31. | Voter turnout from 1945 to 1997, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Voter turnout from 1945 to 1997 : a global report on political participation / . - 2. ed.., 112 p.. - Stockholm : International IDEA, 1997. ISBN 91-89098-04-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Electoral participation and the globalization of democracy. 2. Voter turnout : a global survey. 3. Evaluating election turnout, by Richard Rose. 4. The International IDEA data base of voter turnout (1945-1997). 5. Country specific sources. 6. About International IDEA. 7. Global view of voter turnout in most recent national election. INDEX WORDS:
32. | Moore, Jonathan (ed.) : Hard choices, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Hard choices : moral dilemmas in humanitarian intervention / Moore, Jonathan (ed.), xiii, 322 p.. - Lanhma, Maryland : Rowman, 1998. ISBN 0-8476-9031-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. From War and Peace to Violence and Intervention: Permanent Moral Dilemmas under Changing Political and Technological Conditions, by Pierre Hassner. 2. Military Intervention and National Sovereignty: Recasting the Relationship, by Bryan Hehir. 3. Peacekeeping, Military Intervention, and National Sovereignty in Internal Armed Conflict, by Kofi A. Annan. 4. The End of Innocence: Rwanda 1994, by Romeo A. Dallaire. 5. Mixed Intervention in Somalia and the Great Lakes: Culture, Neutrality, and the Military, by Mohamed Sahnoun. 6. Military-Humanitarian Ambiguities in Haiti, by Colin Granderson. 7. Weaving a New Society in Cambodia: The Story of Monath, by Mu Sochua. 8. "You Save My Life Today, But for What Tomorrow?" Some Moral Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid, by Mary B. Anderson. 9. Hard Choices after Genocide: Human Rights and Political Failures in Rwanda, by lan Martin. 10. Refugee Camps, Population Transfers, and NGOs, by Rony Brauman. 11. Bringing War Criminals to Justice during an Ongoing War, by Richard J. Goldstone. 12. Moral Reconstruction in the Wake of Human Rights Violations and War Crimes, by Jose Zalaquett. 13. The Morality of Sanctions, by Larry Minear. 14. Moving in Vicious Circles: The Moral Dilemmas of Arms Transfers and Weapons Manufacture, by Roger Williamson. 15. A Future, If One Is Still Alive: The Challenge of the HIV Epidemic, by Elizabeth Reid. 16. The Stories We Tell: Television and Humanitarian Aid, by Michael Ignatieff. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
33. | Grossrieder, Paul : Un avenir pour le droit international humanitaire et ses principles?, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial Un avenir pour le droit international humanitaire et ses principles? / Grossrieder, Paul REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): International Review of the Red CRoss : Humanitarian debate : law, policy, action : vol. 81 ; no. 833., p. 11-168. - Geneva : International Committee of the Red Cross, 1999. - ISSN 1560-7755 LANGUAGE: ENG, FRE ABSTRACT: Other articles are:. 1. The role of humanitarian issues in international politics in the 1990s, by Adam Roberts. 2. The challenges for humanitarian law and action at the threshold of the twenty-first century : an African perspective, by Fasil Nahum. 3. Faire mieux accepter le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge sur le terrain, par Jean-Daniel Tauxe. 4. The theory and practice of neutrality :s ome thoughts on the tensions, by Larry Minear. 5. Peace-amaking and the prevention of violence : the role of governments and non-governmental organizations, by Jan Egeland. 6. Conflits armés, prevention et santé publique, par Remi Russbach. 7. The humanitarian-development gap, by Jonathan Moore. 8. The politics of the political/humanitarian divide, by Tom Hadden and Colin Harvey. 9. Peut-on celebrer le 50e anniversaire des conventions de Geneve?, par Gilbert Holleufer. 10. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement's involvement in public advocacy campaigns, by Steven Davey and Jean-Luc Blondel. 11. The principal challenges which the ICRC has to face in 1999. 12. Mise en oeuvre du droit international humanitaire. 13. Enforcement of international humanitarian law thorugh national criminal legislation. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; |
34. | Jones, Melinda (ed.) : Globalisation, human rights and civil society, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Globalisation, human rights and civil society / Jones, Melinda (ed.) ; Kriesler, Peter (ed.), 191 p.. - St Leonards, Australia : Prospect Media, 1998 . ISBN 1-86316-137-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Melinda Jones and Peter Kriesler: Globalisation, Human Rights and Civil Society. Peter Bailey : The Right to an Adequate Standard oF Living. New Issues for Australian Law. Braham Dabscheck: Human Rights and Industrial Relations. Chris Nyland and Robert Castle : The Economic Analysis of Employee Rights . Damian Grace : Business Ethics and Human Rights. John Burgess and William Mitchell: Unemployment, Human Rights and a Full Employment Policy in Australia. J. W. Nevile: Human Rights: Issues In the Welfare State . Louis Hadded : Economic Dimensions of Human Rights In . Transition Economies. Barrie Dyster : Economic Development and Human Rights . Michael Pusey : Economic Rationalism, Human Rights and Civil Society. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Canadian charter of rights and freedoms; ICESCR; ICCPR; Australian bill; |
35. | Utrikesministeriets berättelse till riksdagen om utvecklingssamarbetet 1998, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Utrikesministeriets berättelse till riksdagen om utvecklingssamarbetet 1998 /, 280 p.. - Helsingfors : Utrikesministeriets avdelning för utvecklingssamarbete , 1999. - ISSN 1456-9566 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Den utvecklingspolitiska verksamheten 1998 : utvecklingssamarbetet skapar mänsklig trygghet. 2. Om användningen och utvecklingen av biståndsanslagen. 3. Koordineringen av de bidragsgivande ländernas samarbete. 4. Jämlikhet och kultur. 5. Finlands multilaterala biståndspolitik. 6. EU:s U-landspolitik och Finland. 7. Humanitär verksamhet. 8. Minskning av u-ländernas skuldbörda och fattigdom i den finländska u-landspolitiken. 9. Informations- och medborgarverksamhet samt personalbistånd. 10. Utvecklingssamarbetets förvaltning. 11. Forskning. 12. Evaluering och inre revision. 13. Samarbete med enskilda länder och regioner. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Nicaragua / Peru / Ethiopia / Kenya / Mozamique / Zambia / Tanzania / Malawi / Burkina / Faso / Uganda / Rwanda / Burundi / South Africa / Viet Nam / Nepal / China NOTE (GENERAL): Finns också på finska "Ulkoasiainministeriön kehitysyhteistyökertomus eduskunnalle vuodelta 1998" LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s Utrikesministeriet |
36. | Brink, Anna ... [et al.] : Globalisering, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Globalisering : demokratiutredningens forskarvolym IX / Brink, Anna ... [et al.] - (Statens offentliga utredningar [=SOU] ; 1999:83), 387 p.. - Stockholm : Fritze, 1999. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91-7610-882-1 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: Innehåll:. 1. GLOBALISERING UNDERIFRÅN, Henrik Glimstedt. 2. INSTITUTIONERNA OCH SAMHÄLLSEKONOMIN. Ola Olsson, Anna Brink och Douglas A. Hibbs Jr. 3. EN KRYMPT AGENDA? Lars Ingelstam. 4. EKONOMISK POLITIK SOM DEMOKRATISKT PROBLEM, Urban Strandberg. 5. DET POLITISKA GLOBALISERINGSBEHOVET OCH DEMOKRATIN, Jan Olsson. 6. NÄTVERKENS EUROPA, Christer Jonsson. 7. SAMRÅD OCH TYSTNAD I FÖRHANDLINGS- DEMOKRATIN, Lars-Göran Stenelo. 8. RIKSDAGEN OCH EU, Hans Hegeland. 9. GLOKALA RIKSDAGSLEDAMÖTER? Martin Brothén. 10. Partnerskap och demokrat, Ingemar Elander. 11. Världsbild, kultursyn, medborgarskap, Ulf Hannerz. INDEX WORDS:
37. | Globaliseringen och demokratin - dokumentation från ett seminarium, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Globaliseringen och demokratin - dokumentation från ett seminarium : demokratiutredningens skrift no. 22 /, 115 p.. - Stockholm : Fritze, 1999. - ISSN 0375-250X ISBN 91-7610-983-6 LANGUAGE: SWE ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. Demokratins globala räckvidd, Ingvar Carlsson. 2. Globaliseringen, demokratin och välfärdssamhället, Erik Allardt. 3. Globaliseringen och folkets rätt att sig självt beskatta, Krister Andersson. 4. En svensk modell i globaliseringens tid? Lena Westerlund. 5. Den finansiella marknaden och demokratin i Sverige, Lars Jonung. 6. Globalisering och demokrati i historiskt perspektiv, Emma Rothschild. 7. Globaliseringen och den svenska ekonomins struktur, Lennart Schön. 8. Globalisering og demokratiske styring, Öyvind Österud. INDEX WORDS:
38. | Williams, C. : Ethnicity and nationalism in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic States, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Ethnicity and nationalism in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic States / Williams, C. ; Sfikas, Thanasis D., xvi, 386 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 1999. ISBN 1-85521-914-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Part I: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: 1. Old Wine in New Bottles: The Resurgence of Nationalism in the New Europe, by Jeff Richards. 2. The National Question and Nationalism in the Former USSR, 1917-91, by Christopher Williams. Part II : RUSSIA : 3. The Ideology of Russian Nationalism, by Oksana Oracheva. 4. Searching for a National Identity: Intellectual Debates in Post-Soviet Russia, by Mark Sandle. 5. Russian Nationalism and Russian Politics in the 1990s, by Stephen K. Carter. 6. The Ethnic Consciousness of Russian Youth, by Vladimir Chuprov and Julia Zubok. 7. Ethnic Nationalism, Islam and Russian Politics in the North Caucasus, (with special reference to the autonomous Republic of Dagestan), by Galma Yemelianova. Part III : THE COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES : 8. Globalisation, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations in Belarus, by Larissa G. Titarenko. 9. The Construction of National Identity: A Case Study of the Ukraine, by Victor Stepanenko and Sergei Sorokopud. 10. Moldova, a Hot Spot on the CIS Map? by Nieves Perez-Solorzano Borragan. PART IV : THE BALTIC STATES:. 11. Nationality policy, education and the Russian question in Latvia since 1918, by Irena Saleniece and Sergei Kuznetsovs. 12. Ethnicity and nationalism in contemporary Estonia, by Shirley A. Woods. 13. The restorationist prinicple in post communist Estonia, by David Smith. 14. Concepts of nationalism in 20th century Lithuania, by Leonidas Donskis. INDEX WORDS:
39. | Alston, Philip (ed.) : Peoples' rights, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Peoples' rights : the state of the art / Alston, Philip (ed.), xxviii, 329 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2001. ISBN 0-19-924365-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Introduction, by Philip Alston. 2. James Crawford: The Right of Self-Determination in International Law: Its Development and Future. 3. Benedict Kingsbury: Reconciling Five Competing Conceptual Structures of Indigenous People's Claims in International and Comparative Law. 4. Peter Leuprecht: Minority Rights Revisited: New Glimpses of an Old Issue. 5. Anne Orford: Globalization and the Right to Development. 6. Dinah Shelton: Environmental Human Rights. 7. Peoples' rights : their rise and fall. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / Canada / Finland / New Zealand / Tanzania / USA / Austria / Columbia / Ecuador / Ethiopia / Philippines / Ukraine / Sweden / United Kingdom NOTE (GENERAL): European charter for regional and minority languages; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; Aarhus convention on the rights of information; ACHPR; Agenda 21; AMR; ICESCR; Protocol of San Salvador; ADRD; Arab declaration; Asian human rights charter; Bangkok declaration; Barcelona convention on specially protected zones and biological diversity in the Mediterranean; Basel conventions; Biological weapons convention; Charter of rights and duties of states; Framework convention on climate change; Convention on biological diversity; Ottawa convention; CRC; Declaration of the rights of peoples; Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; Declaration on the right to development; Declaration on the rights of minorities; Convention to combat desertification; Hague conventions; AMR; ICCPR; Peace treaty; Rio declaration; Treaty of Versailles; UN charter; UDHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; World charter for nature; LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: VIB |
40. | Blanpain, Roger (ed.) : Multinational enterprises and the social challenges of the XXIst century, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Multinational enterprises and the social challenges of the XXIst century : the ILO declaration on fundamental principles at work : public and private corporate codes of conduct / Blanpain, Roger (ed.) - (Bulletin of comparative labour relations ; vol. 37), xiii, 386 p.. - Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000. ISBN 90-411-1280-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The importance of law, guidelines and codes of conduct in monitoring corporate behaviour, by Bob Hepple. 2. The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, by Kari Tapiola. 3. Social conduct in transnational enterprise operations: the role of the International Labour Organization, by Janelle M. Diller. 4. Review of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Possible revisions to the chapter on employment and industrial relations, by Roger Blanpain. 5. Report on EU standards for European enterprises operating in developing countries : towards a European Code of Conduct, by Richard Howitt. 6. Towards a New Standards Policy. Proposals of the International Organisation of Employers, 6 May 1997, by International Organisation of Employers. 7. Codes of Conduct - A growing concern for enterprises?, by Rolf Thüsing. 8. Contribution on the employment and industrial relations chapter of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, by BIAC. 9. Labour and Business in the Global Market, by ICFTU-ITS. 10. The 1999 Review of OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, by Roy Jones. 11. C&A Codes of Conduct, by Chris Williams. 12. Levi's Code of Conduct, by Alan Christie. 13. Codes of Conduct and International Subcontracting: a 'private' road towards ensuring minimum labour standards in export industries, by Gijsbert van Liemt. 14. Codes of Conduct. A Central and Eastern European point of view, by Andrzej Swiatkowski. 15. Child labour, by Antoine Jacobs. 16. Codes of Conduct. Freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively, by Chris Engels. 17. Information and consultation in multinational enterprises, by Manfred Weiss. 18. Discrimination and privacy, by Frank Hendrickx. 19. Data protection and codes of conduct: self-regulation versus legislative intervention, by Frank Hendrickx. 20. Vocational training, by Jacques Rojot. 21. Implementation and monitoring of codes of conduct. How to make codes of conduct effective?, by Michele Colucci. 22. Concluding remarks, by Miet Smet. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): publ. in Bulletin of comparative labour relations 2000:37; ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work and its follow-up; ILO tripartite declaration of principles concerning multinational eneterprises and social policy; The OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises; Constitution of ILO; Freedom of association and protection of the right to organise (ILO convention no. 87); Right to organise and collective bargaining (ILO convention no. 98); Abolition of forced labour convention (ILO convention no. 105); Minimum age convention (ILO convention no. 138); CRC-32; IKEA code; ECHR; |
41. | Goodwin-Gill, Guy (ed.) : The reality of international law, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The reality of international law : essays in honour of Ian Brownlie / Goodwin-Gill, Guy (ed.) ; Talmon, Stefan (ed.) ; foreword by Sir Robert Jennings, li, 592 p.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-826837-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1 The Effective Enforcement of High Seas Fishing Regimes: The Case of the Convention for the Regulation of the Policing of the North Sea Fisheries of 6 May 1882, by Kaare Bangert. 2 The Legal Premises for the International Protection of Human Rights, by Chaloka Beyani. 3 A Taste of Armageddon: The Law of Armed Conflict as Applied to Cyberwar, by James J. Busuttil. 4 Rethinking Panama: International Law and the US Invasion of Panama, 1989, by Simon Chesterman. 5. Israel (1948-1949) and Palestine (1998-1999): Two Studies in the Creation of States, James Crawford. 6. The Place of Non-Forcible Counter-Measures in Contemporary International Law, by Omer Yousif Elagab. 7. Maritime Delimitation after Denmark v. Norway: Back to the Future? by Malcolm D. Evans. 8. The Utilization of International Groundwater in General International Law, Ximena Fuentes. 9. Crime in International Law: Obligations Erga Omnes and the Duty to Prosecute, Guv S. Goodwin-Gill. 10. Adiudicatorv Jurisdiction over Multilateral Enterprises: 'Lifting the Veil' in the EU and the USA, by Joseph P. Griffin. 11. The Differing Concepts of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in International Criminal Law, Bing Bing Jia. 12. State Responsibility and the 1948 Genocide Conventior, Nina Jergenson. 13. The Quality of Justice: 'Exces de Pouwir in the Adjudication i Arbitration of Territorial and Boundary Disputes, Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad. 14. Operational Policies of International Institutions as Part of the law-making process : the World Bank and indigenous peoples, by Benedict Kingsbury. 15. From Reform to Realism: The Council of Europe, Errki Kowula. 16. Governance and Co-ordination in Conflict and Post-C Situations: Challenge or Maze? Pirrko Kourula. 17. Legal Limits to United Nations Security Council Powers, Susan Lamb. 18. Defences in the Jurisprudence of International Tribunals, Phoebe N. Okowa. 19. The Protection of Human Rights in emergency situations under Customary International Law, Jaime Oraa. 20. International Criminal Environmental Law, Rene Provost. 21. International Obligations Erga Omnes: Their Moral Foundation and Criteria of Identification in Light of Two Jananese Contributions, by Maurizio Ragazzi. 22. Habeas Corpus and the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, by Robert J. Sharpe. 23. Who is a Legitimate Government in Exile? Towards Normative Criteria for Governmental Legitimacy in International Law, by Stefan Talmon. 24. Resource Entitlement in the Law of the Sea: Some Areas of Continuity and Change, by Stephen Vasciannie. 25. Forum Prorogatum and the Indication of Provisional Measures in the International Court of Justice, by Sienho Yee. ' INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Paris peace treaty; Montevideo convention; UN charter; Nuremberg charter; Genocide convention; OAS charter; Geneva conventions; Additional protocols to the Geneva conventions; European convention on extradition; Convention on the protection and integration of indigenous and tribal populations (ILO convention no. 107); CERD; ICESCR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Helsinki final act; ACHPR; Convention on the law of sea; CAT; Dayton peace agreement; Conventio n on the protection of the environment through criminal law; UDHR; |
42. | Orkan, Minga (ed.) : För barnets bästa , 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph För barnets bästa : om barn- och barnrättsfrågor i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet / Orkan, Minga (ed.) ; Bergström, Anna, 102 p.. - Stockholm : Utrikesdepartemenet, 1999. LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: INNEHÅLL:. 1. För barnets bästa - inledning. 2. Barnets mänskliga rättigheter - normativa åtaganden i FN-systemet. 3. Konventionen om mänskliga rättigheter. 4. FN-konferenserna och andra globala konferenser - politiska åtaganden ur ett barnrättsperspekiv. 5. Målen för det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet och barnets rättigheter. 6. Barntoppmötets mål - fakta och trender om barns villkor i världen. 7. Uppföljningen av barntoppmötet inför år 2001. 8. Operativa aktörer i det internationella samfundet - exempel ur ett barnrättsperspektiv. 9. Inför en ny global agenda för barn avslutning. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; CRC; Worst forms of child labour convention (ILO convention no. 182); |
43. | Mehra, Malini (ed.) : Human rights and economic globalisation , 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights and economic globalisation : directions for the WTO / Mehra, Malini (ed.), 263 p.. - Uppsala : Global Publications Foundation; INCHRITI; ICDA, 1999. ISBN 91-973739-0-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: I. ARTICLES AND CASE STUDIES:. 1. The World Trade Organisation - Another Playground of Pan-Economic Ideology? by Peter Leuprecht. 2. Human Rights at the World Trade Organization?... by Peter Prove. 3. Globalisation, Social Action and Human Rights, by Miloon Kothari. 4. Human Rights Education as a Tool to Democratize the World Trading System, by Shulamith Koenig and Susannah Freidman. 5. Globalization, Free Trade and Gender: A Perspective from the Mercosur Countries, by Alma Espino. 6. Indian Agriculture, Farmers' Rights and the WTO, by Minar Pimble. 7. Has Liberalising its Trade and Investment Policies Improved Zambia's Human Rights Record? by Tricia Feeney. 8. Food for Development and the Human Rights to Food and Nutrition: The Brazilian Experience, by Flavio Luiz Schieck Valente. II. REPORTS, RESOLUTIONS AND RRESOURCES: 1. Investment, Trade and Finance: The Human Rights Framework Focusing on the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) Policy Statment by International Committee on Human Rights in Trade and Investment (INCHRITI), August 1999. 2. Human Rights as the Primary Objective of International Trade Investment and Finance Policy and Practice . Joint Statement by the Lutheran World Federation and Habitat International Coalition, in consultation with INCHRITI, August 1999. 3. Human Rights as the Primary Objective of Trade, Investment and Finance Policy. UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights, Resolution September 1998. 4. Trade Liberalization and its Impact on Human Rights UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights, Resolution August 1999. 5. The Realization of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights UN Working paper, June 1999. by Joseph Olaka-Onyagu and Deepika Udagama. 6. The Relationship Between Economic Sanctions and Respect for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. UN ECOSOC, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 7. Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect. Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. UN General Assembly resolution 53/144, March 1999. 8. Giving a Human Face to the Global Market: The Business Case for Human Rights, by Mary Robinson. 9. Constructing an International Financial, Trade and Development Architecture: The Human Rights Dimension, by by Mary Robinson. 10. International Code of Conduct on the Human Right to Adequate Food. 11. Joint Civil Society Statement at WTO Symposia on Development and Environm ent, March 1999. 12. Promoting People-Centred Economic Growth Joint Civil Society Statement at ECOSOC, July 1999. 13. Democratizing Global Finance: Civil Society Perspectives on People Centred Economics, by by Hamish Jenkins. 14. The Maastricht Guidelines on Violation of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICCPR; ICESCR; CEDAW; CERD; CRC; Genocide convention; CAT; Slavery convention; Supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery, the slave trade and practices similar to slavery; |
44. | Indigenous women, |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Indigenous women : the right to a voice / - (IWGIA document ; no. 88) - ISSN 0105-4503 ISBN 87-984110-5-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Keeping traditions alive. 2. Changing gender roles. 3. The struggle for self-determination and human rights. 4. The challenge of modern changes. 5. Confronting the 'new world order'. 6. Getting organised and participating. 7. Networking and building solidarity. 8. Epilogie. 9. The 1995 Beijing declaration of indigenous women. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Canada / Rwanda / Nigeria / Thailand / East Africa / Philippines / Guyana |
45. | Thure, Veli Matti (toim.) : Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus / Thure, Veli Matti (toim.), 376 p.. - Joensuu : Joensuun Yliopisto, 1999. ISBN 951-708-803-5 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: SISÄLLYS: OSA 1: YLEISLUENNOT : Simo Knuuttila: Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus OSA II : OIKEUSLAITOS OIKEUDENMUKAISUUDEN TOTEUTTAJANA : 1. Tatu Leppänen : Perus- ja ihmisoikeudet lainkäytössa. 2. Sakari Laukkanen : Keskeiset menettelyperiaatteet siviili- ja rikosasioissa. 3. Eija Siitari-Vanne : Keskeiset menettelyperiaatteet hallintolainkäytössa. 4. Laura Ervo : Oikeudenkäyntikulut ja oikeudenmukaisuus. Viimeaikaisten kulu- uudistusten herättämia oikeudenmukaisuuskysymyksiä. 5. Klaus Viitanen : Vaihtoehtoisista riidanratkaisumenetelmistä OSA III : PERUSOlKEUDET, YMPARISTÖ, OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS : Veli-Pekka Viljanen : Perusoikeusjärjestelmä ja ympäristö. 2. Lars D. Eriksson : Ympäristöetiikan haasteet: huomioita biosentrisimn synnyttämistä kysymyksistä. 3. Pekka Kauppi : Luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojelun tavoitteet ja keinot. 4. Erkid J. Hollo : Biologisen monimuotoisuuden säilyttäminen ja oikeudenmukaisuus : ympäristöoikeudellinen näkökulma. 5. Markka Oksanen : Luonto omistamisen kohteena: ympäristöfilosofisia nökökulmia. 6. Kalevi Laaksonen : Omaisuudensuojan ja luonnonsuojelun ongelmakohtia. 7. Tapio Määttä : Oikeudenmukaisuuden paikka perusoikeustulkinnoissa : Oikeuden ja moraalin suhteesta ympäristöoikeudellisessa omaisuudensuojakeskustelussa. 8. Henrik Ungern : Maankäytön rajoituksista aiheutuva korvausvelvollisuus omaisuudensuojan täydentäjänä. 9. Janne Uitamo : Käytyä keskustelua ryhmässä : perusoikeudet, ympäristö, oikeudenmukaisuus. OSA IV : OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS VEROTUKSESSA JA TULONSIRROISSA : 1. Kaarlo Tuori : Oikeudenmukaisuus ja priorisointi. 2. Paul Van Aerschot : Oikeusturvan edellytykset eräiden sosiaaliturvan uusien kehityspiirteiden valossa. 3. Pekka Kosonen : Euroopan sosiaalinen malli?. 4. Tommi Ralli : Tulonjaon tasoittaminen - yksityis- vai julkisoikeuden kautta?. 5. Matti Myrsky : Progressiivisesta verotuksesta jakopolitiikan välineena. 6. Jukka Mähönen : Kommenttipuheenvuoro. 7. Seppo Sajama : Kysymyksiä horisontaalisesta ja vertikaalisesta oikeudenmukaisuudesta. 8. Pentti Arajarvi : Sosiaaliturvan ja verotuksen integrointi. OSA V : YKSITYISOIKEUDEN ARVOPERUSTA : 1. Mikko Wennberg : Yksityisoikeuden arvoperusta. 2. Pia Letto-Vanamo : Yksityisoikeuden historia : mika Roomalainen oikeus?. 3. Brita Kristina Herler : Immaterialrättens värdeunnderlag. 4. Juha Tolonen - Mika Kärkkäinen : Talouden globalisoituminen ja sen vaikutukset yksityisoikeuden arvoperustaan. 5. Pekka Timonen : Kauppaoikeudeuden arvot. OSA VI : OIKEUDENMUKAISUUS TERVEYDENHUOLLOSSA : 1. Raimo Lahti : Lääkintä- ja bio-oikeudellisen tutkimuksen haasteita. 2. lrma Pahlman : Potilaan itsemääräämisoikeus, hoitotahto ja itsemurhan yritys. 3. Anja Hannuniemi : Oikeus hoitoon viimeaikaisessa oikeuskaytannössa. 4. Arto Kauppi : Potilastiedot ja poloisin tiedonsaantioikeus. 5. Salla Lötjönen : Lääketieteellinen tutkimustoiminta alaikäisillä - toteutuuko oikeudenmukaisuus? 6. Minna Kimpimäki : Hedelmöityshoitoja koskevan lakiehdotuksen rangaistussäännökset. 7. Nina Meincke : Geenitestit. Tietoon perustuvan suostumuksen ja vakuutusyhtiöiden tiedonsaantioikeuden näkokulmasta. OSA VII : LOPPUPANEELI: OIKEUSLAITOS JA LAINVALVONTAVIRAN OMAISET OIKEUDENMUKAISUUDEN TOTEUTTAJINA JA TURVAAJINA : 1. Olavi Heinonen : Oikeuslaitos oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajana ja turvaajana. 2. Pekka Hallberg : Oikeuslaitos oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajana. 3. Lauri Lehtimaja : Lainkäytön lopputulos on lain kirjainta tärkeämpi. 4. Paavo Nikula : Oikeuslaitos ja lainvalvontaviranomaiset oikeudenmukaisuuden toteuttajina ja turvaajina. INDEX WORDS:
46. | van Kersbergen, Kees (ed.) : Expansion and fragmentation, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Expansion and fragmentation : internationalization, political change and the transformation of the nation state / van Kersbergen, Kees (ed.) ; Lieshout, Robert H. (ed.) ; Lock, Grahame (ed.), 240 p.. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam U. P., 1999. ISBN 90-5356-427-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. Introduction, by Kees van Kersbergen, Robert H. Lieshout and Grahame Lock. 2. Ringing the Changes: Mutations in the Idea of Political Change, by Grahame Lock. 3 The Limits of Theory: Detecting Contemporary Global Change and Predicting the Future of the States System, by Wil Hout and Robert H. Lieshout. 4. National Political Systems: the Changing Boundaries of Politics?, by Kees van Kersbergen. 5. Changing Shape, Changing Form: Liberal Democracy without the Classical State, by Marcel Wissenburg. 6. International Organizations as Sources of Political Change, by Bob Reinalda. 7. The Impact of European Integration on Domestic Political Change and National Autonomy, by Markus Haverland. 8. The Irrelevance of Globalization: the State and the Energy Sector in Russia's Transformation, by Anton Weenink and Aad Correlje. 9. European Tripartism: Convergence in Topics, Persistent Divergence in Decision Making, by Hans Slomp. 10. Global Sisterhood and Political Change: the Unhappy 'Marriage' of Women's Movements and Nation States, by Conny Roggeband and Mieke Verloo. 11. Conclusion: Developing the Research Agenda, by Kees van Kersbergen, Robert H. Lieshout. and Grahame Lock. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Finland / Austria / CIS States / Czechoslovakia / Denmark / Eritrea / Germany / United Kingdom / Ireland / Italy / Netherlands / Portugal / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Aaland Islands NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; |
47. | Okafor, Obiora Chinedu : Re-defining legitimate statehood , 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Re-defining legitimate statehood : international law and state fragmentation in Africa / Okafor, Obiora Chinedu - (Developments in international law ; vol. 36), xii, 232 p.. - Hague : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2000. ISBN 90-411-1353-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The conceptual framework and methodology of the study. 2. On the ontology of the crisis of legitimace statehood in Africa. 3. The concept of legitimate statehood in the international system and the problem of socio-cultural fragmentation within established states. 4. The contribution of certain international legal and institutional attitudes to internecine conflict within established African states. 5. International law, multilateral African institutions and the prevention of internecine conflict within established African states. 6. The conclusions and recommendations of the study. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; Declaration on the rights of minorities; CRC; ECHR; European convention on regional and minority languages; Vienna declaration and program of action; Charter of Paris; Copenhagen document; Genocide convention; CERD; |
48. | Symonides, Janusz (ed.) : Human rights, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights : international protection, monitoring, enforcement / Symonides, Janusz (ed.), xxi, 421 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003. ISBN 0-7546-2302-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I : THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM : 1. United Nations mechanisms to promote and protect human rights, by Zdzislaw Kedzia. 2. The international labour organization's system of human rights protection, by Lee Swepston. 3. UNESCO procedures for the protection of human rights, by Karl Josef Partsch and Klaus Hüfner. PART II : REGIONAL SYSTEMS : 4. The European systems for the protection of human rights, by Maxime Tardu. 5. The Inter-American system for the protection of human rights, by Hugo Caminos. 6. The protection of human rights in Africa: the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, by Daniel D.C. Don Nanjira. 7. Regional protection of human rights in the Arab States In Statu Nascendi, by Bahey el Din Hassan. PART III : TOWARDS SYSTEMS FOR THE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS : 8. National systems for the protection of human rights, by Jean-Bernard Marie. 9. Criminal responsibility for violations of human rights, by William A. Schabas. 10. Sanctions and human rights, by Katarina Tomasevski. 11. Indicators for the implementation of human rights, by Michael Kirby. 12. The role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the protection and enforcement of human rights, by Laurie S. Wiseberg. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Albania / Algeria / Argentina / Asia / Australia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Myanmar / Burundi / Cambodia / Canada / Chechnya / Chile / China / Colombia / Congo / Costa Rica / Cote d'Ivoire / Cuba / Cyprus / East Timor / Eastern Europe / Egypt / El Salvador / Estonia / Ethiopia / Finland / France / Gambia / Georgia / Germany / Ghana / United Kingdom / Guatemala / Haiti / Hong Kong / India / Iraq / Israel / Korea / Kuwait / Latin America / Latvia / Lebanon / Liberia / Macedonia / Mexico / Moldova / Mongolia / Morocco / Mozamibique / Namibia / Nepal / New Zealand / Niger / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Panama / Paraguay / Rhodesia / Romania / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Saudi Arabia / Sierra Leone / Slovakia / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Suriname / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Thailand / Togo / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / Ukraine / Viet Nam / Yemen / Yugoslavia / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; ICESCR; CEDAW; AMR; American declaration of independence; Arab charter on human rights; Canadian charter of fundamental rights and freedoms; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; Charter of Paris; Bangkok NGO declaraion on human rights; Declaration of the citizen's rights in Arab states and coutries; CAT-OP; Declaration of the rights of minorities; Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen; Vienna declaration and programme of action; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; European charter for regional and minority languages;
URL https://www.ashgate.com/shopping/title.asp?key1=&key2=&orig=results&isbn=0%207546%202301%207 |
49. | Marks, Susan : The riddle of all constitutions, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The riddle of all constitutions : international law, democracy and the critique of ideology / Marks, Susan, 164 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-826798-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Contents: Introduction. 1. Preface to a Critique of International Legal Ideology. 2. International Law and the 'Liberal Revolution'. 3. Limits of the Liberal Revolution 1: Low Intensity Democracy. 4. Limits of the Liberal Revolution II: Pan-National Democracy. 5. International Law and the Project of Cosmopolitan Democracy. 6. Afterword: Critical Knowledge. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; |
50. | Byers, Michael (ed.) : The role of law in international politics, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The role of law in international politics : essays in international relations and international law / Byers, Michael (ed.), xvi, 354 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-826887-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. The Importance of International Law SIR ARTHUR WATTS KCMG QC 2. Carl Schmitt, Hans Morgenthau, and the Image of Law in International Relations MARTTI KOSKENNIEMI 3. How Do Norms Matter? FRIEDRICH V. KRATOCHWIL 4. The Concept of International Law PHILIP ALLOTT 5. Emerging Patterns of Governance and International Law STEPHEN J. TOOPE 6. Domestic Politics and International Resources: What Role for International Law? EYAL BENVENISTI 7. Human Rights and the Politics of Representation: Is There a Role for International Law? CHRISTINE CHINKIN 8. Politics and Human Rights: An Essential Symbiosis MAKAU WA MUTUA 9. Governing the Global Economy through Government Networks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER 10. The Politics of Law-Making: Are the Method and Character of Norm Creation Changing? VAUGHAN LOWE 11. Regulating the International Economy: What Role for the State? EDWARD KWAKWA 12. How to Regulate Globalization? BRIGITTE STERN 13. The Role of the United Nations Security Council in the International Legal System MARC PERRIN DE BRICHAMBAUT 14. The Functions of the United Nations Security Council in the International Legal System VERA GOWLLAND-DEBBAS 15. The Limits of the Security Council's Powers and its Functions in the International Legal System: Some Reflections GEORG NOLTE Conclusion: International Law and the Changing Constitution of International Society INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Vienna convention on the law of treaties; ACHPR; ICCPR; ECHR; |
51. | Shelton, Dinah (ed.) : Commitment and compliance, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Commitment and compliance : the role of non-binding norms in the international legal system / Shelton, Dinah (ed.), xxvi, 560 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-829808-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: PART 1. THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM: I. Normative Development in the International Legal System, by Christine Chinkin. COMPLIANCE THEORIES: 1. Choosing to Comply: Theorizing from International Relations and Comparative Politics, by Peter M. Haas. 3. Beyond Compliance: Helping Nations Cooperate Richard B. Bilder. CHALLENGES TO THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SYSTEM: 4. Interdependence, GJobalization, and Sovereignty: The Role of Non-binding International Legal Accords, by Wolfgang H. Reinicke and Jan Martin Witte. 5. The Role of Soft Law in a Global Order, by Mary Ellen O'Connell. 6. Commentary: Compliance with International Soft Law, by Jonathan L. Charney. PART II. PERSPECTIVES ON COMPLIANCE WITH NON-BINDING NORMS : THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES: 1. The General Assembly Ban on Driftnet Fishing Donald R. Rothwell. 2. Pesticides and Chemicals: The Requirement of Prior Informed consent, by Mohammed Ali Mekouar. 3. The Legal Status and Effect of Antarctic Recommended Measures, by Christopher C. Joyner. 4. Selected Agreements Concluded Pursuant to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, by Clare Shine. 5. Commentary and Conclusions, by Alexandre Kiss. TRADE AND FINANCE: 1. International Efforts against Money Laundering, by Beth Simmons. 2. 'Soft Law' in a 'Hybrid' Organization: The International Organization for Standardization, by Naomi Roht-Arriaza. 3. Policy Guidance and Compliance: The World Bank Operational Standards, by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes. 4. Environmental Norms in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, by Lyuba Zarsky. 5. Commentary: Compliance with Non-Binding Norms of Trade and Finance, by David A. Wirth. HUMAN RIGHTS:. 1. A Hard Look at Compliance with 'Soft' Law: The Case of the OSCE, by Erika B. Schlager. 2. International Labor Organization: Recommendations and Similar Instruments, b y Francis Maupain. 3. Inter-American Human Rights Law, Soft and Hard, by Douflass Cassel. 4. Human Rights Codes for Transnational Corporations : The Sullivan and McBride Principles, by Christopher McCrudden. 5. Commentary and Conclusions, by Dinah Shelton. 6. Multilateral Arms Control, by Dinah Shelton. 7. The System of Non-proliferation Export Controls, by David S. Gualtieri. 8. Protection of Nuclear Materials, by Barry Kellman. 9. International Regulation of Land Mines, by Richard L. Williamson, Jr. 10. Commentary, by Abram Chayes and Dinah Shelton. 11. Conclusions: Understanding Compliance with Soft Law, Edith Brown Weiss. 12. Editor's Concluding Note: The Role of Non-binding Norms in the International Legal System, by Dinah Shelton. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): CCW USED FOR Convention on prohibitions or restrictions of use of certain conventional wepoans which be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects; ICCPR; ICESCR; UDHR; UN charter; ILO constitution; ADRD; OAS charter; CERD; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Stockholm declaration; Helsinki final act; CEDAW; Declaration on the elimination of all forms of intolearnce and discrimination based on religion or belief; CAT; Framework convention on climate change; Rio declaration; European charter for regional or minority languages; GC no. 19 (CEDAW); DEDAW; Charter 77; |
52. | Bonoli, Giuliano : European welfare futures, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European welfare futures : towards a theory of retrenchment / Bonoli, Giuliano ; George, Vic ; Taylor-Gooby, Peter, ix, 190 p.. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2000. ISBN 0-7456-1811-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Explanations of the Growth of State Welfare. 2. New Directions in European Welfare Policy. 3. Globalization and the Welfare State. 4. Welfare Politics: The Narrowing of the National Conscience. 5. The Neo-liberal Argument for Welfare Retrenchment. 6. Squaring the Welfare Circle. 7. The Impact of Institutional Frameworks. 8. European Welfare Futures. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Canada / China / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / India / Italy / Japan / Irealnd / Jordan / Korea / Luxembourg / Malaysia / Mexico / Netherlands / New Zealand / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Thailand / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay NOTE (GENERAL): TEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt |
53. | O'Donovan, Katherine (ed.) : Human rights and legal history, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights and legal history : essays in honour of Brian Simpson / O'Donovan, Katherine (ed.) ; Rubin, Gerry R. (ed.), viii, 321 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-826496-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. International Law, the Individual, and A. W. Brian Simpson's Contribution to the Defence of Human Rights, by Nuala Mole. 2. A Common Law of Human Rights? Transnational Judicial Conversations on Constitutional Rights, by Christopher McCrudden. 3. Enfants Trouves, Anonymous Mothers, and Children's Identity Rights, by Katherine O'Donovan. 4. In the Highest Degree Ominous: Hitler's Threatened Invasion and the British War Zone Courts, by G. R. Rubin. 5. Tears of the Law; Colonial Resistance and Legal Determination, by Peter Fitzpatrick. 6. The ratio decidendi of the Case of the Prodigal Son, by William Twining . 7. Three Very Remarkable Nineteenth-Century Lawyers: Lyndhurst, Denman, and Campbell, by Gareth Jones. 8. The Fate of the Civil Jury in Late-Victorian England: Malicious Prosecution as a Test Case, by Joshua Getzler. 9. The Seventh Amendment Right to Jury Trial: Late-Eighteenth- Century Practice Reconsidered, by James Oldham. 10. The Author's Surrogate: the Genesis of British Copyright, by W. R. Cornish. 11. Due Process and Wager of Law: Judicial Conservatism in the Tudor Common Pleas, by J. H. Baker 12. Brian Simpson in the United States, by R. H. Helmholz. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; CRC; UN charter; ECHR; CAT; CERD; ICCPR; Human rights act; |
54. | War, money and survival, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph War, money and survival /, 107 p.. - Geneva : Interational Red Cross, 2000. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
55. | Human development report 1997, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Human development report 1997 /, xi, 245 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 1997. ISBN 0-19-511997-5 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Sub-Sahara / Thailand / Viet Nam |
56. | Cutts, Mark (ed.) : The state of the World's Refugees 2000, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The state of the World's Refugees 2000 : fifty years of humanitarian action / Cutts, Mark (ed.), xi, 340 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2000. ISBN 0-19-829779-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The early years. 2. Decolonization in Africa. 3. Rupture in South Asia. 4. Flight from Indochina. 5. Proxy wars in africa, Asia and Central America. 6. Repatriation and peacebuilding in the early 1990s. 7. Asylum in the industrialized world. 8. Displacement inthe former Soviet region. 9. War and humanitarian action : Iraq and the Balkans. 10. The Rwandian genocide and its aftermath. 11. The changing dynamics of displacement. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention; OAU refugee convention; Cartagena declaration LIBRARY LOCATION: Folkrätt SHELF CODE: s UNHCR.. |
57. | Positions regarding human rights issues taken by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in recent years, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Positions regarding human rights issues taken by the Inter-Parliamentary Union in recent years / - (Series "Reports and documents" ; no. 31), 68 p.. - Geneva : Inter-Parliamentary Union, 1998. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Declaration on criteria for free and fair elections; Universal declaration on democracy; CRC |
58. | Human rights watch world report 2001 (events of 2000, November 1999-October 2000), |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Human rights watch world report 2001 (events of 2000, November 1999-October 2000) / ISBN 1-56432-254-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part of the introduction: The scope of today's global human rights problems tar exceeds the capacity of global institutions to address them. The problem is most acute in the global economy, where a disturbing institutional void fre quently leaves human rights standards unen forced. But the problem also arises as the world struggles to stop mass atrocities, pro tect the victims of these crimes, rebuild their countries, and bring their persecutors to jus tice, In each case, amore interconnected and seemingly smaller world rightfully feels a greater responsibility to respond. Yet the capacity to meet these demands has not kept up with the challenges. A reinforced global architecture is needed. This introduction to Human Rights Watch's annual World Report describes this weakness in the institutional capacity to address the global human rights challenges of our time. It high lights the enforcement gap for issues of human rights in the global economy. It discusses the inadequate resources given to the United Nations to assume its assigned tasks ofkeeping the peace and assisting war torn nations with national reconstruction. And it describes the recent strides taken toward a new institutional justice system for the world's worst human rights criminals but laments the U.S. government's persistent refusal to countenance U.S. nationals being held to the same standards as the rest of the world. INDEX WORDS:
59. | The United Nations human rights system, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The United Nations human rights system : volume 1 : thematic approaches /, iv, 166 p.. - Ottawa : Human Rights Internet, 1999. ISBN 1-894253-33-7 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
60. | Castells, Manuel : The rise of the network society, 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph The rise of the network society / Castells, Manuel. - 2. ed.. - (Information age ; vol. 1), xxix, 594 p.. - Oxford : Blackwell publ., 2000. ISBN 0-631-22140-9 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: 1. The Information Technology Revolution: Which Revolution? Lessons From The Industrial Revolution. The Historical Sequence of The Information Technology Revolution. Micro-Engineering Macro Changes: Electronics and Information. The Creation of The Internet. Network Technologies and Pervasive Computing. The 1970s Technological Divide. Technologies of Life. Social Context and The Dynamics of Technological Change. Models, Actors, and Sites of The Information Technology Revolution. The Information Technology Paradigm. 2. The New Economy: Informationalism, Globalization, Networking: Productivity, Competitiveness, and The Informational Economy. The Productivity Enigma. Is Knowledge-Based Productivity Specific To The Informational Economy? Informationalism and Capitalism, Productivity and Profitability. The Historical Specificity of Informationalism. The Global Economy: Structure, Dynamics, and Genesis. Global Financial Markets. Globalization of markets for Goods and Services: Growth and Transformation of International Trade. Globalization Versus Regionalization. The Internationalization of Production: Multinational Corporations and International Production Networks. Informational Production and Selective Globalization of Science and Technology. Global Labour. The Geometry of the Global Economy: Segments and Networks. The Political Economy of Globalization: Capitalist Restructuring, Information Technology, and State Policies. The New Economy. 3. The Network Enterprise: The Culture, Institutions, and Organizations of The Informational Economy: Organizational Trajectories in The Restructuring of Capitalism and in The Transition From Industrialism to Informationalism. From Mass Production to Flexible Production. Small Business and The Crisis of The Large Corporation: Myth and Reality. "Toyotism": Management-Worker Cooperation, Multifunctional Labor, Total Quality Control, and Reduction of Uncertainty. Interfirm Networking. Corporate Strategic Alliances. The Horizontal Corporation and Global Business Networks. The Crisis of The Vertical Corporation Model and The Rise of Business Networks. Networking the Networks: The Cisco Model. Information Technology and The Network Enterprise. Culture, Institutions, and Economic Organization: East Asian Business Networks. A Typology of East Asian Business Networks. Japan. Korea. China. Culture, Organizations and Institutions: Asian Business Networks and The Developmental State. Multinational Enterprises, Transnational Corporations, and International Networks. The Spirit of Informationalism. 4. The Transformation of Work and Employment: Networkers, Jobless, and Flextimers: The Historical Evolution of Employment and Occupational Structure in Advanced Capitalist Countries: The G-7, 1920-2005. Postindustrialism, The Service Economy, and The Informational Society. The Transformation of Employment Structure, 1920-1970 and 1970-1990. The New Occupational Structure. The Maturing of The Informational Society: Employment Projections into The Twenty-First Century. Summing Up: The Evolution of Employment Structure and Its Implications For A Comparative Analysis of The Informational Society. Is There A Global Labor Force? The Work Process in The Informational Paradigm. The Effects of Information Technology On Employment: Toward A Jobless Society? Work and The Informational Divide: Flextimers. Information Technology and The Restructuring of Capital-Labor Relations: Social Dualism Or Fragmented Societies? Appendix A: Statistical Tables For Chapter 4. Appendix B: Methodological Note and Statistical References. 5. The Culture of Real Virtuality: The Integration of Electronic Communication, The End of The Mass Audience, and The Rise of Interactive Networks: From The Gutenberg Galaxy To The Mcluhan Galaxy: The Rise of Mass Media Culture. The New Media and The Diversification of Mass Audience. Computer-Mediated Communication, Institutional Control, Social Networks, and Virtual Communities. The Minitel Story: L'Útat Et L'amour. The Internet Constellation. The Interactive Society. The Grand Fusion: Multimedia As Symbolic Environment. The Culture of Real Virtuality. 6. The Space of Flows: Advanced Services, Information Flows, and The Global City. The New Industrial Space. Everyday Life in The Electronic Cottage: The End of Cities? The Transformation of Urban Form: The Informational City. America's Last Suburban Frontier. The Fading Charm of European Cities. Third Millennium Urbanization: Megacities. The Social Theory of Space and The Theory of The Space of Flows. The Architecture of The End of History. Space of Flows and Space of Places. 7. The Edge of Forever: Timeless Time: Time, History, and Society. Time As The Source of Value: The Global Casino. Flextime and The Network Enterprise. The Shrinking and Twisting of Life Working Time. The Blurring of Lifecycle: Toward Social Arrhythmia? Death Denied. Instant Wars. Virtual Time. Time, Space, and Society: The Edge of Forever. Conclusion: The Network Society. Summary of Contents of Volumes II and III. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USA / Japan / Germany / France
URL http://www.blackwellpublishers.co.uk/asp/book.asp?ref=0631221409 |