chile / China / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Cyprus / East Timor / Egypt / El Salvador / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Hungary / Indonesia / Iraq / Ireland / ISrael / Italy / Jamaica / Japan / Montenegro / Namibia / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Pakistan / Romania / Rwanda / Serbia / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / Turkey / Viet Nam / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; |
39. | Hogg, Peter : Crimes of war, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Crimes of war / Hogg, Peter, 229 p.. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1999. ISBN 0-312-26954-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
40. | Kimenyi, Alexandre (ed.) : Anatomy of genocide, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Anatomy of genocide : state-sponsored mass-killings in the twentieth century / Kimenyi, Alexandre (ed.) ; Scott, Otis - (Symposium series ; 58), ii, 446. - New York : The Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. ISBN 0-7734-7600-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The political determinants of ethnic genocide, by Frank M. Afflitto and Margaret Vandiver. 2. Always the first to go - people with disabilities, by Arthur Blaser. 3. In through the gates and out through the chimneys - gypsys and the Holocaust, by Deborah Bruce. 4. In the eyes of the beholder - the Brasilian Black Consciousness movement's perceptions of genocide against Afro-Brasilians, by David Covin. 5. The structure of obligations in international humanitarian law and its implications for conceptions of citizenship, by L. Edward, Margaret Vandiver, and W. Richard Janikowski. 6. Genocide in Matabeleland and Midlands in Zimbabwe - a failed transition to democracy and ethnic coexistence, by Smile Dube. 7. The victims of Nazi persecution - will the Holocaust-era litigation answer the questions of history?, by Barry A. Fisher. 8. In genocide, responsibility stems from volition, by Albert Globus. 9. Class, nation and race in communist crimes against humanity - theoretical and historical reflections on Marxist racism and violence, by Steve Heder. 10. why did the international community fail Rwanda and continues to do it?, by Augustin Kamongi. 11. Ethnic relations in Central Europe - how to foster and to avoid genocide and ethnic cleansing, by Thomas Kando. 12. Armenian genocide and the survival of children, by Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill. 13. The Armenian genocide and the unpaid life insurance policies - legal and historical perspectives, by Hrayr S. Karagueuzian. 14. The Rwandan genocide - a test case for Evangelization, by Elisee Rutagambwa. 15. Doctors, society and the Holocaust - searching for the roots of evil, by Erich H. Loewy. 16. The Armenian property and the destruction of Armenian historical monuments as a manifestation of the genocidal process, by Dickram Kouymjian. 17. The Austrian encounter, by Samson Munn. 18. The Japanese press and the Rwandan genocide, by Michimi Muranushi. 19. Holocaust population redeployment and Soviet forced labor camps, by Tams Stark. 20. The post-genocide state of Rwanda, by Yukimo Takashima. 21. A philosophy of negotiation - retracing the coordinates of subjectivity, by Adrian Parr. 22. The Armenian genocide through art and literature, by Rubina Peroomian. 23. Why Johnny doesn't learn about genocide - how the American schooling system has betrayed the history and legacy of genocide, by Nicole Vartivanian. 24. Indifference + inaction = genocide, by Lionel Von Frederick Rawlins. 25. Trivialization of genocide - the case of Rwanda, by Alexandre Kimenyi. INDEX WORDS:
41. | Valentino, Benjamin A. : Final solutions , 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Final solutions : mass killing and genocide in the 20th century / Valentino, Benjamin A. - (Cornell studies in security affairs), viii, 317 p.. - Ithaca : Cornell U. P., 2004. ISBN 0-8014-3965-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Albania / Algeria / Armenia / Austria / Bangladesh / Belgium / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Burundi / Cambodia / Chechnya / China / Croatia / Czechoslovakia / East Timor / El salvador / Ethiopia / France / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Hungary / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Italy / Japan / Korea / Latvia / Macedonia / Mozambique / Namibia / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Poland / Rhodesia / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Serbia / Somalia / USSR / Spain / Sudan / Tanzania / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / United Kingdom / USA / Viet Nam / Yugoslavia / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe |
42. | Bederman, David J. (chair person) : The visible college of international law, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The visible college of international law / Bederman, David J. (chair person), xi, 356 p.. - Washington, DC : The American Society of International Law, 2001 . - ISSN 0272-5037 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Proceedings of the 95th annual meeting, Washington, D.C., [20010404-20010407], [C] LIBRARY LOCATION: s ASIL |
43. | Bassiouni, M. Cherif : Introduction to international criminal law, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Introduction to international criminal law / Bassiouni, M. Cherif, xxxvi, 823 p.. - Ardsley, NY : Transnational Publ., 2003. ISBN 1-57105-286-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Chapter I: The Discipline of ICL:. Section 1. The Sources of ICL. Section 2. The Peculiarities of ICL Enforcement Regimes. Section 3. The Policies and Values of ICL and their Systemic Development. Section 4. The Changing Nature of International Law and Relations and Their Impact on ICL. Section 5. Conclusion. Chapter II: The Subjects of International Criminal Law: Ratione Personae:. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2: Doctrinal Considerations. Section 3. International Criminal Responsibility of Individuals. Section 4. Criminal Responsibility of Heads of State and Other Persons Benefiting from International Immunities. Section 5. International Criminal Responsibility of Groups and Organizations. Section 6. International Criminal Responsibility of States. Section 7. The Victim as a Subject of ICL. Section 8. Conclusion. Chapter III: International Crimes: Ratione Materiae :. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. Codification of ICL. Section 3. Criteria for International Criminalization. Section 4. The Penal Characteristics of ICL Conventions. Section 5. The Hierarchy of International Crimes. Section 6. Evolution of the Process of International Criminalization. Section 7. The Characteristics of ICL Conventions on International Crimes. Section 8. Jus Cogens International Crimes. Section 9. Principles of Legality and the Law of the Charter. Appendix: ICL Conventions. Chapter IV: Principles of Criminal Responsibility: The “General Part”:. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. General Considerations. Section 3. National Legal Standards and Their Relevance to ICL. Section 4. The Application of the “General Part” by the IMT, IMTFE and in Other Proceedings: A Historical Analysis. Section 5. Some Problems in Identifying the “General Part” in the Charter to the ICC. Section 6. Some Specific Problems. Section 7. ICL Penalties and Sentencing. Chapter V: The “Indirect Enforcement System” and the Modalities of International Cooperation in Penal Matters :. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. The Maxim Aut Dedere Aut Judicare. Section 3. Jurisdiction. Section 4. The Modalities of “International Cooperation in Penal Matters”. Section 5. Assessing the “Indirect Enforcement System”. Chapter VI: The “Direct Enforcement System”: History of International Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions.. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. History of International Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions: From Versailles to Rome, 1919 – 1998. Section 3. Establishing an International Criminal Court: Historical Efforts, 1937 – 1994. Section 4. Changing Times: The ICC Comes Into Being, 1989 to 1998. Chapter VII: The International Criminal Court: A Hybrid “Direct Enforcement System”:. Section 1. The Need for an ICC. Section 2. The Characteristics of the ICC. Section 3. Applicable Law. Section 4. The Jurisdiction of the ICC. Section 5. Elements of Criminal Responsibility: The General Part. Section 6. Invoking the Jurisdiction of the Court. Section 7. The Court’s Exercise of Jurisdiction. Section 8. The Penalties and Sentencing. Section 9. Victim Reparation. Section 10. Enforcement Modalities, Surrender, and Judicial Assistance. Section 11. Exceptions to the Obligation to Cooperate. Section 12. The Organization and Operation of the Court. Section 13. Relationship of the ICC to the United Nations. Section 14. Amending the Statute. Section 15. The Operation of The Court. Section 16. The Assembly of States Parties. Chapter VIII: The New Mixed Models of International Criminal Justice :. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. Cambodia. Section 3. Kosovo. Section 4. East Timor. Section 5. Sierra Leone. Section 6. Conclusion. Chapter IX: The “Procedure Part” of ICL: Procedural and Evidentiary Norms Applicable to International Criminal Proceedings:. Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. International Criminal Procedure. Section 3. Rules of Evidence. Chapter X: International Criminal Justice in the Age of Globalization: Section 1. Introduction. Section 2. National Criminal Justice Systems Enforcing International Criminal Law Norms. Section 3. The Distinction Between the Policies and Goals of Punishment in National Criminal Justice Systems and those in the International Criminal Justice System. Section 4.The Need to Harmonize the International Criminal Justice System and National Criminal Justice System. Section 5. The Philosophy and Policy of Punishment for Jus Cogens International Criminal Crimes. Section 6. Accountability Mechanisms for International Criminal Justice. Section 8. Amnesties and the International Criminal Justice System. Section 9. International Criminal Justice and Jus Cogens International Crimes. Section 10. Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague convention; Genocide convention; Geneva conventions; Additonal protocols to the Geneva conventions; Apartheid convention; The statute of the ICC; Nuremberg charter; IMT charter; OAU conventon; Tokyo charter; CAT; Treaty of Versailles; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties;
URL http://www.transnationalpubs.com/showbook.cfm?bookid=10231&userid=77475496 |
44. | Douglas, Lawrence : The memory of judgment , 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The memory of judgment : making law and history in teh trials of the holocaust / Douglas, Lawrence, xiii, 318 p.. - New Haven : Yael U. P., 2001. ISBN 0300084366 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART ONE : Nuremberg. 1. Film as Witness: Screening Nazi Concentration Camps Before the Nuremberg Tribunal. 2. The Idiom of Judgment: Crimes Against Humanity. 3. the Father Pointed to the Sky: Legitimacy and Tortured History. PART TWO :Eichmann. 4. Ada Lichtmann on the Stand. 5. The Court vs. the Prosecution: Policing Survivor Testimony. 6. Didactic Legality and Heroic Memory. PART THREE : Zundel. 7. Retrials and Precursors: Klaus Barbie and John Demjanjuk. 8. "Did Six Million Really Die?": Holocaust Denial and the Law. 9. Historians and Hearsay: The Denial Trials of Ernst Zundel. 10. The Legal Imagination and Traumatic History. App. Nuremberg Defendants. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): IMT charter; Nuremberg charter;
URL http://yalepress.yale.edu/YupBooks/viewbook.asp?isbn=0300084366 |
45. | Macedo, Stephen (ed.) : Universal jurisdiction , |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Universal jurisdiction : national courts and the prosecution of serious crimes under international law / Macedo, Stephen (ed.) - (Pennsylvania studies in human rights) ISBN 0-8122-3736-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction, by Stephen Macedo. PART I. THE PRINCETON PRINCIPLES:. 1. Preface to the Princeton Principles, by Mary Robinson. 2. The Princeton Principles on Universal Jurisdiction Commentary on the Principles, by Steven W. Becker. PART II. ESSAYS AND COMMENTENTS:. 1. The History of Universal Jurisdiction and Its Place in International Law , by M. Cherif Bassiouni. 2. Comment: The Quest for Clarity, by Stephen A. Oxman. 3. The Growing Support for Universal Jurisdiction in National Legislation, by A. Hay. Butler 4. The Adolf Eichmann Case: Universal and National Jurisdictions, by Gary J. Bass. 5. Comment: Connecting the Threads in the Fabric of International Law, by Lori F. Damrosch. 6. Assessing the Pinochet Litigation: Whither Universal Jurisdiction?, by Richard A. Falk. 7. Comment: Universal Jurisdiction and Transitions to Democracy, by Pablo De Greiff. 8. The Hissène Habré Case: The Law and Politics of Universal Jurisdiction, by Stephen P. Marks. 9. Defining the Limits: Universal Jurisdiction and National Courts, by Anne-Marie Slaughter. 10. Universal Jurisdiction, National Amnesties, and Truth Commissions: Reconciling the Irreconcilable, by Leila Nadya Sadat. 11. The Future of Universal Jurisdiction in the New Architecture of Transnational Justice, by Diane F. Orentlicher. 12. Universal Jurisdiction and Judicial Reluctance: A New "Fourteen Points" , by Michael Kirby. 13. Afterword: The Politics of Advancing International Criminal Justice , by Lloyd Axworthy. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; CAT; Nuremberg charter; IMT charter; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
46. | Bazyler, Michael J. : Holocaust justice, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Holocaust justice : the battle for restitution in America's courts / Bazyler, Michael J., xix, 410 p.. - New York : New York U. P., 2003. ISBN 0-8147-9903-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Suing the Swiss Banks. 2. German Industry and Its Slaves. 3. Reclaiming Prewar Insurance Policies. 4. Confronting the French Banks. 5. Litigating Holocaust Looted Art. 6. The Distribution Controversies. 7. The Legacy and Consequences of Holocaust Restitution. 8. The Post–Holocaust Restitution Era: Holocaust Restitution As a Model for Addressing Other Historical Injustices INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.nyupress.org/product_info.php?cPath=32&products_id=3232 |
47. | Alvarez, Alex : Governments, Citizens, and Genocide, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Governments, Citizens, and Genocide : a comparative and interdisciplinary approach / Alvarez, Alex, x, 224 p.. - Bloomington, IN : Indiana U. P., 2001. ISBN 0-253-33849-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT: 50000 a Free text 61100 a Note (meetings) CONTENTS:. 1. The age of genocide. 2. A crime by any other name. 3. Deadly regimes. 4. Lethal cogs. 5. Accommodating genocide. 6. Confronting genocide. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Armenia / Australia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Cambodia / Croatia / Denmark / East Timor / El Salvador / Germany / Indonesia / Japan / Lithuania / Netherlands / Rwanda / USSR / South Africa / Spain / Turkey / Zaire
URL http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/books/0-253-33849-2.shtml |
48. | Friedrichs, david O. : The crime of the century, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The crime of the century : the case for the holocaust / Friedrichs, david O. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Crime, law & social change : 34., p. 21-41. - Hague : Kluwer Academic publ., 2000. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
49. | Simpson, Gerry (ed.) : Wa crimes law : vol. II, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Wa crimes law : vol. II / Simpson, Gerry (ed.) - (The international library of essays in law and legal theory : second series), xxxiii, 484 p.. - Darthmouth : Ashgate, 2004. ISBN 0-7546-2320-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: PART II: DISSENTING JUDGMENTS: NUREMBERG: 11. David Luban (1987), The legacies of Nuremberg. 12. Edward M. Morgan (1988), Retributory theater. 13. Laurence Douglas (1996), The memory of judgment: the law, the Holocaust and denial. TOKYO AND MANILA : 14. Elizabeth S. Kopelman (1991), Ideology and international law: the dissent of the Indian justice at the Tokyo War Crimes Trial. 15. Ann Marie Prévost (1992), Race and war crimes: the 1945 War Crimes Trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. JERUSALEM : 16. Georg Schwarzenberger (1962), The Eichmann judgement: an essay in censorial jurisprudence. 17. Shoshana Felman (2001), Theaters of justice: Arendt in Jerusalem, the Eichmann trial, and the redefinition of legal meaning in the wake of the Holocaust. BAGHDAD: 18. Roger Normand and Chris af Jochnick (1994), The legitimation of violence: a critical analysis of the Gulf War. THE HAGUE AND ARUSHA: 19. Alfred Rubin (1994), An international criminal tribunal for Former Yugoslavia. 20. Makau Mutua (1997), Never again: questioning the Yugoslav and Rwanda tribunals. 21. Anonymous (1996), Human rights in peace negotiations. 22. Martti Koskenniemi (2002), Between impunity and show trials. ROME 23. Frédéric Mégret (2001), Three dangers for the International Criminal Court: a critical look at a consensual project. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Nuremberg charter; IMT charter; |
50. | Grunke, Thomas : The Transatlantic dimension of right-wing extremism, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The Transatlantic dimension of right-wing extremism / Grunke, Thomas REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Human rights review : vol. 4; no. 4. , p. 56-72. - Piscataway, NJ : Transaction Publ., 2003. - ISSN 1524-8879 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
51. | Gellately, Robert (ed.) : The specter of genocide, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The specter of genocide : mass murder in historical perspective / Gellately, Robert (ed.) ; Kierman, Ben, x, 396 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2003. ISBN 0-521-52750-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan. Part I:. Genocide and Modernity: 2. Twentieth century genocides: underlying ideological themes from Armenia to East Timor Ben Kiernan; 3. The modernity of genocides: war, race, and revolution in the twentieth century Eric D. Weitz; 4. Seeking the roots of modern genocide: on the macro- and micro-history of mass murder Omer Bartov; 5. Genocide and the body politic in the time of modernity Marie Fleming. Part II: Indigenous Peoples and Colonial Issues: 6. Indigenous peoples genocide: rhetoric of human rights Elazar Barkan; 7. Military culture and the production of ‘final solutions’ in the colonies: the example of Wilhelminian Germany Isabel V. Hull; 8. East Timor: counter-insurgency and genocide John G. Taylor. Part III. The Era of the Two World Wars: 9. Under cover of war: the Armenian genocide in the context of total war Jay Winter; 10. The mechanism of a mass crime: the ‘great terror’ in the Soviet Union, 1937–1938 Nicolas Werth; 11. The third reich, the Holocaust and visions of serial genocide Robert Gellately; 12. Reflections on modern Japanese history in the context of the concept of ‘genocide’ Gavan McCormack. Part IV:. Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1945: 13. ‘ When the world turned to chaos’: 1965 and its aftermath in Bali, Indonesia Leslie Dwyer and Degung Santikarma; 14. Genocide in Cambodia and Ethiopia Edward Kissi; 15. Modern genocide in Rwanda: ideology, revolution, war, and mass murder in an African state Robert Melson; 16. History, motive, law, intent: combining historical and legal methods in understanding Guatemala’s 1981–1983 genocide Greg Grandin; 17. Analysis of a mass crime: ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia, 1991–1999 Jacques Semelin. CONCLUSIONS: 18. The specter of genocide Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521527503 |
52. | Rombouts, Heidy : Victim organisations and the politics of reparation, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Victim organisations and the politics of reparation : a case study on Rwanda / Rombouts, Heidy, xviii, 540 p.. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2004. ISBN 90-5095-431-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION:. PART I. THE POLITICS OF REPARATION AND VICTIM ORGANISATIONS. CHAPTER 1. REPARATION IN A CONTEXT OF GROSS AND SYSTEMATIC HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. 1. The context of the study 1.1 Dealing with a past of gross and systematic human rights violations 1.2 Reparation for victims 1.3 Why reparation? 2. What is reparation about? 2.1 Substance of reparation as described by the Draft Basic Principles and Guidelines 2.2 Other classifications of reparation measures 2.3 Bottom line of reparation? 3. What reparation ought to achieve: four basic options 3.1 The conditio quo ante 3.2 The hypothetical condition: as if violations never occurred 3.3 Economic theory of reparation 3.4 Seeking a new balance 4. Conclusion: a process approach to reparation. CHAPTER 2. VICTIM ORGANISATIONS AND THE POLITICS OF REPARATION: TOWARDS A RESEARCH QUESTION. 1. Reparation and politics 1.1 Nature of the reparation process: judicial or politically negotiated? 1.2 Victims as party to the process 2. Reparation as a political process: two theoretical approaches 2.1 Realistic process approach 2.2 Idealistic process approach 3. Towards a more detailed research question 3.1 Tying things together 3.2 Correspondence between the realistic and the idealistic process approach 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER 3. FROM THEORY INTO THE FIELD: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES. 1. Face validity 1.1 Data collection 1.2 Data analysis 1.3 Dynamic process 2. Construct validity 2.1 Pre-operational explication of constructs 2.2 Mono-operation and mono-method bias 2.3 Hypothesis guessing and social desirability 3. External validity 4. Conclusion. PART II. CASE-STUDY ON RWANDA. CHAPTER 4. THE RWANDAN TRAGEDY, ITS AFTERMATH AND ITS VICTIM ORGANISATIONS. 1. The Rwandan genocide 1.1 Brief overview of a tragic history 1.2 Dealing with the past 2. Critical features of the political opportunity structure 2.1 National political opportunity structure 2.2 International political opportunity structure 3. Victim organisations in Rwanda 3.1 An overview 3.2 The toolbox of victim associations 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER 5. VICTIM ORGANISATIONS IN RWANDA: FOR AND BY WHOM?. 1. Organisations for whom? 1.1 Genocide: defining a crime or a period of time? 1.2 The beneficiaries of victim organisations in Rwanda 1.3 Rescapés and victims in Rwanda 1.4 Idiosyncrasy and lack of clear statements by the associations 1.5 Interim findings 2. Organised by whom? 2.1 Who are the members of the victim organisations? 2.3 The profile of the leaders 2.4 Interim findings 3. Relationships between leaders, members and beneficiaries 3.1 Elections 3.2 Participation 3.3 Costs and rewards of involvement 3.4 Interim findings 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER 6. VICTIM ORGANISATIONS IN INTERACTION. 1. Victim organisations and bonding interaction patterns 1.1 Victim organisations united: a collective 1.2 Harmony or friction? 1.3 Collaboration in the field of reparation? 1.4 International bonding networks 1.5 Interim findings 2. Victim organisations and bridging networks 2.1 Poor bridging networks at national level 2.2 Poor bridging networks at international level 2.3 Interim findings 3. Victim associations and other 1994 victims 3.1 Extremism in the field of justice? 3.2 Differentiating victims of crime: mandatory or unjustifiable? 3.3 Interim findings 4. Conclusion. CHAPTER 7. REPARATION POLICIES IN RWANDA. 1. Governmental policies 1.1 The Rwandan government and victim associations: a tense relationship 1.2 The FARG 1.3 The FIND 1.4 Interim findings 2. Judicial policies 2.1 Judicial policies at the national level 2.3 Judicial policies in third countries 2.4 Interim findings 3. Conclusion. PART III. CONCLUDING PART. CHAPTER 8. CONCLUDING CHAPTER. 1. Findings of the Rwandan case study 1.1 The political opportunity structure 1.2 Tools and actions 1.3 Representation 1.4 Interaction 1.5 Procedural and material success 2. Realism and idealism: studying the gap 2.1 Representativity and the principle of generality 2.2 Tools and actions and the principles of autonomy and transparency 2.3 Interaction and the principle of ideal role-taking 2.4 Success and the principles of generality and autonomy 2.5 Political opportunity structure and the principle of power neutrality 3. Realism and idealism: narrowing the gap 3.1 Suggestions to narrow the gap 3.2 Setting directions for further research 4. Real, ideal and future politics of reparation ANNEX 1. VICTIM ASSOCIATIONS IN RWANDA ANNEX 2. TYPE OF BENEFITS DISTRIBUTED BY THE VICTIM ORGANISATIONS IN RWANDA INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; ICCPR-2; Declaration of basic principles of justice for victims of crime and abuse of powers; |
53. | Romano, Cesare P.R. (ed.) : Internationalized criminal courts, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Internationalized criminal courts : Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo and Cambodia / Romano, Cesare P.R. (ed.) ; Nollkaemper, André ; Kleffner, Jann K. - (International courts and tribunal series), lviii, 491 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2004. ISBN 0-19-927674-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART 1 : INTRODUCTION:. 1. A. Cassese: The role of internationalized courts and tribunals in the fight against international criminality. 2 D. Shraga: The Second Generation UN-Based Tribunals: A Diversity Of Mixed Jurisdictions. PART I: INTERNATIONALIZED CRIMINAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS:. 3. J. Cerone and C. Baldwin: Explaining and Evaluating the UNMIK Court System. 4. J-C. Cady and N. Booth: Internationalized Courts in Kosovo: An UNMIK Perspective. 5. S. De Bertodano: East Timor: Trials and Tribulations. 6. B.Lyons: Getting Untrapped, Struggling For Truths: The Commission For Reception, Truth And Reconciliation (CAVR) In East Timor. 7. A. Smith: Sierra Leone: The Intersection of Law, Policy and Practice. 8. P. Mochochoko and G. Tortora: The Management Committee for the Special Court for Sierra Leone. 9. W. Schabas: Internationalized Courts And Their Relationship With Alternative Accountability Mechanisms: The Case Of Sierra Leone. 10. C. Etcheson: The Politics of Genocide Justice in Cambodia. 11. E. Meijer: The Extraordinary Chambers In the Courts of Cambodia. PART II: CROSS-CUTTING ASPECTS:. 12 C. Romano: The Judges and Prosecutors of Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals. 13. T. Ingadottir: The Financing of Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals. 14. B. Swart: Internationalized Courts And Substantive Criminal Law. 15. H. Friman: Procedural Law of Internationalized Criminal Courts. 16. Relationship with Third Entities: National Courts, Third States, and the ICC 16 J. Kleffner and A. Nollkaemper: The Relationship Between Internationalized Courts And National Courts. 17 G. Sluiter: Legal Assistance to Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals. 18. M. Benzing and M. Bergsmo: Some Tentative Remarks On The Relationship Between Internationalized Criminal Jurisdictions and The International Criminal Court. 19. M. Colitti: Geographical and Jurisdictional Reach of the ICC: Gaps in the International Criminal Justice System and a Role for Internationalized Bodies. 20. L. Condorelli and T.Boutruche: Internationalized Criminal Courts and Tribunals: Are They Necessary?. 21. A. Pellet: Internationalized Courts: Better Than Nothing... INDEX WORDS:
54. | Arendt, Hannah : Eichmann in Jerusalem, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Eichmann in Jerusalem : a report on the banality of evil / Arendt, Hannah. - rev. and enl.., 312 p.. - New York : Penguin Group, 1994. ISBN 0-14-018765-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
55. | McBeth, Adam : Holding the purse strings, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Holding the purse strings : the continuing evolution of human rights law and the potential liability of the finance industry for human rights abuses / McBeth, Adam REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Netherlands quarterly of human rights : vol. 23; no. 1., p. 7-34. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2005. - ISSN 0169-3441 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.nqhr.net/pdf/?articleId=423074a77acb27b1-1e4a3fe515ec70a |
56. | Illman, Mika : Hets mot folkgrupp, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Hets mot folkgrupp / Illman, Mika - (Publikationer av suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys : Serien A ; Nr 262), xxi, 306 p.. - Helsinki : Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 2005. ISBN 951-855-240-1 LANGUAGE: SWE INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Australia / Denmark / Italy / Norway / United Kingdom / Sweden / Germany / USA NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur. (thesis), Helsingfors Universitet, Juridiska fakulteten, [2005], [T] NOTE (GENERAL): CERD; ICCPR, ECHR-8-10; |
57. | Totten, Samuel (ed.) : Genocide at the millennium , 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Genocide at the millennium / Totten, Samuel (ed.) - (Genocide : a critical bibliographic review ; vol. 5), xi, 302 p.. - New Brunswick, : Transaction publ., 2005. ISBN 0-7658-0263-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:: 1. Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Eric Markusen and Martin Mennecke . 2. The Rwanda genocide, by Howard Adelman. 3. Genocide in Kosovo, by Peter Ronayne. 4. The role of nongovernmental organizations in addressing the prevention, intervention, and punishment of genocide in the 1980s, 1990s, and early, 2000s, by Samuel Totten. 5. The United Nations and genocide: prevention, intervention, and prosecution, by Samuel Totten and Paul R. Bartrop. 6. The role of individual states in addressing cases of genocide, by Kenneth J. Campbell. 7. The international legal prohibition of genocide comes of age, by William A. Schabas. 8. International tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: the repression of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by John R. W. D. Jones and Roberta Arnold. 9. The United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), by Alexander Zahar and Susan Rohol. 10. The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC), by M. Cherif Bassiouni. INDEX WORDS:
58. | Simpson, Gerry : Law, war and crime, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Law, war and crime : war crimes trials and the reinvention of international law / Simpson, Gerry, 225 p.. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7456-3023-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: * Contents: * Preface: Law, War and Crime * Acknowledgements * Chapter One: Law's Politics: War Crimes Trials and Political Trials * 1. Concepts of the Political * i. Deformed Legalism * ii. Transcendent Legalism * iii. Utopian Politics * iv. Legalistic Politics * 2. The Politics of "Politics" and "Law" * Chapter Two: Law's Place: Internationalism and Localism * 1. The Hague or Baghdad? Trying Saddam * 2. International Space/Local Place * 3. Cosmopolitan Law? * 4. Negotiating the International * Chapter Three: Law's Subjects: Individual Responsibility and Collective Guilt * 1. Men Not Abstract Entities * 2. State Crime and Individual Responsibility * 3. The Liability of Men and Things * 4. Three Eichmanns * Chapter Four: Law's Promise: Punishment, Memory and Dissent * 1. Teaching History * 2. Proportion * 3. Incompatibility * 4. Legitimation * 5. Discordant Notes * i. Justice Arguments * ii. History Arguments * 6. Forgetting * Chapter Five: Law's Anxieties: Show Trials * 1. The Antithesis of Legalism * 2. Legality and Deformity * i. Procedure * ii. Ad Hocery * iii.Conspiracy * iv. Selection of Defendants * 3. Objective Guilt and Subjective Innocence * Chapter Six: Law's Hegemony: The Juridification of War * 1. Law and War * 2. Juridification in General * i. International Law and National Law * ii. The Juridification of Politics * 3. The Juridification of War * Chapter Seven: Law's Origins: Pirates * 1. Infinite Justice * 2. Enemies of Mankind * 3. The Ambiguities of Piracy * 4. Enemies of Empire * Conclusion: Law's Fate INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Armenia / Australia / Czechoslovakia / El Salvador / France / Japan / Iraq / Iran / Kuwait / Rwanda / Uganda / Poland / USSR NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; UN charter; CAT; Geneva conventions; Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; ECHR; |
59. | Simon, Thomas W. : The laws of genocide, 2007 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The laws of genocide : prescriptions for a just world / Simon, Thomas W. - ( PSI reports), xv, 208 p.. - Westport : Praeger, 2007. ISBN 978-0-275-97945-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Armenia / Australia / Cambodia / China / Congo / Germany / Hungary / Iraq / Israel / Rwanda / Slovenia / USA / Yugoslavia / Zaire LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): Genocide convention; ECHR; Geneva conventions; |
60. | Reginbogin, Herbert (Hrsg.) : The Nuremberg Trials : international criminal law since 1945 : 60th anniversary international conference, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The Nuremberg Trials : international criminal law since 1945 : 60th anniversary international conference = Die Nürnberger Prozesse : Völkerstrafrecht seit 1945 : internationale Konferenz zum 60. Jahrestag / Reginbogin, Herbert (Hrsg.) ; Safferling, Christoph J. M., 320 p.. - München : K.G. Saur, 2006. ISBN 978-3-598-11756-5 LANGUAGE: GER/ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. HISTORY AND NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES of the IMT at NUREMBURG:. 1. American perspective on Nuremberg: a case of cascading ironies / Raymond M. Brown. 2. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg: British perspectives / David Cesarani. 3. The French perspective / Herve´ Ascensio. 4. The role of the Soviet Union in the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg / Michael J. Bazyler. 5. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg from a German perspective / Albin Eser. II. DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES ON THE NUREMBERG TRIALS:. 6. A Jewish lobby at Nuremberg: Jacob Robinson and the Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1945-46 / Michael R. Marrus. 7. Genocide on trial: law and collective memory / Donald Bloxham. 8. The Role and rights of victims at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal / Sam Garkawe. 9. History and memory in the courtroom: reflections on perpetrator trials / Lawrence Douglas. 10. Tyranny on trial--trial of major German war criminals at Nuremberg, Germany, 1945-1946 / Whitney R. Harris. III. CIVILIZED PEOPLE - HEINOUS CRIMES, PHILOSOPHICAL-HISTORICAl PERSPECTIVES:. 11. Confronting "crimes against humanity", from Leipzig to the Nuremberg Trials / Herbert R. Reginbogin. 12. In retrospect: Nazi Party, the rallies, the racial laws / Klaus Kastner. 13. "One good man": the Jacksonian shape of Nuremberg / John Q. Barrett. 14. The Nuremberg Trials and American jurisprudence: the decline of legal realism and the revival of natural law / Rodger D. Citron. IV. THE LATER NUREMBERG TRIALS:. 15. The Einsatzgruppen Trial / Benjamin Ferencz. 16. The Doctors' Trial at Nuremberg / Louise Harmon. 17. The Jurists' trial and lessons for the rule of law / Harry Reicher. 18. The Role of German industry: from individual criminal responsibility of some to a broadly shared responsibility for compensatory payments / Roland Bank. 19. Military justice: war crimes trials in the American Zone of occupation in Germany, 1945-1947 / Lisa Yavnai. V. NATIONAL PROSECUTION IN GERMANY, ISRAEL, AUSTRALIA and OTHER NATIONS:. 20. Between law and politics: the prosecution of NS-criminals in the two German states after 1945 / Hinrich Rüping. 21. The Normalization of Nazi crime in postwar West German trials / Rebecca Wittmann. 22. Genocide (Holocaust) trials in Israel / Gabriel Bach. 23. A Summary of the history of Nazi war crime trials in Australia / Greg James. VI. GERMANY'S ATTITUDE TOWARDS INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW:. 24. Germany and international criminal law: continuity or change? / Claus Kress. VII: THE LEGACY OF NUREMBERG:. 25. The International Criminal Court: key features and current challenges / Hans-Peter Kaul. 26. The Legacy of Nuremberg / Anne Bayefsky. 27. Nuremberg, justice and the beast of impunity / Wanda M. Akin. 28. The Judicial legacy of Nuremberg--the statute of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and the International Criminal Court / Andreas Zimmermann. 29. Enforcement of Nuremberg norms: the role for mechanisms other than the ICC / Dan Derby. 30. War reparations, the Holocaust, and the ICC / Roger P. Alford. VIII. TOTALITARIANISM AND GERMAN RESISTANCE:. 31. The plot to kill Hitler: July 20, 1944 and the story of the German resistance movement / Winfried Heinemann. 32. Totalitarian regimes: a comparative analysis of national socialism and the German Democratic Republic / Joachim Gauck. IX. A DIFFERENT STORY: 33. Liberating perspectives / Robert Wolfson. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Germany NOTE (GENERAL): Presentations from an international conference called "Judging Nuremberg: the Laws, the Rallies, the Trials: Returning to Courtroom 600 on the 60th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials," held in Nuremberg, summer 2005.
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