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The PUMA Project (PUMA)

Date: 1.8.1994-31.7.1997
Code: 2459
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education
Address: Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13/ PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 382
Fax +358-6-3247 302
E-mail aroj@abo.fi
Project leader: EdD Ole Björkqvist, biträdande professor (1.8.1994-31.7.1997)
Researchers: FM Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg (1.8.1994-31.7.1997)
FM Lars Burman (1.8.1994-31.7.1997)
FM Harry Mitts (1.8.1994-31.7.1997)
FM Camilla Söderback (1.8.1995-31.7.1997)
FM Henna Lillhonga (1.8.1996-31.7.1997)
Type of research: 1 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 20 %
- applied research 40 %
- developmental work 40 %
Finnish funding organizations: Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors (Undervisningsmetoder ur elevens synvinkel) FIM 185000
Man months: Totally: 24 months
Partners: Vasa Övningsskola, Vasa, Finland
Ordered by: Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors, Finland
Keywords: undervisningsmetoder, matematik, läromedel, opetusmenetelmät, matematiikka, oppimateriaali, matematikundervisning, teaching matehematics,

The PUMA Project is an action research project in mathematics education closely associated with the Department of teacher education in Vasa, Finland.The collaboration includes 6 teachers at Vasa övningsskola lower secondary level.Research is focussed on the processes of mathematical thinking and methods of assessment that are in closer agreement with the intentional curriculum.The developmental work involves production of new instructional materials with an emphasis on problem solving and project work.The experiences of the project are to be documented as teaching guides in the methods employed, such as cooperative learning in mathematics.The project involves two consecutive age groups during their three years of lower secondary school [age 13-16].It will be finished in 1997.


27.3.1996 / 6.2.1997