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Religious communication and spirituality

Date: 1.1.1995-31.12.1998
Code: 2351
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Theology (TF), Dept. of Church History and Practical Theology
Address: Biskopsgatan 16, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 289
Fax +358-2-2154 835
E-mail gbjorkst@abo.fi
Project leader: TD Gustav Björkstrand, prof. (1.1.1995-31.12.1998)
Researchers: TM Mårten Björkgren (1.1.1995-31.12.1998)
TM Annika Forsström (1.1.1995-31.12.1998)
TM Runar Eldebo (1.1.1996-31.12.1998)
TM Hans Andreasson (1.1.1996-31.12.1998)
TM Jockum Krokfors (1.1.1995-31.12.1998)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 %
ÅA internal financing: FIM 78000
Finnish funding organizations: Undervisningsministeriet, Helsingfors (Ingår delvis i den riksomfattande forskarskolan i teologi, Helsingfors universitet) FIM 360000
Man months: 36 months in 1998; Totally: 132 months
Contacts: Ministerrådets projekt (1997-2000): "Luthersk predikotradition"
Keywords: predikningar, homiletik, kommunikation, spiritualism, saarnat, homiletiikka, viestintä, spiritualismi, predikan, religiös kommunikation, spiritualitet, homiletik, sermons, religious communication, spirituality, homiletics,

The aim of the research project is to analyse how religious communication functions in sermons in history and our present time.A close cooperation is established with a simular project in Helsinki and also with a project on Lutheran preaching-traditions financied by the Nordic Council of Ministers.Several researchers are making their doctoral thesis within these projects.


22.3.1996 / 4.3.1998