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The OSCE in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
The OSCE in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
Datum: | 2.1.1996-31.12.1996 |
Kod: | 7243 |
Institution: | Åbo Akademi / Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten (ESF), Rättsvetenskapliga institutionen |
Adress: |
Gezeliusgatan 2, FIN-20500 Åbo
Tel. +358-2-2154 260 Fax +358-2-2154 699 E-post |
Projektledare: |
PD Markku Suksi, professor
(2.1.1995-31.12.1997) |
Forskare: |
JK Merja Pentikäinen (2.1.1995-31.12.1996) JK, L.L.M. Maria Amor Martin Estebanez (2.1.1995-31.12.1996) |
Typ av forskning: |
2 (0=Inom tjänst, 1=Beställd forskning, 2=Samarbetsforskning)
- grundforskning 100 % |
Årsverken: | 8 månader år 1997; Totalt: 32 månader |
Partner: | Faculty of Law, University of Frankfurt, Germany Italian Institute of International Affairs, Rome, Italy |
Ämnesord: | fredsforskning, Europa, internationella relationer, säkerhet, rauhankasvatus, kansainväliset suhteet, Eurooppa, turvallisuus, OSCE, peace and security, conflicts, crisis management, security in Europe, OSCE, peace-keeping, early-warning, conflict prevention, dispute settlement, |
The aim is to analyse some of the facets of the framework for the maintenance of peace and security in Europe provided by th Organisation on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and put them into a political, institutional and legal (normative) perspective.Those facets will be analysed as part of a political process of conflict prevention and crisis management, asking what are the possibities to govern this process through a normative framework.One of the final outcomes of the project will be a comprehensive book to be offered an international publishing house.
An international research project on the OSCE in the maintenance of international peace and security has been launched by Professors Michael Bothe (Faculty of Law, University of Frankfurt), Natalino Ronzitti (Italian Institute of International Affairs) and Allan Rosas (Department of Law, Abo Akademi University).The Frankfurt group will be mainly responsible for dispute settlement, The Rome group for peace-keeping, and the Turku group for political preventive mechanisms.These OSCE arrangements will be compared to other relevant international systems and mechanisms.The project is not limited to a legal approach in the strict sense but will cover the political aspects as well.
11.9.1996 / 3.4.1997