No 2 / 3
Histaminergic mechanisms in the brain (Histamin och hjärnan)
Date: | 1.1.1993-31.12.2002 |
Code: | 26609 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Dept. of Biology |
Address: |
BioCity, Artillerigatan 6, FIN-20520 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 265 Fax +358-2-2154 748 E-mail |
Project leader: |
MKD Pertti Panula, professor
(1.1.1993-31.12.2002) |
Researchers: |
FD Krister Eriksson (1.1.1993-) FK Tina Sallman (1.1.1993-) (-) (-) FK Nina Tuominen (1.1.1993-) FK Minnamaija Lintunen (1.1.1993-) FK Kaj Karlstedt (1.1.1993-) ML Oleg Anichtchik (1.1.1993-) FK Edward Strumilo (1.1.1993-) |
Type of research: |
0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 90 % - applied research 10 % |
Finnish funding organizations: |
Finlands Akademi, Helsingfors () FIM 630400 Stiftelsen för alkoholforskning, Helsingfors () FIM |
Man months: | 76 months in 1997; Totally: 760 months |
Keywords: | molekylbiologi, cellbiologi, hjärnan, hormoner, molekyylibiologia, solubiologia, aivot, hormonit, molekylärbiologi, hjärnan, degenerativa sjukdomar, cellbiologi, degenerative diseases, molecular biology, cell biology, brain, |
Histamine regulates neuronal functions in vertebrate brain through three distinct receptors.It is involved in regulation of brain energy metabolism, sleep, temperature, hormone secretion and vascular permeability.In mammalian brain, two transient histamine-containing systems may be significant in brain development: a neuronal system is detected during fetal period, and mast cells synthesize large amounts of histamine during the first postnatal days.To elucidate the significance of these systems, we chose to compare the zebrafish histamine system to that of rat and mouse.In zebrafish, the brain was found to be the only histamine-producing organ, but no histamine was produced during early development.The zebrafish HDC was cloned to enable studies on its regulation and function in adult zebrafish.The role of histamine in mammalian brain is studied in histamine H1 receptor deficient mice subjected to excitotoxic lesions, cytokines and viral infections during postnatal development.We are testing the hypothesis that the transiently active developmental histamine systems may be activated in inflammatory or degenerative conditions during later life.
15.2.1996 / 9.4.1997