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Craft Competence in Nordic Culture (SKU)
Date: | 1.1.1995-31.12.1998 |
Code: | 3451 |
Department: | Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Education (PF), Dept. of Teacher Education |
Address: |
Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13 / PB 311, FIN-65101 Vasa
Phone +358-6-3247 346 Fax +358-6-3247 302 E-mail |
Project leader: |
PeD Linnea Lindfors, biträdande professor, emeritus
(1.1.1995-31.12.1998) |
Researchers: |
Mia Porko (1.8.1995-31.12.1998) |
Type of research: |
2 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 50 % - developmental work 50 % |
Foreign funding organizations: |
NorFa (Nordisk forskarutbildningsakademi, Nordiska ministerrådet, Oslo (Nätverkets samarbete och utbildning) |
Man months: | Totally: 68 months |
Partners: | Prof.Juhani Peltonen vid Åbo universitet i Raumo |
Contacts: | Slöjdfostran i kulturkampen, Institutionen för lärarutbildning, Åbo Akademi; Teknologisk läskunnighet, Åbo universitet i Raumo |
Keywords: | slöjd, grundskolan, samhälle, veisto, peruskoulu, yhteiskunta, slöjdpedagogik, kultur, livskvalitet, Pedagogics of Craft, Culture, Quality of life, |
The project aims at studying the pedagogical-ideological, practical and philosophical bases for craft education/forming and the importance of such subjects to society and to the quality of life and working life and the cultural identity of the individual.Through research, methods of investigation into comprehensive productive activity are developed.For instance, soft systems methodology, action research and methods of analysing objects have been used within this project.
28.3.1996 / 19.1.1998