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Findoc: the search term indexes=('border control') results in 54 hits


31. Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) : The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs, 2009


The external dimension of EU justice and home affairs : governance, neighbours, security / Balzacq, Thierry (ed.) - (Palgrave studies in European Union politics), xii, 283 p.. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

ISBN 978-0-230-21977-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. The Frontiers of Governance: Understanding the External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs, by T.Balzacq. PART I: RECASTING INSTITUTIONS:. 2. The Genesis of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Alternative Narratives, Bureaucratic Competitions, by J.Jeandesboz. 3. ENP and EMP: The Geopolitics of 'Enlargement Lite', by A. Hadfield. PART II: REFRAMING GOVERNANCE:. 4. The EU as a Rule of Law Promoter in the ENP, by N.Wichmann. 5. The ENP and Political Conditionality: Double Standard in EU Democracy Promotion?, by E. Baracani. 6. The Mediterranean Dimension of EU's Internal Security, by S. Wolff. PART III: REDRAWING LINES:. 7. The ENP and Security: Creating New Dividing Lines in Europe?, by R. Zaiotti. 8. Very Remote Control: Policing the Outer Perimeter of the Eastern Neighbourhood, by I. Gatev. 9. 'Values vs. Security'?: A Human Security Perspective on the ENP, by S. Leonard.

* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* korruption = corruption = korruptio
* organiserad brottslighet = organized criminality = järjestäytynyt rikollisuus
* narkotikahandel = drug trafficking = huumekauppa
* Europeiska säkerhets- och försvarspolitiken (EFSP) = European security and defence policy (ESDP) = Euroopan turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikka (ETPP)
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* olaglig invandring = illegal immigration = laiton maahanmuutto
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi

NOTE (GENERAL): Schengen agreement; TFEU; ToA; Treaty of Lisbon; TEU;


URL http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=310647

32. Martenczuk, Bernd (ed.) : Justice, liberty, security, 2008


Justice, liberty, security : new challenges for EU external relations / Martenczuk, Bernd (ed.) ; Thiel, Servaas van - (Institute for European studies - publication series ; no. 11), 525 p.. - Brussels : VUBPRESS, 2008.

ISBN 978-90-5487-472-0



* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* EU = EU = EU
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* traktatkompetens = treaty-making competence = kelpoisuus solmia sopimuksia
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* anti-terrorism = anti-terrorism = antiterrorismi
* sanktioner = sanctions = pakotteet
* utlämning = extradition = luovuttaminen
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikoslaki
* ratificering = ratification = ratifiointi

NOTE (GENERAL): EC treaty, ToA; TEU; Schengen convention;


URL http://www.aspeditions.be/en-gb/book/JUSTIC605F/justice-liberty-security-new-challenges-for-eu-external-relations-bernd-martenczuk-servaas-van-thiel.htm

33. Acosta Arcarazo, Diego (ed.) : EU security and justice law after Lisbon and Stockholm, 2014


EU security and justice law after Lisbon and Stockholm / Acosta Arcarazo, Diego (ed.) ; Murphy, Cian - (Modern studies in European law), xxxiii, 211 p.. - Oxford : Hart publ., 2014.

ISBN 978-1-84946-422-2


ABSTRACT: 1. Rethinking Europe’s Freedom, Security and Justice, by Cian C Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo. 2. Justice and Home Affairs Law since the Treaty of Lisbon: A Fairy-Tale Ending?, by Steve Peers. 3. Constitutional Principles in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, by Ester Herlin-Karnell. 4. Institutions and Agencies: Government and Governance after Lisbon, by Jorrit Rijpma. 5. Fundamental Rights and Judicial Protection, by Theodore Konstadinides and Noreen O’Meara. 6. Citizenship of the European Union, by Stephen Coutts. 7. EU Criminal Law Competence after Lisbon: From Securitised to Functional Criminalisation, by Valsamis Mitsilegas. 8. EU Migration Law: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead, by Dora Kostakopoulou, Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Tine Munk. 9. Life After Lisbon: EU Asylum Policy as a Factor of Migration Control, by Violeta Moreno-Lax. 10. Counter-Terrorism Law and Policy: Operationalisation and Normalisation of Exceptional Law after the ‘War on Terror’, by Cian C Murphy. 11. External Relations Law: How the Outside Shapes the Inside, by Christina Eckes.

* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikoslaki
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* Frontex = Frontex (European Agency for the Coordination of Operational Cooperation at the External Border of the EU) = Frontex
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate

NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; Schengen agreement; TFEU; Palermo convention; Treaty of Lisbon; ToA;


URL http://www.hartpub.co.uk/BookDetails.aspx?ISBN=9781849464222

34. Holzhacker, Ronald L. (ed.) : Freedom, security and justice in the European Union, 2014


Freedom, security and justice in the European Union : internal and external dimensions of increased cooperation after the Lisbon Treaty / Holzhacker, Ronald L. (ed.) ; Luif, Paul, v, 146 p.. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2014.

ISBN 978-1-4614-7879-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS.. 1. Freedom, Security, and Justice: Intern- and Extern- alization in the EU and the Member States after the Lisbon Treaty. 2. New Parliamentary Practices in Justice and Home Affairs: Some Observations. 3. Non-Binding Peer Evaluation within an Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice. 4. Redefining the relationship between security, data retention and human rights. 5. The Externalization of undocumented migration controls as a threat for the EU’s constitutional commitment to fundamental human rights? 6. Prüm Treaty and Prüm decision. 7. The Interface between the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU: Legal Constraints to Political Objectives?

* EU = EU = EU
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = CFSP = YUTP
* Europarådet = Council of Europe = Euroopan Neuvosto
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* extraterritoriell behörighet = extraterritorial jurisdiction = ekstraterritoriaalisuus
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* utlänningar = aliens/non-citizens = ulkomaalaiset
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* Frontex = Frontex = Frontex
* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* det europeiska gränsövervakningssystemet = EUROSUR (European external border surveillance system) = Euroopan rajavalvontajärjestelmä
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* tolkning = interpretation = tulkinta
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* fingeravtryck = fingerprints = sormenjäljet

NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; Treaty of Lisbon; Schengen agreement; ECHR;


URL http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/political+science/book/978-1-4614-7878-2

35. Gortazar, Cristina (ed.) : European migration and asylum policies, 2012


European migration and asylum policies : coherence or contradiction : an interdisciplinary evaluation of the EU programmes of Tamepere (1999), the Hague (2004) and Stockholm (2009) / Gortazar, Cristina (ed.) ; Maria-Carolina Parra ; Barbara Segaert ; Christiane Timmerman, viii, 328 p.. - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2012.

ISBN 978-2-8027-3602-8


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Prologue, by Cristina Gorta´zar. INTRODUCTORY PART:. 1. From the society of contempt to the defilement of the rule of law : on European immigration policies, by Javier de Lucas. 2. Europe : a place to seek, to be granted, and to enjoy asylum?, by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill. 3. Sizing it up : labor migration lessons of the EU enlargement to 27, by Amelie F. Constant. 4. Harvest of loneliness? : Braceros in the American past, the politics of the present and lessons for the future, by Rube´n G. Rumbaut. PART ONE : RIGHT TO ASYLUM:. 1. The multifaceted role of law in the development of European asylum and migration policy, by Dirk Vanheule. 2. The external dimension of the common European asylum system after Stockholm : in need of a comprehensive approach to access international protection in the EU, by Violeta Moreno-Lax. 3. Court of Justice’s judgment on the exclusion clauses : hope for ex-KhAD/WAD members in the Netherlands, by Zarif Bahtiyar. 4. Asylum policy in new member states after the Schengen expansion : integration vs disappearance, by Irina Molodikova. 5. Asylum in Europe from a gender angle : an evaluation of the gender sensitivity of European and Belgian asylum politics, by Rilke Mahieu, Christiane Timmerman and Dirk Vanheule. 6. Remembering the forgotten : legal status of stateless persons under international law and EU law, by Tama´s Molna´r. 7. Protection against torture in Europe : are there exceptions?, by Irene Claro Quinta´ns. PART TWO: IRREGULAR MIGRATION AND BORDER CONTROLS:. 1. Encouraging legal migration and preventing irregular migration : coherence or contradiction?, by Katharina Eisele and Natasja Reslow. 2. Shifting the burden : the privatisation of migration control in the EU, by Anja Wiesbrock. 3. Human trafficking and protection for its victims under European law, by Valeria Ilareva. 4. Understanding the failures of domestic efforts against human trafficking : the Spanish case, by Mari´a Jose´ Castan~o Reyero. 5. The political design of migration control in Southern Europe, by Ana Mari´a Lo´pez-Sala. 6. The average detainee in the Slovenian detention centre, by Robin Schweiger. PART THREE : LEGAL MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION:. 1. European immigration and the path towards federalism : a new model for the new EU as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice?, by Sara Iglesias Sa´nchez. 2. Population trends, human capital development and the role of migrant workers in an ageing Europe, by Alessio Cangiano. 3. The impact of European migration policies on migration-related legislative activity in Maghreb countries : an overview of recent reforms, by Delphine Perrin. 4. Assisted return and reintegration : complex national policy domains or laggard responses in EU migration policy?, Jan Schneider. PART FOUR : DEVELOPMENT AID AND CO-DEVELOPMENT:. 1. The migration-development nexus : is the migration policy of the European Union coherent with its development policy?, by Carola Vogel. 2. Europe’s mobility partnerships with migrant-sending countries in the Global South : a view from Cape Verde, by Frederico Branda~o and Annelies Zoomers. 3. Development and labour migration in Central and Eastern Europe : comparative study of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, by Lucia Kurekova´. 4. Labour migration after the EU enlargement : an evaluation of Belgian policies, by Patrick Loobuyck.

* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* EU = EU = EU
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* offer = victims = uhrit
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* u-hjälp = development aid = kehitysapu
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* implementering = implementation = toteuttaminen
* arbete = labour = työ
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* skadestånd = compensation = vahingonkorvaus

NOTE (GENERAL): SEA; Lisbon treaty; UDHR; EU charter of fundamental rights;


URL http://en.bruylant.larciergroup.com/titres/126740_2/european-migration-and-asylum-policies-coherence-or-contradiction.html

36. Guild, Elspeth (ed.) : The reconceptualization of European Union citizenship, 2014


The reconceptualization of European Union citizenship / Guild, Elspeth (ed.) ; Gortazar Rotaeche, Cristina ; Kostakopoulou, Dora - (Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 33), xvii, 405 p.. - Leiden : Brill, 2014.

ISBN 978-04-25151-9


ABSTRACT: PART I: Identity and EU Citizenship:. 1. Identity, Member States Nationality and EU Citizenship Restitution of Former European Nationals v. Naturalisation of New European Residents?, by Cristina Gortázar Rotaeche. 2. The ‘Ethnicisation’ of European Citizenship: An Assessment of the Latest Roma Policy Controversies at EU Levels, by Sergio Carrera. 3. Nationality: The Missing Link between Citizenship of the European Union and European Migration Policy, by Sara Iglesias Sánchez. 4. Towards a Citizenship of the Association? On the Future of Non-discrimination, Preferential Treatment and the Standstill Clauses in the EU-Turkey Association Regime, by Annette Schrauwen and Thomas Vandamme. 5. Privileged Third Country Nationals and their Right to Free Movement and Residence to and in the EU Questions of Status and Competence, by Paula García Andrade. 6. Social Integration of Third Country Nationals and Spanish Nationality Law, by José María Rúiz de Huidobro. 7. Dealing with Loopholes in National and EU Citizenship: Spanish Nationality in the Case of Western Sahara, by Alberto Martín Pérez and Francisco Javier Moreno. PART II: Solidarity and EU Citizenship:. 1. Reverse Discrimination, Family Reunification and Union Citizens of Immigrant Origin, by Kees Groenendijk. 2. Does European Citizenship Blur the Borders of Solidarity?, by Elspeth Guild. 3. Directive 2004/38 and Access to Social Assistance Benefits, by Paul Minderhoud. 4. Social security coverage of non-active persons moving to another Member State, by Filip van Overmeiren, Eberhard Eichenhofer and Herwig Verschueren. PART III: Equality and EU Citizenship:. 1. Reverse Discrimination – A Belgian Perspective, by Valérie Verbist. 2. Citizenship of Rights and the Principle of the Highest Standard of Fundamental Rights’ Protection: Notes on the Melloni Case, by Alessandra Aparecida Souza Silveira. 3. Equality across the Legal Orders or Voiding EU Citizenship of Content, by Dimitry Kochenov. 4. The Charter of Fundamental Rights and EU citizenship The Link with EU Law Re-examined, by Jože Štrus and Nina Peršak. 5. European Citizenship: Toward Renationalization or Cosmopolitan Europe? by Espen E.H. Olsen. 6. Immigration Without Incorporation:EU Migration Policy in a Post-Citizenship Europe?, by Peo Hanseni.

* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* nationalitet = nationality = kansallisuus
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* icke-diskriminering = non-discrimination = syrjintäkielto
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Africa / Albania / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Denmark / Estonia / France / Germany / Hungary / Ireland / Italy / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Macedonia / Malta / Moldova / Monaco / Netherlands / Poland / Portugal / romania / Serbia / Slovak Republic / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / United Kingdom / Ukraine / Western Sahara

NOTE (GENERAL): CERD; EU charter of fundamental rights;


URL http://www.brill.com/products/book/reconceptualization-european-union-citizenship

37. Azoulai, Loic (ed.) : EU migration law, 2014


EU migration law : legal complexities and political rationales / Azoulai, Loic (ed.) ; de Vries, Karin - (The collected courses of the Academy of European law), xviii, 226 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U. P., 2014.

ISBN 978-0-19-870853-7


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction:Loïc Azoulai and Karin de Vries. 1: Helen Toner: The Lisbon Treaty and the Future of European Immigration and Asylum Law. 2: Christina Boswell: The Politics of Irregular Migration. 3: Bernd Martenczuk: Migration Policy and EU External Relations. 4: Seline Trevisanut: Which Borders for the EU Immigration Policy? Yardsticks of International Protection for EU Joint Borders Management. 5: Sergio Carrera: Integration of Immigrants in EU Law and Policy: Challenges to Rule of Law, Exceptions to Inclusion. 6: Thomas Spijkerboer: Analysing European Case-Law on Migration: Options for Critical Lawyers.

* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* Eurodac = Eurodac = Eurodac
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* globalisering = globalisation = globalisaatio
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* välfärdsstat = welfare state = hyvinvointivaltio
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = CFSP = YUTP

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Brazil / Canada / China / Denmark / France / Germany / Iceland / Ireland / Italy / Liechtenstein / Norway / Senegal / Spain / Turkey / United Kingdom / USA

NOTE (GENERAL): Dublin convention; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; Schengen convention; Lisbon treaty; TEU; ToA; Convention on the law of the sea;


URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198708537.do

38. Barnard, Catherine (ed.) : European Union law, 2014


European Union law / Barnard, Catherine (ed.) ; Peers, Steve, cviii, 814 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2014.

ISBN 978-0-19-968611-7


ABSTRACT: 1: Catherine Barnard & Steve Peers: Introduction. 2: Paul Craig: Development of the EU. 3: Steve Peers: The EU's political institutions. 4: Robert Schütze: Constitutionalism and the European Union. 5: Kieran St. C. Bradley: Legislating in the European Union. 6: Michal Bobek: The effects of EU law in the national legal systems. 7: Bruno de Witte: EU law: is it international law?. 8: Herwig C. H. Hofmann: General principles of EU law and EU administrative law. 9: Eleanor Spaventa: Fundamental rights in the European Union. 10: Albertina Albors-Llorens: Judicial protection before the Court of Justice of the European Union. 11: Jukka Snell: The internal market and the philosophies of market integration. 12: Peter Oliver & Martin Martinez Navarro: Free movement of goods. 13: Catherine Barnard: Free movement of natural persons. 14: Catherine Barnard with Jukka Snell: Free movement of legal persons and the provision of services. 15: Leo Flynn: Free movement of capital. 16: Niamh Nic Shuibhne: Exceptions to the free movement rules. 17: Alison Jones & Christopher Townley: Competition law. 18: Leigh Hancher & Wolf Sauter: Public services and EU law. 19: Alicia Hinarejos: Economic and monetary union. 20: Mia Rönnmar: Labour and equality law. 21: Tamara Hervey: EU health law. 22: Elisa Morgera: Environmental law. 23: Geraint Howells: European Union consumer law. 24: Geert De Baere: EU external action. 25: John R. Spencer: EU criminal law. 26: Steve Peers: Immigration and asylum.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* konstitutionalism = constitutionalism = valtiosääntöistäminen
* lagstiftning = legislation = lainsäädäntö
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* jämlikhet = equality = tasa-arvo
* hälsovård = health care = terveydenhoito
* miljörätt = environmental law = ympäristöoikeus
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = CFSP = YUTP
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin

NOTE (GENERAL): Aarhus convention; EC treaty; SEA; Treaty of Nice; Treaty of Lisbon; EU charter of fundamental rights; ECHR; Cartagena protocol; Rio declaration; Schengen convention; UDHR; Kyoto protocol; European convention on extradition; Framework convention on climate change;


URL http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199686117.do

39. Eisele, Katharina : The external dimension of the EU's migration policy, 2014


The external dimension of the EU's migration policy : different legal positions of third-country nationals in the EU : a comparative perspective / Eisele, Katharina - (Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 34 ), xvi, 540 p.. - Leiden : Brill, 2014.

ISBN 978-90-04-26524-0


ABSTRACT: Table of contents Part I: Introduction. Part II: EU External Relations and Migration Policy – The Historical Development of the External Dimensions. Part III: The Human Rights of Migrants: Legal Bases and Sources for EU Migration Law and Policy. Part IV: The Basis for Differential Treatment among Third-Country Nationals: EU Association Agreements and Cooperation Frameworks. Part V: The Legal Position of Third-Country Nationals: Entry, Employment and Residence Rights. Part VI: The Legal Position of Third-Country Nationas: Social Security Rights. Part VII: The Legal Position of Third-Country Nationals: Other Economic and Social Rights. Part VIII: Conclusions. Part IX: Schematic Overview of the Legal Position of Third-Country Nationals. Part X: Samenvatting. Part XI: Zusammenfassung. Part XII: Bibliography. Part XIII: EU Official Documents, Table of Cases and Index.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* mänskliga rättigheter = human rights = ihmisoikeudet
* utlänningar = aliens/non-citizens = ulkomaalaiset
* sysselsättning = employment = työllisyys
* fackföreningar = trade unions = ammattiyhdistykset
* jämlik behandling = equal treatment = tasa-arvoinen kohtelu
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* rösträtt = right to vote = äänioikeus
* socialskydd = social security = sosiaaliturva
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = CFSP = YUTP
* Frontex = Frontex = Frontex
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus

NOTE (GENERAL): ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; ICCPR; CERD; ICESCR; SEA; TEU; TFEU; UDHR;


URL http://www.brill.com/products/book/external-dimension-eus-migration-policy

40. Saul, Ben (ed.) : Research handbook on international law and terrorism, 2014


Research handbook on international law and terrorism / Saul, Ben (ed.) - ( Research handbooks in international law), xxxi, 797 .. - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2014.

ISBN 978-0-85793-880-0


ABSTRACT: PART I: NORMATIVE FRAMEWORKS:. 1. The Definition(s) of Terrorism in International Law, by Marcello Di Filippo. 2. Terrorism and Customary International Law, by Kai Ambos and Anina Timmermann. 3. Terrorism and the International Law of State Responsibility, by Kimberley Trapp. 4. Aviation and International Terrorism, by Juliet Atwell. 5. Maritime Terrorism in International Law, by Efthymios Papastavridis. 6. Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism in International Law, by David Fidler. 7. The International Law on Terrorist Financing, by Ilias Bantekas. 8. The International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, by Samuel Witten. 9. The Draft United Nations Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, by Amrith Rohan Perera. 10. Gender, Counter-Terrorism and International Law, by Jayne Huckerby. 11. Islam, Terrorism, and International Law, by Javaid Rehman. PART II: TERRORISM AND CONFLICT:. 12. Terrorism and the International Law on the Use of Force, by Michael Wood. 13. Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law, by Ben Saul. 14. Terrorism and the International Law of Occupation, by David Kretzmer. 15. Terrorism and Targeted Killings in International Law, by Emily Crawford. 16. Terrorism and Military Trials, by Detlev Vagts. 17. Terrorism, War Crimes and the International Criminal Court, by Roberta Arnold. 18. Terrorism and Self-Determination, by Elizabeth Chadwick. 19. Humanitarian Action, Development, and Terrorism, by Andrej Zwitter. PART III: TERRORISM AND HUMAN RIGHTS:. 20. International Human Rights Law and Terrorism: An Overview, by Helen Duffy. 21. Extraordinary Rendition, Counter-Terrorism, and International Law, by Silvia Borelli. 22. Torture and Counter-Terrorism, by Ben Saul and Mary Flanagan. 23. Counter-Terrorism Detention and International Human Rights Law, by Fiona de Londras. 24. Terrorism Prosecutions and the Right to a Fair Trial, by Clive Walker. 25. Terrorism and Freedom of Expression in International Law, by Yaël Ronen. 26. Terrorism, Surveillance and Privacy, by Simon Chesterman. 27. Terrorism and International Refugee Law, by Geoff Gilbert. 28. Terrorism and Migration Law, by Elspeth Guild. 29. Special Measures: Terrorism and Control Orders, by Andrew Lynch. 30. Judicial Supervision of Anti-Terrorism Laws in Comparative Democracies, by Craig Forcese. 31. Victims’ Redress Amidst Terrorism’s Changing Tactics and Strategies, by Ilaria Bottigliero and Lyal S Sunga. PART IV: TERRORISM AND THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM:. 32. The United Nations General Assembly and Terrorism, by Jane Boulden. 33. The Role of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre, by Marc Porret. 34. The Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Terrorism, Prevention Branch, by Marta Requena. 35. The United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Al-Qaida Sanctions Regime: Resolution 1267 and the 1267 Committee, by Lisa Ginsborg. 36. A Critical Assessment of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, by Luis Miguel Hinojosa-Martínez. 37. The United Nations Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Prosecuting Terrorism, by Guénaël Mettraux. 38. Challenges in United Nations Counter-Terrorism Coordination, by James Cockayne. PART V: TERRORISM AND REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS:. 39. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the European Union and Council of Europe, by Cian Murphy. 40. The Legal Response of the Organisation of American States in Combating Terrorism, by Mirko Sossai. 41. The Legal Response to Terrorism of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, by Katja Samuel. 42. Counter-Terrorism and Pan-Africanism: From Non-action to Non-indifference, by Martin A. Ewi and Anton Du Plessis. 43. Regional Legal Responses to Terrorism in Asia and the Pacific, by Rohan Gunaratna and Gloria Cheung.

* Afrikanska Unionen = African Union = Afrikan Unioni
* väpnad konflikt = armed conflict = aseellinen selkkaus
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* terrorism = terrorism = terrorismi
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* kolonialism = colonialism = kolonialismi
* antiterrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* brott mot mänskligheten = crimes against humanity = rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan
* strafflag = criminal law = rikoslaki
* sedvanerätt = customary law = tapaoikeus
* europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna = European Court of Human Rights = Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin
* yttrandefrihet = freedom of expression = ilmaisuvapaus
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* folkmord = genocide = kansanmurha
* humanitär rätt = humanitarian law = humanitaarinen oikeus
* internationella brottmålsdomstolen = international criminal court (ICC) = kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin
* islam = Islam = islaminusko
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* respekt för privatliv = respect for private life = yksityiselämän kunnioittaminen
* självförsvar = self-defence = itsepuolustus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* självbestämmanderätt = self-determination = itsemääräämisoikeus
* Specialdomstolen för Sierra Leone = Special Court for Sierra Leone = Sierra Leonen erityistuomioistuin
* Tribunalen för Libanon = Special Tribunal for Lebanon = Libanonin erityistuomioistuin
* tortyr = torture = kidutus
* användning av maktmedel = use of force = voimakeinojen käyttö
* offer = victims = uhrit
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset
* massförstörelsevapen = weapons of mass destruction (=WMD) = joukkotuhoaseet
* sjöröveri = piracy = piratismi
* krigsförbrytelser = war crimes = sotarikokset

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Afghanistan / Canada / Colombia / Congo / Cuba / Ecuador / France / Germany / India / Israel / Japan / Kenya / Lebanon / Libya / Mexico / Nepal / New Zealand / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Portugal / Saudi Arabia / Rwanda / Russian Federation / Sierra Leone / Singapore / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Syria / Turkey / Uganda / Yemen

NOTE (GENERAL): ACHPR; AMR; Convention against the taking of hostages; CAT; Convention against transnational organized crime; ICC statute; Convention on the law of the sea; CRC; Migrant workers convention; Refugee convention; ECHR; European convention on the suppression of terrorism; Geneva conventions; ICCPR; CAT; UN charter-chap. VII; UDHR; Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam;


SHELF CODE: Inst.ref.

41. O'Neill, Maria (ed.) : New challenges for the EU internal security strategy, 2013


New challenges for the EU internal security strategy / O'Neill, Maria (ed.) ; Swinton, Ken (ed.) ; Winter, Aaron (ed.), x, 291 p.. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

ISBN 978-1-4438-4477-2


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Maria O'Neill and Aaron Winter: New challenges for the EU internal security strategy: an introduction and overview. 2. Artur Gruszczak: EU intelligence-led policing: the case of counter-terrorism cooperation. 3. Angela Carpenter: Security and Europe's sea ports: threats and issues facing maritime getaways to Europe. 4. Yarin Eski and Angela Carpenter: Policing in EU seaports: impact of the ISPS code on port security post 9/11. 5. Ludo Block: International cooperation in private investigation of economic crime in the EU: exploring relevant issues. 6. Ken Swinton: Non conviction based asset recovery: lessons to be derived from the UK experience of civil recovery regime for the proposed directive on the freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime in the EU. 7. Alex Balch and Glynn Rankin: Assessing the impact of EU strategies post-Stockholm on UK policing of human trafficking. 8. Maria O'Neill: Trafficking in human beings and the European neighbourhood policy: new challenges for the EU justice and law enforcement framework. 9. Daniela Irrera: The externalisation of the EU internal security strategy in the framework of multilateralism: the case of the fight against transnational organised crime. 10. Francesca Longo: The externalisation of the EU internal security strategy in the framework of multilateralism: the case of security sector reform. 11. Saskia Hufnagel: European police cooperation frameworks: a model for Australian intergovernmental coordination?.

* EU = EU = EU
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* penningtvätt = money laundering = rahanpesu
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* det europeiska gränsövervakningssystemet = EUROSUR (European external border surveillance system) = Euroopan rajavalvontajärjestelmä
* transnationell straffrätt = transnational criminal law = ylikansallinen rikosoikeus
* organiserad brottslighet = organized criminality = järjestäytynyt rikollisuus
* gemensam utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik = common foreign and security policy (CFSP) = yhteinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka


42. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (ed.) : The Oxford handbook of refugee & forced migration studies, 2014


The Oxford handbook of refugee & forced migration studies / Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena (ed.) ; Loescher, Gil (ed.) ; Long, Katy (ed.) ; Sigona, Nando (ed.), 747 p.. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014.

ISBN 978-0-19-965243-3


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long and Nando Sigona: Introduction: Refugee and forced migration studies in transition. 2. Jérôme Elie: Histories of refugee and forced migration studies. 3. Guy S. Goodwin-Gill: The international law of refugee protection. 4. Matthew J. Gibney: Political theory, ethics, and forced migration. 5. Alexander Betts: International relations and forced migration. 6. Dawn Chatty: Anthropology and forced migration. 7. Finn Stepputat and Ninna Nyberg-Soerensen: Sociology and forced migration. 8. Karen Jacobsen: Livelihoods and forced migration. 9. Michael Collyer: Geographies of forced migration. 10. Oliver Bakewell: Encampment and self-settlement. 11. Loren B. Landau: Urban refugees and IDPs. 12. James Milner: Protracted refugee situations. 13. Walter Kälin: Internal displacement. 14. Nicholas Van Hear: Refugees, diasporas, and transnationalism. 15. Stephan Scheel and Vicki Squire: Forced migrants as 'illegal' migrants. 16. Jane McAdam: Human rights and forced migration. 17. Gil Loescher: UNHCR and forced migration. 18. Susan Akram: UNRWA and Palestinian refugees. 19. Michael Barnett: Refugees and humanitarianism. 20. Randall Hansen: State controls: borders, refugees, and citizenship. 21. Anne Hammerstad: The securitization of forced migration. 22. Volker Türk and Rebecca Dowd: Protection gaps. 23. Alice Edwards and Laura van Waas: Statelessness. 24. Simon Russell and Vicky Tennant: Humanitarian reform: from coordination to clusters. 25. Sarah Kenton Lischer: Conflict and crisis induced displacement. 26. Christopher McDowell: Development created population displacement. 27. Roger Zetter and James Morrissey: The environment-mobility nexus: reconceptualizing the links between environmental stress, (im)mobility, and power. 28. Bridget Anderson: Trafficking. 29. Nando Sigona: The politics of refugee voices: representation, narratives, and memories. 30. Jason Haart: Children and forced migration. 31. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh: Gender and forced migration. 32. Claudio Bolzman: Older refugees. 33. Marsha Mirza: Disability and forced migration. 34. Alastair Ager: Health and forced migration. 35. David Hollenbach, SJ: Religion and forced migration. 36. Terence Wright: The media and representation of refugees and other forced migrants. 37. Katy Long: Rethinking 'durable' solutions. 38. Lucy Hovil: Local integration. 39. Laura Hammond: 'Voluntary' repatriation and reintegration. 40. Joanne van Selm: Refugee resettlement. 41. Martin Gottwald: Burden sharing and refugee protection. 42. Marion Fresia: Forced migration in West Africa. 43. Jonathan Crush and Abel Chikanda: Forced migration in Southern Africa. 44. Gaim Kibreab: Forced migration in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa. 45. Sari Hanafi: Forced migration in the Middle East and North Africa. 46. Alessandro Monsutti and Bayram Balci: Forced migration in broader Central Asia. 47. Paula Banarjee: Forced migration in South Asia. 48. Kirsten McConnachie: Forced migration in South-East Asia and East Asia. 49. Anne McNevin: Forced migration in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. 50. José H. Fischel de Andrade: Forced migration in South America. 51. Megan Bradley: Forced migration in Central America and the Caribbean: cooperation and challenges. 52. Susan F. Martin: Forced migration in North America. 53. Roland Bank: Forced migration in Europe.

* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* påtvingad migration = forced migration = pakotettu siirtolaisuus
* internflyktingar = internally displaced persons = maan sisäiset pakolaiset
* återflyttning = repatriation = paluumuutto
* illegala invandrare = illegal immigrants = laittomat maahanmuuttajat
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* palestinier = Palestinians = palestiinalaiset
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* statslösa personer = stateless persons = valtiottomat henkilöt
* miljöflyktingar = environmental refugees = ympäristöpakolaiset
* omflyttning = resettlement = jälleenasutus
* människohandel = trafficking in persons = ihmiskauppa
* flyktingbarn = refugee children = pakolaislapset
* handikappade = disabled persons = vammaiset
* kön = gender = sukupuoli
* religion = religion = uskonto
* integration = integration = integraatio
* delade bördor = burden-sharing = taakan jakaminen


SHELF CODE: Inst.ref.

43. Trauner, Florian (ed.) : Policy change in the area of freedom, security and justice, 2015


Policy change in the area of freedom, security and justice : How EU institutions matter / Trauner, Florian (ed.) ; Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (ed.), xv, 248 p. - London : Routledge, 2015.

ISBN 978-1-138-78750-6


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Jörg Monar: Setting the context: why EU institutions matter in justice and home affairs. 2. Florian Trauner and Ariadna Ripoll Servent: The analytical framework: EU institutions, policy change and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. 3. Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Florian Trauner: Asylum: limited policy change due to new norms of institutional behaviour. 4. Roderick Parkes: Borders: EU institutions fail to reconcile their agendas despite communitarisation. 5. Andrew Geddes: Migration: differential institutionalisation and its effects. 6. Alex Mackenzie, Christian Kaunert and Sarah Leonard: Counter-terrorism: supranational EU institutions seizing windows of opportunity. 7. Monica Den Boer: Police cooperation: a reluctant dance with the supranational EU institutions. 8. Valsamis Mitsilegas and Niovi Vavoula: Criminal law: institutional rebalancing and judicialisation as drivers of policy change. 9. Dora Kostakopoulou: Citizenship and integration: contiguity, contagion and evolution. 10. Paul De Bert and Vagelis Papakonstantinou: Data protection: the EU institutions' battle over data processing vs individual rights. 11. Eva Storskrubb: Civil justice: the contested nature of the scope of EU legislation. 12. Florian Trauner and Sandra Lavenex: A comparative view: understanding and explaining policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

* EU = EU = EU
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* counter-terrorism = counter-terrorism = terrorismin vastainen toiminta
* dataskydd = data protection = tietosuoja
* EU-institutioner = EU-institutions = EU-laitokset
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* Europol = Europol = Europol
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* juridiskt samarbete = judicial co-operation = oikeudellinen yhteistyö


44. Peers, Steve (ed.) : EU immigration and asylum law, 2015


EU immigration and asylum law : volume 3: EU asylum law / Peers, Steve (ed.) ; Moreno-Lax, Violeta (ed.) ; Garlick, Madelina (ed.) ; Guild, Elspeth (ed.). - 2nd rev. ed.. - (Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe ; vol. 29), 673 p. - Leiden : Brill, 2015.

ISBN 978-90-04-22224-3


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Overview. 2. Institutional framework. 3. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and immigration and asylum law. 4. Qualification: refugee status and subsidiary protection. 5. Asylum procedures. 6. The Dublin III regulation. 7. Eurodac. 8. Reception conditions. 9. Temporary protection. 10. External dimension.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* flyktingstatus = refugee status = pakolaisen (oikeus)asema
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* gemensamt europeiskt asylsystem = Common European Asylum System (CEAS) = yhteinen eurooppalainen turvapaikkajärjestelmä

NOTE (GENERAL): EU charter of fundamental rights; Treaty of Lisbon; TFEU; Dublin convention; ECHR


45. Mitsilegas, Valsamis : The criminalisation of migration in Europe, 2015


The criminalisation of migration in Europe : challenges for human rights and the rule of law / Mitsilegas, Valsamis - (Springer briefs in law), ix, 110 p. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2015.

ISBN 978-3-319-12657-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Conceptualising the criminalisation of migration. 2. Before entry: criminalisation as prevention. 3. In the territory: the use of substantive criminal law to regulate the presence of migrants. 4. After entry: criminalisation as risk management, detention and removal. 5. Decriminalising migration in EU law: upholding human rights and the rule of law after Lisbon.

* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* EU = EU = EU
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* det europeiska gränsövervakningssystemet = EUROSUR (European external border surveillance system) = Euroopan rajavalvontajärjestelmä
* straffrätt = criminal law = rikosoikeus
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat


46. Baxewanos, Fabiane : Defending refugee rights, 2015


Defending refugee rights : international law and Europe's offshored immigration control / Baxewanos, Fabiane, 136 p. - Vienna : NWV, 2015.

ISBN 978-3-7083-0995-8


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Theoretical considerations. 3. Extraterritorial immigration control. 4. Defining and defending non-refoulement. 5. Conclusion.

* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* suveränitet = sovereignty = suvereniteetti
* EU = EU = EU

47. Mungianu, Roberta : Frontex and non-refoulement, 2016


Frontex and non-refoulement : the international responsibility of the EU / Mungianu, Roberta - (Cambridge studies in European law and policy), 251 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016.

ISBN 978-1-107-13357-0


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 1.1. Frontex Border Agency in an EU legal and political setting. 1.2. Aim and scope. 1.3. Structure of the book. 2. At the external borders of the EU. 2.1. Intergovernmentalism and supranationalisation. 2.2. The EU power to develop a common policy on external border control. 2.3. Conclusions. 3. Frontex Border Agency: contradiction and complexity. 3.1. Setting the scene. 3.2. Preliminary observations on Frontex's structure. 3.3. Joint operations and pilot projects at the external borders. 3.4. European Border Guard Teams (EBGTs). 3.5. Conclusions. 4. The international responsibility of the EU and its member states in Frontex's joint operations. 4.1. Objectives and structure. 4.2. Background to the international responsibility of the EU and its member states. 4.3. The constitutive elements of an internationally wrongful act. 4.4. 'Derivative responsibility' of the EU and its member states. 4.5. Conclusions. 5. The principle of non-refoulement in the EU legal setting. 5.1. The interconnection of international law and EU law sources. 5.2. Obligations of non-refoulement which bind the EU and its member states directly under international law. 5.3. Obligations of non-refoulement which bind the EU and its member states within the EU legal order. 5.4. Conclusions. 6. Exploring the legal standing of protection: the ratione loci application of the principle of non-refoulement. 6.1. Introduction. 6.2. A matter of international law. 6.3. A matter of EU law. 6.4. Conclusions. 7. Frontex saving lives at sea. 7.1. Interaction of protection regimes. 7.2. Search and rescue at sea. 7.3. Interaction with the principle of non-refoulement. 7.4. EU sea external borders regulation. 7.5. Greater involvement for Frontex in search and rescue operations? 7.6. Conclusions. 8. The EU, Frontex and non-refoulement: constructing scenarios. 8.1. Potential triggers of EU and member state responsibility. 8.2. Joint operations at sea. 8.3. Joint operations on land. 8.4. Conclusions. 9. General conclusions. 9.1. The process of embedding the EU/Frontex's border control and surveillance in a fundamental rights milieu. 9.2. The contribution of this study.

* EU = EU = EU
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* statsansvar = state responsibility = valtiovastuu
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet

NOTE (GENERAL): TFEU; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights; Refugee convention; ICCPR

48. den Hertog, Leonhard : The rule of law in the external dimension of EU migration and asylum policy, 2014


The rule of law in the external dimension of EU migration and asylum policy : organisational dynamics between legitimation and constraint / den Hertog, Leonhard, 287 p. - Oisterwijk : Wolf Legal Publishers, 2014.

ISBN 9789462401815


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction: background, rationale and research question. 1.1. The external dimension of EU migration and asylum policy. 1.2. The study's rationale. 1.3. Research question. 1.4. Overview of chapters. 2. Conceptual and theoretical framework. 2.1. Conceptualising the rule of law in the EU. 2.2. Migration policy and the role of norms. 2.3. In search of an adequate theoretical framework. 2.4. Improvement offered by the selected framework. 3. Research design. 3.1. Variables and hypotheses. 3.2. Case selection. 3.3. Methodology. 3.4. Indicators. 3.5. Methodological trustworthiness. 4. Exploring the organisations. 4.1. Commission DG Home Affairs. 4.2. EU Border Agency Frontex. 4.3. The European External Action Service. 4.4. Relationships between DH Home, Frontex and the EEAS. 5. A demanding environment. 5.1. Member states and the Council. 5.2. Third states. 5.3. The European Parliament. 5.4. Commission DG Development and Cooperation: EuropeAid. 5.5. Non-governmental organisations and international organisations. 5.6. Courts. 5.7. Overall picture: the organisational field. 6. Challenges and opportunities for rule of law adherence. 6.1. Cross-cutting challenges to rule of law adherence. 6.2. Cross-cutting opportunities for rule of law adherence. 6.3. Conclusions. 7. The complexities of organisational outputs: decoupling and reinterpretation. 7.1. DG Home. 7.2. Frontex. 7.3. The EEAS. 7.4. Conclusions. 8. The role of the rule of law in the external dimension. 8.1. Major findings. 8.2. Implications for theory-building and further research.

* EU = EU = EU
* rättsstatsprincip = rule of law = oikeusvaltioperiaate
* migration = migration = siirtolaisuus
* asyl = asylum = turvapaikka
* EU-institutioner = EU-institutions = EU-laitokset
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus

49. Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas (ed.) : Human rights and the dark side of globalisation, 2017


Human rights and the dark side of globalisation : transnational law enforcement and migration control / Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas (ed.) ; Vedsted-Hansen, Jens (ed.), 365 p. - London : Routledge, 2017.

ISBN 978-1-138-22223-6


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen and Jens Vedsted-Hansen: Introduction: human rights in an age of international cooperation. 1. André Nollkaemper: Shared responsibility for human rights violations: a relational account. 2. Marko Milanovic: Extraterritoriality and human rights: prospects and challenges. 3. Peter Vedel Kessing: Transnational operations carried out from a state's own territory: armed drones and the extraterritorial effect of international human rights conventions. 4. Mark Gibney: NSA surveillance and its meaning for international human rights law. 5. Douglas Guilfoyle: Jurisdiction at sea: migrant interdiction and the transnational security state. 6. Birgit Feldtmann: Counter-piracy: navigating the cloudy waters of international law, domestic law and human rights. 7. Efthymios Papastavridis: Rescuing migrants at sea and the law of international responsibility. 8. Fabiane Baxewanos: Relinking power and responsibility in extraterritorial immigration control: the case of immigration liaison officers. 9. Nikolas Feith Tan: State responsibility and migration control: Australia's international deterrence model. 10. Maïté Fernandez: Multi-stakeholder operations of border control coordinated at the EU level and the allocation of international responsibility. 11. Melanie Fink: A 'blind spot' in the framework of international responsibility? Third-party responsibility for human rights violations: the case of Frontex. 12. Niels W. Frenzen: The legality of Frontex Operation Hera-type migration control practices in light of the Hirsi judgment. 13. Elspeth Guild: The dark side of globalization: do EU border controls contribute to death in the Mediterranean?. 14. Julian M. Lehmann: 'Outsourcing' protection and the transnational relevance of protection elsewhere: the case of UNHCR.

* verkställande = enforcement = voimaansaattaminen
* brott mot mänskliga rättigheter = human rights violations = ihmisoikeusloukkaukset
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus
* extraterritorial tillämpning = extraterritorial application = ekstraterritoriaalinen (lain) soveltaminen
* statsansvar = state responsibility = valtiovastuu
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* EU = EU = EU
* globalt ledarskap = global governance = globaalihallinto
* gränskontroll = border control = rajavalvonta


50. Ghezelbash, Daniel : Refuge lost, 2018


Refuge lost : asylum law in an interdependent world / Ghezelbash, Daniel, 207 p. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2018.

ISBN 978-1-108-44141-4


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. Managing asylum-seeker flows in the twenty-first century. 3. Long-term mandatory immigration detention. 4. Maritime interdiction. 5. Extraterritorial processing. 6. International law. 7. Lessons for other jurisdictions

* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* anhållande = detention = pidättäminen
* gränskontroll = border control = rajavalvonta
* rättsfall/rättspraxis = cases/case law = oikeustapaukset/oikeuskäytäntö

GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Australia / United States

51. Moreno-Lax, Violeta : Accessing asylum in Europe, 2017


Accessing asylum in Europe : extraterritorial border controls and refugee rights under EU law / Moreno-Lax, Violeta - (Oxford studies in European law), 550 p. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017.

ISBN 978-0-19-870100-2


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction: EU pre-border controls and protection seeker flows. 2. Chronology and conceptualization of 'integrated border management': the 'embodied border' paradigm. 3. The Schengen Borders Code: securitized admission criteria as the centrepiece of integrated border management -- instilling ambiguity. 4. Common visa policy: bordering from abroad -- applying admission criteria before departure. 5. Carrier sanctions and ILOs: anticipated enforcement of visa requirements through 'imperfect delegation' -- diverting flows, entrenching unsafety. 6. Frontex: joint maritime interdiction of undifferentiated flows -- operationalizing pre-emptive controls. 7. The fundamental rights acquis: an 'integrative approach' to interpretation -- the 'aggregate standards' model. 8. EU non-refoulement: (the irrelevance of) territoriality and pre-border controls. 9. The EU right to asylum: an individual entitlement to (access) international protection. 10. Remedies, procedural guarantees (and the unavoidability of admission to territory). Conclusions: taking EU protection seeker rights seriously.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* gränskontroll = border control = rajavalvonta
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* återsändningsförbud = non-refoulement principle = palautuskielto
* det europeiska gränsövervakningssystemet = EUROSUR (European external border surveillance system) = Euroopan rajavalvontajärjestelmä
* grundläggande rättigheter = fundamental rights = perusoikeudet
* asylrätt = right to asylum = turvapaikkaoikeus
* effektiva rättsmedel = effective remedy = tehokas oikeussuojakeino

NOTE (GENERAL): Refugee convention; ECHR; EU charter of fundamental rights

52. Heschl, Lisa : Protecting the rights of refugees beyond European borders, 2018


Protecting the rights of refugees beyond European borders : establishing extraterritorial legal responsibilities / Heschl, Lisa, 255 p. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2018.

ISBN 978-1-78068-614-1


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Introduction. 2. The external dimension of the European migration and asylum policy. 3. Extraterritorial immigration control measures by EU member states. 4. Extraterritorial immigration control measures by Frontex. 5. Summary of findings and conclusions.

* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* flyktingar = refugees = pakolaiset
* EU = EU = EU
* gemensamt europeiskt asylsystem = Common European Asylum System (CEAS) = yhteinen eurooppalainen turvapaikkajärjestelmä
* jurisdiktion = jurisdiction = toimivalta
* staternas förpliktelser = obligations of states = valtioiden velvollisuudet
* gränskontroll = border control = rajavalvonta
* ansvarighet = accountability = vastuullisuus

53. Menezes Queiroz, Benedita : Illegally staying in the EU, 2018


Illegally staying in the EU : an analysis of illegality in EU migration law / Menezes Queiroz, Benedita, xviii; 207 p. - Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2018.

ISBN 978-1-50991-287-2


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. Introduction. 1. 'What part of illegality don't you understand?': illegality in EU migration law. 2. The case of unlawfully-staying EU citizens. 3. Non-removable migrants in the EU. 4. The potential effects of information technology vis-à-vis illegality. 5. Access to legality in the EU: an instrumental or corrective mechanism?. Conclusions.

* EU = EU = EU
* EU-rätt = EU law = EU-oikeus
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto
* irreguljära invandrare = irregular immigration = laittomat maahanmuuttajat
* medborgarskap = citizenship (EU) = kansalaisuus
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus

54. Kallio, Heikki (toim.) : Ulkomaalaisoikeus, 2018


Ulkomaalaisoikeus / Kallio, Heikki (toim.) ; Kotkas, Toomas (toim.) ; Palander, Jaana (toim.), xxi, 646 p. - Helsinki : Alma Talent, 2018.

ISBN 978-952-14-3131-9


ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Jaana Palander: Ulkomaalaisoikeuden sääntelyjärjestelmä. 2. Ulla Väätänen: Ennakollinen oikeusturva ulkomaalaisasioissa. 3. Heikki Kallio: Maahantulo ja maassa oleskelu. 4. Heikki Kallio: Ulkomaalaisen oikeus työntekoon. 5. Jaana Palander ja Jaakko Hyytiä: Opiskelijan oleskelulupa ja ulkomaalaisen opiskelijan oikeudet. 6. Juha Similä: Kansainvälinen suojelu. 7. Jaana Palander: Perheenyhdistäminen ja perhe-elämän suoja. 8. Suvianna Hakalehto ja Katariina Sovela: Lapsen etu ja sen ensisijaisuus ulkomaalaisasioita koskevassa päätöksenteossa. 9. Heikki Kallio: Maasta poistaminen. 10. Kati Korsman ja Mirjami Paso: Muutoksenhaku ulkomaalaisasioissa. 11. Toomas Kotkas: Ulkomaalaisten oikeus toimeentuloturvaan Suomessa. 12. Eeva Nykänen: Ulkomaalaisen oikeus sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluihin.

* utlänningar = aliens/non-citizens = ulkomaalaiset
* utlänningslag = alien's act = ulkomaalaislaki
* god förvaltning = good governance = hyvä hallinto
* gränskontroll = border control = rajatarkastus
* uppehållstillstånd = permission to stay = oleskelulupa
* arbete = labour = työ
* studenter = students = opiskelijat
* internationellt skydd = international protection = kansainvälinen suojelu
* asylsökande = asylum seekers = turvapaikanhakijat
* familjeåterförening = family reunification = perheen yhdistäminen
* respekt för familjeliv = respect for family life = perhe-elämän kunnioittaminen
* rörelsefrihet = freedom of movement = liikkumisvapaus
* barnets bästa = best interest of the child = lapsen etu
* utvisning = expulsion = maastakarkotus
* rätt till domstolsprövning = access to court = oikeus tuomioistuinmenettelyyn
* sociala rättigheter = social rights = sosiaaliset oikeudet
* invandring = immigration = maahanmuutto

