31. | Joseph, Sarah : International covenant on civil and political rights , 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International covenant on civil and political rights : cases, materials and commentary / Joseph, Sarah ; Schult, Jenny ; Castan, Melissa. - 2. ed.., lx, 985 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2004. ISBN 0-19-925807-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
32. | Wallace, Rebecca : International law, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International law / Wallace, Rebecca, xxxiv, 339 p.. - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2002. ISBN 042-1768-800 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS : 1. Introduction. 2. Sources. 3. International law and municipal law. 4. International personality. 5. Territory. 6. Jurisdiction. 7. The law of the sea. 8. State responsibility. 9. Human rights. 10. The Law of treaties. 11. The use of force. 12. Arbitration and judicial settlement of international disputes. 13. Conclusion. INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): Convention for the creation of an international criminal court (ICC) Hague conventions (1907); Genocide convention; ECHR; Vienna convention on diplomatic relations; CERD; ICCPR; ICESCR; AMR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; Montreal convention (1971); ACHPR; CAT; Convention on biological diversity; Draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples; Nuclear test ban treaty; Ottawa convention; Kyoto prootocl; CEDAW;OP; CRC-OP; Draft articles on the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts; CRC-2OP; |
33. | Sullivan, Rory (ed.) : Business and human rights, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Business and human rights : dilemmas and solutions / Sullivan, Rory (ed.), 335 p.. - Sheffield : Greenleaf publ., 2003. ISBN 1-874719-70-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART 1 : WHY ARE HUAMN RIGHTS A BUSINESS ISSUE:? 1. Introduction Rory Sullivan, Insight Investment, UK 2. The evolution of the business and human rights debate , by Sir Geoffrey Chandler, UK. 3. The development of human rights responsibilities for multinational enterprises, by Peter Muchlinski, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. 4. Human rights, trade and multinational corporations , by David Kinley and Adam McBeth, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, Monash University, Australia. 5. Human rights and business: an ethical analysis , by Denis G. Arnold, University of Tennessee, USA. 6. The ability of corporations to protect human rights in developing countries , by Frans-Paul van der Putten, Gemma Crijns and Harry Hummels, Nyenrode University, The Netherlands. 7. What is the attitude of investment markets to corporate performance on human rights?, by David Coles, Just Pensions, UK. 8. From the inside looking out: a management perspective on human rights , by Rory Sullivan, Insight Investment, UK, and Nina Seppala, Warwick Business School, UK. PART 2 : CORPORATE RESPONSES: 9. Corporate social responsibility failures in the oil industry , by Charles Woolfson, University of Glasgow, UK, and Matthias Beck, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK. 10. Mining in conflict zones , by Simon Handelsman, Global Issues Advisors, USA. 11. Health, business and human rights: the responsibility of health professionals within the corporation, by Norbert Goldfield, 3M Health Information Systems, USA. 12. Privatising infrastructure development: ‘development refugees’ and the resettlement challenge , by Christopher McDowell, Macquarie University, Australia. PART 3 : SUPPLY CHAINS : 13. The contribution of multinationals to the fight against HIV/AIDS , by Steven Lim and Michael Cameron, University of Waikato, New Zealand. 14. Elimination of child labour: business and local communities , by Bahar Ali Kazmi and Magnus Macfarlane, Warwick Business School, UK. 15. SA8000: human rights in the workplace , by Deborah Leipziger, consultant, The Netherlands, and Eileen Kaufman, Social Accountability International, USA. 16. Corporate responsibility and social capital: the nexus dilemma in Mexican maquiladoras, by Luis Reygadas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Mexico. PART 4 : COMMUNITY AND GOVERNMENT: 17. From fuelling conflict to oiling the peace: harnessing the peace-building potential of extractive sector companies operating in conflict zones , by Jessica Banfield, International Alert, UK. 18. Extracting conflict, by Gary MacDonald, Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd, Canada, and Timothy McLaughlin, independent consultant, USA. 19. Managing risk and building trust: the challenge of implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights , by Bennett Freeman, Former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, and Genoveva Hernández Uriz, European University Institute, Italy. 20. Taking responsibility for bribery: the multinational corporation’s role in combating corruption, by David Hess, University of Michigan Business School, USA, and Thomas Dunfee, University of Pennsylvania, USA. 21. Taking the business and human rights agenda to the limit? The Body Shop and Amnesty International ‘Make Your Mark’ campaign ,by Heike Fabig, University of Sussex, UK, and Richard Boele, Australian Institute of Corporate Citizenship. 22. Moving forwards , by Rory Sullivan, Insight Investment, UK. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Algeria / Angola / Australia / Azerbaijan / Bangladesh / Belgium / Bolivia / Brazil / Cambodia / Canada / Chad / Chile / China / Colombia / Ecuador / El Salvador / Gabon / Guatemala / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Italy / Lsotho / Liberia / Mexico NOTE (GENERAL): Havana charter; ICESCR; ICCPR; Declaration on fundamental prinicples and rights at work; CAT; CRC; Refugee convention; Declaration on the right to development; |
34. | Weiler, Jonathan : Human rights in Russia, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in Russia : a darker side of reform / Weiler, Jonathan, ix, 165 p.. - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner, 2004. ISBN 1-58826-279-0 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction: Framing the Study. 2. Prisons: Resource Deprivation and Tortuous Conditions. 3. Violence Against Women and State Indifference. 4. The Victimization of Other Socially Vulnerable Groups. 5. Institutional Degradation and the Two Wars in Chechnya. 6. Conclusion: Russia in Comparative Perspective. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: USSR / Russian Federation / Chechnya / Czech Republic / Crotia / Moldova / Poland / Romania / Slovakia / South Africa / Tatarstan / Yugoslavia NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; DEDAW; CEDAW; ICCPR;
URL http://www.rienner.com/viewbook.cfm?BOOKID=1405&search=human%20rights%20in%20russia |
35. | Englebert, Pierre : State legitimacy and development in Africa, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph State legitimacy and development in Africa / Englebert, Pierre, xii, 243 p.. - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner, 2002. ISBN 1-58826-131-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: 1. Introduction. PART I : STATE CAPACITY AND DEVELOPMENT. 2. The Developmental Capacity of States. 3. The Paradox of African States. PART 2 : EXPLAINING AFRICA'S CAPACITY CRISIS : 4. Do Social Capital and Ethnic Homogeneity Really Matter? 5. State Legitimacy and Developmental Capacity. PART 3 : CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE: 6. Accounting for Africa's Development Crisis: 7. Success and Failure Among African States: 8. Conclusion: The African State in Transition: INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Angola / Bangladesh / Belgium / Benin / Biafra / Botswana / Burkina Faso / Burundi / Cameroon / Cape Verde / Central African Republic / Chad / Congo / Cote d'Ivoire / Eritrea / Ethiopia / France / Gambia / Ghana / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Kenya / Lesotho / Liberia / Madagascar / Malawi / Mauritania / Mauritius / Mozambique / Namibia / Niger / Nigeria / Pakistan / Portugal / Rwanda / Senegal / Seychelles / Sierra leone / Somalia / South Africa / Sudan / Swaziland / Tanzania / Togo / Uganda / USA / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe
URL http://www.rienner.com/viewbook.cfm?BOOKID=1107&search=englebert |
36. | Mendes, Errol P. (ed.) : Bridging the global divide on human rights, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Bridging the global divide on human rights : a Canada-China dialogue / Mendes, Errol P. (ed.) ; Lalonde-Roussy, Anik, xii, 373 p.. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003. ISBN 0-7546-2322-X LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction, Errol P. Mendes. PART I : Implementing Human Rights via Civil Society, Government and the Legal System: Reflections on civil society and human rights, Bernie Michael Frolic; The detention system in China, Chen Ruihua; To whom must we answer? Exploring the relationship between sovereignty, the rule of law and human rights in Chinese and Canadian practice, Jeremy Paltiel; Private property and individual freedoms, Ronald C. Keith and Zhiqiu Lin. PART II: The Domestic Implementation of Human Rights in Customary International Law and in the Two International Covenants: Implementing international human rights treaties in China, Gong Renren; The domestic implementation of international law: a Canadian case study, Tina Piper and A. Wayne MacKay. PART III : Integrating the Obligations Contained in the International Covenants on Human Rights with the Convention on the Rights of the Child: The child's right to birth registration: international and Chinese perspectives, Liu Huawen; 'Particularizing the Universal': the challenge of children's rights, Melina Buckley. PART IV : Gender Perspectives on Implementing Social and Economic Rights in an Era of Globalization: The question of state responsibility at international law for acts of violence against women, Bai Guimei; The rise of a women's human rights epistemic network in the 1990s: global norms, gender politics and civil society, Jennifer Chan-Tiberghien; Globalization and gender: reflections on human rights and the 'neutrality' of the marketplace, Claire Turenne Sjolander. PART V: Freedom of Expression and its Relation to Social, Economic and Cultural Development: Freedom of expression and social development: an empirical analysis of the great leap forward, Gong Renren; From gridlock to growth: India's experience with free expression, John Stackhouse; Corruption: the cancer of the International Bill of Rights - democracy and freedom of expression, the main treatments?, Errol P. Mendes. PART VI: Corruption in the Private Sector and its Impact on Ensuring the Right to Subsistence: The control of corruption and protection of human rights, Liu Chun; Corruption, worker rights and good governance, Ozay Mehmet; Index. INDEX WORDS:
URL https://www.ashgate.com/shopping/title.asp?key1=&key2=&orig=results&isbn=0%207546%202322%20X |
37. | Kselman, Thomas (ed.) : European Christian democracy, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph European Christian democracy : historical legacies and comparative perspectives / Kselman, Thomas (ed.) ; Buttigieg, Joseph A., viii, 339 p.. : Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 2004. ISBN 0-268-02276-3 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
38. | Porta, Donatella Della (ed.) : Democracy and corruption in Europe, 1997 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Democracy and corruption in Europe / Porta, Donatella Della (ed.) ; Meny, Yves - (Social change in Western Europe), viii, 208 p.. - London : Pinter, 1997. ISBN 1-85567-367-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. France : the end of the Republican ethic?, by Yves Mény. 2. France-Africa : within the family, by Jean-Françoise Médard. 3. Vicious circles of corruption in Italy, by Donatella Della Porta. 4. Politicians and godfathers : mafia and political corruption in Italy, by Alberto Vannucci. 5. From dictatorship to democracy : changing forms of corruption in Spain, by Paul Heywood. 6. Corruption in the Federal Republic of Germany before and in the wake of reunification, by Wolfgang Seibel. 7. UK : civic virtue put to the test, by Andrew Adonis. 8. Rule by bureaucracy in Russia, by Marie Mendras. 9. Gifts, networks, and clienteles : corruption in Japan as a redistributive system, by Jean-Marie Bouissou. 10. Economics of corruption, by Jean Cartier-Bresson. INDEX WORDS:
39. | Erazo, Zimena (ed.) : Academic freedom 4, 1996 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Academic freedom 4 : education and human rights / Erazo, Zimena (ed.) ; Kirkwood, Mike ; de Vlaming, Frederie, x, 246 p.. - London : Zed Books, 1996. ISBN 1-85649-378-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Angola / Argentina / Armenia / Azerbaijan / Brazil / Central America / China / Colombia / Costa Rica / Egypt / El Salvador / Europe / Georgia / Germany / Ghana / Guatemala / Haiti / India / Iraq / Jordan / Kazakhstan / Kenya / Kuwait / Kyrgyzstan / Latin America / Lebanon / Liberia / Libya / Mexico / Mozambique / Myanmar / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Paraguay / Peru / Russian Federation / Romania / Saudi Arabia / Singapore / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Swaziland / Sweden / Syria / Taiwan / Tajikistan / Togo / Turkey / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Brazil / Yemen / Zambia / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; Pozna declaration on academic freedom; UDHR; ICESCR; CEDAW; World declaration on education for all by the year 2000; |
40. | Human rights in Brazil 2003, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Human rights in Brazil 2003 : a report by /, 237 p.. - Sao Paulo : Social network for Justice and Human Rights, 2003. LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
41. | Della Porta, Donatella : Corrupt exchanges, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Corrupt exchanges : actors, resources and mechanisms of political corruption / Della Porta, Donatella ; Vannucci, Alberto - (Social problems and social issues), xiv, 314 p.. - New York : Aldine de Gruyter, 1999. ISBN 0-202-30600-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Market for Corrupt Exchange: An Introduction: 1. Corruption and Democracy . 2. A Theoretical Model for Understanding Political Corruption . 3. How to Study Political Corruption . 2. The Resources of Corruption : 1. Corruption as a Market for Political Rents . 2. The Commodities of Corrupt Exchange. 3. Political Protection. 4. The Corrupter's Resources . 5. The "Business of Power" . 6. The Resources of Corruption: A Summary . 3. The Business Politicians : . 1. The Emergence of the Business Politicians 2. Skills in Illegality and Political Careers . 3. Networking Abilities and Corruption . 4. Homines Novi, Patrimonialism, and the Moral Costs of Corruption: A Conclusion . 4. Political Parties and Corruption : . 1. The "Hidden" Structures of the Parties . 2. The Role of the Party in Corrupt Exchanges . 3. Parties, Corruption, and Public Policies . 4. Party Connivance: Corruption and Consociation . 5. Political Parties, the Costs of Politics, and Corruption: Comparative Remarks . 5. Political Corruption, Bureaucratic Corruption, and the Judiciary : 1. Political Corruption and Bureaucratic Corruption . 2. Corruption and the Magistracy . 3. Corruption and Controls: Comparative Remarks . 6. Brokers and Occult Power : 1. Brokers in the Illegal Markets . 2. The Domain of Covert Power . 3. Hidden Powers and Corruption: Some Concluding Remarks . 7. The Market for Corruption and the Economic System : 1. Cartels and Bribes . 2. The Political Protection of Entrepreneurs . 3. A Typology of Protected Enterprises . 4. The "Moral Costs" for the Corrupter . 5. The Adverse-Selection of Firms . 6. The Elevation of Costs . 7. The Briber's Dilemma . 8. The Corruption Market: Concluding Remarks . 8. Politics, the Mafia, and the Corruption Market: 1. The Corrupt Politician and Organized Crime. 2. Organized Crime and Business. 3. Corruption, the Mafia, and Public Contracts . 4. Conclusion: Organized Crime and Politics . 9. The Dynamics of Political Corruption: A Conclusion : 1. Corruption as an Emergent Normative System . 2. The "Vicious Circles" of Corruption . 3. The Fall of a Corrupt System: Lessons from the Italian Case INDEX WORDS:
42. | Rose-Ackerman, Susan : Corruption and government, 1999 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Corruption and government : causes, consequences, and reform / Rose-Ackerman, Susan, xiv, 266 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 1999. ISBN 0-521-65912-4 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Zimbabwe / Zambia / Zaire / USA / Venezuela / Ukraine / Uganda / Trinidad / Thailand / Tanzania / Taiwan / Spain / Surinam / USSR / South Africa / Singapore / Russian Federation / Philippines / Poland / Peru / Paraguay / Pakistan / Nigeria / New Zealand / Niger / Nepal / Mozambique / Mexico / Malawi / Korea / Kenya / Latin America / Japan / Jamaica / Italy / Indonesia / India / Haiti / Greece / Guyana / Germany / Gambia / Gabon / Fijii / Ecuador / El Salvador / Costa Rica / China / Chile / Chicago / Canada / Brazil / Bolivia / Belgium / Bangladesh / Australia / Argentina
URL http://titles.cambridge.org/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521659124 |
43. | Nassmacher, Karl-Heinz : Foundations for democracy, 2001 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Foundations for democracy : approaches to comparative political finance : essays in honour of Herbert E. Alexander / Nassmacher, Karl-Heinz, 515 p.. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-7890-7340-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART A: Political finance in established democracies. PART B: Current issues of political finance. PART C: Helping democracies emerge and sustain. PART D: Bibliography INDEX WORDS:
44. | Bakut, Bakut Tswah (ed.) : Africa at the millennium , 2000 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Africa at the millennium : an agenda for mature development / Bakut, Bakut Tswah (ed.) ; Dutt, Sagarika ; foreword by Stephen Chan, xi, 294 p.. - Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. ISBN 0-333-75352-6 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction / Bakut tswah Bakut and Sagarika Dutt. PART I: Development and Economic Integration. 1. The Peripheralisation of Africa in Global Politics, by Paul Rich. 2. External Debt and Adjustment: Prospects for African Economic Growth and Transformation, by Geepu-Nah Tiepoh. 3. Technology and the Technical Management of Human Resources: Prospects for Sub-Saharan African Development into the New Millennium, by Christopher Farrands. 4. The Afrikan Economic Community (AEC): A Step towards Achieving the Pan-Afrikan Ideal, by Bakut tswah Bakut. PART II. : Democracy, Conflict and Human Rights. 5. The Legitimacy and Sovereignty Dilemma of African States and Governments: Problems of the Colonial Legacy, by Cirino Hiteng Ofuho. 6. Progress towards Democracy in Africa: Uganda as a Case Study, by Oliver Furley. 7. State Collapse, Post-conflict Peace-building and Sustainable Democracy in Africa, by Timothy Murithi. 8. ECOWAS and Liberia: Implication for Regional Intervention in Intra-state Conflicts, by Thomas Jaye. 9. ECOMOG: A New Security Agenda in World Politics, by David Francis. 10. The Concept of Peoples' Rights in International Law, with Particular Reference to Africa, by Javaid Rehman. PART III. Towards an International Role in the Twenty-first Century. 11. The United Nations and Africa: Redefining the UN's role in Africa for the Twenty-first Century, by Malcolm Harper. 12. International Health and Africa: Who is Leading Whom?, by Susan Adong. 13. UNESCO: A New Role in Africa?, by Sagarika Dutt. 14. Africa: What does the Future Hold?, by Jack Spence. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Algeria / Angola / Australia / Belgium / Benin / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Botswana / Burkina Faso / Burundi / Cambodia / Cameroon / Chad / China / Congo / Croatia / East Timor / Egypt / Eritrea / Ethiopia / Gambia / Germany / Ghana / Guinea / Guinea Bissau / India / Iraq / Italy / Ivory Coast / Kenya / Lesotho / Liberia / Libya / Malawi / Mali / Mexico / Morocco / Mozambique / Namibia / Netherlands / Pakistan / Portugal / Rwanda / Senegal / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Taiwan / Tanzania / Tunisia / Turkey / Uganda / United Kingdom / USA / Viet nam / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; UN charter; ACHPR; |
45. | The African Union and the new pan-africanism, 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The African Union and the new pan-africanism : rushing to organize or timely shift / REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): Transnational law and contemporary problems : Spring 2003 ; vol. 13; no. 1., p. 1-276. - Iowa City : University of Iowa College of Law, 2003. - ISSN 1058-1006 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles are:. 1. A complex ambiguity . the relationship between the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and other African Union initiatives affecting respect for human rights, by Curtis F. J. Doebbler. 2. The new African Union and women's rights, by Adrien Katherine Wing & Tyler Murray Smith. 3. National and international constitutional law aspects of African treaties and laws against corruption, by peter W. Schroth. 4. The Peace and Security Council of the African Union : the unknowns, by Jeremy I. Levitt. 5. Constitutional structure and governance strategies for economic integration in Africa and Europe, by Craig Jackson. 6. A critical appraisal of the NEPAD agenda in light of Africa's place in the world trade regime in an era of market centered development, by James Gathii. 7. Regional integration, development and the African Union agenda : challenges, gaps and opportunities, by Dejo Olowu. 8. The danger of oligarchy within the Pan-Africanist authority of the African Union, by Henry Richardson INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty; UN charter; ACHPR; |
46. | Karns, Margaret P. : International organizations, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph International organizations : the politics and processes of global governance / Karns, Margaret P. ; Mingst, Karen A., xvi, 603 p.. - Boulder, CO : Lynne Rienner publ., 2004. ISBN 1-55587-693-2 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Africa / Algeria / Angola / Argentina / Armenia / Asia / Australia / Bangladesh / Belgium / Belarus / Bolivia / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Brazil / Cambodia / Canada / Central America / Chad / Chechnya / Chile / China / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Cyprus / Czechoslovakia / East Timor / Egypt / El salvador / Estonia / Ethiopia / France / Germany / Honduras / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Italy / Japan / Jordan / North Korea / South Korea / Latin America / Kuwait / Liberia / Lithuania / Libya / Malaysia / Malta / Mexico / Middle East / Moldova / Namibia / New Zealand / Niger / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Palestine / Paraguay / Romania / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Saudi Arabia / Senegal / Sierra leone / Singapore / Slovakia / Somalia / South Africa / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sudan / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Taiwan / Tajikistan / Tanzania / Thailand / Togo / Turkey / Turkmenistan / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay / Uzbekistan / Viet nam / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe / Zaire LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UN charter; Andean charter for peace and security; Biological weapons convention; CWC; CAT; CRC; Convention on biological diversity; Framework convention on climate change; CEDAW; Genocide convention; Ottawa convention; Declaration on the South China Sea; Rio declaration; Kyoto protocol; ECHR; Geneva conventions; Charter of economic rights and duties of states; |
47. | Brodeur, Jean-Paul (ed.) : Democracy, law and security , 2003 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Democracy, law and security : internal security services in contemporary Europe / Brodeur, Jean-Paul (ed.) ; Gill, Peter ; Töllborg, Dennis, vi, 354 p. . - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2003. ISBN 0-7546-3002-1 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction, Jean-Paul Brodeur, Peter Gill and Dennis Töllborg. PART I : THE BELOVED LANDS OF UNDERCOVER: 2. Democracy and secrecy: the French intelligence community, by Jean-Paul Brodeur and Nicolas Dupeyron. 3. Intelligence services in Belgium: a story of legitimation and legalization, by Lode van Outrive. PART II : FROM DICTATORSHIP TO DEMOCRACY : 4. The Spanish intelligence services, by Andrea Giménez-S alinas. 5. National security in Hungary, by Istvan Szikinger. 6. Security services in Poland and their oversight, by Andrzej Rzeplinski. PART III : SECURITY INTELLIGENCE IN STABLE DEMOCRACIES:. 7. Security and intelligence structures in The Netherlands, by Peter Klerks. 8. Internal security in Sweden, by Iain Cameron and Dennis Töllborg. 9. The globalization of security and intelligence agencies: a report on the Canadian intelligence community, by Jean-Paul Brodeur. PART IV : SECURITY INTELLIGENCE IN OLD AND NEW 'SUPERPOWERS': 10. Security intelligence services in the Uni ted Kingdom, by Peter Gill. 11. Parliament, media and the control of intelligence services in Germany, by Shlomo Shpiro. PART V: CONCLUSION: 12. National security and political policing: some thoughts on values, ends and law, by Laurence Lustgarten. Bibliography; Index. INDEX WORDS:
URL https://www.ashgate.com/shopping/title.asp?key1=&key2=&orig=results&isbn=0%207546%203002%201 |
48. | Ambos, Kai : Der allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts, 2002 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Der allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts : Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung / Ambos, Kai - (Strafrecht und Kriminologie ; Bd. 16), 1058 p.. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2002. - ISSN 0720-6860 ISBN 3-428-10762-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: INHALTSÛBERSICHT:. Einleitung: Das Völkerstrafrecht und seine Quellen - Politische Makrokriminalität als Gegenstand des Völkerstrafrechts - Der "Allgemeine Teil" des Völkerstrafrechts - Gang der Untersuchung und sonstige methodische Aspekte. 1. Teil: Urteilsanalyse: Die Nürnberger Urteile - Das Urteil des Internationalen Militärgerichtshofs für den Fernen Osten (Tokio-Urteil) - Die UNWCC-Verfahren - Ausgewählte Urteile nationaler Gerichte - Die Urteile der Ad-hoc-Gerichte der UNO - Systematisierende Zusammenfassung der allgemeinen Grundsätze. 2. Teil: Überprüfung der Relevanz der ermittelten allgemeinen Grundsätze anhand der Kodifikationsbemühungen seit Nürnberg: Methodische Vorbemerkung: Völker(straf)rechtliche Vertragsauslegung - Die Nürnberger Grundsätze - Das Genfer Recht - Die Genozidkonvention - Sonstige völkerstrafrechtliche Abkommen - Die Draft Codes der UN-Völkerrechtskommission (International Law Commission) - Entwürfe von privaten Organisationen und Einzelpersonen - Rom-Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (1998) - Systematisierende Zusammenfassung der kodifizierten allgemeinen Grundsätze und Gesamtergebnis. 3. Teil: Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung: Vorbemerkung: Zurechnung und Völkerstrafrecht - Die Grundformen strafbarer Beteiligung - Vorgesetztenverantwortlichkeit - Versuch - Subjektive Voraussetzungen individueller Verantwortlichkeit, einschließlich des Irrtums - Strafausschlußgründe, insbesondere Nötigungsnotstand - Zusammenfassende Thesen und Ausblick - Anhang A: Übersicht der ausgewerteten Urteile - Anhang B: Rechtsgrundlagen des Allgemeinen Teils des Völkerstrafrechts - Anhang C: General Part Drafts - Literaturverzeichnis - Sachwortverzeichnis INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; The statute of the ICC; Nuremburg charter; |
49. | Sajo, Andras (ed.) : Human rights with modesty, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights with modesty : the problem of universalism / Sajo, Andras (ed.), viii, 382 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-13823-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction: Human Rights with Humility, by András Sajó. Part I: Universality in Context:. Chapter 1: On the Universality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by Wiktor Osiatynski. Chapter 2:The Complexity of Universalism in Human Rights, by Makau Mutua. Chapter 3: Moral Realism without the Ethnocentrism: Is It Just a List of Empty Truisms?, by Richard A. Shweder. Chapter 4: Can Human Rights Be “Contextualized”?, by Guy Haarscher. Chapter 5: Reinstating the Universal in the Discourse of Human Rights and Justice, by Tatsuo Inoue. Chapter 6: Universalism, Localism and Paternalism in Human Rights Discourse, by Wojciech Sadurski. Chapter 7: International Human Rights in a Fragmenting World, by Helen Stacy. Part II: Human Rights Politics:. Chapter 8: Social and Economic Dimensions of Universal Rights, by Dimitrina Petrova. Chapter 9: Reconciling Universality and Diversity in International Human Rights Law, by Eva Brems. Chapter 10: Global Rule of Law: Universal and Particular, by Ruti Teitel. Part III: Rule of Law: Local Experiences:. Chapter 11: False Dichotomies, True Perplexities, and the Rule of Law, by Martin Krygier. Chapter 12: The Illusory Promise of the Rule of Law, by Frank K. Upham. Part IV: Many Faces of Religion: Case Studies on Iran:. Chapter 13: The Paradox of Religion and the Universality of Human Rights, by Shlomo Avineri. Chapter 14: Constitutionalism and Islamic Law in Nineteenth-Century Iran: Mirza Malkum Khan and Qanun, by Shiva Balaghi. Chapter 15: Shifting Grounds for Challenging the Authority of International Human Rights Law: Religion as a Malleable and Politicized Pretext for Governmental Noncompliance with Human Rights, by Ann Elizabeth Mayer. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Asia / Australia / Brazil / Chad / China / Cuba / Dominican Republic / Ethiopia / France / Germany / India / ISrael / Iraq / Iran / Japan / Kenya / Liberia / Mexico / New Zealand / Pakistan / Rwanda / Singapore / Somalia / South Africa / Syria / Turkey / USA / Venezuela / Vit Nam / Yemen / Zimbabwe LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; AMR; American declaration of rights; Bangkok declaration; Cairo declaration; Declaration of the rights of man and citizen; Vienna declaration and programme of action; ACHPR; Atlantic charter; Genocide convention; CRC; ICESCR; ICCPR; ECHR; Vienna convention on the law of treaties; CEDAW; UN charter;
URL http://www.brill.nl/m_catalogue_search.asp?sub=6&converted_subtitle=inete&subtitle=inete&x=13&y=10 |
50. | Lüderssen, Klaus (Hrsg.) : Aufgeklärte Kriminalpolitik oder kampf gegen das Böse?, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Aufgeklärte Kriminalpolitik oder kampf gegen das Böse? : Band III : Makrodelinquenz / Lüderssen, Klaus (Hrsg.), 451 p.. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag, 1998. ISBN 3-7890-5432-1 LANGUAGE: GER ABSTRACT: Cornelius Prittwitz Einleitung 1. Internationale Wirtschaftskriminalität – Kriminalität im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung Regina Michalke Grenzüberschreitende Probleme des Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsrechts in der Verfolgungspraxis der Strafjustiz Lorenz Schulz Perspektiven der Normativierung des objektiven Tatbestands (Erfolg, Handlung, Kausalität) am Beispiel der strafrechtlichen Produkthaftung Hans Achenbach Prävention von Unfällen und soziale Kontrolle im Bereich der industriellen Fertigung 2. Kriegsverbrechen: Völkerstrafrecht und Völkerstrafverfahrensrecht – neueste Entwicklungen Herbert Jäger Ist Politik kriminalisierbar? Peter Waldmann Gesellschaften im Bürgerkrieg. Zur Eigendynamik entfesselter Gewalt Heribert Ostendorf Die Auswirkungen der Nürnberger Prozesse auf die deutsche Justiz sowie für die Errichtung eines internationalen Strafgerichtshofes Herbert Jäger Die Widerlegung des funktionalistischen Täterbildes. Daniel Goldhagens Beitrag zur Kriminologie des Völkermordes Akihiro Onagi Kriegsverbrechen und Japan. Probleme der Vergangenheitsbewältigung Klaus Marxen Beteiligung an schwerem systematischen Unrecht – Bemerkungen zu einer völkerstrafrechtlichen Straftatlehre Reinhard Merkel Universale Jurisdiktion bei völkerrechtlichen Verbrechen – Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kritik des § 6 StGB Otto Triffterer Gewalt und Völkerstrafrecht – Ein neues Gewaltmonopol zur Bekämpfung von Gewalt? Kai Ambos Zur Bekämpfung der Makrokriminalität durch eine supranationale Strafgerichtsbarkeit – Historische Hintergründe und erste Urteile 3. Korruption Wolf Paul Korruption in Lateinamerika Mark Pieth »Do ut des« – oder wo beginnt die Kriminalität? Internationale Initiativen gegen die Korruption INDEX WORDS:
51. | Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe (ed.) : Human rights, the rule of law and development in Africa , 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights, the rule of law and development in Africa / Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe (ed.) ; McConnaughay, Philip J. - (Pennsylvania studies in human rights), vi, 302 p.. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. ISBN 0-8122-3783-8 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. PART I : UNIVERSALISM AND RELATIVISM IN HUMAN RIGHTS DISCOURSE. PART II : THE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS. PART III : NGOs AND STRUGGLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Burundi / Egypt / Ethiopia / Ghana / India / Kenya / Liberia / Malawi / Morocco / Mozambique / Namibia / Nigeria / Rwanda / South Africa / Sudan / Tanzania / Uganda / USA / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; CAT; CERD; DEDAW; Declaration on the right of development; Declaration on the rights of persons belonging to minorities; French declaration on the rights of man and citizen; Geneva conventions; Genocide convention; AMR; ECHR; Declaration on the right to development; UDHR; Vienna declaration and program of action; |
52. | Dowell-Jones, Mary : Contextualising the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights , 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Contextualising the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights / Dowell-Jones, Mary - (International studides in human rights ; vol. 80), viii, 214 p.. - Leiden : Martinus Mijhoff publ., 2004. ISBN 90-04-13908-7 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Theory and Problems; A. Issues of Legal Quality; B. Layers of Obligation in the ICESCR: i. Aspects of Immediate Obligation; ii. Minimum Core Content/Minimum Threshold; iii. Obligations to Respect/Protect/Fulfil; C. Residual Problems; D. Conclusion. 3. Article 2(1) ICESCR: Economic Parameters of State Obligations; A. ‘to take steps … by all appropriate means, including particularly the adoption of legislative measures’; B. ‘to the maximum of its available resources’; C. ‘to achieve progressively the full realization of the rights’; D. Towards a More Comprehensive Paradigm of State Obligations; E. Conclusion. 4. CESCR Practice – an Economic Deficit?; A. Defining the Parameters of Available Resources: i. Hong Kong’s Financial Reserves; ii. The Covenant and Congo’s Catastrophe; B. Globalisation and Developing Countries; i. Trade Liberalisation: Mexico and NAFTA; ii. Argentina: Structural Reform and Financial Crisis; C. Corruption; D. The Minimum Wage; E. Future Directions for the Covenant in Advanced Economies: i. European Unemployment; ii. Welfare Reform; F. Conclusion. 5. Contextualising the Covenant: Aspects of the Evolving Global Economic Framework; A. Trans-National Corporations and the Global Re-Organisation of Production; B. The Deregulation of Financial Markets; C. Conclusion. 6. Future Directions for the Covenant?; A. Structural Reform: i. Reform Possibilities Within the Existing Committee Structure; ii. Enhancing Co-operation with the Specialised Agencies; iii. An Optional Protocol to the ICESCR; iv. More Radical Reform Options; B. Methodological Reform: i. Focused Questioning; ii. Integrity of Concluding Observations; C. Conclusion; 7. Conclusion; Bibliography. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Algeria / Argentina / Armenia / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Brazil / Cameroon / Canada / China / Denmark / Egypt / El Salvador / Finland / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Guatemala / Guinea / Guyana / Iceland / Iraq / Ireland / Italy / Japan / Luxembourg / Malaysia / Mexico / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nigeria / Norway / Paraguay / Peru / Philippines / Russian Federation / Singapore / Solomon Islands / South Africa / South KOrea / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Thailand / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay NOTE (THESIS): Dr.iur., University of Nottingham NOTE (GENERAL): ICESCR; UDHR; |
53. | Mapping new boundaries, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Mapping new boundaries : shifting norms in international law /, xi, 416 p.. - Washington, DC : The American Society of International Law, 2004. - ISSN 0272-5037 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: The articles a.o.:. 1. Shifting norms in public health law. 2. Investor-state disputes and the development of international law. 3. Preventing genocide and crimes against humanity. 4. Rethinking collective action : the responsibility to protect and a duty to prevent. 5. Intellectual prperty rights in global trade framework : IP trends in developing countries. 6. The Kurdish issue and beyond : territorial communities rivaling the state. 7. Jus in bello : occupation law and the war in Iraq. 8. The jurisdiction of the WTO. 9. Intelligence and the use of force in the war on terrorism. 10. Islam and international law : toward a positive mutual engagement to realize shared ideals. 11. Accountability for war crimes : what roles for national, international and hybrid tribunals? 12. Empirical works in human rights. 13. The international intellectual property law system : new actors, new sources, new structures. 14. Climate justice: the prospects for climate change litigation. 15. Africa : mapping new boundaries in international law. 16. Protection or control : regulating the movement of people in a globalizing world. 17. Iraq : one year later. 18. New directions in international environmental law. 19. Does international law matter? 20. The Bush administration : preemption doctrine and the future of world order. 21. Treaties in U. S. law - new debates on old issues?. 22. Human rights and humanitarian law : are there some indivdiuals bereft of all legal protection?. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Argentina / Armenia / Azerbaijan / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Bolivia / Central America / China / Congo / Ecuador / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Greenland / Hong Kong / Hungary / India / Indonesia / Iran / Iraq / Ireland / Israel / Japan / Kurdistan / Liberia / Luxembourg / Mexico / Nigeria / North Korea / Iraq / Norway / Pakistan / Panama / Paraguay / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Peru / Rhodesia / Russian Federation / Rwanda / Serbia / Siera Leone / Slovenia / Somalia / South Africa / South America / USSR / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Tanzania / Turkey / Uganda / United Kingdom / USA / Uruguay / Venezuela / Yugoslavia / Zimbabwe NOTE (MEETINGS): Proceedings of the 98th annual meeting, Washington, DC, [20040331-20040403], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): CERD; Convention against torture; Convention on biological diversity; CRC; Genocide convention; ICESCR; ECHR; Dublin convention; ICCPR; ICCPR-OP; Montreal protocol; Convention against corruption; UDHR; ACHPR-OP; LIBRARY LOCATION: s ASIL |
54. | Olaniyan, Kolawole : The African convention on preventing and combating corruption, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: part of a serial The African convention on preventing and combating corruption : a critical apparaisal / Olaniyan, Kolawole REFERENCE TO GENERIC UNIT (Periodica): African human rights law journal : vol. 4; no. 1., p. 74-92. - Lansdowne : JUTA, 2004. - ISSN 1609-073X LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): African Union convention on preventing and combating corruption; |
55. | Apap, Joanna (ed.) : Justice and home affairs in the EU, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Justice and home affairs in the EU : liberty and security issues after enlargement / Apap, Joanna (ed.), xii, 339 p.. - Cheltenham, Uk : Edward Elgar Ltd., 2004. ISBN 1-84376-787-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Progress and Obstacles in the Area of Justice and Home Affairs in an Enlarging Europe: An Overview, by Joanna Apap and Sergio Carrera. PART I : FUNDAMENTALS OF EU JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS POLICY POST ENLARGEMENT:. 2. An EU JHA Policy: What should it Comprise?, by Sarah Ludford. 3. Maintaining the Justice and Home Affairs Acquis in an Enlarged Europe, by Jorg Monar. 4. Division of Competencies between National and European Levels with regard to Justice and Home Affairs, by Paul de Hert. PART II : SCENARIOS FOR CRIME, LAW AND JUSTICE IN AN ENLARGED EUROPEAN UNION:. 5. Law Enforcement in a Broader Europe: The Council of Europe's Strategy Intervention, by Jorg Polakiewicz. 6. Good Administration: A Fundamental Right, by Jacob Söderman. 7. The European Convention and its Implications for Justice and Home Affairs Cooperation, by Monica den Boer. 8. Rebuilding Police and Judicial Systems in the Stability Pact Countries, by Bernard Hemingway. 9. Eurojust vis-a-vis the European Public Prosecutor, by Jorge Costa. 10. Policing in a European Context, by Willy Bruggeman. 11. OLAF and its Cooperation with the Institutions of New Member States, by Luc Schaerlaekens. PART III : TOWARDS AN IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM POLICY FOR EUROPE:. 12. Recent Developments as regards European Migration Policy in view of an Enlarged Europe, by Joanna Apap. 13. Immigration and European Immigration Policy: Myths and Realities, by Giuseppe Sciortino and Ferruccio Pastore. 14. Mechanisms of Exclusion: Labour Migration in the European Union, by Elspeth Guild. 15. The New German Immigration Law, by Doris Schmidt. 16. The Future Common Asylum System: Between a Closed-Circuit and an Open-Ended Scheme?, by Johannes van der Klaauw. 17. Family Reunification as a Constitutional Right?, by Ryszard Cholewinski. 18. Taking the Bogus out of the Discourse concerning Asylum, by Constanca Urbano de Sousa. 19. Balancing Openness with Control: Management of Border Controls and the Euro-Border Guard , by Marek Adamczyk. 20. The Transformation of Border Controls: What is different about Europe?, by Malcom Anderson. 21. Ramifications of Enlargement for EU-Russia Relations and the Schengen Regime, by Olga Potemkina. 22. Conclusion: A Practical Set of Recommendations, by Joanna Apap. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Belgium / Czech Republic / Eastern Europe / Estonia / Germany / Russian Federation / Sweden / Turkey / Ukraine / USA / Yugoslavia LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Kosovo NOTE (GENERAL): Convention on the future of Europe; Dublin convention; EU convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; ESC; Refugee convention; CRC; Schengen agreement; SEA; TEU; LIBRARY LOCATION: EU-rätt (off.rätt.) |
56. | Olowu, Dele : Local governance in Africa, |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Local governance in Africa : the challenges of democratic decentralization / Olowu, Dele ; Wunsch, James S. ISBN 1-58826-173-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS: Preface. 1. Introduction: Local Governance and Decentralization in Africa. The Historical Context. 2. New Dimensions in African Decentralization. 3. South Africa and Botswana: The Impact of the National Context. 4. Nigeria: Local Governance and Primary Heath Care. 5. Ghana: A Top-Down Initiative, by J. Ayee. 6. Chad: Governance by the Grassroots, by S. Fass and G.M. Desloovere. 7. Uganda: Multiple Levels of Local Governance, by J.S. Wunsch and D. Ottemoeller. 8. Kenya: Erosion and Reform from the Center, by P. Smoke. Conclusion: What Have We Learned? INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Bangladesh / Benin / Botswana / Burundi / Central African Republic / Chad / Chile / Congo / Ivory Coast / Ethiopia / Gambia / Ghana / Italy / Kenya / Lesotho / Libya / Madagascar / Malawi / Malaysia / Mali / Mauritius / MOzambique / Namibia / Nepal / Niger / Nigeria / Rwanda / Sierra Leone / Somalia / South Africa / Sudan / Swaziland / Tanzania / Tunisia / Uganda / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbabwe LIBRARY LOCATION: off.rätt.
URL http://www.rienner.com/viewbook.cfm?BOOKID=1360&search=local%20governance%20in%20africa |
57. | Comte, Francoise (ed.) : Environmental crime in Europe, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph series Environmental crime in Europe : rules of sanctions / Comte, Francoise (ed.) ; Krämer, Ludwig - (Avosetta series ; 5), xii, 234 p.. - Groningen : Europa Law Publishing, 2004. ISBN 90-76871-27-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Table of Contents:. Chapter 1 : Introductory Speech on Environmental Crime Margot Wallström. Chapter 2 : Crime environnemental en Europe – Règles de sanctions: Introduction générale Françoise Comte 1 Introduction 9 2 Crime environnemental:Violation du droit environnemental – Deux exemples 9 3 Analyse rapide des deux exemples 10 4 Interdiction du comportement dommageable à l ’environnement et sanction de ce comportement 11 5 Mise en œuvre des lois nationales 12 6 Conclusion. Chapter 3 : Protection of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora Willem Wijnstekers. Chapter 4: Ozone-depleting Substances:Facts and Figures Gilbert M.Bankobeza A Definition 27 B Causes of illegal trade 27 C Routes for illegal trade 30 D Substances traded illegally 32 E Latest action by the Meeting of the Parties 34 F Conclusions. Chapter 5 : Illegal Logging and the Illegal Trade in Forest and Timber Products Duncan Brack 1 Scale 39 2 Tackling the problem 41 3 Enhancing enforcement 42 4 Reducing supply 42 5 Reducing demand 44 6 Conclusion Chapter 6 : Les systèmes de sanctions en matière de criminalité environnementale Marcel Bayle I Différences dans les systèmes de sanctions 53 II Convergences proposées pour l ’effectivité des sanctions. Chapter 7 : La répression des infractions en matière de gestion des déchets Nicolas de Sadeleer I Diversité des approches réglementaires en ce qui concerne la répression des infractions dans le domaine de la gestion des déchets 65 1 Diversité des secteurs économiques et sociaux produisant des déchets 65 2 La définition mouvante de la notion de ‘déchet ’ 65 3 Le déchet,à la croisée des chemins des polices de protection du milieu 66 4 L ’émiettement des compétences en matière de déchets dans les Etats fédéraux 66 5 L ’éclatement du droit communautaire 66 6 Le droit pénal et l ’environnement,un droit en proie à l ’éclatement 67 II Observations sur les tendances du droit pénal des déchets en Europe 68 III Conclusion. Chapter 8 : The Extent of Organized Environmental Crime;A European Perspective Hans-Jörg Albrecht 1 Introduction:The increasing importance of environmental policies and environmental law 73 2 Extent of organized environmental crime 79 2.1 Research on environmental organized crime 79 2.2 Defining organized crime 81 2.3 Shadow economies and illegal markets for the environment 88 2.3.1 Estimates on the size of black environmental markets 88 2.3.2 Particulars of environmental markets 91 2.4 Overlapping bet ween environmental and organized crime – theoretical and empirical perspectives 92 2.4.1 Organized crime and subcultures 2.4.2 Enterprise crime 93 2.4.3 Organized crime and markets 94 2.5 Organized environmental crime,new wars and international terrorism 95 2.6 The extent and characteristics of environmental organized crime 95 3 Conclusions. Chapter 9 : Crime environnemental organisé;L ’exemple de l ’Italie Giuseppe Di Lello Finuoli. Chapter 10 : Thoughts on Corruption,Land-planning and House Construction in Spain Antonio Vercher Noguera I Introduction 113 II The Spanish case:The public powers and the land market 114 III The real situation of housing in Spain 115 III.a Causes related to private decisions 115 III.b Causes related to public decisions 117 IV Conclusion. Chapter 11 : Need for an Effective Application of Environmental Law Catherine Day. Chapter 12 : Liability and Sanctions,Criminal Liability in Hungary Gyula Bándi I System of liabilit y measures – criminal liabilit y 131 1 Framework 131 2 Administrative liabilit y 131 3 Direct interventions of public administrative organs 133 4 Civil liabilit y in a nutshell 133 5 Criminal liabilit y in Hungary 134 II The AURUL case – transboundary pollution from Romania to Hungary 137 chapter 13 L ’utilité de la procédure pénale au regard des problèmes environnementaux Corinne Lepage I La nécessité d ’un droit pénal effectif II S ’agissant du fonctionnement du droit et de la procédure pénale en France dans des affaires d ’environnement,de très grandes faiblesses sont malheureusement à observer 147 III En définitive,la nécessité d ’un droit pénal européen, première étape vers une juridiction pénale européenne, apparaît évidente. Chapter 14 : Application of Criminal Environmental Law in Germany Reiner-Jörg Hüper. Chapter 15 : Administrative Criminal Law Systems in Europe:An Asset for the Environment? Peter Pagh 1 The Danish initiative 164 2 What is the problem?164 3 Means of enforcement 166 4 The Danish experiences 169 4.1 Problems of implementation 169 4.2 How do Danish courts apply EC law?170 4.3 Criminal penalties 171 4.4 Administrative enforcement 172 4.5 Fair trial issues 173 4.6 Citizens ’ access to justice 174 4.7 The Danish lesson 174 5 Is criminal liabilit y an asset for the environment?175 6 EC regime on environmental crimes. Chapter 16 : Need for a Strengthening of Criminal Environmental Law?The Italian Case Gianfranco Amendola 1 General framework of environmental law and deregulation in Italy 181 2 Lack of application of environmental law,deregulation and decriminalization 183 3 Italy ’s deregulation through laws 185 a)Digging sites 185 b)The problem of Gela ’s petroleum coke (pet-coke)188 c)Decree-law No.138/2002 on the real interpretation of the definition of waste 190 4 Italy ’s deregulation in the name of ‘emergencies ’ 192 5 Italy ’s deregulation in criminal matters 194 6 Conclusion Chapter 17 : Approximation of European Criminal Legislation Günter Heine &Christoph Ringelmann 1 Introduction 201 2 Basic structures of the environmental criminal law in the member states 201 A.Development and structures 201 B.Finding 203 3 General guidelines for an approximation 205 A.Previous initiatives 205 B.Objectives 207 C.Areas 209 D.Open questions and options 209 1 Additional qualitative and substantial requirements?209 2 Criminal Law – linked with European or National Administrative Law?212 3 Groups of environmental perpetrators 213 a.Enterprises 213 b.Public official 214 4 Sanctions 215 5 Abuse of Law and transnational questions 215 4 Summary in 8 thesis. Chapter 18 : Criminal Sanctions for Environmental Offences in the Acceding Countries;Example of Poland Magdalena Bar I Introduction 219 II Study on criminal penalties for environmental offences in a few candidate countries 220 III Need of action at Communit y level. Chapter 19 : Criminal Environmental Law in Europe in the Future: Account of Proceedings Darren Abrahams 225 Contributors INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Italy / Hungary / Germany / Poland LIBRARY LOCATION: Off.rätt./Miljörätt |
58. | Report of the seminar ""Implementation of human rights: the efficiency of justice in the Council of Europe and its member states", 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Report of the seminar ""Implementation of human rights: the efficiency of justice in the Council of Europe and its member states" / ; Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, xii, 190 p.. - Leiden : NJCM, 2004. LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Foreword of the Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, B. Bot Plenary session Introductory address, by B. Bot A word of welcome, by I. Sewandono Introductory speech, by P. Holthuis Opening speech, by M. de Boer-Buquicchio Assessing the multitude of treaty instruments and enforcement mechanisms: tailor-made approach or unnecessary fragmentation and overlap? by M. Scheinin Judicial systems and human rights: lessons learned from the OSCE/ODIHR perspective, by C. Strohal Session 1: Increasing the efficiency of justice in the member states The role of the CEPEJ in promoting the efficiency of justice, by P. Albers Co-operation between national authorities and the Council of Europe: experiences in capacity building of the judiciary, by E. Myjer Interaction between the national judiciary and the European Court of Human Rights: subsidiarity, cooperation and supervision, by R. Lawson European human rights law in national and international practice: common experiences and differences, by N. Mole Session 2: Securing access to justice Legal aid: a pre-condition for an effective access to justice? by J.S. Mitchell The respective powers of the ombudsman and the courts, by B. Lenkovics The ombudsman institution, by R. Fernhout Corruption within the judiciary, by L. Besharaty-Movaed Session 3: the role of the institutions of the Council of Europe The experiences of NGOs in the Council of Europe system of human rights protection, by C. Cahn Inter-organisational cooperation in support of effective domestic implementation of international norms: reflections from practice, by J. Packer Chairman's conclusions, by C. Flinterman INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (MEETINGS): Seminar, the Hague, [20040419-20040420], [C] NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR-6; CRC; CERD; Framework convention for the protection of national minorities; ESC; |
59. | Tarr, G. Alan : Understanding state constitutions, 1998 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Understanding state constitutions / Tarr, G. Alan, 247 p.. - Princeton : Princeton U. P., 1998. ISBN 0-691-07066-0 LANGUAGE: ENG INDEX WORDS:
60. | Murray, Rachel : Human rights in Africa, 2004 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Human rights in Africa : from the OAU to the African Union / Murray, Rachel, viii, 349 p.. - Cambridge : Cambridge U. P., 2004. ISBN -521-83917-3 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Historical overview of human rights within the OAU/AU. 2. The relationship between the OAU/AU and the African Commission on human and peoples’ rights. 3. The link between human rights and Democracy. 4. The relationship between conflict and human rights. 5. Women and the OAU/AU. 6. Children’s rights in the OAU/AU. 7. Refugees and human rights. 8. Development, NEPAD and human rights. 9. Conclusion. Organization of African Unity; Appendix II. Constitutive Act of the African Union; Appendix III. African charter on human and peoples’ rights; Bibliography. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Burundi / Chad / Central Africa / Congo / Ethiopia / Guinea-Bissau / Ghana / Lesotho / Liberia / Libya / Malawi / Morocco / Mozambique / Niger / Nigeria / Palestine / Rhodesia / Rwanda / Somalia / South Africa / Sudan / Swaziland / Tanzania / Tunisia / Togo / Uganda / Zaire / Zambia / Zimbamwe / Sierra Leone NOTE (GENERAL): UDHR; ICESCR; Addis Ababa declaration; ICCP;
URL http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521839173 |