31. | Post, Harry H. G. (ed.) : International economic law and armed conflict, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series International economic law and armed conflict / Post, Harry H. G. (ed.) - ( Nova et vetera iuris gentium ; no. 18), viii, 215 p.. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1994. ISBN 0-7923-3189-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Iraq / Kuwait / Haiti / Liberia / Libya / Yugoslavia / North AFrica / West Africa NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Geneva conventions |
32. | Dinstein, Yoram : War, aggression and self-defence, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War, aggression and self-defence / Dinstein, Yoram. - 2nd ed.., xxxi, 325 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 1994. ISBN 0-521-46526-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kuwait / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Ethiopia / Israel / Japan / Jordan / East Africa LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands Entebbe NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter-51; Hague conventions |
33. | Cheng, Bin : General principles of law as applied by international courts and tribunals, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series General principles of law as applied by international courts and tribunals / Cheng, Bin ; with a foreword by Georg Schwarzenberger, li, 490 p.. - Cambridge, N.Y. : Cambridge U. P., 1994. ISBN 0-521-46333-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
34. | Doswald-Beck, Louise (ed.) : San Remo manual on international law applicable to armed conflicts at sea, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph San Remo manual on international law applicable to armed conflicts at sea / Doswald-Beck, Louise (ed.) ; prep. by International lawyers and Naval Experts, ix, 257 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 1995. ISBN 0-521-55864-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Hague conventions; UN charter; |
35. | McCoubrey, Hilaire : International organizations and civil wars, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International organizations and civil wars / McCoubrey, Hilaire ; White, Nigel D., xiii, 294 p.. - Aldershot : Dardmouth, 1995. ISBN 1-85521-468-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Somalia / Southern Africa / Afghanistan / Angola / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Cambodia / Chad / Falkland Islands / USSR / Yugoslavia / Central Africa / East Africa NOTE (GENERAL): ICCPR; UDHR; Nuremberg charter; |
36. | Machover, Daniel : International humanitarian law and the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a monograph International humanitarian law and the Indonesian occupation of East Timor / Machover, Daniel REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: International law and the question of East Timor / publ. by International Platform of Jurists for East Timor, p. 205-222. - London : Catholic Institute for International Relations, 1995. ISBN 1-85287-129-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: East Timor / Indonesia NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions; Geneva conventions; Montevideo convention USED FOR Convention on rights and duties of states; Timor gap treaty; |
37. | Neff, Stephen C. : Towards a law of unarmed conflict, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Towards a law of unarmed conflict : a proposal for a new international law of hostility / Neff, Stephen C. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Cornell international law journal : vol. 28; no. 1., p. 1-28. - Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Law School, 1995. - ISSN 0010-8812 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
38. | Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) : United Kingdom materials on international law 1994, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series United Kingdom materials on international law 1994 / Marston, Geoffrey (ed.) REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: The British Year Book of international law 1994 : no. 65 / Brownlie, I. ; Crawford, J. (eds.), p. 571-718. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 1995. ISBN 0-19-825881-X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
39. | Dinstein, Yoram : The Israel Court and the law of belligerent occupation, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The Israel Court and the law of belligerent occupation : article 43 of the Hague regulations / Dinstein, Yoram REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Israel yearbook on human rights : 1995 : vol. 25 / Dinstein, Y. (ed.), p. 1-20. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1996. - ISSN 0333-5925 ISBN 90-411-0258-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: West Bank (Palestine) / Israel LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Gaza NOTE (GENERAL): Declaration of principles on interim self-government arrangements; Hague conventions (II, IV); Geneva conventions (IV); |
40. | Neff, Stephen C. : The prerogatives of violence - in search of the conceptual foundations of belligerents' rights, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series The prerogatives of violence - in search of the conceptual foundations of belligerents' rights / Neff, Stephen C. REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: German yearbook of international law [GYIL] : 1995 : vol. 38 / Delbrück, J. (ed.), p. 41-72. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1996. - ISSN 0344-3094 ISBN 3-428-08521-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Geneva conventions; |
41. | Alexandrow, Stanimir A. : Self-defense against the use of force in international law, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Self-defense against the use of force in international law / Alexandrow, Stanimir A. ; with a foreword by Louis B. Sohn - (Developments in international law ; vol. 23), xiv, 359 p.. - Hague : Kluwer, 1996. ISBN 90-411-0247-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Iraq / Kuwait / Nicaragua / Portugal / Israel / South Africa / Turkey / Middle east NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Nuremberg charter |
42. | Han, Henry H. (ed.) : Terrorism & political violence, 1995 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Terrorism & political violence : limits & possibilities of legal control / Han, Henry H. (ed.) - (Ser. 2 ; vol. 1), xvi, 484 p.. - New York : Oceana, 1995. ISBN 0-379-00906-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
43. | Degan, V. D. : Sources of international law, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Sources of international law / Degan, V. D. - (Developments in international law ; vol. 27), xv, 564 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 1997. ISBN 90-411-0421-6 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Montevideo convention; Declaration on friendly relations; Geneva conventions; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention on the law of the sea; |
44. | Talmon, Stefan : Recognition of governments in international law, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Recognition of governments in international law : with particular reference to governments in exile / Talmon, Stefan - (Oxford monographs in international law), lxxii, 393 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1998. ISBN 0-19-826573-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Belgium / Canada / Czechoslovakia / Egypt / Eire / France / Germany / Greece / Hong Kong / Italy / Japan / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / palestine / Philippines / Poland / Singapore / South Africa / Sweden / Switzerland / United Kingdom / USA / Zambia / Russian Federation NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; ACHPR; OAU charter; ICCPR; Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; CEDAW; TEU; |
45. | Kelly, Michael J. : Peace operations, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Peace operations : tackling the military legal and policy challenges / Kelly, Michael J., var. pag.. - Canberra : Commonwealth of Australia, 1997. ISBN 0-644-47533-1 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Somalia / Iraq / Yugoslavia / Cambodia / Rwanda / Haiti / Mozamibique / Angola / USA NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions |
46. | Walsh, Brian : Human rights under military occupation, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Human rights under military occupation : the need for expansion / Walsh, Brian ; Peleg, Ilan REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): The international journal of human rights : vol. 2; no. 1., p. 62-78. - London : Frank Cass, 1998. - ISSN 1364-2987 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions; Geneva conventions; ICESCR; |
47. | Moir, Lindsay : The historical development of the application of humanitarian law in non-international armed conflicts to 1949, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The historical development of the application of humanitarian law in non-international armed conflicts to 1949 / Moir, Lindsay REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International and comparative law quarterly : vol. 47; part 2., p. 337-361. - London : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1998. - ISSN 0020-5893 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / South America / France / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions; Geneva conventions; Paris declaration; |
48. | Roth, Brad, R. : Governmental illegitimacy in international law, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Governmental illegitimacy in international law / Roth, Brad, R., xxx, 439 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-826852-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Preface by Oscar Schachter. Acknowledgements. 1. International Politics, International Law, and the Legitimacy of Domestic Governments. A. The Issue: Illegitimate Governments as a Legal Category. B. Legal Norms and International Security. C. The Paradox of Sovereignty in International Law. 2. Legal Legitimacy in Theoretical Perspective. A. The Question of Legitimate Authority. B. Legal Legitimacy and International Political Morality. 3. Popular Sovereignty and Domestic Constitutional Orders. A. Vehicles of Legitimation. B. The Constitutional Order and Its Limits. C. The Primacy of the Legitimating Vision. 4. The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary-Democratic Dictatorship. A. Theoretical Foundations of Revolutionary Democracy. B. Teleological Democracy and Vanguard Dictatorship. C. Revolutionary-Democratic Dictatorship and Contemporary International Discourse. 5 A. Recognition Doctrine. B. Recognition and Intervention in Internal Armed ct. C. Legitimacy Contests and Modes of Collective Resolution. 6. Ascertaining the Will of 'Peoples': Governmental Illegitimacy and Self-Determination. A. From Principle to Right: Self-Determination in the Scheme of Sovereign Equality. B. Self-Determination and Popular Will. C. Local Deprivations of Self-Determination: Rhodesia, South Africa and Beyond. 7. Two Governments, One State: Recognition Contests and the Use of Force. A. UN Credentials and Collective Legal Recognition. B. Intervention by invitation of the Legitimate Government. C. Governmental Illegitimacy and Foreign Intervention: Three Cases. D. Recognition Contests, 1950-89. 8. Governmental Illegitimacy and Political Participation. A. Political Participation in Human Rights Law. B. Legitimacy and Quasi-Plebiscitary Elections. C. Participation and the Basis of Governmental Authority. 9. Haiti and Beyond: Popular Will and De-Legitimation in the 1990s. A. Collective Responses to the Breakdown of Electoral Arbitration. B. The Broader Context: Sovereignty and Internal Crises in the 1990s. C. Governmental Illegitimacy and Collective Practice. 10. Conclusion: Sovereignty and Popular Will. A. The International Law of Governmental Illegitimacy. B. The Dangers of Liberal-Democratic Legitimism. C. Conclusion. Notes Index INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): AMR; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; CERD; Apartheid convention; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; ICESCR; League of Nations covenant; Montevideo convention on the rights and duties of states; OAS charter; UN charter; Vienna Convention on the law of treaties; Declaration on friendly relations; |
49. | Green, L. C. : The contemporary law of armed conflict, 1993 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The contemporary law of armed conflict / Green, L. C.. - repr. 1998. - ( Melland Schill monographs in international law), xviii, 374 p.. - Manchester : Manchester U. P., 1993. ISBN 0-7190-4204-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The chapters are:. 1. Legality of war and the law of armed conflict. 2. History and sources of the law of armed conflict. 3. International and non-international armed conflict. 4. Hostilities : their commencement, effects and termination. 5. Inter-belligerent relations. 6. Lawful combatants. 7. Conduct of hostilities : land. 8. Conduct of hostilities : maritime. 9. Conduct of hostilities : air. 10. Prisoners of war. 11. The wounded, sick and shipwrecked. 12. Civilians. 13. The protecting power. 14. Civil defence. 15. Rights and duties of the occupying power. 16. Rights and duties of neutrals. 17. Prevention of breaches and supervision of conduct. 18. War crimes and grave breaches. 19. The law and non-international conflicts. 20. United Nations operations. 21. Basic rules of the law of armed conflict. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Treaty of Westphalia; Treaty of Paris; Declarationm of St. Petersburg; Hague convention concerning the laws and customs of war on land (II); Geneva convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the field; Declaration prohibiting the discharge of projectiles and explosives from balloons; Hague conventions (I-XIII; Hague regulations on land warfare; Treaty of Versailles; Treaty of Washington; Pact of Paris; Treaty of London; London protocol on rules of submarine warafare; Nyon agreement on aircraft and submarine activity; Chicago convention on international civil aviation; UN charter; Convention on privileges and immunities of the United Nations; ECHR; Convention for protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict; Geneva conventions on the high seas; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; Tokyo convention on offences committed on board aircraft; CERD; ICCPR-15; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Convention on prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of cultural property; Montreal convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the sfaety of civil aviation; Biological weapons convention; Apartheid convention; Convention against the taking of hostage; Conventional weapons convention; Convention on the law of the sea; Convention against the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries; LIBRARY LOCATION: Fjärrmagasinet IRIS (kopior) |
50. | Dinstein, Yoram : The conduct of hostilities under the law of international armed conflict, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The conduct of hostilities under the law of international armed conflict / Dinstein, Yoram, xx, 275 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2004. ISBN 0-521-83436-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I. The General Framework: 1. The sources; 2. The semantics; 3. Inter-state armed conflicts; 4. Military necessity and humanitarian considerations; 5. Humanitarian law and human rights; 6. Dissemination; PART II. Lawful Combatancy: 7. Combatants and civilians; 8. Lawful and unlawful combatants; 9. The entitlement to prisoners of war status under customary international law; 10. The Legal Position under Protocol I of 1977; 11. A case study: the war in Afghanistan; 12. Mercenaries; 13. Armed merchant vessels; PART III. Prohibited Weapons: 14. Introduction; 15. The principle prohibiting unnecessary suffering; 16. Explicit prohibitions and restrictions of certain weapons; 17. The status of nuclear weapons; 18. Development of new weapons; PART IV. Legitimate Military Objectives: 19. The principle of distinction and military objectives; 20. The definition of military objectives by nature, location, purpose and use; 21. General problems relating to the scope of military objectives; 22. Defended and undefended localities in land warfare; 23. Special problems relating to sea warfare; 24. Special problems relating to air warfare; PART V. The Protection of Civilians and Civilian Objects from Attack: 25. Definitions; 26. Direct attacks against civilians; 27. Indiscriminate attacks; 28. The principle of proportionality; 29. Legitimate collateral damage; 30. Precautions in attack; 31. Cessation of protection and ‘human shields’; 32. Starvation of civilians; PART VI. Measures of Special Protection: 33. Persons entitled to special protection; 34. Cultural property and places of worship; 35. Medical units; 36. Works and installations containing dangerous forces; PART VII. Protection of the Environment: 37. Introduction; 38. The international legal texts; 39. The dissimilarities between the ENMOD convention and protocol I; 40. A case study: setting fire to oil wells in the Gulf War; 41. Conclusion; PART VIII. Other Methods and Means of Warfare: 42. Perfidy and ruses of war; 43. Espionage; 44. Seizure and destruction of enemy property; 45. Belligerent reprisals; 46. War crimes, command responsibility and defences: 47. The definition of war crimes; 48. The Distinction between war criminals and unlawful combatants; 49. Command responsibility; 50. Admissible and inadmissible defences; General conclusions; Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Yugoslavia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Czechoslovakia / Congo / France / Israel / Italy / Japan / Jordan / Korea / Kuwait / Lebanon / Malaysia / Singapore / United Kingdom / Serbia-Montenegro LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Falkland Islands Kosovo
URL http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521834368 |
51. | Schoiswohl, Michael : Status and human rights obligations of non-recognized de facto regimes in international law, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Status and human rights obligations of non-recognized de facto regimes in international law : the case of Somaliland / Schoiswohl, Michael, xv, 351 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-13655-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: PART I : STATE RECOGNITION AND SECESSION: I. Preliminary Remarks; II. Introduction. III. Meaning of Recognition; IV Recognition of States; V. The Criteria for Statehood; VI. The Loss of Statehood and ‘Effectiveness’ – State Continuity, State Collapse and Extinction of States; 1. Preliminary Remarks; 2. Statehood and ‘Effectiveness’ – State Continuity; 3. Failed States – State Collapse; 4. Extinction of States; 5. Conclusion; VII. Statehood and Recognition – Constitutive or Declaratory; VIII. The ‘Synthesis’ of Fact and Law – ‘Evidentiary’ and ‘Semi-Constitutive’ Function of Recognition; IX. Secession and Recognition; 1) Preliminary Remarks; 2) Secession in General and in the Context of State Collapse; 3) The Interplay between Secession, Presumption of Continuity and Recognition; 4) Concluding Remarks; X. Self-Determination and Recognition; 1) Preliminary Remarks; 2) The ‘Right’ to Self-Determination – An Overview; 3) Self-Determination, Recognition and the ‘Thresholds of Effectiveness’; XI. Conclusion; 1) Preliminary Remarks; 2) Variants of Non-Recognition; 3) Non-Recognition and Secession – A Summary; 4) A Word to State Practice and Methodology; 5) Policy and Philosophy; PART II : THE STATEHOOD OF SOMALIALAND : I. Somalia and Somalialand; 1) History of Somalia; i. Colonization; ii. Independence; iii. Dictatorship; iv. The Somali Civil War; 2) History of Somaliland and its ‘Independences’; i. Colonial History; ii. Somaliland’s Independence in 1960; iii. The Somaliland Population after the Civil War in Somalia; iv. The Declaration of Independence in 1991; v. The Civil War in Somaliland; 3) Somalia Today; 4) Somalia – A Failed, Collapsed, or Presumed State?; 5) Somaliland Today; i. The Situation within Somaliland; ii. Somaliland’s Position in relation to Somalia; II. Independence of Somalialand – Secession vs. Dissolution (of Somalia); 1) Preliminary Remarks; 2) Possible General (non-Legal) Justifications; i. Socio-historical – A Greater Somalia vs. Somaliland: the ‘Myth’ of a Somali Nation-State; ii. Economical; iii. Ethnical; iv. Political; v. International; 3) Legal ‘Justifications’ for Secession; i. Introduction; ii. Historic Title – The 1960 Act of the Union and Restoration of Statehood; iii. Self-Determination; A. Introduction; B. Denied Decolonization – The Analogy to the Eritrean Case; C. ‘ Contemporary’ Self-Determination; iv. Human Rights Violations; v. Conclusion; III. Non-Recognition of Somaliland; 1) Somaliland – Fulfilling the Criteria of Statehood?; 2) A Decade of Unrecognized Independence; 3) Reasons for Non-Recognition?; i. Historical; ii. Regional; iii. International; IV. Is Somaliland a State?; 1) Applying the Law of Recognition: Presumptions and Effectiveness; 2) Impact of Non-Recognition; i. Internal; ii. External/International; V. Conclusion; PART III : HUMAN RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS OF NON-RECOGNIXED ENTITIES : – The Case of Somaliland; I. Preliminary Remarks; II. Introduction; III. Subjects of International Law; 1) Subjects of International Law – General; 2) Insurgents and Belligerents; 3) De Facto Regimes; 4) Conclusion; IV. Non-Recognized Entities and ‘Human Rights’; Obligations; 1) Preliminary Remarks; 2) Statehood despite Non-Recognition: Customary Obligations; 3) Obligations of De Facto Regimes Below the threshold of Statehood; i. General; ii. De Facto Regimes and Human Rights Agreements; A. El Salvador; B. Guatemala; C. Other Cases; D. Conclusion; iii. ‘ Self-imposed’ Human Rights Obligations; iv. Minimum ‘Standards of Humanity’ Regarding De Facto Regimes; A. Minimum Obligations under International Humanitarian Law; B. Declarations of Minimum Humanitarian Standards and Codes of Conduct; C. Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and Torture; v. Obligations of De Facto Regimes; A. General; B. Obligations of De Facto Regimes with Respect to ‘Third’ States; C. Responsibility of De Facto Regimes for ‘Internal’ Human Rights; D. ‘ Knock, Knock’ – Is There Any Law?; E. ‘ Indirect’ Human Rights Obligations; a) General; b) Validity of Legal Acts of Non-Recognized Entities; c) ‘Devolution’ of and ‘Succession’ to Human Rights ‘Obligations’ (Limitations); d) Limited International Personality and Human Rights Obligations: The ‘Functional’ Approach; e) Concluding Remarks; vi. Human Rights – The Rights of People; V. Excursus: Human Rights Obligations of a ‘Parent’ State with Respect to Non-Recognized Entities, Particularly in the Context of a Collapsed State; 1) Collapsed States and Human Rights Obligations under International Law; 2) Responsibility of Collapsed States for De Facto Regimes; VI. Conclusion; 1) General; 2) Application of Different Layers to Somaliland; 3) Policy Issues and Prospect; PART V: ABBREVIATIONS, RESOURCES aND ANNEXES: Part V – Abbreviations, Resources and Annexes; I.Abbreviations; II. Index of Authorities; 1) Treaties; 2) Peace Agreements; 3) UN Documents and Other Instruments; 4) International Cases, Arbitral Awards and Advisory Opinions; 4) Domestic Cases and Administrative Decisions; 5) Treaties, Digests and Books; 6) Journals and Yearbooks; 7) News Reports; 8) Miscellaneous; Annex I – Map of Somalia; Annex II – Map of Somalialand; Annex III – Historical Map of Colonial Borders in Africa; Index. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Angola / Belgium / Cambodia / Canada / Congo / Cyprus / Denmark / Netherlands / East Timor / El Salvador / Ethiopia / Ghana / Guatemala / Kenya / Liberia / Mozambique / Rwanda / Somalia / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Taiwan / Uganda / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aland Islands |
52. | Cassese, Antonio : International law, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series International law / Cassese, Antonio. - 2. ed.., liii, 558 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005. ISBN 0-19-925939-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: Origins and Foundations of the International Community:. 1. The Main Legal Features of the International Community. 2. The Historical Evolution of the International Community. 3. The Fundamental Principles Governing International Relations. PART II: Subjects of the International Community: 4. States as the Primary Subjects of International Law. 5. The Spatial Dimension of State Activities. 6. Limitations on State Sovereignty: Immunities and Treatment of Individuals. 7. Other International Legal Subjects. PART III: Creation and Implementation of International Legal Standards: 8. International Law--Creation: Custom. 9. Treaties. 10. Other Lawmaking Processes. 11. The Hierarchy of Rules in International Law: The Role of Jus Cogens 12. The Implementation of International Rules within National Systems. PART IV: Breaches of International Law and Their Consequences. 13. International Wrongful Acts and the Legal Reaction Thereto. 14. Promoting Compliance with Law and Preventing or Settling Disputes. 15. Enforcement. Part V: Contemporary Issues in International Law :. 16. The Role of the United Nations. 17. UN Sanctions and Collective Security. 18. Unilateral Resort to Force by States. 19. The Protection of Human Rights. 20. Legal Restraints on Violence in Armed Conflict. 21. The Repression of International Crimes. 22. The International Response to Terrorism. 23. Protection of the Environment. 24. Legal Attempts at Narrowing the North-South Gap INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Treaty of Paris; Hague declaration IV; Hague conventions; Covenant of the league of Nations; Treaty of Versailles; Havana convention; Montevideo convention; UN charter; OAS charter; Genocide convention; Geneva conventions; ECHR; European convention on extradition; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; ICESCR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Convention on the law of the sea; CRC; Framework convention on climate change; Convention to combat desertification; CEDAW; CEDAW-OP; CAT; CAT-OP; ECHRP-14;
URL http://www.us.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Law/InternationalLaw/?view=usa&ci=0199259399 |
53. | Mettraux, Guenael : International crimes and the ad hoc tribunals, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International crimes and the ad hoc tribunals / Mettraux, Guenael, xxxii, 442 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2005. ISBN 0-19-927155-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I: SUBJECT-MATTER JURISDICTION OF LAW AD HOC TRIBUNALS AND APPLICABLE LAW:. 1. General remarks : the creation and jurisdiction of the ad hoc tribunals. 2. Subject-matter jurisdiction and applicable law : customary international law and treaty law? 3. Identifying customary international law and the role of judges in the customary process 4. Binding precedents and internal jurisprudential hierarchy. PART II : SEROIUS VIOLATIONS OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR : 'WAR CRIMES':. 5. War crimes in the statutes of the ad hoc tribunals. 6. Chapeau elements of war crimes. 7. Grave breaches of the 1949 geneva conventions. 8. Other serious violations of the laws or customs of war : underlying offences. 9. War crimes in internal armed conflicts. PART III : CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY:. 10. Crimes against humanity in the statutes of the ad hoc tribunals. 11. Chapeau elements of crimes against humanity. 12. Underlying offences. PART IV: GENOCIDE:. 13. Genocide and international criminal tribunals. 14. General or chapeau elements of genocide. 15. Underlying offences. 16. Genocide and other forms of criminal involvement. PART V: PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMES AND INDIVIDUAL CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY:. 17. General remarks on participation. 18. Jurisdiction ratione personae and applicable law. 19. The person of the perpetrator : who can commit an international crime?. 20. Article 7(1) of the ICTY statute and article 6(1) of the ICTR statute : 'direct' participation 21. Article 7(3) of the ICTY statute and article 6(3) of the ICTR statute: command or superior responsibility. 22. Convictions under articles 7(1) and 7(3) of the ICTY statute and articles 6(1) and 6(3) of the ICTR statute. PART VI: DISTINGUISHING GENOCIDE, WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY : CUMULATIVE CHARGING AND CUMULATIVE CONVICTIONS:. 23. Cumulative charging and cumulative convictions. 24. War crimes and crimes against humanity. 25. War crimes and genocide. 26. Genocide and crimes against humanity. PART VII : SENTENCING INTERNATIONAL CRIMES:. 27. Applicable law and purposes of sentencing. 28. Relevant factors in sentencing. 29. Other available penalty : return of property. 30. Enforcement of sentences. PART VIII: CONCLUSIONS:. 31. Concluding remarks. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Canada / Croatia / France / Yugoslavia / Germany / Israel / Netherlands / Philippines / South Africa / United Kingdom / USA NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; AMR; Geneva conventions; |
54. | Sorensen, Max (ed.) : Manual of public international law, 1968 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Manual of public international law / Sorensen, Max (ed.), lxv, 930 p.. - London : Macmillan, 1968. LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The function of law in the international community (Clive Parry. 2. The legal organization of international society (Abdullah El Erian). 3. The sources of international law (Michel Virally). 4. The law of treaties (Clive Parry). 5. Subjects of international law (Nkambo Mugerwa). 6. The authority of the state: its range with respect to persons and places (Milan Sahovic, William W. Bishop). 7. Organs of states in their external relations: immunities and privileges of state organs and of the state (Francis Deák). 8. The individual in international law (Shigeru Oda). 9. International responsibility (Eduardo Jimenez de Arechaga). 10. Institutionalized international co-operation in economic, social and cultural fields (Max Sorensen). 11. Settlement of disputes (B.S. Murty). 12. Use of force by states. Collective security. Law of war and neutrality (K.Skubiszewski). INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on consular relations; Convention on the reduction of statelessness; Nuclear test bantreaty; Convention on the law of the sea; Refugee convention; ECHR; |
55. | Wippman, David (ed.) : New wars, new laws, |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph New wars, new laws : applying the laws of war in 21st century conflicts / Wippman, David (ed.) ; Evangelista, Matthew ISBN 1-57105-315-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Chapter 1 Introduction: Do New Wars Call for New Laws? . David Wippman. Part I Applying the Law of War to the War on Terrorism Chapter 2 Combating Terrorism:The Consequences of Moving from Law Enforcement to War . William Lietzau. Chapter 3 Military Necessity and Due Process:The Place of Human Rights in the War on Terror . Anthony Dworkin. Chapter 4 Unlawful Belligerency After September 11: History Revisited and Law Revised . Michael Newton. Chapter 5 Post-Westphalian Crime . Dominic McAlea. Part II Problems in the Conduct of Armed Conflict Chapter 6 Humans in the Cross-Hairs:Targeting, Assassination and Extra-Legal Killing in Contemporary Armed Conflict . Kenneth Watkin. Chapter 7 Targeting:The Scope and Utility of the Concept of “Military Objectives” for the Protection of Civilians in Contemporary Armed Conflicts. Marco Sassòli. Chapter 8 Collateral Damage and the Principle of Proportionality . Yoram Dinstein. Part III Law in Occupied Territory Chapter 9 Rewriting Law:The Case of Israel and the Occupied Territories. Kathleen Cavanaugh Chapter 10 Iraq and Occupation . Phillip James Walker Table of Cases . INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; |
56. | Darcy, Shane : What future for the doctrine of belligerent reprisals?, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of monograph series What future for the doctrine of belligerent reprisals? / Darcy, Shane REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT: Yearbook of international humanitarian law : 2002 : vol. 5 / Fischer, H.; McDonald, A. (eds.), p. 107-130. - Hague : T. M. C. Asser Press, 2005. - ISSN 1389-1359 ISBN 90-6704-189-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions (I-II); |
57. | McWhinney, Edward : The September 11 terrorist attack and the invasion of Iraq in contemporary international law, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series The September 11 terrorist attack and the invasion of Iraq in contemporary international law : opinions on the emerging new world order system / McWhinney, Edward - (Nijhoff law specials ; vol. 61), 106 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-14143-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. Chapter 1 : “Linkage” in International Law. From September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks to March 20, 2003 US/British Invasion of Iraq. Chapter 2. International Legal Controls on International Terrorism, I. International Law-based Responses to the September 11 International Terrorist Attacks, II. Use of Armed Force under the United Nations Charter, III. Individual and Collective Self-Defence, IV. New Anti-Terrorist International Law, V. International Terrorism and the Law of War (Jus in Bello). Chapter 3. “ Rogue States” and the Claimed Legal Doctrine of Preemptive Strikes, I. President Bush and the New U.S. National Security Strategy: the Continuing Relevance of the Legal Adviser and International Law, II. The SALT I, ABM Treaty, 1972 Re-visited, III. The Legal Basis of the New U.S. National Security Strategy, a. The U.N. Charter and Use-of-Force and Armed Intervention, b. Korean Crisis, 1950, c. Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, d. Retrospective Examination of NATO Armed Intervention in Yugoslavia, 1999, d.i. Parliamentary Scrutiny, d.ii. “ Uniting for Peace” Resolution in U.N. General Assembly, d.iii. U.N. Charter, Article 51: Self-Defense, IV. Use of Armed Force: Continued Relevance of U.N. Security Council and General Assembly, a. International Law as an Autonomous and Self-Sufficient System, b. An Alternative Doctrinal Approach: Non Liquet, c. Afghanistan, 2001-2: U.S. and Allied Return to the Security Council, d. Contemporary International Law as to Peace and Security and Use of Armed Force, d.i. Armed Force, Armed Intervention, d.ii. Self-Defence under the U.N. Charter: Anticipatory Self-Defense, d.iii. Legal Controls for International Terrorism, V. Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism, and the Special Case of Iraq: the Law and Power Antinomy. Chapter 4. Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism: the United Nations Charter Prohibition on the Use-of-Force, I. The US/British Invasion of Iraq and the United Nations Charter. The Paradox of Unintended Consequences, II. From the Gulf War (1990-1) and Afghanistan (2001-2) to the Iraq Invasion: US/British Failure to Produce a Legal Common Front against Iraq, III. The Kosovo, 1999 Precedent: Re-visiting NATO Armed Intervention against Yugoslavia, IV. The UN Security Council and the Iraq Invasion: the “Pretext” Issue, V. After the Iraq Invasion: Charter Legal Principle of the Non-Use-of-Force, VI. Continued Multilateral Cooperation in Security Council-Authorized Antiterrorist Action, VII. Return to Multilateralism? Back to the U.N. and U.N. Charter-based International Law. Chapter 5. Unfolding of the Legal Dialectic: Legal Lessons from September 11 and the Iraq Invasion, I. Law and Fact. The Crucial Rôle of Fact-Finding as Premise for Legal Action, II. National Decision-Making on War and Peace: Changing Constitutional Balances, III. Legal Adviser, Legal Academies, Private Pressure Groups and NGOs, IV. Participatory Democracy: People’s Power as Factor in National Decision-Making, V. The Leadership Variable: Changing of the Generations, VI. International Decision-Making Arenas: New Political and Constitutional Balances within the United Nations System, VII. Who Decides on War and Peace, and on When It Is a Just War?, VIII. The United States as Lone Superpower: New Challenges and New Opportunities in the Post-Iraq Invasion Period, Appendix: Institut de Droit International: Bruges Declaration on the Use-of-Force and on Belligerent Occupation (September 2, 2003), The Author: Biographical Note, Publications of the Author, As Author, As Joint Author, Editor, INDEX WORDS:
58. | Neff, Stephen C. : War and the law of nations, 2005 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War and the law of nations : a general history / Neff, Stephen C., xii, 443 p. . - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-521-66205-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. Part I. War as Law Enforcement (to 1600). 1. Ares and Athena. 2. Loving enemies and hating sin. Part II. New Forces Stirring (1600–1815). 3. War in due form. 4. Dissension in the ranks. Part III. War as State Policy (1815–1919). 5.Collisions of naked interest. 6. Tame and half-hearted war: intervention, reprisal and necessity. 7. Civil strife. Part IV. Just Wars Reborn (1919– ). 8. Regulating war. 9. A farewell to war?. 10. New fields of battle. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Hague conventions, Geneva conventions
URL http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521662055 |
59. | McCormack, T. (ed.) : Yearbook of international humanitarian law 2003 : volume 6, 2006 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Yearbook of international humanitarian law 2003 : volume 6 / McCormack, T. (ed.) ; McDonald, Avril, xvi, 874 p.. - Hague : T.M.c. Asser Press, 2006. - ISSN 1389-1359 ISBN 90-6704-203-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: ARTICLES:. 1. International humanitarian law in the twenty-first century, Yves Sandoz. 2.International humanitarian law after September 11: challenges and the need to respond, Dieter Fleck. 3. The conduct of hostilities during Operation Iraqi Freedom: an international humanitarian law assessment, Michael N. Schmitt. 4. Off target on the Iraq campaign: a response to Professor Schmitt, Dinah Pokempner, Marc Garlasco and Bonnie Docherty. 5. Iraq and the law of occupation: new tests for an old law, Michael J. Kelly. 6. Jus ad bellum, jus in bello and non-international armed conflicts, François Bugnion. 7. Violations of International Humanitarian Law by United Nations Forces and their legal consequences, Keiichiro Okimoto. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS: 1. The year in review, Avril McDonald. 2. International Criminal Courts round-up, Olivia Swaak-Goldman and Maria Nybondas. 3. Breaching international law to ensure its enforcement: the reliance by the ICTY on illegal capture, James Sloan. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; ECHR; Declaration on the rights and duties of man; Genocide convention; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; UDHR; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; Hague conventions on laws of war; ICC statute; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Refugee convention; ECPT; |
60. | La Haye, Eve : War crimes in internal armed conflicts, 2008 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War crimes in internal armed conflicts / La Haye, Eve, xix, 424 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-86073-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Towards a workable definition of internal armed conflicts. 2. The laws and customs of war applicable in internal armed conflicts. 3. The regime of war crimes. 4. Individual criminal responsibility for war crimes committed in internal armed conflicts. 5. National prosecutions of war criminals and internal armed conflicts. 6. International prosecutions of war criminals and internal armed conflicts. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ICJ statute; ICTY ctatute; ICC statute; ICTR statute; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |