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Reproduction disturbances in roach from the Archipelago Sea

Date: 1.8.1994-
Code: 8655
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), The Institute of Parasitology
Address: BioCity, Artillerigatan 6, FIN-20520 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 302
Fax +358-2-2154 748
E-mail tom.wiklund@abo.fi
Project leader: FD Tom Wiklund, forskare (1.8.1994-)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 %
- applied research 50 %
Man months: Totally: 6 months
Keywords: mört, förökning, störningar, Östersjön, särki, lisääntyminen, häiriöt, Itämeri, , mört, Rutilus rutilus, gonaddefekter, reproduktionsstörning, mikrosporidie, Östersjön, fortplantning, hermafrodit, Skärgårdshavet, roach, Rutilus rutilus, gonad defect, reproduction dysfunction, Baltic Sea,

The aim of the study is to determine the mechanism associated with the gonad malfunction observed in roach in high prevalences in the Archipelago Sea, northern baltic Sea, and the association between the reproduction disturbances and simultaneous infection with a microsporidan parasite.Additionally the effect of heavy metals on the immune response in fish will be determined with roach as a model organism.The investigation will be carried through using histological analysis, infection experiments, analysis of heavy metals in fish and feed organism, and immunological studies.


15.2.1996 / 10.3.1998