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The Nordic Dimension in the Curriculum.

Date: 7.8.1995-31.5.1998
Code: K4705
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 326
Fax +358-6-3247 302
E-mail shansen@abo.fi
Project leader: Dr Mogens Nielsen, professor (7.8.1995-31.5.1998)
Researchers: PeD, FD Sven-Erik Hansen (7.8.1995-31.5.1998)
professor Margret Hardhardottir (7.8.1995-31.5.1998)
professor Tomas Englund (7.8.1995-31.5.1998)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- applied research 100 %
Foreign funding organizations: Nordiska Ministerrådet, Köpenhamn () DKK 270000
Man months: Totally: 16 months
Partners: Danmarks lärarhöjskole, Danmark
Keywords: läroplaner, opetussuunnitelmat, läroplan, nordisk dimension, curriculum, nordic dimension,

Nordiska Ministerrådet [The Nordic Council of Ministers] is the initiator.The aim of the project is to try to find out what could be included in the notion the nordic dimension and identify, evaluate and analyze the nordic dimension in school curricula.One researcher is engaged from every Nordic country.A report will be given to The Nordic Council of Ministers.The report is expected to offer a descriptive overview and a suggestion for an evaluation.


27.3.1996 / 24.2.1998