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Effective Chemistry Teaching (EKU)

Date: 1.1.1996-
Code: 8468
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 363
Fax +358-6-3247 320
E-mail objorkqv@abo.fi
Project leader: EdD Ole Björkqvist, bitr.professor (1.1.1996-)
Researchers: FM Berit Kurten-Finnäs (1.8.1996-)
FM Stefan Röj (1.1.1996-)
FM Fredrik Smedman (1.1.1996-)
FM Kristina Stenros (1.1.1996-)
FM Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg (1.1.1996-)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- applied research 50 %
- developmental work 50 %
ÅA internal financing: FIM 40000
Finnish funding organizations: Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors () FIM 50000
Man months: Totally: 24 months
Partners: EKU-projektet är nära anknutet till det Kemididaktiska resurscentret i Vasa.The EKU Project is closely connected with the Resource Center for Chemical Education in Vasa.
Ordered by: Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors, Finland
Keywords: undervisningsmetoder, kemi, läromedel, opetusmenetelmät, kemia, oppimateriaali, kemididaktik, education in chemistry,

The EKU Project [Effective Chemistry Teaching] develops and tries out methods of laboratory work in secondary school chemistry.A special emphasis is made on methods that are realistic with respect to the resources of the schools, the possibilites for teachers to prepare their lessons, the structure of existing chemistry courses, etc.This requires high quality inspiration for renewal as well as practical circumstances that do not hinder implementation.There is a specific aim at developing methods of assessing student achievement in chemistry.This includes generic methods, i.e., methods that can be applied to any kind of laboratory work, as well as methods that are used with specific themes.Another emphasis is made on extensive student projects, with connections to applications of chemistry in daily life and in industry.


27.3.1996 / 10.3.1998