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Education for Entrepreneurship

Date: 1.9.1996-31.8.2000
Code: 8465
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 326
Fax +358-6-3247 302
E-mail shansen@abo.fi
Project leader: PeD, FD Sven-Erik Hansen, professor (1.9.1996-31.8.2000)
Researchers: PeM Eva Sundell (1.9.1996-31.12.1996)
Type of research: 2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 %
- applied research 50 %
ÅA internal financing: FIM 45000
Man months: Totally: 16 months
Contacts: Bengt Johannisson och Torsten Madsen, Högskolan i Växjö och Högskolan i Kristianstad
Keywords: företagsamhet, undervisning, yrittäjyys, opetus, företagsamhet, entreprenörskap, fostran, entrepeneurship, education,

The aim is to make a survey of to what extent and in what ways teachers are dealing with the topic of entrepreneurship in their teaching identify patterns of attitudes among teachers towards the curriculum which has been developed for education for entrepreneurship, and generate more knowledge about the the topic as a basis for the further development of education for entrepreneurship.Empirical data have been collected in 1996 through a questionnaire to Finnish and Swedish speaking primary school teachers in Vasa.The analysis of data is going on.The project is funded by Åbo Akademi University.An article will be published in 1998.The next phase of the project will cover primary school teachers in the rural area of Ostrobothnia and secondary shool teachers of Vasa.


27.3.1996 / 10.3.1998