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Bilder av kvinnors hälsa

Images of women's health: social construction of gendered health

Datum: 1.1.1996-31.7.2002
Kod: 22610
Institution: Åbo Akademi / Ekonomisk-statsvetenskapliga fakulteten (ESF), Sociologiska institutionen
Adress: Gezeliusgatan 2, FIN-20500 Åbo
Tel. +358-02-2154326
Fax +358-2-2154 808
E-post eriska@abo.fi
Projektledare: PhD Elianne Riska, professor (1.1.1996-31.7.1998)
Forskare: PM Elina Oinas (1.6.1997-31.12.1999)
PL Ulrica Lövdahl (1.1.1996-31.12.1997)
PM Jan Wickman (1.2.1998-31.12.2000)
Ph.D. Jeff Hearn (1.8.1998-31.7.1999)
PM Vanessa May (1.9.1998-31.12.2000)
Ph.D. Cecilia Benoit (1.9.1998-31.12.1998)
Typ av forskning: 0 (0=Inom tjänst, 1=Beställd forskning, 2=Samarbetsforskning)
- grundforskning 100 %
Inhemsk finansiering: Finlands akademi, Helsingfors () FIM 1878000
Årsverken: Totalt: 235 månader
Partner: Forskarskolan vid Helsingfors universitet - Befolkning, hälsa och levnadsförhållanden - Väestön terveys ja elinolot
Ämnesord: hälsa, kön, terveys, sukupuoli, kön, hälsa, health, gender,

Svensk abstrakt föreligger tyvärr inte.

The purpose of the research project is to illuminate the social and cultural dimensions of health and illness by examining two gendered aspects of health - the gendered body and the social construction of menthal health. the gendered body is examined both by studying young women's perceptions of the development of their own body and by analysis of the Finnish debate on the transgendered body.The gendered aspects of menthal health are investigated by analyzing empirical data on gender portrayals and metaphors in advertisements for psychotropic drugs in Nordic medical journals in 1975-1995, on long-term users of prychotropics and their views on the use and drug dependency, on the diagnoses of female mental patients in fInland at the turn of the country, and on the life histories of single mothers.The research project includes a historical and projective review of women physicians' and womens's health in health care.


11.9.1996 / 11.6.1998