No 3 / 3
Risk assessment of alien organisms in the Nordic area
Date: | 1.1.1997-15.8.1998 |
Code: | 26721 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Dept. of Biology |
Address: |
BioCity, Artillerig. 6, FIN-20520 Åbo
Phone +358-2-154355 Fax +358-2-2154 748 E-mail |
Project leader: |
FD Erkki Leppäkoski, Professor
(1.1.1997-15.8.1998) |
Researchers: |
FM Magnus Östman (1.6.1997-30.9.1997) |
Type of research: |
2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 20 % - applied research 80 % |
Foreign funding organizations: |
Nordiska ministerrådet, Köpenhamn () 250000 |
Man months: | 6 months in 1997; Totally: 15 months |
Partners: | Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm, Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Litauen, Universitetet i Bergen, Norge, Göteborgs universitet, Sverige |
Keywords: | marinbiologi, meribiologia, främmande arter, introducerade arter, barlastvatten, riskbedömning, marinbiologi, Östersjön, Kattegat, alien species, introduces species, nonnativa species, ballast water, risk assassment, marine biology, Baltic Sea, Kattegat, |
The following topics will be addressed: - no-native organisms or categories of them that are particularly potent to cause large-scale environmental problems (biodiversity i n particular) and/or economic effects - ecosystems and indigenous species that are particularly sensitive to the impact of alien species - risk assessment for selected harbour areas, incl. ecological criteria and prerequisities (e.g., salinity and temperature conditions, availability of habitats, turbidity, eutrophication, pollution) for probabilities of harbour areas to act as receivers and/or donors - studies of existing vectors in selected, international harbours, including harbour profiles with regard to import/export of ballast water, i.e., a origin/destination profile for imported/exported ballast water. harbours studied: Turku/Finland, Klaipeda/Lithuania, Göteborg-Stenungsund/Sweden, and Sture Oil Terminal/Norway - suggestions of measures and strategies to be employed to tackle the problem - the need for further research, and suggestions to monitoring activities
11.3.1996 / 5.12.1997