31. | Boister, Neil : An introduction to transnational criminal law, 2012 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph An introduction to transnational criminal law / Boister, Neil, xlix, 301 p.. - Oxford : Oxford U.P., 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-960539-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: Part A: Introduction:. 1: What is Transnational Crime?. 2: What is Transnational Criminal Law?. PART B: Crimes:. 3: Piracy and Modern Maritime Offences. 4: Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Migrant Smuggling. 5: Drug Trafficking. 6: Terrorism. 7: Transnational Organised Crime. 8: Corruption. 9: Money Laundering. 10: Emerging Transnational Crimes. 11: General Part of Transnational Crime. PART C: Enforcement:. 12: Jurisdiction. 13: International Law Enforcement Cooperation. 14: International Law Enforcement Cooperation at Sea. 15: The Anti-Money Laundering Regime. 16: Legal Assistance. 17: Legal Assistance in Asset Recovery. 18: Extradition of Transnational Criminals. PART D: Conclusion:. 19: Implementation. 20: Towards Transnational Criminal Justice. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Argentina / Australia / Austria / Belgium / Brazil / Canada / Chile / China / Colombia / Costa Rica / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Fiji / France / Germany / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Kenya / Lesotho / Netherlands / New Zealand / poland / Singapore / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / United Kingdom / USA |
32. | O'Neill, Maria (ed.) : New challenges for the EU internal security strategy, 2013 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph New challenges for the EU internal security strategy / O'Neill, Maria (ed.) ; Swinton, Ken (ed.) ; Winter, Aaron (ed.), x, 291 p.. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4438-4477-2 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Maria O'Neill and Aaron Winter: New challenges for the EU internal security strategy: an introduction and overview. 2. Artur Gruszczak: EU intelligence-led policing: the case of counter-terrorism cooperation. 3. Angela Carpenter: Security and Europe's sea ports: threats and issues facing maritime getaways to Europe. 4. Yarin Eski and Angela Carpenter: Policing in EU seaports: impact of the ISPS code on port security post 9/11. 5. Ludo Block: International cooperation in private investigation of economic crime in the EU: exploring relevant issues. 6. Ken Swinton: Non conviction based asset recovery: lessons to be derived from the UK experience of civil recovery regime for the proposed directive on the freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime in the EU. 7. Alex Balch and Glynn Rankin: Assessing the impact of EU strategies post-Stockholm on UK policing of human trafficking. 8. Maria O'Neill: Trafficking in human beings and the European neighbourhood policy: new challenges for the EU justice and law enforcement framework. 9. Daniela Irrera: The externalisation of the EU internal security strategy in the framework of multilateralism: the case of the fight against transnational organised crime. 10. Francesca Longo: The externalisation of the EU internal security strategy in the framework of multilateralism: the case of security sector reform. 11. Saskia Hufnagel: European police cooperation frameworks: a model for Australian intergovernmental coordination?. INDEX WORDS:
33. | Kimpimäki, Minna : Kansainvälinen rikosoikeus, 2015 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Kansainvälinen rikosoikeus / Kimpimäki, Minna, 686 p. - Helsinki : Kauppakamari, 2015. ISBN 978-952-246-340-1 LANGUAGE: FIN ABSTRACT: JOHDANTO:. 1. Rikosoikeuden kansainvälistyminen ja eurooppalaistuminen. 2. Kansainvälisten rikosten lajit. 3. Kansainväliset rikokset Suomen rikoslainsäädännössä. 4. Teoksen rakenne. KANSAINVÄLISET RIKOKSET. A. KANSAINVÄLISEN RIKOSTUOMIOISTUIMEN TOIMIVALTAAN KUULUVAT RIKOKSET. 1. Sotarikokset. 2. Rikokset ihmisyyttä vastaan. 3. Joukkotuhonta. 4. Hyökkäysrikos. B. VAKAVAT IHMISOIKEUSLOUKKAUKSET. 1. Rotusyrjintä, rotuerottelu ja rasismi. 2. Kidutus. 3. Tahdonvastainen katoaminen. 4. Seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö, pornografia ja naisiin kohdistuva väkivalta. C. TERRORISMI. 1. Ilmaliikenteeseen kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 2. Meriliikenteeseen kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 3. Kansainvälisesti suojeltuihin henkilöihin kohdistuvat laittomat teot. 4. Panttivangiksi ottaminen. 5. Terroristiset pommi-iskut ja ydinräjähderikokset. 6. Terrorismin rahoittaminen. 7. Terroristisessa tarkoituksessa tehdyt rikokset ja terroristiryhmiin liittyvät rikokset. D. JÄRJESTÄYTYNYT RIKOLLISUUS. 1. Huumausainerikokset. 2. Rahanväärennys ja maksuvälinepetokset. 3. Rahanpesu. 4. Korruptio. 5. Ihmiskauppa ja pakkotyö. 6. Maahanmuuttajien salakuljetus. 7. Tietoverkkorikokset. 8. Järjestäytyneen rikollisryhmän toimintaan osallistuminen. VASTUUSEEN SAATTAMISEN MUODOT. A. KANSAINVÄLISET RIKOSTUOMIOISTUIMET. 1. Ad hoc-tuomioistuimet. 2. Kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin (ICC). B. KANSALLISTEN TUOMIOISTUINTEN TOIMIVALTA. 1. Toimivaltaperiaatteet. 2. Toimivallan käyttöön liittyviä ehtoja ja rajoituksia. INDEX WORDS:
34. | Mitsilegas, Valsamis (ed.) : Research handbook on EU criminal law, 2016 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Research handbook on EU criminal law / Mitsilegas, Valsamis (ed.) ; Bergström, Maria (ed.) ; Konstadinides, Theodore (ed.), xxxvi, 621 p. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-1-78347-330-4 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Koen Lenaerts and José A. Gutiérrez-Fons: The European Court of Justice and fundamental rights in the field of criminal law. 2. Henri Labayle: The institutional framework. 3. Rosaria Sicurella: EU competence in criminal matters. 4. Maria Fletcher: EU criminal law flexibility: what lessons from the UK Protocol No. 36 saga?. 5. Paul De Hert: EU criminal law and fundamental rights. 6. Alexandros Kargopoulos: Fundamental rights, national identity and EU criminal law. 7. Valsamis Mitsilegas: Mutual recognition, mutual trust and fundamental rights after Lisbon. 8. Jacqueline Hodgson: Criminal procedure in Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: the rights of the suspect. 9. Anne Weyembergh and Ines Armada: The principle of ne bis in idem in Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. 10. Luisa Marin: The fate of the Data Retention Directive: about mass surveillance and fundamental rights in the EU legal order. 11. Ester Herlin-Karnell: Is administrative law still relevant? How the battle of sanctions has shaped EU criminal law. 12. Christopher Harding: The relationship between EU criminal law and competition law. 13. Valsamis Mitsilegas, Malgosia Fitzmaurice and Elena Fasoli: The relationship between EU criminal law and environmental law. 14. Niovi Vavoula: The interplay between EU immigration law and national criminal law: the case of the Return Directive. 15. Petter Asp: European criminal law and national criminal law. 16. Maria Bergström: Money laundering. 17. Saskia Hufnagel: Organized crime. 18. Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi: Punishing corruption in the public and the private sector: key issues on current EU policy and rule-of-law challenge. 19. Francesca Galli: Terrorism. 20. Tom Obokata: Evolution of the EU action against trafficking of human beings. 21. Michèle Coninsx: Eurojust. 22. Sabina Gless: Europol. 23. Katalin Ligeti: The European Public Prosecutor's Office. 24. Adam Lazowski: EU criminal law and EU enlargement. 25. Elaine Fahey: Transatlantic cooperation in criminal law. 26. Iain Cameron: EU anti-terrorism sanctions. 27. Theodore Konstadinides: EU law and international cooperation in criminal matters: a tale of legal competence and political competency. 28. Pedro Caeiro: The relationship between European and international criminal law (and the absent(?), third). INDEX WORDS:
NOTE (GENERAL): TFEU: Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union LIBRARY LOCATION: IMR SHELF CODE: Inst.ref. |
35. | van der Wilt, Harmen (ed.) : Legal responses to transnational and international crimes, 2017 |
BIBLIOGRAPHIC LEVEL: monograph Legal responses to transnational and international crimes : towards an integrative approach / van der Wilt, Harmen (ed.) ; Paulussen, Christophe (ed.), 322 p. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. ISBN 978-1-78643-398-5 LANGUAGE: ENG ABSTRACT: CONTENTS:. 1. Harmen van der Wilt: Legal responses to transnational and international crimes: towards a integrative approach?. 2. Neil Boister: Responding to transnational crime: the distinguishing features of transnational criminal law. 3. Héctor Olásolo: Is international criminal law an appropriate mechanism to deal with organised crime in a global society?. 4. Marta Bo: Piracy at the intersection between international and national: regional enforcement of a transnational crime. 5. Inez Braber: Terrorism as a new generation transnational crime: prosecuting terrorism at the International Criminal Court. 6. Alejandro Chehtman: Terrorism and the conceptual divide between international and transnational criminal law. 7. Ilias Bantekas: Cybercrime and its sovereign spaces: an international law perspective. 8. Nicolò Bussolati: Domestic and international legal approaches to the repression of politically motivated cyber-attacks. 9. Giulio Nessi: Transnational prosecution of grand corruption and its discontent. 10. Dirk van Leeuwen: Prosecuting money laundering at the ICC: can it stop the funding of international criminal organisations?. 11. Maria Laura Ferioli: Safeguarding defendants' rights in transnational and international cooperation. 12. Sabine Gless: Ne bis in idem in an international and transnational criminal justice perspective: paving the way for an individual right?. 13. Sander Wirken and Hanna Bosdriesz: Privatisation and increasing complexity of mass violence in Mexico and Central America: exploring appropriate international responses. 14. Charles Chernor Jalloh: The distinction between 'international' and 'transnational' crimes in the African Criminal Court. INDEX WORDS:
GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS: Guatemala / Mexico |