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31. Nykänen, Eeva ... [et al.] : Migration law in Finland, 2012


Migration law in Finland / Nykänen, Eeva ... [et al.], 164 p.. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law, 2012.

ISBN 978-90-411-4590-1


ABSTRACT: PART I : BORDER CONTROL AND ENTRANCE:. Chapter 1. Organization of Border Control. Chapter 2. Right to Enter the Country Chapter. 3. Refusal of Entry. PART II : RIGHT OF RESIDENCE : GENERAL PROVISIONS:. Chapter 1. Short Stay. Chapter 2. Residence. Chapter 3. Long-Term Residence. PART III : RIGHT OF RESIDENCE FOR SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF PERSONS:. Chapter 1. Nationals with Preferential Treatment. Chapter 2. Students. Chapter 3. Researchers and Teachers. Chapter 4. Labour and Economic Migration. Chapter 5. Humanitarian Reasons. Chapter 6. Asylum Chapter 7. Others. PART IV : LOSS OF RIGHT OF RESIDENCE:. Chapter 1. Conditions Under Which the Right of Residence Might Be Lost. Chapter 2. Legal and Administrative Procedures. PART V. SANCTIONS:. Chapter 1. Sanctions. Chapter 2. Sanctions against Persons Helping Illegal Immigrants or Residents. PART VI: Legal Remedies and Procedural Safeguards. Chapter 1. Legal Remedies in Case of Refusal of the Right to Enter, Stay or Reside. Chapter 2. Legal Remedies in the Case of Detention. PART VII: ACCESS TO THE LABOUR MARKET:. Chapter 1. Overview of Applicable Legislation. Chapter 2. Conditions for Entitlement to Work in the Country as an Employed Person. Chapter 3. Sanctions against Illegal Participation in the Labour Market. Chapter 4. Legal Remedies and Procedural Safeguards PART VIII : ACCESS TO SELF-EMPLOYED ACTIVITIES:. Chapter 1. Overview of Applicable Legislation. Chapter 2. Conditions for Entitlement to Work in the Country as a Self-employed. Chapter 3. Sanctions against Illegal Exercise of Self-employment Chapter. 4. Legal Remedies and Procedural Safeguards.

* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* barn = children = lapset
* författning/grundlag = constitution = perustuslaki/valtiosääntö
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* EU = EU = EU
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* utlämning = extradition = luovuttaminen
* val av bosättningsort = choice of the place of residence = asuinpaikan valinta
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* utlänningslag = alien's act = ulkomaalaislaki


NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention;

URL http://www.kluwerlaw.com/Catalogue/titleinfo.htm?wbc_purpose=Basic%252525252525255c?ProdID=9041145907&name=Migration-Law-in-Finland---2nd-Edition
