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Visualisering av biologiska signalprocesser på molekylär cellular och vävnadsnivå
Imaging of biological signal transduction processes
Datum: | 3.12.1997-31.12.2000 |
Kod: | 3973 |
Institution: | Åbo Akademi / Matematisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten (MNF), Institutionen för biokemi och farmaci |
Adress: |
BioCity, Artillerig. 6A/P.O.Box 66, FIN-20521 Åbo
Tel. +358-2-2154 014 Fax +358-2-2154 745 E-post |
Projektledare: |
Ph.D., Docent Mark Stuart Johnson, professor
(13.12.1997-31.12.1999) |
Forskare: |
FD, docent John Eriksson (3.12.1997-31.12.2000) (-) FD, professor Pertti Panula (3.12.1997-31.12.2000) FL Rolf Sara (3.12.1997-31.12.2000) |
Typ av forskning: |
2 (0=Inom tjänst, 1=Beställd forskning, 2=Samarbetsforskning)
- grundforskning 40 % - tillämpad forskning 20 % - utvecklingsarbete 40 % |
Inhemsk finansiering: |
Finlands akademi, Helsingfors (Cell Biology Program of Academy of Finland) FIM 6000000 |
Utländsk finansiering: |
Erna och Victor Hasselblads Stiftelse i Sverige () |
Årsverken: | Totalt: 84 månader |
Kontakter: | TEKES: Bioinformational attack on superfamily modelling and drug discovery |
Ämnesord: | biokemi, biokemia, visualisering, celler, vävnader, molekyler, visualization, cells, tissues, molecules, |
Anmärkning: | Silicon Graphics Onyx II, dual processor with Infinite Reality Graphics.Links to the three departments involved via a 100 Mbit/sec optical fiber Virtual Reality headset DATAVISOR 80 headset based 1280x1024 resolution CRT with wide view.Leica DMRBE UV confocal microscope with Coherent Enterprise UV laser and Windows NT Work Station 200 Mhz Overhead to Åbo Akademi.Part of this can be used to management costs and administration by this project directly |
En signifikant del av arbetet kommer att bestå i konstruktionen av ett programsystem som kan läsa in bilddata från olika källor, bl.a. konfokalmikroskop, och bearbeta och exportera resultatet till existerande grafiska tredimensionella presentationsprogram.
The aim of this project is to enable visualization cellular signaling on all levels of structural organization, including molecular dynamics and interactions of signaling molecules, signaling events on the cell surface and in the cytoplasm as well as signaling processes in intact tissues.We attempt to use state-of-the-art devices for collection of data from all these organizational levels.Furthermore,we are going to employ computerized analytical imaging applications that have not been used in the context of biological imaging before.This is necessitated by the complexity of detail of such images.To cope with them, and to maximally exploit their use, requires new techniques that extend beyond the scope of display modes and the software that is presently available.The research consortium represents expertise in molecular structures and modelling, cell signaling mechanisms,neuroanatomy and histochemistry, and applications of computer systems in biological imaging.
11.3.1996 / 12.6.1998