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TULISIJA- Research Programme for Wood Firing Technology (TULISIJA Coordination (A-0))
TULISIJA- Research Programme for Wood Firing Technology
Datum: | 1.1.1997-31.12.1999 |
Kod: | 17644 |
Institution: | Åbo Akademi / Kemisk-tekniska fakulteten (KTF), Förbränningskemiska forskargruppen vid ÅA |
Adress: |
Lemminkäinengatan 14 - 18 B, FIN-20510 Åbo
Tel. +358-2-2154681 Fax +358-2-2154 780 E-post |
Projektledare: |
TkD Mikko Hupa, professor
(1.1.1997-31.12.1999) TkD Pia Kilpinen, (1.1.1997-31.12.1999) |
Typ av forskning: |
1 (0=Inom tjänst, 1=Beställd forskning, 2=Samarbetsforskning)
- utvecklingsarbete 100 % |
Årsverken: | Totalt: 108 månader |
Partner: | Harvia Oy, Kerman Savi Oy, Nunnanlahden Uuni Oy, Optiroc Oy / Finnish Brick Industry Association, Tulikivi Oy, Tunnelma Uuni Oy, Turun Uunisepät Oy, Upo Puulämpö Oy. |
Ämnesord: | förbränningsteknik, avfallsgaser, rökgaser, utsläpp, polttotekniikka, jätekaasut, savukaasut, päästöt, förbränning, förgasning, forskningsprogram, combustion, gasification, research program, |
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In 1997 the Technology Development Centre of Finland (Tekes) started a new research programme for wood firing technology called Tulisija.The aim of the programme is to assist Finnish manufactures of small-scale wood firing appliances in their efforts to develop fireplaces with even lower emissions, higher efficiency, and even better heat accumulating characterictics.Eight enterprises and two research institutions were participating in the programme during 1997.The total financing of the Tulisija programme is estimated at around FIM 10 million (1997-1999).
1.10.1996 / 18.6.1998