31. | Miller, Debra A. : The rights of animals, 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The rights of animals / Miller, Debra A., 212 p.. - New York : Greenhaven Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7377-4146-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CHA. 1 Should animals have rights?:. 1. Chapter overview : the animal rights debate / Joseph Lubinski. 2. Animals should have a right not to be exploited / Tom Regan. 3. Differences between animals and humans do not justify denying animals basic rights / Lesli Bisgould. 4. Whether a right or not, animals should be treated morally / Sam Vaknin. 5. Animals have rich emotional lives and consciousness / Ross Robertson. 6. God did not make animals the moral equivalent of humans / Randy Stiver. 7. Animals are not moral agents and so cannot have rights / Tibor R. Machan. 8. Giving animals rights is antihuman / Wesley J. Smith ; Animals need better care, not equal rights / Jon Katz. CHA. 2: Does the food industry mistreat animals?. 1. Factory farming ignores the suffering of animals / Peter Singer, interviewed by Oliver Broudy. 2. The animal agriculture industry cares about the welfare of animals / Charles W. Stenholm. 3. Factory farms mistreat animals and endanger human health / Kelly Overton. 4. Modern animal agriculture is necessary for low-cost food / Sarah Muirhead. 5. Caging chickens protects them from avian flu / Lynne Miller. 6. Free-range farms will not stop farm animals' suffering / Lee Hall. 7. A vegan lifestyle is necessary to stop the mistreatment of animals / Bruce Friedrich. CHA. 3: Is animal medical experimentation justified?:. 1. Chapter overview : the animal experimentation debate / Simon Festing. 2. Human well-being requires the use of animals for medical research / Alex Epstein. 3. Animals should not be given rights at the expense of human needs / Edwin A. Locke. 4. Mistreatment of animals by researchers is rare / Tom Still. 5. The value of animal experimentation is exaggerated / Christopher Anderegg ... [et al.]. 6. Superior research methods make animal testing unjustified / Alistair Currie. 7. Using animals for medical testing may be wrong for scientific rather than ethical reasons / Arthur Allen. CHA. 4 : Should it be allowed for animals to be used for entertainment?:. 1. Sportfishing does not hurt fish / Dave Lear. 2. Is bear hunting necessary to protect both bears and humans? / Sara B. Miller. 3. Circus animals are well treated / James Randerson. 4. Traditional rodeos should be allowed to continue / Lorne Gunter. 5. Bullfighting should b banned / Caroline Lucas. 6. Sport hunting should be banned / Delaware Action for Animals. 7. Zoos are unnecessary and should be discontinued / Richard Fagerlund. 8. Rodeos are sanctioned animal abuse and should be stopped / Angela Timmons. INDEX WORDS:
32. | Dudley, William (ed.) : Animal rights , 2009 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Animal rights / Dudley, William (ed.), 128 p.. - Farmington Hills : Greenhaven Press, 2009. ISBN 0-7377-3457-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CHAPTER 1: DO ANIMALS HAVE RIGHTS?:. 1. Animals should be entitled to rights / Animal Legal Defense Fund. 2. Animals are not entitled to rights / Edwin A. Locke. 3. Pets should have some rights / Lawrence Carter-Long. 4. Pets are property / National Animal Interest Alliance. 5. The goals of animal rights organizations are reasonable / Kathy Guillermo. 6. The goals of animal rights organizations are radical / AnimalScam.com. CHAPTER 2: WHAT CONSTITUTES ETHICAL TREATMENT OF ANIMALS:. 1. Eating animals is wrong / Kim Scott. 2. Eating animals is not wrong / Maxwell Goss. 3.Zoos violate animals' rights / People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. 4. Well-run zoos do not violate animals' rights / John Ironmonger. CHAPTER 3: ARE SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS JUSTIFIED?:. 1. Medical research on apes should be banned / Humane Society of the United States. 2. Research on apes is ethical / Wesley J. Smith. 3. Animals should not be dissected in biology classes / Mercy for Animals. 4. Animal dissection can be a valuable teaching tool / John Richard Schrock. 5. Pet cloning harms animals / Jennifer Fearing. 6. Pet cloning does not harm animals / Autumn Fiester. INDEX WORDS:
33. | Engström, Viljam (red.) : Rätt och utveckling, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Rätt och utveckling : - Oikeus ja kehitys : XIII Rättsvetenskapens dagar / Engström, Viljam (red.) - Åbo : Åbo Akadmis förlag, 2010. ISBN 978-951-765-540-8 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
34. | Ife, Jim : Human rights from below, 2010 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights from below : achieving rights throght community development / Ife, Jim, viii, 255 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-71108-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. Introduction. PART I. Thinking About Community Development: 1. Community development: definitions and imperatives 2. Community development: principles and dimensions. PART II. Thinking About Human Rights: 3. Human rights: definitions and imperatives 4. Human rights: principles and dimensions. PART III. Bringing Human Rights and Community Development Together: 5. Principles of human rights from below. PART IV. Enacting Human Rights from Below: 6. Seven arenas of human rights from below. 7. Practising human rights from below. Appendix 1. The human rights matrix References. INDEX WORDS:
URL http://www.cambridge.org/gb/knowledge/isbn/item2712811/?site_locale=en_GB |
35. | Vanderheiden, Steve : Environmental rights, 2012 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Environmental rights / Vanderheiden, Steve - (The international library of essays on rights), xxv, 548 p.. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4094-2296-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents:. PART I: Human Rights: General:. 1. Environmental injustice and human rights abuse: the states, MNCs, and repression of minority groups in the world system, by Francis O. Adeola. 2. Can communal goods be human rights?, by Jeremy Waldron. 3. Philosophical issues in international environmental law, by James Nickel and Daniel Magraw. PARt II: Human Rights and Climate Change:. 1. Greenhouse development rights: a proposal for a fair global climate treaty, by Paul Baer, with Tom Athanasiou, Sivan Kartha and Eric Kemp-Benedict. 2. Does anthropogenic climate change violate human rights?, by Derek Bell. 3. Human rights, responsibilities, and climate change, by Simon Caney. 4. Human rights versus emissions rights: climate justice and the equitable distribution of ecological space, by Tim Hayward. 5. Competing claims: human rights and climate harms, by Stephen Humphreys. 6. Human rights, climate change, and the trillionth ton, by Henry Shue. 7. Climate change, environmental rights, and emission shares, by Steve Vanderheiden. PARt III: Rights of Nonhumans, Environment and Futurity:. 1. The rights of animals and unborn generations, by Joel Feinberg. 2. The case for biotic rights, by James A. Nash. 3. Should trees have legal standing? - toward legal rights for natural objects, by Christopher D. Stone. 4. On future generations' future rights, by Axel Gosseries. 5. The right to a green future: human rights, environmentalism, and intergenerational justice, by Richard P. Hiskes. 6. Our rights and obligations to future generations for the environment, by Edith Brown Weiss. 7. Contemporary property rights, Lockean provisos, and the interests of future generations, by Clark Wolf. PART IV: Rights to a Safe Environment:. 1. Toward a constitutionally protected environment, by John Y. Pearson Jr. 2. Environmental rights: European fact or English fiction?, by Christopher Miller. 3. Rights and responsibilities on the home planet, by Holmes Rolston. 4. Human rights, environmental rights, and the right to environment,by Dinah Shelton. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Framework convention on climate change; ICESCR; LIBRARY LOCATION: Miljörätt
URL http://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&title_id=10614&edition_id=10935 |
36. | Nozke, Claudia : Aboriginal peoples and natural resources in Canada, 1994 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Aboriginal peoples and natural resources in Canada / Nozke, Claudia, 337 p.. - North York, Ont. : Captus Univ. Publ., 1994. ISBN 1-895712-03-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS: