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Craft Education in the Cultural Struggle (SKA)

Date: 1.1.1993-31.12.1999
Code: 4703
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13 / PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247346
Fax +358-6-3247 302
E-mail clandgar@abo.fi
Project leader: PeD Linnea Lindfors, Bitr.prof. emeritus (1.1.1993-31.12.1999)
Researchers: PeM Christina Nygren-Landgärds (1.1.1993-31.12.1999)
PeM Mia Porko (1.1.1993-31.12.1999)
PeM Juha Hartvik (1.1.1997-31.12.1999)
Lic Lázaro Moreno Herrera (1.1.1997-31.12.1999)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 40 %
- applied research 30 %
- developmental work 30 %
ÅA internal financing: FIM 60000
Man months: 20 months in 1998; Totally: 100 months
Contacts: Slöjdkompetens i nordisk kultur.(Projekt inom NorFa - finansierat nordiskt forskarnätverk)
Keywords: textilslöjd, läroämne, tekniskt arbete, träarbeten, handarbeten, tekstiilityö, oppiaineet, tekninen työ, puutyöt, käsityöt, skolslöjd, slöjdpedagogik, kultur, Craft education, Pedagogics of craft, Culture,

The aim of the project is to analyse the potential of craft education as an allround educational subject, its socio-economic and cultural importance in a context where a new form of helplessness has been spreading recently.In research, for instance soft systems methodology, interviewing in the form of empathy sessions and self analyses are used.


28.3.1996 / 19.1.1998