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Political and cultural implications of Asia-pacific economism. (Ekonomismen)

Date: 1.8.1994-31.12.1996
Code: 2245
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (ESF), Dept. of Economic Geography
Address: Henriksgatan 7, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 199
Fax +358-2-2154 806
E-mail Nils.Winter@abo.fi
Project leader: ED Nils H. Winter, professor (1.8.1994-31.12.1996)
Researchers: PL Pekka Korhonen (1.8.1994-31.12.1996)
PL Annamari Antikainen-Kokko (1.8.1994-31.12.1996)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 100 %
Finnish funding organizations: Finlands Akademi () FIM 484700
Man months: Totally: 56 months
Contacts: Pekka Korhonen, Jyväskylän yliopisto: Tyynenmeren integraatio ja Kiina; Annamari Antikainen-Kokko, CESS: Kooptivinen vlata kansainvälisten suhteiden tutkimisessa
Keywords: internationella relationer, Finland, Malaysia, forskning, kansainväliset suhteet, Suomi, Malesia, tutkimus, ekonomism, relationer, interaktion, Malaysia, economism, relations, interaction, Malaysia,

The aim is to see how the political as well as the commercial contacts between Finland and Malaysia have developed since the second world war.Has this happend within the framework of for instance trading blocs or have the parties bilaterally, randomly or actively sought to diversify and deepend their relations?Has there possible been a strive after less dependency on clode, dominating super powers in the relations and after maintaining stabile development through economism?Apart from literature studies, information concerning the relations will be obtain through discussions with representatives for economics, political science, economic geography etc. in Finland as well as in Belgium (Brussels, Antwerp) and Malaysia/Singapore.Moreover, a combined questionnaire and intervview survey will be conducted, in which both Finnish and Malaysian authorities, organisations and representatives for business will participate.


19.3.1996 / 21.3.1996