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Introduced species in the Baltic and Black Sea

Date: 1.1.1990-31.12.1998
Code: K6614
Department: Åbo Akademi University / Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNF), Dept. of Biology
Address: BioCity, Artillerigatan 6, FIN-20520 Åbo
Phone +358-2-2154 355
Fax +358-2-2154 748
E-mail erkki.leppakoski@abo.fi
Project leader: FD Erkki Leppäkoski, professor (1.1.1990-31.12.1998)
Type of research: 0 (0=Within duty, 1=Ordered research, 2=Co-operation)
- basic research 60 %
- applied research 20 %
- developmental work 20 %
Finnish funding organizations: Tor och Maj Nesslings stiftelse () FIM
Foreign funding organizations: NorFA ()
Man months: Totally: 8 months
Partners: Romanian Institute of Marine research, Rumänien
Contacts: Hör till forskarskolan Miljöriskbedömning - vatten
Keywords: marinbiologi, arter, Östersjön, Svarta havet, meribiologia, lajit, Itämeri, Mustameri, marinbiologi, introducerade arter, Östersjön, Svarta havet, biodiversitet, marine biology, introduced species, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, biodiversity,

Intentional and unintentional introductions of alien (exotic) species, their spreading mechanism and history are studied in the brackish, enclosed European seas, The Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, to (1) document their occurence ecological role in both undisturbed and eutrophicated waters, (2) estimate their influence on biodiversity of coastal systems, (3) study their influence on man's economy (fouling organism on ship's hulls, in cooling water system, fisheris, aquaculture, hunting etc.), and (4) contribute to the development of international agreements, national legislations and preventive measures concerning introductions.


15.2.1996 / 25.3.1996