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Folklore Fieldwork and Archiving as a Process (FFAP)

Date: 22.11.1998-31.12.2001
Code: 2186
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Arts (HF), Dept. of Comparative Religion and Folkloristics
Address: Biskopsgatan 10 B, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 342
Fax +358-2-2154 902
E-mail uwolf@abo.fi
Project leader: FD Ulrika Wolf-Knuts, Lektor, docent (22.11.1998-31.12.2001)
Researchers: docent Anders Salomonsson (22.11.1998-31.12.2001)
professor Ann Helene Skjelbred (22.11.1998-31.12.2001)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 %
- developmental work 50 %
Finnish funding organizations: Svenska Litteratursällskapet, Helsingfors () FIM 10000
Foreign funding organizations: NorFa, Oslo, Norge () NOK 200000
Man months: 5 months in 1999; Totally: 120 months
Partners: Oslo, Norge Helsingfors, Finland Lund, Sverige Tartu, Estland Dublin, Irland Mariehamn, Åland Åbo, Finland Bucarest, Rumänien Köpenhamn, Danmark Aten, Grekland London, UK Göteborg, Sverige
Contacts: Folklore Fellows Summer School och dess underavdelningar Nordiskt Nätverk för Folkloristik
Keywords: folkloristik, fältarbete, folkloristiikka, kenttätyö, folklore, fältarbete, arkivering, process, reflexivitet, källkritik, kulturell konstruktion, folklore, fieldwork, archiving, process, reflexivity, source critics, cultural construct,

The main objective of the course is to stress the importance of reflexivity and source criticism in folklore fieldwork and archiving, for this work always is connected to specific cultural biasses and limitations.


5.3.1996 / 26.4.1999