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Dissolved and colloidal substances in papermaking (DISCO)

Date: 1.1.1992-31.3.1996
Code: 1750
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Chemical Engineering (KTF), Laboratory of Forest Products Chemistry
Address: Porthansgatan 3, FIN-20500 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 229
Fax +358-2-2154 868
E-mail bjarne.holmbom@abo.fi
Project leader: TkD Bjarne Holmbom, professor (1.2.1992-31.3.1996)
Researchers: TkD Kenneth Sundberg (1.9.1994-31.3.1996)
TkL Anna Sundberg (1.8.1995-31.3.1996)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 %
- applied research 50 %
Finnish funding organizations: Tekes (Uudistuva paperi) FIM 600000
Flera industriföretag () FIM 186000
Man months: Totally: 24 months
Partners: Åbo Akademi, Institutionen för fysikalisk kemi
Ordered by: Tekes, Helsingfors
Keywords: papperstillverkning, mekanisk massa, kemisk analys, paperinvalmistus, mekaaninen massa, kemiallinen analyysi, pappersframställning, mekaniska massor, processvatten, lösta och kolloidala substanser, kemisk analys, papermaking, mechanical pulps, process water, dissolved and colloidal substances, chemical analysis,

The projekt "Dissolved and colloidal substances in papermaking (DISCO)" seeks new knowledge on components in papermaking at the molecular level.This will improve the understanding and facilitate technical control of wet-end chemistry, particularly in the production of wood containing papers.Modern analytical techniques are applied and further developed.New means of reducing the detrimental effects of the dissolved and colloidal substances are investigated in close cooperation with paper mills and suppliers of papermaking chemicals.


11.3.1996 / 20.3.1998